Saturday, April 28, 2012

Twelve-Pointed Golden Star: Initiation

Twelve-Pointed Golden Star:

Michele Nappi

There are times in life when we are shown that it is to our benefit to go within, into silence. To connect with our soul,  to receive divine mysteries from beyond. Within the passed few weeks I have been given the word ‘initiation’ many times during readings, messages from beyond duality. I have received words such as, “You are not here to learn lessons.” This has given my human spirit personality much to ponder. It goes against previous taught-thoughts. The neurons in the brain have been set, haven’t they? How do we go beyond the veil of fear that we ourselves have created? By embracing the divinity that we are. Peace resides within our soul, as being beyond duality.

A few weeks ago I was shown a golden star, that was within my aura. I wasn’t sure at that time what it meant. I thought about it and looked into it a little through the usual human means of asking others and looking up data. This passed week I saw that one of the points of this star was within my crown chakra, placed into my third eye. I had been initiated. I have also received the word, ‘surrender’ a few times within this time frame. I was given the message that if I accepted this challenge, which I have, that it would change my life dramatically. When I shared this with a friend, she merely shrugged her shoulders.

I noticed the number 12. I realized the color gold. I thought about the fact that I, at this time have 12 students that I am teaching about psychic development and their continuous progress to know their soul in this way. They were all learning a great deal about the dimension we call ‘psychic’ and the Holy Grail of universal love and human kindness. We are all in a state of spiritual rebirth and experiencing this compassionate way of realizing self, as spirit within the human body. Going through the chakras one by one, each week was awakening to most. Learning about color as frequency, meanings of related gemstones, encoding water through thought, and so on.

I realized my role as teacher and guide. I realized by spiritual role, as well. The role of the soul, as the heart chakra, that is always connected to Source was playing in this. The role as spirit expressing myself through this world of duality. Our ego-self can keep us tied to the sticky energy of  expression through taught-thoughts that have been handed down, one generation after the next. It’s a process within each individual of self-realization and re-birth to let go of these type of thoughts to find our unique, divine being within. We get to travel the vast terrain of the mortal abyss, catching glimpses of sparkly things that hold our attention and then we are off again. The trouble with this, is that we can become lost when we forget to go into silence, mediation and rest.

So I’m walking around realizing on some level I have a 12-pointed golden star stuck in my third eye, hovering over my head. Talk about alchemy. How to explain this to the population has caused some furor within. At first I thought, “What initiation?” Even though I work with this energy every day of my life, it felt a bit awkward. My conscious has been expanded and all I get is this t-shirt? Just kidding. I realized the effort was mine to make. No one is going to understand this particular aspect of me, but me. I had gone through a state of surrender, initiation, expansion, and creation. At this stage I could realize the initiation, the surrender of my spirit expression to that of my soul and it’s connection with Source, or throw myself on the ground and wail away. At my age, it isn’t all that cute and there was no one to pick me up and give me a hug but me. That is if I didn’t realize all that went into getting the experience of being me to this point of my expression. That is if I didn’t believe that other beings have gone on before us, who have learned so much more and have the heart and souls to share what they can. I do believe.

We each have a unique existence, through the expression of self. We each find our own way to our soul’s purpose on our own yellow-brick road, or in my case a 12-pointed golden star. With each new decision comes a new level of  experiencing certain frequencies of vibration. Some call it love, others peace, still others divinity. Today I decided on, “It is what it is.” The story will unfold on it’s own. I’ve grabbed the bull by its horns, the comet by the tail,  pulled down the Moon, and accepted where I am as my divine right. My intuitive self, as my Soul is intact. Was it ever not? I am getting this close to being Soul, being this perception at all times. Since there is no such thing as time but here on earth, I AM that which is. Yes, this is what I asked for. This is my destiny. This is who I AM.

With the next meditation a week or so later, I was doing a Theta brain wave technique and realized the 12-pointed golden star shape was now within the center of my being. It is now moving and fluctuating within me.

12 is a higher octave of the number three and is an indicator of great understanding and wisdom. Much of its knowledge is gleaned from life experiences which enables a sense of calm to prevail in even the most turbulent of situations. Twelve is significant in ancient man¹s life because there were twelve tribes in Israel, twelve disciples followed Jesus, there are twelve astrological signs in the zodiac, there are twelve months in the year, and our modern clock is divided into two groups of twelve hours. It is considered to be the ancient number of completion as it signals the end of childhood and the beginning stages of adulthood. Additionally, the ancient numbering and measuring systems are based on this number, as evidenced by terms such as a dozen (12), a gross (12 times 12), a shilling (12 pence) and a foot (12 inches). Negatively, twelve can suffer from a form of depression brought about by a feeling of resignation that life¹s events have transpired in such a way. (There are also 12 countries using the euro as of December 2004.) 

Friday, April 27, 2012

Out Beyond the Universe

Out Beyond the Universe

Michele Nappi

One beam of light of which you are as Source, is precisely as perfect in quality as any of the sun's rays of creation. Your soul, is this essential nature. The perfection of Source is the perfection of the Soul as what you are. You are sacred. You are divine. You are a sacred, divine being of light. Source is infinite, as is your soul. In wisdom and in knowledge, these attributes are found in your soul, perfect in quality and infinitely there for you to experience and express. As you may see reflected in any water droplet, the whole of Source, so in your Soul are all the qualities of  Source. You only need to seek it out. Nothing is secret or kept from you. The blueprint has always been and will always be, as you are an intricate source of light. You are the drop of dew, the ocean and the stars above. You are the planets and they are you. No thing, no one is so far away that the smallest vibration does not reach you; so there is no existence or expression of life so alienated from Source, that does not include the whole, which is you. What ever the mind can conceive of is made manifest in reflection. You live a constant reminder.

As light is the cause of life in matter, as divine breath, so light is in the divine consciousness, as you as Source made manifest. The ancients spoke of this in their lore. Before this and after that, as word is consciousness, pure divine, sacred energy that you are. Soul is the innermost consciousness of the individual life, and that which the soul expresses, made known is manifest. All has been forever and will forever be source energy. There is no time, space, or matter because time, space, and matter are relative. All is movement. The Soul in it’s pure and primal nature has nothing to do with time, space, or matter, but only with eternity and that which belongs to forever. The Soul is divine, sacred source energy. What the Soul does must not be mistaken for what the Soul is. You do not need to do a thing. Be.

The body as material and physical, without the breathe of divinity, of sacred source energy would only lay there, unmoving and thoughtless. As we were given word; thought was created. We manifest through word and thought our unique individual reality, from and through Source. We create through matter, which is frequency and vibration of a lower density than that of Soul Source. Ancients knew of duality and labeled from this knowledge, all that they experienced as such. Would they have known anything but? Do you? Since we can see that matter has been since Ancient time, and all that we know as thought and word, we can see that it is up to the individual to affect the whole, as Source. In Ancient time there were then the taught-thoughts that they created from and knew only about. As individual mind, we can create only from what we know. As Soul, we are connected to Source, beyond duality.

All in duality carry the divine nature of masculine and feminine source code within. To procreate, some do not need to see the other as dual. Some hold both masculine and feminine within one source being to procreate. We are co-equal. Man carries woman, as woman carries man. Both are within one, as divinity. Feminine has always been as matter. It is within our recognition of it, that we experience it’s rise to our consciousness. The heart, as Soul beats within. The essence as Source is within all. We may say we are waiting for a time of the Divine Feminine, and yet it has always been within all. It is our awareness, our enlightenment that we hold that brings the rise to consciousness that we are One as Source, as divine, sacred Beings.

When the Soul seeks expression as Spirit, duality begins as word, as thought. Through this experience of self, we weave the threads of the veil of illusion. We become our own veil. This veil is woven of threads of our own light, that we then can trace our existence back to Source, as our divine, sacred energy we hold within our Soul.

Being without expression as thought or word, is Soul. Is absolute, that pertains to Source.
The seed of thought has been planted in the dark that the light may cause it to germinate. You, as Soul, as Source, as the Divine Being that you are, bring the Light into the darkness of thought, as word. You bring to your consciousness knowledge as word, as thought that the Soul is absolute, seemingly divided into duality consciousness, as your experience and expression through the physical, material matter that is frequency of vibration.

The Soul does not lose its Beingness in duality of word; thought or matter created. The Soul does not lose touch with Source being. Matter, as it is labeled through frequency of vibration, has no effect on the Soul, but only affects its expression. If one agrees to choose lower frequency of word as thought, out of ignorance or sentimentality, the Soul may bring Light to that lower frequency of vibration as matter created, yet the mind must bear with these lower density thoughts and all that they create, while within them. This is known as free will. We can see that there are no victims in this way. Through releasing of taught-thoughts and connecting with our Soul as Source as the divine being that we are in nature, we can learn to console ourselves. We can go within as Soul, to find the healing balm for all of the difficulties we endure in human life. There is equal cause and remedy in this way. Whatever occurs in human expression as word creating matter, can in no way affect the Soul as Source. As Source is seen as the creation of the physical, material universe, we can allow it to be Soul by getting out of our own way. Whenever and wherever the Soul may desire to express itself as Source, is our divine nature. We have choice. We choose the thoughts in our heads that we create and we choose the thoughts and words we express ourselves by, within ourselves and outwardly, to others.

Water contains living beings we call micro-organisms. Much has been discovered about these micro-organisms by scientists like Dr. Emoto and others. We have discovered that water holds thought-form. What we think; it’s frequency of vibration affects it’s nature. Since we are a great percentage of water, we create self within thought affecting the water which we are. This, in Ancient time would be called the Breath of Source. Your breath contains water as you breathe in the air which contains water molecules. This is our connecting power between Source and self, as matter. As word, as thought creating matter. As you emit breathe you send your personal code out into the universe. This is your Spirit. Your spirit-self that you have created through your personal code of ethics within your thoughts. Since water is both a transmitter and receiver of  thought as frequency of vibration, you are sending out these frequencies into the Universe as your Source code. This breath contains the generic life of all material, physical things. This is where Source meets matter. Source is within all of creation; all organic life. Breath, as thought-form thus enters within and becomes the expression of the Spirit of all living matter. Creative expression in the physical form takes place. Within this breath lays Spirit; life. This is where the Soul and Spirit meet to create matter. The inbreathing of the Soul into matter is Spirit, that which precedes every embodiment is the breath of its life; and the breath of that life is the Spirit of that life. There are always the two expressions in form representing one Soul (the masculine and the feminine embodiments) upon the earth at the same time, each expressing a corresponding degree of becoming; of enlightenment.

May you find peace in every breath. The intake breath is your commitment to life. The breath out is your past. The hesitation in between is presence. 

As it is a well known fact in science that the human organism contains some portion, however minute, of all the primal substances of the earth we can know that we are all that is and always have been. Source produced the action of  the "breath of existence," so that instead of being; the Soul state we were able to create and experience through word; thought." We become the doer. And all of creation became a living soul; thus the Soul had taken on the expression of  doing instead of remaining in the state of being. This act brought about the falling, as some call it into the denser energies of matter created through word. The Soul contacted matter and lowered it’s vibrational frequency to experience duality. The apple of knowledge was thus given and shared. We created language, a consciousness of time, the sense of this limitation. The past is over. The future yet to be attained. We live in thoughts of yesterday and reminiscence of days gone by.

We see this as a limitation. Our hearts long for the time of long ago, so much so that we crave it. It seems so much better in hind-sight. We can pare off the bitter for the sweet. We can pour over old photo’s, meet up with those of our youth to go over the fun times we had and forget the sorrows. As it is when we canonize those who have gone off before us to go home. We retain the essence of memory. The subtle flavor that we string into songs, poetry and art. We become hopeless romantics when we reminisce. These memories become sentimental journeys our hearts cling to. How far back would our spirit take us? Many recall past lives, lived as if those times would be the cure of these times. Is not our last breath, a past life? Aren’t these the moments we will reminisce about tomorrow? Are these embodiments creating? Our spirit longs so urgently for these moments we seek them out to call them back. Our hearts ache; our soul feels the pull. Are these moments creating our spirit that some have been in contact with, as the mortal body leaves and disconnects? Is this our spirit or our soul?

Our thoughts create our reality as the Spirit-self. Each thought expresses who we decide we are as a personality. Are we happy, grouchy, enlightened, depressed?  How would any of us tell a stranger who we are? How would we explain a loved ones personality? This is spirit. Not the complete being as the Soul. The expression we emanate through our particular thoughts creates in each the embodiment of who we say we are.  Our story. We plant the seed of illusion and watch as it grows into fruition. This is our personality. That is the face we show the world, yet not the whole being as Soul. We reap what we sow while here on earth as our spiritual self in as much as what ever our intentions, experiences or expressions are, creating our own vibratory frequency that we will take with us when we leave the body human. This is what we have to take with us. This is our personality. Our spiritual self as Soul Source. From those nearest to matter, to those expressions of spirit closest to unconditioned thoughts that allow light frequency.

We have said, “They all look the same,” of other cultures, races and so on. Why is this? Perhaps we haven’t lived in their vibration. Their personality. We haven’t accepted their belief systems. Haven’t held their babies, buried their loved ones. Our hearts can and do open to all. Our Soul resonates with all. It is our personality; Spirit that decides through thought creating word creating feeling. Through the ages all the same information has been given. What then is it, that keeps us from it? Taught-thoughts. We decide as personality what Spirit to emit. Personality is ego. Soul is Source. The intellect creates the personality. The heart is the Soul.

Although time is a human condition, when we leave the body we are reminded by those higher frequency beings that we may want to express ourselves in a way that coincides with the lighter vibration, if it is not yet our time.  We recall this as being told we couldn’t stay yet, we have the free will to decide. Our free will is not taken from us. 

We get to come into the material, physical space of spiritual expression as many times as we would choose to, until we have expressed all that we would like to in this realm of being. Our personality remains the same. We take off where we left off in the previous spiritual expression of identity. Some even recall vividly the last time they were expressing themselves on earth. They remember it so succinctly that they can find the information listed in history books, or have a strong desire to go to the place they recall that they lived at. The spirit may have had such a strong love bond with another, or have had their life taken abruptly. They have unfinished spiritual business. They identify that strongly with the spirit-self that lived previously that they are driven to re-create that expression and seek to find the answers within a different frame of reminiscence. This is not the Soul, but the spirit of the being that is being driven. The identity; the personality expressed remains bound to the material. The Soul is always with Source, as divine being. This is vibration. That is why we can pick up this vibration of frequency psychically and with instrumentation. This energy created is the spirit. The Soul is your divine being. The frequency of vibration varies. They are not the same.

In an altered state of meditation we may be given certain information, including words, symbols, scents, feelings and such. The Soul contacts us in any way possible to get messages across. Spirit also does this. The personality that does not die, may also contact us with messages through the memory of their existence. Some residual frequency runs like a non-ending circuit during trauma or addiction to a place or person on earth. We can also pick up on this with certain devices and our own minds. Spirit recognizes spirit. Some spirit entities are lower frequency than others and still a part of the whole as their Soul as Divine Source.

In each spirits embodiment we have memory. This memory may be being brought forward for us to work with to simply let it go or to work with it to raise it’s frequency. We can think of this as our past, although in spirit, there is no such thing. Time is a man-made confinement. Our past may be seen as a backdrop in a theatre against which one draws the contrast of the present with the past attainment. We feel our personality, as our spirit embodiment. We yearn for something, something deeper and yet, can’t quite grasp what that may be. We can choose to allow our present thought of an imperfection to be that backdrop, that contrast, which we stand in front of  to create expressions of self, realizing the light that we are as divinity. Through this contrast we can then remember that any achievement of expression will form but the stepping stone to that higher frequency. As we attain, we can give to others what we have received. We may learn and remember to simply be and that is enough. As we be, we release old thought-forms and may feel our spiritual expressions have reached a plateau. We may feel peace. We may realize that we would rather be beyond the duality of consciousness and conditioned thought.

In my expression as spirit-self, I have received a 12 pointed gold star in mediation. When I first saw this star it seemed fairly far away. Within the next month or so I saw in another form of meditation, that it had drawn quite near and had entered into my closest aura; my physical, material self through my third eye and up over the crown of my head. 

It has been said that, some souls in group of one hundred forty-four thousand come under the charge of an Archangel. This made sense to me, as I had been visited by a magnificently large Being years before. He had given me many messages upon seeing him, telepathically. This was life-altering. Since that time he has been speaking to me and giving me many messages. These words that he shares are not in my way of thinking precisely. The information he gives to me is new to me and has changed the way I view my life. He has said very simple universal truths. He has said very profound things to me. He states that we are not here to learn lessons at this point. That that is a dualistic way of looking at our expression. He is saying we are moving beyond duality and that these messages are for these changing times. That our personality as Spirit is ready to conjoin with our Soul; our heart. I hesitate to label this Being with a name. He has given me many symbols, one being a gold solar cross, another being a twelve-pointed golden star. I think much of what is given in this way, assists us in the knowledge that we have come here to earth choosing to forget until we decide to remember.

Through knowledge alone there can only be repetition, no creativity. That which is already known is rooted in the past. Much of our personality; Spirit is rooted there as well. Creative powers are rooted in the imagination. Imagination is the means by which we turn towards the stream of energy that has always been, as Source opening the self up beyond what has been and into what can be. I believe the veil we talk about is self-made, woven and designed since the start of one’s spiritual conception and embodiment.

I know I have had a very strong heart-opening to the point of my heart beating so quickly for such a long period of time that I could barely contain it, within my body. This has happened quite a few times and I hear the same from others, as well. We all go through different symptoms as we raise our frequency of vibrations. The heart is a powerful generator of bio-electricity. It is said that the soul resides within the heart space, in this chakra. This energy can be measured and extends to about 12-15’ around the body. I have practiced seeing my aura extending out 20’ all around my body. I did this instinctively and it has yielded results. I simply sit quietly and visualize this.
I imagine white light filling and surrounding me and request that my aura be this diameter.

One hundred forty-four thousand is an ancient Kabalistic and Messianic number. It is referred to in the vision of the Apocalypse in the New Testament. As history goes other groups of Souls, each numbering one hundred and forty-four thousand approached the earth, until all are embodied so that the planet can perfect its expression. It has been said that this largest group is divided into smaller ones, the two smallest numbering one hundred and forty-four Souls, and twelve Souls, respectively. The group of twelve is called a Family of Kindred Souls, and is in charge of a Parental Soul; i.e., a Soul having passed through the degrees of earthly expression and being, therefore one of its angels.

The number twelve is the mystical number, the sacred number of the ancients. The larger number,
one hundred and fortv-four, twelve times twelve, expresses also a mystical meaning, and has relation to the Twelve Angels, who, grouped in the angelic state, have charge of the twelve groups of Souls. One hundred and forty-four thousand constitute all that come in a certain period of time and begin, approximately, their lives together on the earth. One of these groups are those who first approach the earth and form what is called the " primal nation," the beginning. These take their primary lessons and pass on through the different steps of this life, taking the same steps at the same time, though scattered far and wide upon the earth.

The heart, as Soul produces a powerful electro-magnetic field that surpasses the brain, as Spirit.
This field, through quantum waves connects with the Soul, as Divine Sacred Source energy. When the personality; free will marries with the hearts field of energy, one can say we have connected to Source. This energy field becomes a beacon that broadcasts Light. Consequently Beings on the higher frequency planes of existence are able to notice this human breakthrough and are drawn to communicate. Our Soul is source energy. Our Spirit is personality. Lost Spirit can see this Light as well, and may want your assistance. This is why we can communicate with other Spirit and with Soul, as Source.

All Souls having expression at one time upon earth, being in groups, those in the groups of any twelve Souls (twenty-four embodied human lives) express themselves in similar states at the same time. The twelve groups composing the one hundred and forty-four are also, as groups, passing through similar experiences. We call this kindred spirit. Being human; as Spirit we divergence off the path, on our journey. When the culminating period is reached all will have had similar experiences. As all Souls in these groups of twelve, and one hundred and forty-four, and, at last, in the whole one hundred and forty-four thousand, have similar expressions and experiences within one of the cyclic periods of the earth, it is said that they have reached perfection in expression on earth.

During the times of great crises, there are those who were ready as Spirit, and who rally to the cause to share their essence, their frequency of vibration with other beings, the planet, the great waters; all flora and fauna. All who thus answered were kindred in Soul as well as Spirit, belonging to the same or kindred group as vibration and have reached the same frequency of perception, through expression and experience, at the same time. On earth today we have the great fortune to be able to communicate in a collective manner and thus, reach many more human personalities as Spirit than in ever in our history. We can present simultaneously to the whole world our thoughts as Spirit. Soul-groups of twelve and one hundred and forty-four and many more, receive what ever the new truth of global proportions may be together as one. Truth becomes global in this way. Much more frequency is transmitted all at the same time, world-wide. Thus, as Soul we unite. We could think of ourselves as an Angel. Of unconditioned thoughts; taught-thoughts being released to higher levels of vibration. Taught-thoughts as the material, physical expression now transformed into angelic Soul. This height has been attained by those that have led and guided the world, which slowly follows after them.

We all know, when ever we decide to change we take one step forward and two back. Change happens at a slow pace for even those who divinely seek it. When a crowd gathers of like-mind, miracles happen. That is because we create this by uniting our Soul with Source. We release duality consciousness to attain this. We express ourselves quite differently afterwards. Ask anyone that has died and that has been brought back to life. Their existence is altered. What if we all did this at once? What would this bring to earth? What if we all died, all at once and we were reborn into a divine way of being? A way of being without duality consciousness. Being from our heart, instead of our intellect. Angels would walk on earth, and they do. 

When Spirit raises it’s frequency, an Angel is created. This may sound like a bell as in the movie A Wonderful Life. Frequency does emit sound wave. We call the higher frequency beings Angels because we know; our senses tell us, that they have a higher vibration than we do and they seem to know much more than us. These beings called Angels have lived many levels of frequency through denser matter and have graduated, so to speak. They have completed their expression at earth school and are ready to be guides to those who have not yet reached their level of enlightenment. Some decide to come to earth as teachers and guides. I believe those like Thich Nhat Hanh are one. He speaks divinely of compassion for all. Those who talk of peaceful ways of resolution are divinely guided Souls who walk among us. They speak of being beyond duality as a way of expression. A way of thinking, feeling and being, which is beyond the spiritual state where we connect as one with our heart; Soul. These beings  are Guides; a Soul that has perfected its expression while on earth and the states of the Souls who are still in the progress of perfecting the expression.

Those who enter and pass through the earthly state and who have been gathered into the angelic-state of frequency of vibration, constitute the guides of those who wish to learn from them upon this earth, as teachers. Some say this would constitute a Guardian Angel on earth. When we speak of a Guardian Angel this term has been said to mean the Guardian Soul of a group of twelve Souls; twenty-four human spirits who are kindred Souls.

During the time I received a twelve-pointed gold star during meditation, I began teaching twelve women and was their guide to connecting deeply with their spiritual selves in a way that would assist their frequency of vibration. I became a spiritual teacher and guide. That does not mean that I have finished expressing myself here on earth. It means that I have reached a state where I feel I am able to give back that which I have learned while being here on earth.

We get to come here as many times as we like to express ourselves and raise our frequency of vibration. Some call this learning lessons. I call it awakening and enlightenment as we travel through certain ways of being. We can experience and express ourselves in these vibrations as many times as we choose to until we choose something different. This is our free will. When a child experiences a bumble bee for the first time while stepping on it, the child may learn that the bee stings. That is the experience. We gather information this way. The child learns that the bee would rather not be taken out of its expression in this way. This does not need to come with remorse, guilt, pain or suffering. It could come with compassion and a deep respect for all of life. As in any other experience or expression the past may repeat itself through the previous generations way of experiencing it’s expression. We can decide if this is our truth, their truth or a Universal Truth. This is our Free Will.

What we refer to as Angels have possession of all experience and wisdom of earth, and thus have the power to aid others who are following on in the pathway and pilgrimage of earthly life. Those of the frequency of Angels, are not within the frequency of spirits who wish us well as in that of departed friends or family members. These are Spirit. The frequencies of Angels are of a different vibration. Guardian Angels keep watch and guard by appointment over those spiritual states connected with the earth. They seem like a heavenly-appointed back-up plan, ministering to the needs of mortals. There are many levels of frequency of vibration, as there are in a music composition. While each frequency of vibration can stand on its own, they too can join together in harmony to assist one another.

The Soul as Source means there is no separation. Spirit is a frequency of vibration and a means of expressing who we believe ourselves to be as personality; existence. We may say things similar to, “He is very spirited“  referring to the personality. We may hear things like, “She is a an old soul” meaning wiser than her years. The state of being though, as Soul is always Source. There is never any change in the quality of the Soul. It is constant. Nothing can be added to it to alter or take away from that which is absolute. Whatever the expressions are they are expressions whose sources are all within the Soul. Each vibratory frequency is unique unto itself yet, can respond and has the capacity to join with one another. When we express our personality in a way that our vibration lowers we feel it within our body. Our physical self responds. When we express ourselves with a lighter frequency, we feel the body lift and spirits soar.

The Messianic Age is a theological term referring to a time of universal peace on the earth. Many are now saying that this frequency is quickening. It nearing may then complete one-half of all the Messianic periods of earth; therefore its culmination will also be a culmination for time preceding the creation and expression of Spirit; a restoration and a recognition of our divinity, as Soul. This would be a time of being beyond duality. An expression of spirit through the divine feminine, thus our heart centered being; Soul. A time of love and compassion for all. We are this sacred energy of love and compassion. We are the heart and soul of the world. Our spirit self as expression does have the capability to embrace all. We are rapidly approaching this frequency. We are the divine feminine as the Source and heart of earth. This has always been within us and a possibility. It is with our awareness of it and its implications, that we may embrace all, without condition, unifying all of life. Within each lays the masculine and feminine as divine creation.

Those emptied of themselves, as individual expression transmit such love and compassion. They show us the blueprint of existence. So many of us through what ever means of devotion we have chosen have experienced this light frequency. When we gather to release our individual expression of self, through group experience we can feel this even more deeply within our Soul. Like frequency recognizes like frequency and reacts to it. With compassion we realize sameness within all matter; physical and material. This touches our heart and soul to expand it. This has never left us. It is we who may leave it to travel our paths. When we decide to find ourselves again, when we decide to become aware, we know that the sacred energy of love and compassion has always been. As our divine selves, as Source we can see the contradictions of the taught-thoughts we have believed in. We can understand with compassion, that it was we who gave away our freedom through these ways of believing in duality. We have always been given the opportunity of profound joy through the heart awareness. We can now, in the present moment celebrate as each person becomes actualized within their expression of self. Within the heart center of divine feminine energy we can feel compassion for all. We can offer this to anyone or anything with Source as our strength. When we practice this daily we assist ourselves and others in raising the frequency of vibration within and without. The universe leads us away from the old paradigm of duality way of thinking and being. We can release the expression of ourselves as individuals and become one. We can share, unite, become soul-centered, give without the prospect of receiving. We can let go of the idea that we are here to learn lessons and be. Just be.

We are realizing the love of the child for the mother and the mother for her child as we learn to cherish Mother Earth.  A mother’s love waits as her child expresses itself.  A mother’s love lets her child fall on its collective face and still her heart beats in unison with her children. Her love is there for all of us in nature. She shares all she has and then some. We can sit on her lap and see the stars and galaxies, like diamonds that glitter from her bosom. We can sit within her energy and feel it rush to greet us, filling us with peace and tranquility outside the confines of duality consciousness. All we need do, is to be. The time has always been to give as we receive. We have gone through our childhood tantrums to become wiser about our Mother. We have found her in our collective heart to be a loving source for all with no conditioned thoughts, only giving of compassion and resources for our survival. We are now of an Age where we can support, unify and serve our Mother Earth in the same way that she has long supported us. By our inner work, through the raising of our vibration of frequency. Through this purification of our free will, we set our intentions collectively. We have risen. We have raised the level of being as spirit to one of collective Soul convening within Source. This is the highest frequency of vibration we can embrace while on this earth. This is love. This is peace beyond duality. One beam of light of which you are as Source, is precisely as perfect in quality as any of the sun's rays of creation. Your soul, is this essential nature. The perfection of Source is the perfection of the Soul as what you are. You are sacred. You are divine. You are a sacred, divine being of light. Source is infinite, as is your soul. In wisdom and in knowledge, these attributes are found in your soul, perfect in quality and infinitely there for you to experience and express. As you may see reflected in any water droplet, the whole of Source, so in your Soul are all the qualities of  Source. You only need to seek it out. Nothing is secret or kept from you. The blueprint has always been and will always be, as you are an intricate source of light. You are the drop of dew, the ocean and the stars above. You are the planets and they are you. No thing, no one is so far away that the smallest vibration does not reach you; so there is no existence or expression of life so alienated from Source, that does not include the whole, which is you. What ever the mind can conceive of is made manifest in reflection. You live a constant reminder.

As light is the cause of life in matter, as divine breath, so light is in the divine consciousness, as you as Source made manifest. The ancients spoke of this in their lore. Before this and after that, as word is consciousness, pure divine, sacred energy that you are. Soul is the innermost consciousness of the individual life, and that which the soul expresses, made known is manifest. All has been forever and will forever be source energy. There is no time, space, or matter because time, space, and matter are relative. All is movement. The Soul in it’s pure and primal nature has nothing to do with time, space, or matter, but only with eternity and that which belongs to forever. The Soul is divine, sacred source energy. What the Soul does must not be mistaken for what the Soul is. You do not need to do a thing. Be.

The body as material and physical, without the breathe of divinity, of sacred source energy would only lay there, unmoving and thoughtless. As we were given word; thought was created. We manifest through word and thought our unique individual reality, from and through Source. We create through matter, which is frequency and vibration of a lower density than that of Soul Source. Ancients knew of duality and labeled from this knowledge, all that they experienced as such. Would they have known anything but? Do you? Since we can see that matter has been since Ancient time, and all that we know as thought and word, we can see that it is up to the individual to affect the whole, as Source. In Ancient time there were then the taught-thoughts that they created from and knew only about. As individual mind, we can create only from what we know. As Soul, we are connected to Source, beyond duality.

All in duality carry the divine nature of masculine and feminine source code within. To procreate, some do not need to see the other as dual. Some hold both masculine and feminine within one source being to procreate. We are co-equal. Man carries woman, as woman carries man. Both are within one, as divinity. Feminine has always been as matter. It is within our recognition of it, that we experience it’s rise to our consciousness. The heart, as Soul beats within. The essence as Source is within all. We may say we are waiting for a time of the Divine Feminine, and yet it has always been within all. It is our awareness, our enlightenment that we hold that brings the rise to consciousness that we are One as Source, as divine, sacred Beings.

When the Soul seeks expression as Spirit, duality begins as word, as thought. Through this experience of self, we weave the threads of the veil of illusion. We become our own veil. This veil is woven of threads of our own light, that we then can trace our existence back to Source, as our divine, sacred energy we hold within our Soul.

Being without expression as thought or word, is Soul. Is absolute, that pertains to Source.
The seed of thought has been planted in the dark that the light may cause it to germinate. You, as Soul, as Source, as the Divine Being that you are, bring the Light into the darkness of thought, as word. You bring to your consciousness knowledge as word, as thought that the Soul is absolute, seemingly divided into duality consciousness, as your experience and expression through the physical, material matter that is frequency of vibration.

The Soul does not lose its Beingness in duality of word; thought or matter created. The Soul does not lose touch with Source being. Matter, as it is labeled through frequency of vibration, has no effect on the Soul, but only affects its expression. If one agrees to choose lower frequency of word as thought, out of ignorance or sentimentality, the Soul may bring Light to that lower frequency of vibration as matter created, yet the mind must bear with these lower density thoughts and all that they create, while within them. This is known as free will. We can see that there are no victims in this way. Through releasing of taught-thoughts and connecting with our Soul as Source as the divine being that we are in nature, we can learn to console ourselves. We can go within as Soul, to find the healing balm for all of the difficulties we endure in human life. There is equal cause and remedy in this way. Whatever occurs in human expression as word creating matter, can in no way affect the Soul as Source. As Source is seen as the creation of the physical, material universe, we can allow it to be Soul by getting out of our own way. Whenever and wherever the Soul may desire to express itself as Source, is our divine nature. We have choice. We choose the thoughts in our heads that we create and we choose the thoughts and words we express ourselves by, within ourselves and outwardly, to others.

Water contains living beings we call micro-organisms. Much has been discovered about these micro-organisms by scientists like Dr. Emoto and others. We have discovered that water holds thought-form. What we think; it’s frequency of vibration affects it’s nature. Since we are a great percentage of water, we create self within thought affecting the water which we are. This, in Ancient time would be called the Breath of Source. Your breath contains water as you breathe in the air which contains water molecules. This is our connecting power between Source and self, as matter. As word, as thought creating matter. As you emit breathe you send your personal code out into the universe. This is your Spirit. Your spirit-self that you have created through your personal code of ethics within your thoughts. Since water is both a transmitter and receiver of  thought as frequency of vibration, you are sending out these frequencies into the Universe as your Source code. This breath contains the generic life of all material, physical things. This is where Source meets matter. Source is within all of creation; all organic life. Breath, as thought-form thus enters within and becomes the expression of the Spirit of all living matter. Creative expression in the physical form takes place. Within this breath lays Spirit; life. This is where the Soul and Spirit meet to create matter. The inbreathing of the Soul into matter is Spirit, that which precedes every embodiment is the breath of its life; and the breath of that life is the Spirit of that life. There are always the two expressions in form representing one Soul (the masculine and the feminine embodiments) upon the earth at the same time, each expressing a corresponding degree of becoming; of enlightenment.

May you find peace in every breath. The intake breath is your commitment to life. The breath out is your past. The hesitation in between is presence.

As it is a well known fact in science that the human organism contains some portion, however minute, of all the primal substances of the earth we can know that we are all that is and always have been. Source produced the action of  the "breath of existence," so that instead of being; the Soul state we were able to create and experience through word; thought." We become the doer. And all of creation became a living soul; thus the Soul had taken on the expression of  doing instead of remaining in the state of being. This act brought about the falling, as some call it into the denser energies of matter created through word. The Soul contacted matter and lowered it’s vibrational frequency to experience duality. The apple of knowledge was thus given and shared. We created language, a consciousness of time, the sense of this limitation. The past is over. The future yet to be attained. We live in thoughts of yesterday and reminiscence of days gone by.

We see this as a limitation. Our hearts long for the time of long ago, so much so that we crave it. It seems so much better in hind-sight. We can pare off the bitter for the sweet. We can pour over old photo’s, meet up with those of our youth to go over the fun times we had and forget the sorrows. As it is when we canonize those who have gone off before us to go home. We retain the essence of memory. The subtle flavor that we string into songs, poetry and art. We become hopeless romantics when we reminisce. These memories become sentimental journeys our hearts cling to. How far back would our spirit take us? Many recall past lives, lived as if those times would be the cure of these times. Is not our last breath, a past life? Aren’t these the moments we will reminisce about tomorrow? Are these embodiments creating? Our spirit longs so urgently for these moments we seek them out to call them back. Our hearts ache; our soul feels the pull. Are these moments creating our spirit that some have been in contact with, as the mortal body leaves and disconnects? Is this our spirit or our soul?

Our thoughts create our reality as the Spirit-self. Each thought expresses who we decide we are as a personality. Are we happy, grouchy, enlightened, depressed?  How would any of us tell a stranger who we are? How would we explain a loved ones personality? This is spirit. Not the complete being as the Soul. The expression we emanate through our particular thoughts creates in each the embodiment of who we say we are.  Our story. We plant the seed of illusion and watch as it grows into fruition. This is our personality. That is the face we show the world, yet not the whole being as Soul. We reap what we sow while here on earth as our spiritual self in as much as what ever our intentions, experiences or expressions are, creating our own vibratory frequency that we will take with us when we leave the body human. This is what we have to take with us. This is our personality. Our spiritual self as Soul Source. From those nearest to matter, to those expressions of spirit closest to unconditioned thoughts that allow light frequency.

We have said, “They all look the same,” of other cultures, races and so on. Why is this? Perhaps we haven’t lived in their vibration. Their personality. We haven’t accepted their belief systems. Haven’t held their babies, buried their loved ones. Our hearts can and do open to all. Our Soul resonates with all. It is our personality; Spirit that decides through thought creating word creating feeling. Through the ages all the same information has been given. What then is it, that keeps us from it? Taught-thoughts. We decide as personality what Spirit to emit. Personality is ego. Soul is Source. The intellect creates the personality. The heart is the Soul.

Although time is a human condition, when we leave the body we are reminded by those higher frequency beings that we may want to express ourselves in a way that coincides with the lighter vibration, if it is not yet our time.  We recall this as being told we couldn’t stay yet, we have the free will to decide. Our free will is not taken from us.

We get to come into the material, physical space of spiritual expression as many times as we would choose to, until we have expressed all that we would like to in this realm of being. Our personality remains the same. We take off where we left off in the previous spiritual expression of identity. Some even recall vividly the last time they were expressing themselves on earth. They remember it so succinctly that they can find the information listed in history books, or have a strong desire to go to the place they recall that they lived at. The spirit may have had such a strong love bond with another, or have had their life taken abruptly. They have unfinished spiritual business. They identify that strongly with the spirit-self that lived previously that they are driven to re-create that expression and seek to find the answers within a different frame of reminiscence. This is not the Soul, but the spirit of the being that is being driven. The identity; the personality expressed remains bound to the material. The Soul is always with Source, as divine being. This is vibration. That is why we can pick up this vibration of frequency psychically and with instrumentation. This energy created is the spirit. The Soul is your divine being. The frequency of vibration varies. They are not the same.

In an altered state of meditation we may be given certain information, including words, symbols, scents, feelings and such. The Soul contacts us in any way possible to get messages across. Spirit also does this. The personality that does not die, may also contact us with messages through the memory of their existence. Some residual frequency runs like a non-ending circuit during trauma or addiction to a place or person on earth. We can also pick up on this with certain devices and our own minds. Spirit recognizes spirit. Some spirit entities are lower frequency than others and still a part of the whole as their Soul as Divine Source.

In each spirits embodiment we have memory. This memory may be being brought forward for us to work with to simply let it go or to work with it to raise it’s frequency. We can think of this as our past, although in spirit, there is no such thing. Time is a man-made confinement. Our past may be seen as a backdrop in a theatre against which one draws the contrast of the present with the past attainment. We feel our personality, as our spirit embodiment. We yearn for something, something deeper and yet, can’t quite grasp what that may be. We can choose to allow our present thought of an imperfection to be that backdrop, that contrast, which we stand in front of  to create expressions of self, realizing the light that we are as divinity. Through this contrast we can then remember that any achievement of expression will form but the stepping stone to that higher frequency. As we attain, we can give to others what we have received. We may learn and remember to simply be and that is enough. As we be, we release old thought-forms and may feel our spiritual expressions have reached a plateau. We may feel peace. We may realize that we would rather be beyond the duality of consciousness and conditioned thought.

In my expression as spirit-self, I have received a 12 pointed gold star in mediation. When I first saw this star it seemed fairly far away. Within the next month or so I saw in another form of meditation, that it had drawn quite near and had entered into my closest aura; my physical, material self through my third eye and up over the crown of my head.

It has been said that, some souls in group of one hundred forty-four thousand come under the charge of an Archangel. This made sense to me, as I had been visited by a magnificently large Being years before. He had given me many messages upon seeing him, telepathically. This was life-altering. Since that time he has been speaking to me and giving me many messages. These words that he shares are not in my way of thinking precisely. The information he gives to me is new to me and has changed the way I view my life. He has said very simple universal truths. He has said very profound things to me. He states that we are not here to learn lessons at this point. That that is a dualistic way of looking at our expression. He is saying we are moving beyond duality and that these messages are for these changing times. That our personality as Spirit is ready to conjoin with our Soul; our heart. I hesitate to label this Being with a name. He has given me many symbols, one being a gold solar cross, another being a twelve-pointed golden star. I think much of what is given in this way, assists us in the knowledge that we have come here to earth choosing to forget until we decide to remember.

Through knowledge alone there can only be repetition, no creativity. That which is already known is rooted in the past. Much of our personality; Spirit is rooted there as well. Creative powers are rooted in the imagination. Imagination is the means by which we turn towards the stream of energy that has always been, as Source opening the self up beyond what has been and into what can be. I believe the veil we talk about is self-made, woven and designed since the start of one’s spiritual conception and embodiment.

I know I have had a very strong heart-opening to the point of my heart beating so quickly for such a long period of time that I could barely contain it, within my body. This has happened quite a few times and I hear the same from others, as well. We all go through different symptoms as we raise our frequency of vibrations. The heart is a powerful generator of bio-electricity. It is said that the soul resides within the heart space, in this chakra. This energy can be measured and extends to about 12-15’ around the body. I have practiced seeing my aura extending out 20’ all around my body. I did this instinctively and it has yielded results. I simply sit quietly and visualize this.
I imagine white light filling and surrounding me and request that my aura be this diameter.

One hundred forty-four thousand is an ancient Kabalistic and Messianic number. It is referred to in the vision of the Apocalypse in the New Testament. As history goes other groups of Souls, each numbering one hundred and forty-four thousand approached the earth, until all are embodied so that the planet can perfect its expression. It has been said that this largest group is divided into smaller ones, the two smallest numbering one hundred and forty-four Souls, and twelve Souls, respectively. The group of twelve is called a Family of Kindred Souls, and is in charge of a Parental Soul; i.e., a Soul having passed through the degrees of earthly expression and being, therefore one of its angels.

The number twelve is the mystical number, the sacred number of the ancients. The larger number,
one hundred and fortv-four, twelve times twelve, expresses also a mystical meaning, and has relation to the Twelve Angels, who, grouped in the angelic state, have charge of the twelve groups of Souls. One hundred and forty-four thousand constitute all that come in a certain period of time and begin, approximately, their lives together on the earth. One of these groups are those who first approach the earth and form what is called the " primal nation," the beginning. These take their primary lessons and pass on through the different steps of this life, taking the same steps at the same time, though scattered far and wide upon the earth.

The heart, as Soul produces a powerful electro-magnetic field that surpasses the brain, as Spirit.
This field, through quantum waves connects with the Soul, as Divine Sacred Source energy. When the personality; free will marries with the hearts field of energy, one can say we have connected to Source. This energy field becomes a beacon that broadcasts Light. Consequently Beings on the higher frequency planes of existence are able to notice this human breakthrough and are drawn to communicate. Our Soul is source energy. Our Spirit is personality. Lost Spirit can see this Light as well, and may want your assistance. This is why we can communicate with other Spirit and with Soul, as Source.

All Souls having expression at one time upon earth, being in groups, those in the groups of any twelve Souls (twenty-four embodied human lives) express themselves in similar states at the same time. The twelve groups composing the one hundred and forty-four are also, as groups, passing through similar experiences. We call this kindred spirit. Being human; as Spirit we divergence off the path, on our journey. When the culminating period is reached all will have had similar experiences. As all Souls in these groups of twelve, and one hundred and forty-four, and, at last, in the whole one hundred and forty-four thousand, have similar expressions and experiences within one of the cyclic periods of the earth, it is said that they have reached perfection in expression on earth.

During the times of great crises, there are those who were ready as Spirit, and who rally to the cause to share their essence, their frequency of vibration with other beings, the planet, the great waters; all flora and fauna. All who thus answered were kindred in Soul as well as Spirit, belonging to the same or kindred group as vibration and have reached the same frequency of perception, through expression and experience, at the same time. On earth today we have the great fortune to be able to communicate in a collective manner and thus, reach many more human personalities as Spirit than in ever in our history. We can present simultaneously to the whole world our thoughts as Spirit. Soul-groups of twelve and one hundred and forty-four and many more, receive what ever the new truth of global proportions may be together as one. Truth becomes global in this way. Much more frequency is transmitted all at the same time, world-wide. Thus, as Soul we unite. We could think of ourselves as an Angel. Of unconditioned thoughts; taught-thoughts being released to higher levels of vibration. Taught-thoughts as the material, physical expression now transformed into angelic Soul. This height has been attained by those that have led and guided the world, which slowly follows after them.

We all know, when ever we decide to change we take one step forward and two back. Change happens at a slow pace for even those who divinely seek it. When a crowd gathers of like-mind, miracles happen. That is because we create this by uniting our Soul with Source. We release duality consciousness to attain this. We express ourselves quite differently afterwards. Ask anyone that has died and that has been brought back to life. Their existence is altered. What if we all did this at once? What would this bring to earth? What if we all died, all at once and we were reborn into a divine way of being? A way of being without duality consciousness. Being from our heart, instead of our intellect. Angels would walk on earth, and they do.

When Spirit raises it’s frequency, an Angel is created. This may sound like a bell as in the movie A Wonderful Life. Frequency does emit sound wave. We call the higher frequency beings Angels because we know; our senses tell us, that they have a higher vibration than we do and they seem to know much more than us. These beings called Angels have lived many levels of frequency through denser matter and have graduated, so to speak. They have completed their expression at earth school and are ready to be guides to those who have not yet reached their level of enlightenment. Some decide to come to earth as teachers and guides. I believe those like Thich Nhat Hanh are one. He speaks divinely of compassion for all. Those who talk of peaceful ways of resolution are divinely guided Souls who walk among us. They speak of being beyond duality as a way of expression. A way of thinking, feeling and being, which is beyond the spiritual state where we connect as one with our heart; Soul. These beings  are Guides; a Soul that has perfected its expression while on earth and the states of the Souls who are still in the progress of perfecting the expression.

Those who enter and pass through the earthly state and who have been gathered into the angelic-state of frequency of vibration, constitute the guides of those who wish to learn from them upon this earth, as teachers. Some say this would constitute a Guardian Angel on earth. When we speak of a Guardian Angel this term has been said to mean the Guardian Soul of a group of twelve Souls; twenty-four human spirits who are kindred Souls.

During the time I received a twelve-pointed gold star during meditation, I began teaching twelve women and was their guide to connecting deeply with their spiritual selves in a way that would assist their frequency of vibration. I became a spiritual teacher and guide. That does not mean that I have finished expressing myself here on earth. It means that I have reached a state where I feel I am able to give back that which I have learned while being here on earth.

We get to come here as many times as we like to express ourselves and raise our frequency of vibration. Some call this learning lessons. I call it awakening and enlightenment as we travel through certain ways of being. We can experience and express ourselves in these vibrations as many times as we choose to until we choose something different. This is our free will. When a child experiences a bumble bee for the first time while stepping on it, the child may learn that the bee stings. That is the experience. We gather information this way. The child learns that the bee would rather not be taken out of its expression in this way. This does not need to come with remorse, guilt, pain or suffering. It could come with compassion and a deep respect for all of life. As in any other experience or expression the past may repeat itself through the previous generations way of experiencing it’s expression. We can decide if this is our truth, their truth or a Universal Truth. This is our Free Will.

What we refer to as Angels have possession of all experience and wisdom of earth, and thus have the power to aid others who are following on in the pathway and pilgrimage of earthly life. Those of the frequency of Angels, are not within the frequency of spirits who wish us well as in that of departed friends or family members. These are Spirit. The frequencies of Angels are of a different vibration. Guardian Angels keep watch and guard by appointment over those spiritual states connected with the earth. They seem like a heavenly-appointed back-up plan, ministering to the needs of mortals. There are many levels of frequency of vibration, as there are in a music composition. While each frequency of vibration can stand on its own, they too can join together in harmony to assist one another.

The Soul as Source means there is no separation. Spirit is a frequency of vibration and a means of expressing who we believe ourselves to be as personality; existence. We may say things similar to, “He is very spirited“  referring to the personality. We may hear things like, “She is a an old soul” meaning wiser than her years. The state of being though, as Soul is always Source. There is never any change in the quality of the Soul. It is constant. Nothing can be added to it to alter or take away from that which is absolute. Whatever the expressions are they are expressions whose sources are all within the Soul. Each vibratory frequency is unique unto itself yet, can respond and has the capacity to join with one another. When we express our personality in a way that our vibration lowers we feel it within our body. Our physical self responds. When we express ourselves with a lighter frequency, we feel the body lift and spirits soar.

The Messianic Age is a theological term referring to a time of universal peace on the earth. Many are now saying that this frequency is quickening. It nearing may then complete one-half of all the Messianic periods of earth; therefore its culmination will also be a culmination for time preceding the creation and expression of Spirit; a restoration and a recognition of our divinity, as Soul. This would be a time of being beyond duality. An expression of spirit through the divine feminine, thus our heart centered being; Soul. A time of love and compassion for all. We are this sacred energy of love and compassion. We are the heart and soul of the world. Our spirit self as expression does have the capability to embrace all. We are rapidly approaching this frequency. We are the divine feminine as the Source and heart of earth. This has always been within us and a possibility. It is with our awareness of it and its implications, that we may embrace all, without condition, unifying all of life. Within each lays the masculine and feminine as divine creation.

One beam of light of which you are as Source, is precisely as perfect in quality as any of the sun's rays of creation. Your soul, is this essential nature. The perfection of Source is the perfection of the Soul as what you are. You are sacred. You are divine. You are a sacred, divine being of light. Source is infinite, as is your soul. In wisdom and in knowledge, these attributes are found in your soul, perfect in quality and infinitely there for you to experience and express. As you may see reflected in any water droplet, the whole of Source, so in your Soul are all the qualities of  Source. You only need to seek it out. Nothing is secret or kept from you. The blueprint has always been and will always be, as you are an intricate source of light. You are the drop of dew, the ocean and the stars above. You are the planets and they are you. No thing, no one is so far away that the smallest vibration does not reach you; so there is no existence or expression of life so alienated from Source, that does not include the whole, which is you. What ever the mind can conceive of is made manifest in reflection. You live a constant reminder.

As light is the cause of life in matter, as divine breath, so light is in the divine consciousness, as you as Source made manifest. The ancients spoke of this in their lore. Before this and after that, as word is consciousness, pure divine, sacred energy that you are. Soul is the innermost consciousness of the individual life, and that which the soul expresses, made known is manifest. All has been forever and will forever be source energy. There is no time, space, or matter because time, space, and matter are relative. All is movement. The Soul in it’s pure and primal nature has nothing to do with time, space, or matter, but only with eternity and that which belongs to forever. The Soul is divine, sacred source energy. What the Soul does must not be mistaken for what the Soul is. You do not need to do a thing. Be.

The body as material and physical, without the breathe of divinity, of sacred source energy would only lay there, unmoving and thoughtless. As we were given word; thought was created. We manifest through word and thought our unique individual reality, from and through Source. We create through matter, which is frequency and vibration of a lower density than that of Soul Source. Ancients knew of duality and labeled from this knowledge, all that they experienced as such. Would they have known anything but? Do you? Since we can see that matter has been since Ancient time, and all that we know as thought and word, we can see that it is up to the individual to affect the whole, as Source. In Ancient time there were then the taught-thoughts that they created from and knew only about. As individual mind, we can create only from what we know. As Soul, we are connected to Source, beyond duality.

All in duality carry the divine nature of masculine and feminine source code within. To procreate, some do not need to see the other as dual. Some hold both masculine and feminine within one source being to procreate. We are co-equal. Man carries woman, as woman carries man. Both are within one, as divinity. Feminine has always been as matter. It is within our recognition of it, that we experience it’s rise to our consciousness. The heart, as Soul beats within. The essence as Source is within all. We may say we are waiting for a time of the Divine Feminine, and yet it has always been within all. It is our awareness, our enlightenment that we hold that brings the rise to consciousness that we are One as Source, as divine, sacred Beings.

When the Soul seeks expression as Spirit, duality begins as word, as thought. Through this experience of self, we weave the threads of the veil of illusion. We become our own veil. This veil is woven of threads of our own light, that we then can trace our existence back to Source, as our divine, sacred energy we hold within our Soul.

Being without expression as thought or word, is Soul. Is absolute, that pertains to Source.
The seed of thought has been planted in the dark that the light may cause it to germinate. You, as Soul, as Source, as the Divine Being that you are, bring the Light into the darkness of thought, as word. You bring to your consciousness knowledge as word, as thought that the Soul is absolute, seemingly divided into duality consciousness, as your experience and expression through the physical, material matter that is frequency of vibration.

The Soul does not lose its Beingness in duality of word; thought or matter created. The Soul does not lose touch with Source being. Matter, as it is labeled through frequency of vibration, has no effect on the Soul, but only affects its expression. If one agrees to choose lower frequency of word as thought, out of ignorance or sentimentality, the Soul may bring Light to that lower frequency of vibration as matter created, yet the mind must bear with these lower density thoughts and all that they create, while within them. This is known as free will. We can see that there are no victims in this way. Through releasing of taught-thoughts and connecting with our Soul as Source as the divine being that we are in nature, we can learn to console ourselves. We can go within as Soul, to find the healing balm for all of the difficulties we endure in human life. There is equal cause and remedy in this way. Whatever occurs in human expression as word creating matter, can in no way affect the Soul as Source. As Source is seen as the creation of the physical, material universe, we can allow it to be Soul by getting out of our own way. Whenever and wherever the Soul may desire to express itself as Source, is our divine nature. We have choice. We choose the thoughts in our heads that we create and we choose the thoughts and words we express ourselves by, within ourselves and outwardly, to others.

Water contains living beings we call micro-organisms. Much has been discovered about these micro-organisms by scientists like Dr. Emoto and others. We have discovered that water holds thought-form. What we think; it’s frequency of vibration affects it’s nature. Since we are a great percentage of water, we create self within thought affecting the water which we are. This, in Ancient time would be called the Breath of Source. Your breath contains water as you breathe in the air which contains water molecules. This is our connecting power between Source and self, as matter. As word, as thought creating matter. As you emit breathe you send your personal code out into the universe. This is your Spirit. Your spirit-self that you have created through your personal code of ethics within your thoughts. Since water is both a transmitter and receiver of  thought as frequency of vibration, you are sending out these frequencies into the Universe as your Source code. This breath contains the generic life of all material, physical things. This is where Source meets matter. Source is within all of creation; all organic life. Breath, as thought-form thus enters within and becomes the expression of the Spirit of all living matter. Creative expression in the physical form takes place. Within this breath lays Spirit; life. This is where the Soul and Spirit meet to create matter. The inbreathing of the Soul into matter is Spirit, that which precedes every embodiment is the breath of its life; and the breath of that life is the Spirit of that life. There are always the two expressions in form representing one Soul (the masculine and the feminine embodiments) upon the earth at the same time, each expressing a corresponding degree of becoming; of enlightenment.

May you find peace in every breath. The intake breath is your commitment to life. The breath out is your past. The hesitation in between is presence.

As it is a well known fact in science that the human organism contains some portion, however minute, of all the primal substances of the earth we can know that we are all that is and always have been. Source produced the action of  the "breath of existence," so that instead of being; the Soul state we were able to create and experience through word; thought." We become the doer. And all of creation became a living soul; thus the Soul had taken on the expression of  doing instead of remaining in the state of being. This act brought about the falling, as some call it into the denser energies of matter created through word. The Soul contacted matter and lowered it’s vibrational frequency to experience duality. The apple of knowledge was thus given and shared. We created language, a consciousness of time, the sense of this limitation. The past is over. The future yet to be attained. We live in thoughts of yesterday and reminiscence of days gone by.

We see this as a limitation. Our hearts long for the time of long ago, so much so that we crave it. It seems so much better in hind-sight. We can pare off the bitter for the sweet. We can pour over old photo’s, meet up with those of our youth to go over the fun times we had and forget the sorrows. As it is when we canonize those who have gone off before us to go home. We retain the essence of memory. The subtle flavor that we string into songs, poetry and art. We become hopeless romantics when we reminisce. These memories become sentimental journeys our hearts cling to. How far back would our spirit take us? Many recall past lives, lived as if those times would be the cure of these times. Is not our last breath, a past life? Aren’t these the moments we will reminisce about tomorrow? Are these embodiments creating? Our spirit longs so urgently for these moments we seek them out to call them back. Our hearts ache; our soul feels the pull. Are these moments creating our spirit that some have been in contact with, as the mortal body leaves and disconnects? Is this our spirit or our soul?

Our thoughts create our reality as the Spirit-self. Each thought expresses who we decide we are as a personality. Are we happy, grouchy, enlightened, depressed?  How would any of us tell a stranger who we are? How would we explain a loved ones personality? This is spirit. Not the complete being as the Soul. The expression we emanate through our particular thoughts creates in each the embodiment of who we say we are.  Our story. We plant the seed of illusion and watch as it grows into fruition. This is our personality. That is the face we show the world, yet not the whole being as Soul. We reap what we sow while here on earth as our spiritual self in as much as what ever our intentions, experiences or expressions are, creating our own vibratory frequency that we will take with us when we leave the body human. This is what we have to take with us. This is our personality. Our spiritual self as Soul Source. From those nearest to matter, to those expressions of spirit closest to unconditioned thoughts that allow light frequency.

We have said, “They all look the same,” of other cultures, races and so on. Why is this? Perhaps we haven’t lived in their vibration. Their personality. We haven’t accepted their belief systems. Haven’t held their babies, buried their loved ones. Our hearts can and do open to all. Our Soul resonates with all. It is our personality; Spirit that decides through thought creating word creating feeling. Through the ages all the same information has been given. What then is it, that keeps us from it? Taught-thoughts. We decide as personality what Spirit to emit. Personality is ego. Soul is Source. The intellect creates the personality. The heart is the Soul.

Although time is a human condition, when we leave the body we are reminded by those higher frequency beings that we may want to express ourselves in a way that coincides with the lighter vibration, if it is not yet our time.  We recall this as being told we couldn’t stay yet, we have the free will to decide. Our free will is not taken from us.

We get to come into the material, physical space of spiritual expression as many times as we would choose to, until we have expressed all that we would like to in this realm of being. Our personality remains the same. We take off where we left off in the previous spiritual expression of identity. Some even recall vividly the last time they were expressing themselves on earth. They remember it so succinctly that they can find the information listed in history books, or have a strong desire to go to the place they recall that they lived at. The spirit may have had such a strong love bond with another, or have had their life taken abruptly. They have unfinished spiritual business. They identify that strongly with the spirit-self that lived previously that they are driven to re-create that expression and seek to find the answers within a different frame of reminiscence. This is not the Soul, but the spirit of the being that is being driven. The identity; the personality expressed remains bound to the material. The Soul is always with Source, as divine being. This is vibration. That is why we can pick up this vibration of frequency psychically and with instrumentation. This energy created is the spirit. The Soul is your divine being. The frequency of vibration varies. They are not the same.

In an altered state of meditation we may be given certain information, including words, symbols, scents, feelings and such. The Soul contacts us in any way possible to get messages across. Spirit also does this. The personality that does not die, may also contact us with messages through the memory of their existence. Some residual frequency runs like a non-ending circuit during trauma or addiction to a place or person on earth. We can also pick up on this with certain devices and our own minds. Spirit recognizes spirit. Some spirit entities are lower frequency than others and still a part of the whole as their Soul as Divine Source.

In each spirits embodiment we have memory. This memory may be being brought forward for us to work with to simply let it go or to work with it to raise it’s frequency. We can think of this as our past, although in spirit, there is no such thing. Time is a man-made confinement. Our past may be seen as a backdrop in a theatre against which one draws the contrast of the present with the past attainment. We feel our personality, as our spirit embodiment. We yearn for something, something deeper and yet, can’t quite grasp what that may be. We can choose to allow our present thought of an imperfection to be that backdrop, that contrast, which we stand in front of  to create expressions of self, realizing the light that we are as divinity. Through this contrast we can then remember that any achievement of expression will form but the stepping stone to that higher frequency. As we attain, we can give to others what we have received. We may learn and remember to simply be and that is enough. As we be, we release old thought-forms and may feel our spiritual expressions have reached a plateau. We may feel peace. We may realize that we would rather be beyond the duality of consciousness and conditioned thought.

In my expression as spirit-self, I have received a 12 pointed gold star in mediation. When I first saw this star it seemed fairly far away. Within the next month or so I saw in another form of meditation, that it had drawn quite near and had entered into my closest aura; my physical, material self through my third eye and up over the crown of my head.

It has been said that, some souls in group of one hundred forty-four thousand come under the charge of an Archangel. This made sense to me, as I had been visited by a magnificently large Being years before. He had given me many messages upon seeing him, telepathically. This was life-altering. Since that time he has been speaking to me and giving me many messages. These words that he shares are not in my way of thinking precisely. The information he gives to me is new to me and has changed the way I view my life. He has said very simple universal truths. He has said very profound things to me. He states that we are not here to learn lessons at this point. That that is a dualistic way of looking at our expression. He is saying we are moving beyond duality and that these messages are for these changing times. That our personality as Spirit is ready to conjoin with our Soul; our heart. I hesitate to label this Being with a name. He has given me many symbols, one being a gold solar cross, another being a twelve-pointed golden star. I think much of what is given in this way, assists us in the knowledge that we have come here to earth choosing to forget until we decide to remember.

Through knowledge alone there can only be repetition, no creativity. That which is already known is rooted in the past. Much of our personality; Spirit is rooted there as well. Creative powers are rooted in the imagination. Imagination is the means by which we turn towards the stream of energy that has always been, as Source opening the self up beyond what has been and into what can be. I believe the veil we talk about is self-made, woven and designed since the start of one’s spiritual conception and embodiment.

I know I have had a very strong heart-opening to the point of my heart beating so quickly for such a long period of time that I could barely contain it, within my body. This has happened quite a few times and I hear the same from others, as well. We all go through different symptoms as we raise our frequency of vibrations. The heart is a powerful generator of bio-electricity. It is said that the soul resides within the heart space, in this chakra. This energy can be measured and extends to about 12-15’ around the body. I have practiced seeing my aura extending out 20’ all around my body. I did this instinctively and it has yielded results. I simply sit quietly and visualize this.
I imagine white light filling and surrounding me and request that my aura be this diameter.

One hundred forty-four thousand is an ancient Kabalistic and Messianic number. It is referred to in the vision of the Apocalypse in the New Testament. As history goes other groups of Souls, each numbering one hundred and forty-four thousand approached the earth, until all are embodied so that the planet can perfect its expression. It has been said that this largest group is divided into smaller ones, the two smallest numbering one hundred and forty-four Souls, and twelve Souls, respectively. The group of twelve is called a Family of Kindred Souls, and is in charge of a Parental Soul; i.e., a Soul having passed through the degrees of earthly expression and being, therefore one of its angels.

The number twelve is the mystical number, the sacred number of the ancients. The larger number,
one hundred and fortv-four, twelve times twelve, expresses also a mystical meaning, and has relation to the Twelve Angels, who, grouped in the angelic state, have charge of the twelve groups of Souls. One hundred and forty-four thousand constitute all that come in a certain period of time and begin, approximately, their lives together on the earth. One of these groups are those who first approach the earth and form what is called the " primal nation," the beginning. These take their primary lessons and pass on through the different steps of this life, taking the same steps at the same time, though scattered far and wide upon the earth.

The heart, as Soul produces a powerful electro-magnetic field that surpasses the brain, as Spirit.
This field, through quantum waves connects with the Soul, as Divine Sacred Source energy. When the personality; free will marries with the hearts field of energy, one can say we have connected to Source. This energy field becomes a beacon that broadcasts Light. Consequently Beings on the higher frequency planes of existence are able to notice this human breakthrough and are drawn to communicate. Our Soul is source energy. Our Spirit is personality. Lost Spirit can see this Light as well, and may want your assistance. This is why we can communicate with other Spirit and with Soul, as Source.

All Souls having expression at one time upon earth, being in groups, those in the groups of any twelve Souls (twenty-four embodied human lives) express themselves in similar states at the same time. The twelve groups composing the one hundred and forty-four are also, as groups, passing through similar experiences. We call this kindred spirit. Being human; as Spirit we divergence off the path, on our journey. When the culminating period is reached all will have had similar experiences. As all Souls in these groups of twelve, and one hundred and forty-four, and, at last, in the whole one hundred and forty-four thousand, have similar expressions and experiences within one of the cyclic periods of the earth, it is said that they have reached perfection in expression on earth.

During the times of great crises, there are those who were ready as Spirit, and who rally to the cause to share their essence, their frequency of vibration with other beings, the planet, the great waters; all flora and fauna. All who thus answered were kindred in Soul as well as Spirit, belonging to the same or kindred group as vibration and have reached the same frequency of perception, through expression and experience, at the same time. On earth today we have the great fortune to be able to communicate in a collective manner and thus, reach many more human personalities as Spirit than in ever in our history. We can present simultaneously to the whole world our thoughts as Spirit. Soul-groups of twelve and one hundred and forty-four and many more, receive what ever the new truth of global proportions may be together as one. Truth becomes global in this way. Much more frequency is transmitted all at the same time, world-wide. Thus, as Soul we unite. We could think of ourselves as an Angel. Of unconditioned thoughts; taught-thoughts being released to higher levels of vibration. Taught-thoughts as the material, physical expression now transformed into angelic Soul. This height has been attained by those that have led and guided the world, which slowly follows after them.

We all know, when ever we decide to change we take one step forward and two back. Change happens at a slow pace for even those who divinely seek it. When a crowd gathers of like-mind, miracles happen. That is because we create this by uniting our Soul with Source. We release duality consciousness to attain this. We express ourselves quite differently afterwards. Ask anyone that has died and that has been brought back to life. Their existence is altered. What if we all did this at once? What would this bring to earth? What if we all died, all at once and we were reborn into a divine way of being? A way of being without duality consciousness. Being from our heart, instead of our intellect. Angels would walk on earth, and they do.

When Spirit raises it’s frequency, an Angel is created. This may sound like a bell as in the movie A Wonderful Life. Frequency does emit sound wave. We call the higher frequency beings Angels because we know; our senses tell us, that they have a higher vibration than we do and they seem to know much more than us. These beings called Angels have lived many levels of frequency through denser matter and have graduated, so to speak. They have completed their expression at earth school and are ready to be guides to those who have not yet reached their level of enlightenment. Some decide to come to earth as teachers and guides. I believe those like Thich Nhat Hanh are one. He speaks divinely of compassion for all. Those who talk of peaceful ways of resolution are divinely guided Souls who walk among us. They speak of being beyond duality as a way of expression. A way of thinking, feeling and being, which is beyond the spiritual state where we connect as one with our heart; Soul. These beings  are Guides; a Soul that has perfected its expression while on earth and the states of the Souls who are still in the progress of perfecting the expression.

Those who enter and pass through the earthly state and who have been gathered into the angelic-state of frequency of vibration, constitute the guides of those who wish to learn from them upon this earth, as teachers. Some say this would constitute a Guardian Angel on earth. When we speak of a Guardian Angel this term has been said to mean the Guardian Soul of a group of twelve Souls; twenty-four human spirits who are kindred Souls.

During the time I received a twelve-pointed gold star during meditation, I began teaching twelve women and was their guide to connecting deeply with their spiritual selves in a way that would assist their frequency of vibration. I became a spiritual teacher and guide. That does not mean that I have finished expressing myself here on earth. It means that I have reached a state where I feel I am able to give back that which I have learned while being here on earth.

We get to come here as many times as we like to express ourselves and raise our frequency of vibration. Some call this learning lessons. I call it awakening and enlightenment as we travel through certain ways of being. We can experience and express ourselves in these vibrations as many times as we choose to until we choose something different. This is our free will. When a child experiences a bumble bee for the first time while stepping on it, the child may learn that the bee stings. That is the experience. We gather information this way. The child learns that the bee would rather not be taken out of its expression in this way. This does not need to come with remorse, guilt, pain or suffering. It could come with compassion and a deep respect for all of life. As in any other experience or expression the past may repeat itself through the previous generations way of experiencing it’s expression. We can decide if this is our truth, their truth or a Universal Truth. This is our Free Will.

What we refer to as Angels have possession of all experience and wisdom of earth, and thus have the power to aid others who are following on in the pathway and pilgrimage of earthly life. Those of the frequency of Angels, are not within the frequency of spirits who wish us well as in that of departed friends or family members. These are Spirit. The frequencies of Angels are of a different vibration. Guardian Angels keep watch and guard by appointment over those spiritual states connected with the earth. They seem like a heavenly-appointed back-up plan, ministering to the needs of mortals. There are many levels of frequency of vibration, as there are in a music composition. While each frequency of vibration can stand on its own, they too can join together in harmony to assist one another.

The Soul as Source means there is no separation. Spirit is a frequency of vibration and a means of expressing who we believe ourselves to be as personality; existence. We may say things similar to, “He is very spirited“  referring to the personality. We may hear things like, “She is a an old soul” meaning wiser than her years. The state of being though, as Soul is always Source. There is never any change in the quality of the Soul. It is constant. Nothing can be added to it to alter or take away from that which is absolute. Whatever the expressions are they are expressions whose sources are all within the Soul. Each vibratory frequency is unique unto itself yet, can respond and has the capacity to join with one another. When we express our personality in a way that our vibration lowers we feel it within our body. Our physical self responds. When we express ourselves with a lighter frequency, we feel the body lift and spirits soar.

The Messianic Age is a theological term referring to a time of universal peace on the earth. Many are now saying that this frequency is quickening. It nearing may then complete one-half of all the Messianic periods of earth; therefore its culmination will also be a culmination for time preceding the creation and expression of Spirit; a restoration and a recognition of our divinity, as Soul. This would be a time of being beyond duality. An expression of spirit through the divine feminine, thus our heart centered being; Soul. A time of love and compassion for all. We are this sacred energy of love and compassion. We are the heart and soul of the world. Our spirit self as expression does have the capability to embrace all. We are rapidly approaching this frequency. We are the divine feminine as the Source and heart of earth. This has always been within us and a possibility. It is with our awareness of it and its implications, that we may embrace all, without condition, unifying all of life. Within each lays the masculine and feminine as divine creation.

Those emptied of themselves, as individual expression transmit such love and compassion. They show us the blueprint of existence. So many of us through what ever means of devotion we have chosen have experienced this light frequency. When we gather to release our individual expression of self, through group experience we can feel this even more deeply within our Soul. Like frequency recognizes like frequency and reacts to it. With compassion we realize sameness within all matter; physical and material. This touches our heart and soul to expand it. This has never left us. It is we who may leave it to travel our paths. When we decide to find ourselves again, when we decide to become aware, we know that the sacred energy of love and compassion has always been. As our divine selves, as Source we can see the contradictions of the taught-thoughts we have believed in. We can understand with compassion, that it was we who gave away our freedom through these ways of believing in duality. We have always been given the opportunity of profound joy through the heart awareness. We can now, in the present moment celebrate as each person becomes actualized within their expression of self. Within the heart center of divine feminine energy we can feel compassion for all. We can offer this to anyone or anything with Source as our strength. When we practice this daily we assist ourselves and others in raising the frequency of vibration within and without. The universe leads us away from the old paradigm of duality way of thinking and being. We can release the expression of ourselves as individuals and become one. We can share, unite, become soul-centered, give without the prospect of receiving. We can let go of the idea that we are here to learn lessons and be. Just be.

We are realizing the love of the child for the mother and the mother for her child as we learn to cherish Mother Earth.  A mother’s love waits as her child expresses itself.  A mother’s love lets her child fall on its collective face and still her heart beats in unison with her children. Her love is there for all of us in nature. She shares all she has and then some. We can sit on her lap and see the stars and galaxies, like diamonds that glitter from her bosom. We can sit within her energy and feel it rush to greet us, filling us with peace and tranquility outside the confines of duality consciousness. All we need do, is to be. The time has always been to give as we receive. We have gone through our childhood tantrums to become wiser about our Mother. We have found her in our collective heart to be a loving source for all with no conditioned thoughts, only giving of compassion and resources for our survival. We are now of an Age where we can support, unify and serve our Mother Earth in the same way that she has long supported us. By our inner work, through the raising of our vibration of frequency. Through this purification of our free will, we set our intentions collectively. We have risen. We have raised the level of being as spirit to one of collective Soul convening within Source. This is the highest frequency of vibration we can embrace while on this earth. This is love. This is peace beyond duality. Beyond form, word, thought and the teaching of it. I will meet you out beyond the Universe.

Beyond form, word, thought and the teaching of it. I will meet you out beyond the Universe. 

Those emptied of themselves, as individual expression transmit such love and compassion. They show us the blueprint of existence. So many of us through what ever means of devotion we have chosen have experienced this light frequency. When we gather to release our individual expression of self, through group experience we can feel this even more deeply within our Soul. Like frequency recognizes like frequency and reacts to it. With compassion we realize sameness within all matter; physical and material. This touches our heart and soul to expand it. This has never left us. It is we who may leave it to travel our paths. When we decide to find ourselves again, when we decide to become aware, we know that the sacred energy of love and compassion has always been. As our divine selves, as Source we can see the contradictions of the taught-thoughts we have believed in. We can understand with compassion, that it was we who gave away our freedom through these ways of believing in duality. We have always been given the opportunity of profound joy through the heart awareness. We can now, in the present moment celebrate as each person becomes actualized within their expression of self. Within the heart center of divine feminine energy we can feel compassion for all. We can offer this to anyone or anything with Source as our strength. When we practice this daily we assist ourselves and others in raising the frequency of vibration within and without. The universe leads us away from the old paradigm of duality way of thinking and being. We can release the expression of ourselves as individuals and become one. We can share, unite, become soul-centered, give without the prospect of receiving. We can let go of the idea that we are here to learn lessons and be. Just be.

We are realizing the love of the child for the mother and the mother for her child as we learn to cherish Mother Earth.  A mother’s love waits as her child expresses itself.  A mother’s love lets her child fall on its collective face and still her heart beats in unison with her children. Her love is there for all of us in nature. She shares all she has and then some. We can sit on her lap and see the stars and galaxies, like diamonds that glitter from her bosom. We can sit within her energy and feel it rush to greet us, filling us with peace and tranquility outside the confines of duality consciousness. All we need do, is to be. The time has always been to give as we receive. We have gone through our childhood tantrums to become wiser about our Mother. We have found her in our collective heart to be a loving source for all with no conditioned thoughts, only giving of compassion and resources for our survival. We are now of an Age where we can support, unify and serve our Mother Earth in the same way that she has long supported us. By our inner work, through the raising of our vibration of frequency. Through this purification of our free will, we set our intentions collectively. We have risen. We have raised the level of being as spirit to one of collective Soul convening within Source. This is the highest frequency of vibration we can embrace while on this earth. This is love. This is peace beyond duality. Beyond form, word, thought and the teaching of it. I will meet you out beyond the Universe.