Moonlight - Medium Michele Nappi: Mystic Medium
Michele Nappi - Mystic Medium
H...: Mystic Medium Michele Nappi - Mystic Medium Healer. Animal Communicator. Psychic. Teacher. Spiritual Counselor. Published Writer....
I have created this blog to share spiritual gifts I have been given.
Thursday, June 27, 2013
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Mystic Medium |
Michele Nappi - Mystic Medium
Healer. Animal Communicator. Psychic. Teacher. Spiritual Counselor. Published Writer.
Moonlight Gift Shoppe for Body Mind & Spirit Proprietor & Retreat Coordinator
“I feel healing energy just by being in your shop!”
Rte 7. Milton, VT. 05468
802-893-9966 *
Being Beyond Duality Channel
John the Baptist? Jesus? Arch Angel Metatron? I don't know.
15' tall Being. I saw him on a soul level.
I call him Being; Being Beyond Duality. I met him at Stonehenge, Burlington, Vt.
Woman: “He has been seen here before.”
"You are what you seek." ~ Being Beyond Duality
Wednesday, June 26, 2013
Moonlight - Medium Michele Nappi: The Channel of Being@Michele Nappi - Mystic Mediu...
Moonlight - Medium Michele Nappi: The Channel of Being
@Michele Nappi - Mystic Mediu...: The Channel of Being @Michele Nappi - Mystic Medium I agree that within the living moment, nothing is difficult. I continue to get me...
@Michele Nappi - Mystic Mediu...: The Channel of Being @Michele Nappi - Mystic Medium I agree that within the living moment, nothing is difficult. I continue to get me...
The Channel of Being
@Michele Nappi - Mystic Medium
I agree that within the living moment, nothing is difficult.
I continue to get messages from Being. Mysticism from the collage of the natural world has become and is the channel for Being. This is available to all, choose to believe it or not. We believe what ever we tell ourselves, the story; as if it were THE truth.
We know through Being’s energy that 'a' truth is something we choose to believe in. THE truth would be true for all without exception. Would the discussion going on in your head right this moment, be true for all without exception? Nothing makes us unhappy but the choice to do so. It sounds odd, doesn’t it? Especially if we are knee deep in fear and ego.
Stand back. Witness your thoughts. The words and labels you have chosen for yourself. The word ‘should’ in particular denies reality. It either is, or it is not. Perception is relative to the thinker. Self wants to be right even if it is unsafe, unhealthy, and so forth. Ego wants this so it can feel important and safe. Odd. Ego would like us to do unsafe things to feel safe. That is duality for you. Your old friend loneliness, bitterness, resentment don’t want you to see the living moment that is available, out of the fear that these words, thoughts and deeds have created for you. We want to stay where we are, until we don’t. Then when we decide to alter our frequency patterns through different thought waves, we begin that journey. How supportive are you of this process in self and others? Would someone else’s change, become your trigger? How does your change trigger those around you? They are afraid. This is an addiction. Anything can be addictive, especially thoughts. Their thoughts and feelings matter just as much to them, as yours do to you. Move forward anyway. Move forward as a way of showing them, that it can be done. Do it for you and your loved ones. For us all. Please.
Who is it that is holding the stick?
Release the sticks that beat you - the sticks and stones - the words that create the lower frequencies - must, got to, have to, should... let them all go...
Ego is reactive, conflictive, restrictive and holds back out of fear. Sounds simple, right? This is where suffering lives; the past and future as we tell ourselves that story. When we live in the illusion of dead time; past and future we create this. What is your story that you repeat? If you were to recognize your thought patterns what shape, color, aroma and so forth would they be? This is what you, as a body are. It is all a process of realization. Once you realize your thoughts you have something to work with. Something. Things are thoughts. Thoughts are things with vibration. Once the thought gets in, it creates emotion. Feeling. When you feel a sunken in feeling in your gut, or rage burning through the top of your head, your crown chakra you have allowed your confusion to reign. Do you ever say or do anything you wish you hadn’t for what ever reason? Yes, you may have been conditioned to think, feel and act a certain way and yet, when you realize this you are empowered, enlightened and aware. What ever happened in the past, or may occur in the future is not the living moment. It is not reality. It is illusion. You recognize this on some level. That this is the cause of disease. Mental, emotional, spiritual and physical disease. You may even choose people, employment, situations that mirror this back for you, so that you can feel comfortable in your version of reality.
“The only reason we don't open our hearts and minds to other people is that they trigger confusion in us that we don't feel brave enough or sane enough to deal with. To the degree that we look clearly and compassionately at ourselves, we feel confident and fearless about looking into someone else's eyes. ”
― Pema Chödrön
Some may argue that some things seem difficult. Are there thought patterns attached to this decision? Did one thought lead to another? Did these thoughts create emotion. Yes, we think and have feelings. Yes, we can live in fear and suffering. We can also live within the now moment and be at peace. You may come to realize that no other relationship is as important as the one you create within this living space, where all is as one.
Heart and soul surrenders to the living moment. As your energy lightens, you have the ability to catch thoughts quicker, you are in charge. You are alive in the living moment. You can work with self within this space. Your bouts of depression, anger, sadness and so on become less frequent. The space between negative thought patterns becomes further and further apart. You are more often in your heart, where your soul resides. Within this channel; this way of being, you are more and more often living in peace. This is real effort. It comes in waves. Recognize this for what it is. Change is always. Neither good, nor bad. Nothing need be difficult. At the very least, it can be a lot less difficult. It is what it is and we get to decide what to think of it.
This is much a solitary practice. An individual choice of accomplishment. Remember that you live within the body of these choices, this practice. Being within the living moment, takes practice. It is about releasing old, out-dated thought patterns; taught-thoughts.You can choose to be within the channel of Being. Give yourself credit for all that you are and for the wonder of all that is you.
@Michele Nappi - Mystic Medium
I agree that within the living moment, nothing is difficult.
I continue to get messages from Being. Mysticism from the collage of the natural world has become and is the channel for Being. This is available to all, choose to believe it or not. We believe what ever we tell ourselves, the story; as if it were THE truth.
We know through Being’s energy that 'a' truth is something we choose to believe in. THE truth would be true for all without exception. Would the discussion going on in your head right this moment, be true for all without exception? Nothing makes us unhappy but the choice to do so. It sounds odd, doesn’t it? Especially if we are knee deep in fear and ego.
Stand back. Witness your thoughts. The words and labels you have chosen for yourself. The word ‘should’ in particular denies reality. It either is, or it is not. Perception is relative to the thinker. Self wants to be right even if it is unsafe, unhealthy, and so forth. Ego wants this so it can feel important and safe. Odd. Ego would like us to do unsafe things to feel safe. That is duality for you. Your old friend loneliness, bitterness, resentment don’t want you to see the living moment that is available, out of the fear that these words, thoughts and deeds have created for you. We want to stay where we are, until we don’t. Then when we decide to alter our frequency patterns through different thought waves, we begin that journey. How supportive are you of this process in self and others? Would someone else’s change, become your trigger? How does your change trigger those around you? They are afraid. This is an addiction. Anything can be addictive, especially thoughts. Their thoughts and feelings matter just as much to them, as yours do to you. Move forward anyway. Move forward as a way of showing them, that it can be done. Do it for you and your loved ones. For us all. Please.
Who is it that is holding the stick?
Release the sticks that beat you - the sticks and stones - the words that create the lower frequencies - must, got to, have to, should... let them all go...
Ego is reactive, conflictive, restrictive and holds back out of fear. Sounds simple, right? This is where suffering lives; the past and future as we tell ourselves that story. When we live in the illusion of dead time; past and future we create this. What is your story that you repeat? If you were to recognize your thought patterns what shape, color, aroma and so forth would they be? This is what you, as a body are. It is all a process of realization. Once you realize your thoughts you have something to work with. Something. Things are thoughts. Thoughts are things with vibration. Once the thought gets in, it creates emotion. Feeling. When you feel a sunken in feeling in your gut, or rage burning through the top of your head, your crown chakra you have allowed your confusion to reign. Do you ever say or do anything you wish you hadn’t for what ever reason? Yes, you may have been conditioned to think, feel and act a certain way and yet, when you realize this you are empowered, enlightened and aware. What ever happened in the past, or may occur in the future is not the living moment. It is not reality. It is illusion. You recognize this on some level. That this is the cause of disease. Mental, emotional, spiritual and physical disease. You may even choose people, employment, situations that mirror this back for you, so that you can feel comfortable in your version of reality.
“The only reason we don't open our hearts and minds to other people is that they trigger confusion in us that we don't feel brave enough or sane enough to deal with. To the degree that we look clearly and compassionately at ourselves, we feel confident and fearless about looking into someone else's eyes. ”
― Pema Chödrön
Some may argue that some things seem difficult. Are there thought patterns attached to this decision? Did one thought lead to another? Did these thoughts create emotion. Yes, we think and have feelings. Yes, we can live in fear and suffering. We can also live within the now moment and be at peace. You may come to realize that no other relationship is as important as the one you create within this living space, where all is as one.
Heart and soul surrenders to the living moment. As your energy lightens, you have the ability to catch thoughts quicker, you are in charge. You are alive in the living moment. You can work with self within this space. Your bouts of depression, anger, sadness and so on become less frequent. The space between negative thought patterns becomes further and further apart. You are more often in your heart, where your soul resides. Within this channel; this way of being, you are more and more often living in peace. This is real effort. It comes in waves. Recognize this for what it is. Change is always. Neither good, nor bad. Nothing need be difficult. At the very least, it can be a lot less difficult. It is what it is and we get to decide what to think of it.
This is much a solitary practice. An individual choice of accomplishment. Remember that you live within the body of these choices, this practice. Being within the living moment, takes practice. It is about releasing old, out-dated thought patterns; taught-thoughts.You can choose to be within the channel of Being. Give yourself credit for all that you are and for the wonder of all that is you.
Tuesday, June 25, 2013
Moonlight - Medium Michele Nappi: Meeting with Being Beyond Duality
Moonlight - Medium Michele Nappi: Meeting with Being Beyond Duality: Being Beyond Duality @Michele Nappi - Mystic Medium We will meet once a month at Moonlight Gifts on Rte. 7 in Milton, Vermont to hear Be...
Meeting with Being Beyond Duality
Being Beyond Duality
@Michele Nappi - Mystic Medium
We will meet once a month at Moonlight Gifts on Rte. 7 in Milton, Vermont to hear Being’s Messages to Michele Nappi, Mystic Medium.
Michele met Being in June of 2009 at Stonehenge Earth Clock located in Burlington, VT. She was gifted with many messages at that time and continues to receive daily messages from Being.
“You are what you seek.”
“This is the living moment.”
“A truth is something you have decided to believe in. THE truth is true for all without exception.”
“When I met Being at Stonehenge, Earth Clock in Burlington, VT four years ago time stood still. I was held in this stillness.
He was not in my mind, as in a daydream.
He was not there when I opened my eyes.
I recognized him on a soul level.
Being did not lower his frequency to meet mine.
He enveloped me in his. He filled and surrounded me with ultimate peace. I was held in this sublime energy.
His smile was amazing, shining with pure, white light.
He was clothed in a robe.
He had a knowing beyond anything usual.
Beyond duality.
He is a fully realized Being.
His logic changed my thinking immediately as I released attachments, fears, conditioning. I continue this process.
"I am forever grateful for meeting Being and for the lady who spoke out that day and said, "He has been seen here before."
Michele Nappi - Mystic Medium
Moonlight Gifts, Rte 7 -
Milton, VT
6:30 pm
By donation.
"You will learn by reading and yet, you will understand with love." ~ RUMI
@Michele Nappi - Mystic Medium
We will meet once a month at Moonlight Gifts on Rte. 7 in Milton, Vermont to hear Being’s Messages to Michele Nappi, Mystic Medium.
Michele met Being in June of 2009 at Stonehenge Earth Clock located in Burlington, VT. She was gifted with many messages at that time and continues to receive daily messages from Being.
“You are what you seek.”
“This is the living moment.”
“A truth is something you have decided to believe in. THE truth is true for all without exception.”
“When I met Being at Stonehenge, Earth Clock in Burlington, VT four years ago time stood still. I was held in this stillness.
He was not in my mind, as in a daydream.
He was not there when I opened my eyes.
I recognized him on a soul level.
Being did not lower his frequency to meet mine.
He enveloped me in his. He filled and surrounded me with ultimate peace. I was held in this sublime energy.
His smile was amazing, shining with pure, white light.
He was clothed in a robe.
He had a knowing beyond anything usual.
Beyond duality.
He is a fully realized Being.
His logic changed my thinking immediately as I released attachments, fears, conditioning. I continue this process.
"I am forever grateful for meeting Being and for the lady who spoke out that day and said, "He has been seen here before."
Michele Nappi - Mystic Medium
Moonlight Gifts, Rte 7 -
Milton, VT
6:30 pm
By donation.
"You will learn by reading and yet, you will understand with love." ~ RUMI
Moonlight - Medium Michele Nappi: Messages from Being Beyond Duality
Moonlight - Medium Michele Nappi: Messages from Being Beyond Duality: Messages from Being Beyond Duality @Michele Nappi Mystic Medium I write daily in my private journal about what Being tells me. As ...
Messages from Being Beyond Duality
Messages from Being Beyond Duality
@Michele Nappi
Mystic Medium
I write daily in my private journal about what Being tells me. As I have said before, I met Being at Stonehenge in Burlington, VT. He gave me many messages then and continues to do so. I get messages constantly now, on a daily basis. He did not lower his vibrational frequency to meet mine. He encompassed me, in his divine energy. He filled and surrounded me with ultimate peace.
Lately it has been about releasing resistance. The other night I was writing in my journal about this. I've been getting some of the same messages for a few weeks now. 'Let go. You are ready." It feels a bit scary. Then Harry Potter movie playing on TV was at a particular scene saying, "Let go sweetheart, you are ready." So many similarities in that scene to what I have been writing about. HP mother/Our Lady and Father/Being encouraging him to let go when he is 'fighting' with duality. Realizing his power as a Being to himself.
I think it is about each of us as an individual coming to this realization - releasing duality.
When we vie against someone, something we stay there in that frequency, that vibration - focusing all our energy on 'that.'
When we let go, we release that vibration/frequency. We move on. We shift. We get an opportunity to be the Universe.
In the living moment we are alive in the divine state of Oneness, of BEing. We no longer need to fight against - to resist. No longer struggling or suffering. Acceptance. Surrender. Peace.
I am forever grateful for meeting Being and for the lady who spoke out that day and said, "He has been seen here before."
Again, yesterday I was going home and I began thinking about Amy Winehouse. I began thinking about road rage, too. I typically don't listen to radio or watch the news, read newspapers, etc. When I got home the television was on a news channel talking in separate segments about Amy Winehouse and road rage. Mystical...
"I feel my ego resisting,
pushing away.
My heart steps in,
A smile comes to
my lips.
I am grateful,
for awareness.
I am thankful...."
Friday, June 21, 2013
Moonlight - Medium Michele Nappi: Total Oneness
Moonlight - Medium Michele Nappi: Total Oneness: This (below) is how I felt when I met Being at Stonehenge in Burlington, VT. Total oneness in his presence! I write about it in my blog Mo...
Total Oneness
It is hard to explain in the words of duality just how I felt. That is why I continue to write. I receive words of wisdom almost daily from Being. I teach/talk about what I am given. Others are awakening, too.
Being's presence was so great... His words so universal... I felt held in Oneness...
"What form will you choose to experience your self in today? How do you recognize your self through it? What form do you choose to take? Or do you choose the formless? Ahh....." ~ Being Beyond Duality
Monday, June 17, 2013
Moonlight - Medium Michele Nappi: Drumming Circle & Sacred Sound
Moonlight - Medium Michele Nappi: Drumming Circle & Sacred Sound: Sacred Sound and Drumming Circle! Adhi Two Owls travels and teaches all over the United States as well as internationally. w...
Drumming Circle & Sacred Sound
Sacred Sound and Drumming Circle!
Adhi Two Owls travels and teaches all over the
United States as well as internationally.
Drumming and percussion are some of the oldest forms of healing, prayer, and transformation.
Bring drums, rattles, shakers, bells, and any others sounds you want to share and join Adhi as she facilities and helps us weave traditional and inspired rhythms.
First part of the class will be basic rhythm teachings followed by exploration into drumming and playing together.
Adhi will also share how to use drumming as a form of gathering to celebrate
and unify community transformation and empowerment.
Moonlight Gift Shoppe
Rte 7, Milton, VT.
Moonlight - Medium Michele Nappi: Calm Presence
Moonlight - Medium Michele Nappi: Calm Presence: Calm Presence Michele Nappi @copyright Love can be thought of as unconditioned energy. I have read also lately about compassion being...
Calm Presence
Calm Presence
Michele Nappi
Love can be thought of as unconditioned energy. I have read also lately about compassion being unprejudiced involvement. We might also think of it as unconditioned energy, non-judgmental energy or non-attachment. Do most of us think of love or compassion as unconditioned? Are we taught-thought what love or compassion is?
We have been talking about things like this since time began. If you look at Rumi and others like him, we have always known. What are some of the females that have said this? Mary? Female prophets? It is duality; sides like love/hate that we get conditioned - taught-thought to think in. It seems mind boggling sometimes. Mary, Joseph, Jesus and so forth, were Jewish - dark skinned, dark eyes, dark hair, etc. yet we teach otherwise so much of the time. I keep self-realizing these conditioned thoughts....
In’Dying To Be Me’ by Anita Moorjani she states: “In my NDE state, I realized that the entire universe is composed of unconditional love, and I'm an expression of this. Every atom, molecule, quark, and tetra quark, is made of love. I can be nothing else, because this is my essence and the nature of the entire universe."
It is most difficult to speak about anything outside of duality without using words, which are labels of duality. In my NDE state, in my visions, I never heard a word. It was a state of being. A knowing state. Perfect peace. A calm presence. No love or hate. No judgment. No perception. No attachment.
For as the bubble pops, there is another self-realized being.
Someone recently asked me if I have the capability of seeing visions of what someone is meant to be doing here (earth). I responded that yes, we can have visions of that. I believe we are already that which we are seeking. We are what we seek, already. It is about aligning with the frequency of what we are seeking that feels like the stretch and pull of life. When we begin a new exercise, we feel the pain of stretching muscles we say we never knew we had.
Jeepers, people. It is not about ‘me.’ It is about self realization, as we are all of anything and the no-thing.
“Which side of the coin is the ‘other’ side?” ~ Being Beyond Duality
It is a process of releasing what ever you decide is holding you back. We are the only ones who hold ourselves back or release, so that we can move forward. Either way, these are words of duality. It is about you deciding what energy feels most comfortable to you, in this human body and then creating this as a state of being. This is a process for anyone/everyone. We all do the dance of life; one step forward, two back - even if this is unhealthy - we go 'back' to what feels comfortable under stress. Releasing is a sort of grieving process for anyone. We die and are born within each moment. The dance need not be a struggle, for it is we who create the tempo. We crave constantly, consistently the source of the living moment of now.
“Let go and go into the living peace of the clear light…“ ~ Aldous Leonard Huxley - ‘Island’
Published in 1962 ‘Island’ is the story of Will Farnaby, a cynical journalist who is shipwrecked on the fictional island of Pala.
He didn’t say go into the dark, forboding density. We do that on our own. Who doesn’t crave while here on earth, to eat of the forbidden fruit?
When we let go of attachments, we feel this loss - the energy shift. Your purpose is to bring divine healing light and love to this world - this is what we all are anyway. It is the remembering this fact, that we allow such suffering. We can get so caught up in the grief of releasing, that we forget completely who we are as frequency of vibration experiencing this lower, dense vibration.
We are so conditioned, in our thoughts that are also frequency, that we forget that there is another way of thinking and that we could choose to not think much at all. Being in stillness. We create the illusion, the veil. We fight so hard against what we ourselves have created at times that if we could step outside of this mirror we may have a great laugh at our own expense.
There are many high’s and low’s in life. Ebb’s and flows. Call it what you will. This is energy we are feeling, creating. We decide, after all, what is a high or a low. The light is always there, in spite of whatever form we create. Thoughts are a form of energy. Thoughts create feeling. We are very sentimental about the forms we have created, or choose to create continuously to experience self through.
“All forms you see in another person, situation, and so forth are ‘but the manifestations of your own desire.’ A realized being where ever s/he looks, sees no-thing or all things simultaneously, and knows them to be the same.” ~ Ram Dass - ‘Be Here Now’
Remember? Awaken. The time is NOW. In the Living Moment. Being malleable energy, we choose to change our mind, literally. Change the neurons. This creates change within and without.
What you decide to be affects the whole. Creation.
“Don’t teach by other than your being. If you remain centered, your calm presence helps to free all those about you who are ready…” R. Dass
I could have said that myself, and have. Yet, do you hear it clearer through a known individual? One that is a known author? Familiarity. Does it breed ignorance? Or awakening? That is up to each individual. That is our freedom of will.
Michele Nappi
Love can be thought of as unconditioned energy. I have read also lately about compassion being unprejudiced involvement. We might also think of it as unconditioned energy, non-judgmental energy or non-attachment. Do most of us think of love or compassion as unconditioned? Are we taught-thought what love or compassion is?
We have been talking about things like this since time began. If you look at Rumi and others like him, we have always known. What are some of the females that have said this? Mary? Female prophets? It is duality; sides like love/hate that we get conditioned - taught-thought to think in. It seems mind boggling sometimes. Mary, Joseph, Jesus and so forth, were Jewish - dark skinned, dark eyes, dark hair, etc. yet we teach otherwise so much of the time. I keep self-realizing these conditioned thoughts....
In’Dying To Be Me’ by Anita Moorjani she states: “In my NDE state, I realized that the entire universe is composed of unconditional love, and I'm an expression of this. Every atom, molecule, quark, and tetra quark, is made of love. I can be nothing else, because this is my essence and the nature of the entire universe."
It is most difficult to speak about anything outside of duality without using words, which are labels of duality. In my NDE state, in my visions, I never heard a word. It was a state of being. A knowing state. Perfect peace. A calm presence. No love or hate. No judgment. No perception. No attachment.
For as the bubble pops, there is another self-realized being.
Someone recently asked me if I have the capability of seeing visions of what someone is meant to be doing here (earth). I responded that yes, we can have visions of that. I believe we are already that which we are seeking. We are what we seek, already. It is about aligning with the frequency of what we are seeking that feels like the stretch and pull of life. When we begin a new exercise, we feel the pain of stretching muscles we say we never knew we had.
Jeepers, people. It is not about ‘me.’ It is about self realization, as we are all of anything and the no-thing.
“Which side of the coin is the ‘other’ side?” ~ Being Beyond Duality
It is a process of releasing what ever you decide is holding you back. We are the only ones who hold ourselves back or release, so that we can move forward. Either way, these are words of duality. It is about you deciding what energy feels most comfortable to you, in this human body and then creating this as a state of being. This is a process for anyone/everyone. We all do the dance of life; one step forward, two back - even if this is unhealthy - we go 'back' to what feels comfortable under stress. Releasing is a sort of grieving process for anyone. We die and are born within each moment. The dance need not be a struggle, for it is we who create the tempo. We crave constantly, consistently the source of the living moment of now.
“Let go and go into the living peace of the clear light…“ ~ Aldous Leonard Huxley - ‘Island’
Published in 1962 ‘Island’ is the story of Will Farnaby, a cynical journalist who is shipwrecked on the fictional island of Pala.
He didn’t say go into the dark, forboding density. We do that on our own. Who doesn’t crave while here on earth, to eat of the forbidden fruit?
When we let go of attachments, we feel this loss - the energy shift. Your purpose is to bring divine healing light and love to this world - this is what we all are anyway. It is the remembering this fact, that we allow such suffering. We can get so caught up in the grief of releasing, that we forget completely who we are as frequency of vibration experiencing this lower, dense vibration.
We are so conditioned, in our thoughts that are also frequency, that we forget that there is another way of thinking and that we could choose to not think much at all. Being in stillness. We create the illusion, the veil. We fight so hard against what we ourselves have created at times that if we could step outside of this mirror we may have a great laugh at our own expense.
There are many high’s and low’s in life. Ebb’s and flows. Call it what you will. This is energy we are feeling, creating. We decide, after all, what is a high or a low. The light is always there, in spite of whatever form we create. Thoughts are a form of energy. Thoughts create feeling. We are very sentimental about the forms we have created, or choose to create continuously to experience self through.
“All forms you see in another person, situation, and so forth are ‘but the manifestations of your own desire.’ A realized being where ever s/he looks, sees no-thing or all things simultaneously, and knows them to be the same.” ~ Ram Dass - ‘Be Here Now’
Remember? Awaken. The time is NOW. In the Living Moment. Being malleable energy, we choose to change our mind, literally. Change the neurons. This creates change within and without.
What you decide to be affects the whole. Creation.
“Don’t teach by other than your being. If you remain centered, your calm presence helps to free all those about you who are ready…” R. Dass
I could have said that myself, and have. Yet, do you hear it clearer through a known individual? One that is a known author? Familiarity. Does it breed ignorance? Or awakening? That is up to each individual. That is our freedom of will.
Friday, June 14, 2013
Moonlight - Medium Michele Nappi: The Living Moment of Karma Yoga@copyrightMichele...
Moonlight - Medium Michele Nappi: The Living Moment of Karma Yoga
Michele...: The Living Moment of Karma Yoga @copyright Michele Nappi Karma is action. What ever you do is karma. Every action causes a reaction. Thi...
Michele...: The Living Moment of Karma Yoga @copyright Michele Nappi Karma is action. What ever you do is karma. Every action causes a reaction. Thi...
The Living Moment of Karma Yoga
Michele Nappi
Karma is action. What ever you do is karma. Every action causes a reaction. This is also Karma. Does what you do, create the illusion of separation? Who are you being, while you are the doer? The more conscious a being is in any doing, the more the being is of divinity. Offer what you do, as this. In this frequency, and way of being, every action becomes a way of awakening into highest consciousness. In this way the daily life that may seem entirely boring to some, becomes a model in union with the heart and soul, affecting all.
How is this in reference to the now, living moment? We create our own karma by living outside the now moment. Just like we create the veil we have often heard of. We put up the blockage, the veil. We are most alive and at peace, in the living moment of now. When we bring the past and future into the now moment, we bring dead energy from the past, and what is yet uncreated into the now moment to try to control life itself. We keep creating this to see that it cannot be done. Illusionary perception. This causes dis-ease.
You don’t need to spend time ‘now’ worrying about ‘then.’
We are not at peace within this action through our choice of thoughts. Action creates karmic response. When one feels a low, punishing energy we recreate that energy. It is cyclical. This energy is created by our thoughts that we choose to think. Thought is action in that thoughts are things with a frequency. As we choose our thoughts, we can become aware of this thought. We can witness this thought, the energy created and think differently. We can self-remember. Witnessing is non-judgmental compassion of action taken. All comes and goes. Remove illusion of reality through perception. The ‘I’ is no where. We are all flowing as one current.
“If you observe well, your own heart will answer.” ~ de Lubicz
Our egoic self wants control. We want to believe, for our safety that we have it all together. We do not. We know this, as well. Think of the courage and strength it takes to realize this. To become a realized being. Karma Yoga is available for all. Not only the human form, but all of form can and does practice Karma Yoga. Think outside the box that you have created to see yourself and all else in. Have you ever seen an animal give selflessly? Does the flower hold back it’s delicious aroma from you or it’s beauty?
It is right there for you to witness. Release the hold on the control mechanism you believe you have. The action you perform, for an end in maintaining ego. Act differently, create differently. Convert what motivates you into one of selfless service to the higher self, which transcends ego. It does
not need to hurt. It can be as simple as giving a penny, in a penny jar when no one is looking. It can be releasing a thought that you have experienced that has caused harm in one way or another. This is loving service to yourself and all, as you are the One energy.
The reality of the cosmic dance is one of taking a step forward, and two steps back into energy we feel safe within, even if it is unhealthy. That is common and felt all over the world. There is a time when we feel euphoric about self-realization and then the times when we do not. We all experience these highs and lows. It is the energy of bringing clarity that may seem overwhelming at times. This is when nonjudgmental compassion is most welcome, is it not?
Yoga means union. Connection to all. Karma Yoga then, is about balancing action and reaction. We all make mistakes. We can choose differently and create differently. Karma is created by each person. We may believe that guilt brings punishment - vibration of guilt created brings certain frequency. This is duality. This is us choosing this. Karma yoga is selfless service. Through selfless service, we live within this energy. We create this energy and live within it’s energy.
We have the ability to flow with the cosmic current, instead of swimming up stream, so to speak. We can live the majority of our lives in ego. About ourselves and our wants and desires. The ego is perception. Thoughts and feelings. Ideas. Because we are living in the ego, we have great pride about suffering and want to share this with all. This is a mirror. Life can be about great suffering and the need to tell about it. We cannot see while doing this, that we create what we say we do not want in our lives. This created source of vibration affects all. We keep it moving along by the focus on it. Complaints create more of the same. Make it stronger, more prevalent.
“People get into a heavy-duty sin and guilt trip, feeling that if things are going wrong, that means that they did something bad and they are being punished. That's not the idea at all. The idea of karma is that you continually get the teachings that you need to open your heart. To the degree that you didn't understand in the past how to stop protecting your soft spot, how to stop armoring your heart, you're given this gift of teachings in the form of your life, to give you everything you need to open further.”
― Pema Chödrön
For an example, Mother Teresa. With her actions she knew she would not erase hunger from the world. That is not why she did what she did. She was practicing Karma Yoga. It is not about fixing a person as an individual, or a society as a group. No one is broken. It is about living the now moment, as the living moment. The moment that is alive with all possibilities. It is all the Divine Mother.
Karma Yoga, is giving without expectation. Karma Yoga is liberating. Be within the living moment of now with no personal agenda. While you are in the living moment, as you give you are this energy with full intent. In service to the living moment. The world does not need saving. It does not need fixing. It is not broken. It is within each of us to come to an understanding about this. Within each is a chosen perception. Releasing perception is giving. Releasing past/future is giving self the divine opportunity to be alive. Being at peace, in stillness, in renunciation. Being of joy. Release the thinking mind and go into the heart of divinity. Be the smile. Live it.
Michele Nappi
Karma is action. What ever you do is karma. Every action causes a reaction. This is also Karma. Does what you do, create the illusion of separation? Who are you being, while you are the doer? The more conscious a being is in any doing, the more the being is of divinity. Offer what you do, as this. In this frequency, and way of being, every action becomes a way of awakening into highest consciousness. In this way the daily life that may seem entirely boring to some, becomes a model in union with the heart and soul, affecting all.
How is this in reference to the now, living moment? We create our own karma by living outside the now moment. Just like we create the veil we have often heard of. We put up the blockage, the veil. We are most alive and at peace, in the living moment of now. When we bring the past and future into the now moment, we bring dead energy from the past, and what is yet uncreated into the now moment to try to control life itself. We keep creating this to see that it cannot be done. Illusionary perception. This causes dis-ease.
You don’t need to spend time ‘now’ worrying about ‘then.’
We are not at peace within this action through our choice of thoughts. Action creates karmic response. When one feels a low, punishing energy we recreate that energy. It is cyclical. This energy is created by our thoughts that we choose to think. Thought is action in that thoughts are things with a frequency. As we choose our thoughts, we can become aware of this thought. We can witness this thought, the energy created and think differently. We can self-remember. Witnessing is non-judgmental compassion of action taken. All comes and goes. Remove illusion of reality through perception. The ‘I’ is no where. We are all flowing as one current.
“If you observe well, your own heart will answer.” ~ de Lubicz
Our egoic self wants control. We want to believe, for our safety that we have it all together. We do not. We know this, as well. Think of the courage and strength it takes to realize this. To become a realized being. Karma Yoga is available for all. Not only the human form, but all of form can and does practice Karma Yoga. Think outside the box that you have created to see yourself and all else in. Have you ever seen an animal give selflessly? Does the flower hold back it’s delicious aroma from you or it’s beauty?
It is right there for you to witness. Release the hold on the control mechanism you believe you have. The action you perform, for an end in maintaining ego. Act differently, create differently. Convert what motivates you into one of selfless service to the higher self, which transcends ego. It does
not need to hurt. It can be as simple as giving a penny, in a penny jar when no one is looking. It can be releasing a thought that you have experienced that has caused harm in one way or another. This is loving service to yourself and all, as you are the One energy.
The reality of the cosmic dance is one of taking a step forward, and two steps back into energy we feel safe within, even if it is unhealthy. That is common and felt all over the world. There is a time when we feel euphoric about self-realization and then the times when we do not. We all experience these highs and lows. It is the energy of bringing clarity that may seem overwhelming at times. This is when nonjudgmental compassion is most welcome, is it not?
Yoga means union. Connection to all. Karma Yoga then, is about balancing action and reaction. We all make mistakes. We can choose differently and create differently. Karma is created by each person. We may believe that guilt brings punishment - vibration of guilt created brings certain frequency. This is duality. This is us choosing this. Karma yoga is selfless service. Through selfless service, we live within this energy. We create this energy and live within it’s energy.
We have the ability to flow with the cosmic current, instead of swimming up stream, so to speak. We can live the majority of our lives in ego. About ourselves and our wants and desires. The ego is perception. Thoughts and feelings. Ideas. Because we are living in the ego, we have great pride about suffering and want to share this with all. This is a mirror. Life can be about great suffering and the need to tell about it. We cannot see while doing this, that we create what we say we do not want in our lives. This created source of vibration affects all. We keep it moving along by the focus on it. Complaints create more of the same. Make it stronger, more prevalent.
“People get into a heavy-duty sin and guilt trip, feeling that if things are going wrong, that means that they did something bad and they are being punished. That's not the idea at all. The idea of karma is that you continually get the teachings that you need to open your heart. To the degree that you didn't understand in the past how to stop protecting your soft spot, how to stop armoring your heart, you're given this gift of teachings in the form of your life, to give you everything you need to open further.”
― Pema Chödrön
For an example, Mother Teresa. With her actions she knew she would not erase hunger from the world. That is not why she did what she did. She was practicing Karma Yoga. It is not about fixing a person as an individual, or a society as a group. No one is broken. It is about living the now moment, as the living moment. The moment that is alive with all possibilities. It is all the Divine Mother.
Karma Yoga, is giving without expectation. Karma Yoga is liberating. Be within the living moment of now with no personal agenda. While you are in the living moment, as you give you are this energy with full intent. In service to the living moment. The world does not need saving. It does not need fixing. It is not broken. It is within each of us to come to an understanding about this. Within each is a chosen perception. Releasing perception is giving. Releasing past/future is giving self the divine opportunity to be alive. Being at peace, in stillness, in renunciation. Being of joy. Release the thinking mind and go into the heart of divinity. Be the smile. Live it.
Friday, June 7, 2013
Moonlight - Medium Michele Nappi: GOLDEN RAY QUARTZ
Moonlight - Medium Michele Nappi: GOLDEN RAY QUARTZ: GOLDEN RAY QUARTZ Michele Nappi @copyright I've been doing a Theta brain wave meditation daily with friends and family, at differe...
Michele Nappi
Summer 2011 - I've been doing a Theta brain wave meditation daily with friends and family, at different places and times. I've been holding clear quartz and Herkimer Quartz 'diamond' most recently. This meditation takes one out of their physical body, up passed the Universe into the God vibration of blue/white Light. I had a OMG experience over the weekend that I am getting used to. It started this summer actually. I’ll tell you more about that soon.
I've been meditating and requesting to channel a high energy being. Kept hearing that I was already doing that. I wanted it to look and feel a certain way:) During a few of the Theta mediations I would receive images/symbols. The Being I met at Stonehenge in Burlington, VT kept coming through, also. I will add here that I love the Harry Potter movies. They are magical for me. During one of the Theta meditations I was given the Elder wand - the Being insisted I take it, that it was for me. We are all 'the Elder wand." I saw some of the characters from HP during a most recent mediation. I then related them to the feelings of intelligence, bravery, courage and humor. I also saw a huge garnet at a class on gemstones held recently Jokingly, when I saw it I said, “The Sorcerer’s Stone.”
During this time I have also been working with a book of stones. I have shipments of gemstones coming and wanted to find out more about their metaphysical meanings. I had finished for the day and was about to put the book away. For whatever reason I went to the back of the book. There it was. My ah-ha moment. The book talks about Azeztulite Awakening. The Philosopher’s Stone - a common substance found but unrecognized and unappreciated. I had also been listening to television during the day and was drawn to a program talking about alchemy; making gold out of lead. Legend has it that alchemists were continually searching for the Philosopher’s Stone usually depicted as a white rock which was outwardly unimpressive but which had the power to convert lead into gold, and to convey longevity, enlightenment and even immortality. Please wait and hear me out. I have been using gold and clear Light during meditation for quite a while now. That is gold enough for me. Gold is the color of presence. Of being.
Also during this time I, along with others in a Tarot group had each individually received the Tower card on the same day; 11-11-11. Big changes underway. We all thought that was interesting. We thought it might be because of all the people meditating and working on change on this day, all over the world.
I have been going beyond word; being in the spiritual Light. I am a medium. I teach psychic development and request that people look beyond word. We are in a sense, programmed. How do the words we use that are in our own minds, create for us or against us. In other words, do the words we use fill us with a low frequency of vibration or a high one. We get so used to saying certain taught-thought words and phrases that it seems this is just the way it is, and always has to be. I teach otherwise. I rock reality.
Back to the book on gemstones. I looked and there is a stone that a certain company has named Azeztulite. They talk about the Philosopher’s Stone. They say a woman was contacted by a group of inter-dimensional beings about a stone that this group has re-formatted to bring Light to this earth to assist us. This group is called Azez meaning ‘Nameless Light.’ This group, Azez brings the energy of The Great Central Sun. They channeled this message to a woman who then relayed the message to the company who sells gemstones.
Even though I channel spirit, teach psychic development and consider myself very spiritual, I am a healthy skeptic. This group of inter-dimensional beings went on to talk about enlightenment and the Philosopher’s Stone meaning ‘to be filled with Light.’
Our cells of our body are programmable. They have ‘mind.’ Cellular mind. Our cells can and do hold Light. The sacred sound ‘Om Namo Bhagavate’ means “I salute the supreme Divine.’ The Great Central Sun. The Sun that keeps this earth alive. I believe we are being asked to bring Light into full expression in the world through direct intention. We are this Light.
Stones are a tool we can use to accomplish this. Azeztulite is a stone that is of the Azez community of inter-dimensional beings, here to assist us. They imbued their energy into this stone. Those who hold this stone know it’s energy. This stone is here as a partner of the spiritual realms for the sake of the world. It’s activation at certain points on the planet aids in healing the total organism of Gaia, through our awareness of it
I went on to read the article about Azeztulite. I saw a picture of the stone. The ah-ha energy hit me full force. I felt giddy with excitement. This stone known as ‘a messenger of Light” I had found during the summer while looking for quartz in Vermont. I thought I had found gold, because gold is known to be near/with quartz. My family thought I had lost my mind. Okay, I know - please bear with me.
I felt discouraged that this company had trademarked the name Azeztulite. I wondered what this meant.
I have buckets of this stone that I dug out of the hillside. White quartz with golden stuff on it, mixed into it. The gold shines. The rocks are rough. The gold is beautiful. When I found it I was so excited! I love quartz and am always drawn to find it. This summer I also found smoky quartz in Vermont streams. One piece just sat next to my foot waiting for me to look down at it. A 1”x1” dark brown piece of smoky quartz that found me. I find and am drawn to quartz all the time. I went outside and gathered up a few pieces of the white quartz with gold to look at them more closely. I brought a few pieces into the house with me to compare them to the picture in the gemstone book.
I call the quartz I found with golden rays, Golden Ray Quartz, also known as Azeztulite or the Philosopher‘s Stone. The Golden Ray is with us all. Awakening to the Light that we all are. This stone is a tool and is here to assist us at this time. Believe it or not. Call me crazy, it is okay. I can only tell you what it has done for me. It created a wonderful, magical ah-ha moment in my life.
Remember how I said that I felt discouraged that the name Azeztulite had been trademarked? I will digress and say I find dimes from spirit as ‘tokens of remembrance‘ to remind me of my own Light. I walked out into my kitchen and there in the middle of the floor was a very bright, shiny new dime; dated 2011. The same kitchen I had just walked through to go outside to gather up some Golden Ray Quartz. It hadn’t been there at that time! Spirit wanted to remind me of Light. They put a little humor in it, too. It was a Canadian dime. It could have been a dime from the USA where I live, but no - spirit wanted me to see that and look outside my paradigm of thinking and keep looking, I believe. To know Light is to go beyond the taught-thought paradigm. Well, I had just done that and I am still smiling and feeling the beautiful Light that these stones have for every one of us.
The Golden Ray quartz is a stone of alchemy. Throughout history alchemists have lost everything in the pursuit of the Philosopher’s Stone - the master catalyst that could turn lead into gold. This is a metaphor for spiritual development. In Tarot the Tower is an alchemy laboratory. It is a place forgotten like the Golden Ray quartz. A place of human experience and experiments. Known as an observation post for elevated thought. It’s winding staircase like that of human DNA helix. We are evolving and growing into further enlightenment. Full of inspiration, releasing the old patterns, coming into a place of purification - a grand opening up. Our aspirations are high, higher than that of the clouds and sky. We release quickly the old paradigm. Using our imagination to go beyond Earth, looking for universal truth. It is a time of union for one and all. To share goodwill while investing in our future.
Wednesday, June 5, 2013
Moonlight - Medium Michele Nappi: The Living Moment
Moonlight - Medium Michele Nappi: The Living Moment: THE LIVING MOMENT Michele Nappi - A Mystic in Vermont @copyright When I met Being at Stonehenge, Earth Clock in Burlington, VT four y...
The Living Moment
Michele Nappi - A Mystic in Vermont
When I met Being at Stonehenge, Earth Clock in Burlington, VT four years ago time stood still. I was held in stillness. I recognized him on a soul level. He had a knowing beyond anything usual. He is a fully realized Being. His logic changed my thinking immediately, as I released attachments, fears, and conditioning.
We cling - sentimentally - to our perceptions because we know no differently. We all feel the stretch within as we pull ourselves away from our true essence through thought vibrations. We feel the joy of awareness as we release and realize we were this essence all along.
There is no evil. There are degrees of confusion. Aren't we all confused? Keep releasing by degrees, by frequencies. I am aware of Being. I have always been aware of this. Yet, I have not, as I was lost in confusion and vibrations of frequency that I could not see through at that moment. Focus. Release, Awareness ensues. Focus within. All has great purpose. All is as important as any other. Surrender all of your beliefs - all you think you know - release it all! Be the energy of unprejudiced involvement, of compassion.
Life is what it is. Not what you think it is. Everyone has thoughts. How could it all be 'the' truth? As you identify with your choice, it controls you. You become it. You identify with it as an addiction. Is there ever enough? Thoughts cause formation. Energy is malleable. It flows. Self realization is born of being beyond duality in formlessness.
"It is not what you are doing, it is who you are being while you are doing it. You don't need to do a thing."
"You are what you seek."
"No sides. Only perception. Which side of the coin is the 'other' side?"
"A' truth is something you have chosen to believe in. 'The' truth is true for all without exception."
"Answer the person, not the question."
"The other person's thoughts and feelings matter just as much to them, as yours do to you."
"Birds singing. Bees buzzing. Grass growing. Trees swaying. Water lapping. Flowers blooming. You are this melody. All is this song."
"Being is formless."
"The breath in is a union of existence. A commitment to life. A choice to live."
"You thirst for releasing separation to be free of conditioning to be your essence, your soul, as all beyond duality."
“You know as much as you know.”
I have always known. I have always seen and experienced other dimensions. I see things that are out of the ordinary. Black just under the skin of some people. Navy blue streaks an inch wide down the front of someone’s cheeks. Faces that change and overlap one another. Is this all the dimensions overlapping? One of these people is a female shaman. I talked to her about the fact that I saw her face change multiple times while she was teaching.
One of the main things Being talked to me about at Stonehenge was that we are all addicts. That the past is dead energy. It is over. The only way it becomes alive again, is if we being it forward into creation through the now moment, as we re-live it. This is a habit. An addiction to most. A clinging. What do we receive from this, as we fill the now moment with the past or our worry about the future? The future is yet to be created. It is not reality. Those who live in the past and in the future are the living dead.
We choose this. Even joyful memories are no longer alive. When we say the now moment is what we have, we are saying this is the living moment. What we fill it up with is up to each of us and thus, creates our frequency of vibration that we live with, feel and experience. This is what you offer to others, as well. We are offered freedom in the living moment.
Are you so invested in denying self-realization, separation that you would disallow self? That you would believe in separation as a means of death - living death? How lost in confusion are you; to what degree? You know you are choosing this, correct? Your thoughts are your responsibility. The reality of life denies you fooling yourself. Life happens and what you create from that is your choice. Are you listening?
I have read in so many places that we have all said similar things, since time began. The blueprint has always been there and there have always been those who were aware of it - that are aware of it - that we are all God Essence. That this energy is who we are, what all is as nature. Thoughts separate. Beliefs separate. It is a choice. All is transitory. All is the ebb and flow. The dance of life. Form is transient. Individual identities change. What is within as this essence, this living moment remains.
Personality is chosen, yet I can see endlessly. I once drove a woman named Helen around to do errands. She had dementia. We grew quite fond of our friendship together. One day while driving her around the back woods of Vermont, our auras melded together. Dimensions fell away as the window opened to the all of everything and nothing. I had been thinking to myself and wondering when her day of transition would come. Her health was deteriorating rapidly. I felt a longing, a sadness. As soon as I realized this window that had opened I heard her say, “I thought it was 5 but it is 3 (o’clock).” She died 3 months later.
Another time I met a woman. I had just finished a meditation when she approached me and stood by me. She was instantly downloaded with healing energy. She said, “Your energy! Your eyes!” This is my life, as a mystic.
I am a window,
A vortex of energy.
An offering to others,
To show the possibility
Of clarity,
Of freedom,
Of boundlessness,
Of the Living Moment.
I have limitations, yes.
I see these.
I know me and my conditioning.
I remember.
There is no such thing as good or bad, right or wrong, love or hate. Only perception which you create. These are your projections. It is what it is and we get to decide what to make of it.
Monday, June 3, 2013
Moonlight - Medium Michele Nappi: Mediumship Reading
Moonlight - Medium Michele Nappi: Mediumship Reading: Client sent the picture and note after receiving a reading from me on Saturday, June 1st 2013 802-89...
Mediumship Reading
Client sent the picture and note after receiving a reading from me on Saturday, June 1st 2013 802-893-9966
Kind Regards,
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