Wednesday, June 5, 2013

The Living Moment

Michele Nappi - A Mystic in Vermont

When I met Being at Stonehenge, Earth Clock in Burlington, VT four years ago time stood still. I was held in stillness. I recognized him on a soul level. He had a knowing beyond anything usual. He is a fully realized Being. His logic changed my thinking immediately, as I released attachments, fears, and conditioning.

We cling - sentimentally - to our perceptions because we know no differently. We all feel the stretch within as we pull ourselves away from our true essence through thought vibrations. We feel the joy of awareness as we release and realize we were this essence all along.

There is no evil. There are degrees of confusion. Aren't we all confused? Keep releasing by degrees, by frequencies. I am aware of Being. I have always been aware of this. Yet, I have not, as I was lost in confusion and vibrations of frequency that I could not see through at that moment. Focus. Release, Awareness ensues. Focus within. All has great purpose. All is as important as any other. Surrender all of your beliefs - all you think you know - release it all! Be the energy of unprejudiced involvement, of compassion.

Life is what it is. Not what you think it is. Everyone has thoughts. How could it all be 'the' truth? As you identify with your choice, it controls you. You become it. You identify with it as an addiction. Is there ever enough? Thoughts cause formation. Energy is malleable. It flows. Self realization is born of being beyond duality in formlessness.

"It is not what you are doing, it is who you are being while you are doing it. You don't need to do a thing."

"You are what you seek."

"No sides. Only perception. Which side of the coin is the 'other' side?"

"A' truth is something you have chosen to believe in. 'The' truth is true for all without exception."

"Answer the person, not the question."

"The other person's thoughts and feelings matter just as much to them, as yours do to you."

"Birds singing. Bees buzzing. Grass growing. Trees swaying. Water lapping. Flowers blooming. You are this melody. All is this song."

"Being is formless."

"The breath in is a union of existence. A commitment to life. A choice to live."

"You thirst for releasing separation to be free of conditioning to be your essence, your soul, as all beyond duality."

“You know as much as you know.”

I have always known. I have always seen and experienced other dimensions. I see things that are out of the ordinary. Black just under the skin of some people. Navy blue streaks an inch wide down the front of someone’s cheeks. Faces that change and overlap one another. Is this all the dimensions overlapping? One of these people is a female shaman. I talked to her about the fact that I saw her face change multiple times  while she was teaching.

One of the main things Being talked to me about at Stonehenge was that we are all addicts. That the past is dead energy. It is over. The only way it becomes alive again, is if we being it forward into creation through the now moment, as we re-live it. This is a habit. An addiction to most. A clinging. What do we receive from this, as we fill the now moment with the past or our worry about the future?  The future is yet to be created. It is not reality. Those who live in the past and in the future are the living dead.

We choose this. Even joyful memories are no longer alive. When we say the now moment is what we have, we are saying this is the living moment. What we fill it up with is up to each of us and thus, creates our frequency of vibration that we live with, feel and experience. This is what you offer to others, as well. We are offered freedom in the living moment.

Are you so invested in denying self-realization, separation that you would disallow self? That you would believe in separation as a means of  death - living death? How lost in confusion are you; to what degree? You know you are choosing this, correct? Your thoughts are your responsibility. The reality of life denies you fooling yourself. Life happens and what you create from that is your choice. Are you listening?

I have read in so many places that we have all said similar things, since time began. The blueprint has always been there and there have always been those who were aware of it - that are aware of it - that we are all God Essence. That this energy is who we are, what all is as nature. Thoughts separate. Beliefs separate. It is a choice. All is transitory. All is the ebb and flow. The dance of life. Form is transient. Individual identities change. What is within as this essence, this living moment remains.

Personality is chosen, yet I can see endlessly. I once drove a woman named Helen around to do errands. She had dementia. We grew quite fond of our friendship together. One day while driving her around the back woods of Vermont, our auras melded together. Dimensions fell away as the window opened to the all of everything and nothing. I had been thinking to myself and wondering when her day of transition would come. Her health was deteriorating rapidly. I felt a longing, a sadness. As soon as I realized this window that had opened I heard her say, “I thought it was 5 but it is 3 (o’clock).” She died 3 months later.

Another time I met a woman. I had just finished a meditation when she approached me and stood by me. She was instantly downloaded with healing energy. She said, “Your energy! Your eyes!” This is my life, as a mystic.

I am a window,
A vortex of energy.
An offering to others,
To show the possibility
Of clarity,
Of freedom,
Of boundlessness,
Of the Living Moment.

I have limitations, yes.
I see these.
I know me and my conditioning.
I remember.

There is no such thing as good or bad, right or wrong, love or hate. Only perception which you create. These are your projections. It is what it is and we get to decide what to make of it.

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