Friday, September 28, 2012

Moonlight: Moonlight Gift Shoppe presents author Joe Citro (...

Moonlight Gift Shoppe presents author Joe Citro (...
: Moonlight Gift Shoppe presents author Joe Citro (Weird Vermont) & PI-NE (Parnormal Investigators of New England) a TAPS family member! ...

Moonlight Gift Shoppe presents author Joe Citro (Weird Vermont) & PI-NE (Parnormal Investigators of New England) a TAPS family member!

October 27, 2012

Grange Hall #135 Rte 7 Milton, Vermont

  • Moonlight Gift Shoppe presents a bone-chilling evening with:
    Joseph A. Citro
    Author of Weird Vermont, Shadow Child
    Discussion, Presentation, Q & A, Books for Sale!


    Jeffrey Stewart
    Director of PI-NE (Paranormal Investigators of New England)
    Discussion, Presentation, Q & A, TAPS Family Member

    $10 advance admission
    $12 at the door

    To purchase tickets in advance click here:

    Or contact:
    Moonlight Gift Shoppe
    (802) 893-9966
  • Moonlight: Moonlight Bi-Annual Body Mind Spirit Event!

    Moonlight: Moonlight Bi-Annual Body Mind Spirit Event!: MOONLIGHT BODY MIND SPIRIT BI-ANNUAL RETREAT! SATURDAY, OCTOBER 20, 2012 10:00am until 5:00pm Join us for our...

    Moonlight Bi-Annual Body Mind Spirit Event!

    SATURDAY, OCTOBER 20, 2012
  • 10:00am until 5:00pm
  • Join us for our October 20th Fall Retreat from 10-5PM at the Grange Hall.
    #135 Rte 7 Milton, Vermont. 802-893-9966

    $5.00 Admission. Children 12 and under are free to get in.

    FREE Workshops! * Network * Enjoy the Energy!

    Speakers * Healers * Readers * Vendors * Music * Food


    Ramona Nault - Aura Photography & Interpretation, Velvet Embossed Bags/Pillows
    Dawn Meunier - Elemental Stone Therapies
    Michele Nappi - Psychic Medium - Readings
    Moonlight Gift Shoppe - Body Mind Spirit Merchandise
    Alison Elizabeth - Jewelry - Pendulums - Watches
    Irinie Chiu - Angel Communication Readings
    Julio Baez - Beth Gary - Circle of Triple Goddess
    Pam Halton - Spinal Analysis
    Tina Griffis - Deeksha Oneness Blessings & Information about Deeksha Movement
    PI-NE: Jeff Stewart - Paranormal Investigators of New England
    Bernice Kelman - Channeling - Readings - Book
    Melly & Martin Bock - Lineage Holder Crafts - Enlivened Ritual Implements
    Gwendolyn Evans - Readings - Energy Tune-Ups & Gemstone Essences
    Sherri Glebus, MA - Tarot Readings
    Lori Kingsbury - Certified Massage Therapist & Drawing for FREE Massage


    FREE Workshops!
    11:00am - Maureen Short - Lightheart Sanctuary
    "Love, Praise & Gratitude For Mother Earth"
    Meditation with the 4 Elements , songs, chants and a journey to a drumbeat into the sacred direction of the West.

  • 12:00 Noon - Julio Baez & Beth Gary- Circle of Triple Goddess - Wicca
    1:00 - Michele Nappi - Medium/Psychic/Animal Communicator/Psychic Development Teacher - Being Beyond Duality & Group Readings

    2:00pm - PI-NE - Parnormal Investigators of New England - TAPS Family Member - Learn  about their adventures! Listen to EVP's; electronic voice phenomena.

    3:00 - Bernice Kelman - Author -  Conversations with an Interdimensional Entity - Channeling

    4:00 - Cornelia Ward - Angel Therapy Practitioner - Certified by Doreen Virtue, PhD
    How to read oracle cards: Learn how they can help you make decisions and guide you in your life. Oracle cards can be a great way to get guidance and feedback, in a loving and nurturing way, about what is happening in your life right now, about decisions that you’re considering, and to receive confirmation that angels are watching over and protecting you. Cornelia is passionate about using oracle and tarot cards in her own life as well as in the life of her clients.

    Moonlight: Joy of Appendectomy: Give God Awakening

    Moonlight: Joy of Appendectomy: Give God Awakening: "Joy of Appendectomy" by Michele Nappi - Psychic Medium, Spiritual Counselor & Healer   "Your father was with me." "Who is Ma...

    Joy of Appendectomy: Give God Awakening

    "Joy of Appendectomy"

    "Your father was with me." "Who is Marty?" Those were my first words spoken to my husband after I woke up from an emergency appendectomy. We don't know a Marty. My husbands father died in March of 1977. I liked him because he was kind to me. In those days that was a rare thing, so his presence was extraordinarily special. After my father-in-law left his material, human form, my husband and I both saw him as spirit, on two different occasions. He had died on a trip out of state, while visiting relatives. His last wish was that he could be with his family, one last time. That wish was granted. My husbands boss chided him, "She should have seen that coming!" Meaning me. I should have known. He added a loud laugh to solidify his nervous expectation of me. He knows I'm a psychic medium. Yes, I was given messages. One of the first things I teach people when they come to me for assistance on developing their psychic awareness is that spirit sends symbols to us to get messages across.

    Sometimes those symbols come in the form of a dream, which would include a day dream or thought form. Spirit showed me the time I was in the hospital visiting someone who was convalescing. There was a woman in the adjacent bed, in the same room. This woman's husband was there sitting in a chair next to her. His wife had post-operative psychosis, a common and serious risk of surgery, associated with an increased risk of mortality, increase length of stay, and more adverse outcomes in general, including increased risk of higher level of care required at discharge. She was angry and couldn't understand where she was. I remember him looking over at me with a timid smile. He seemed a bit embarrassed. He reminded me of my husband. We all have memories and they can be a wonderful way for spirit to give us a "heads up" now and again! They are gentle awakenings, and can be overseen, easily. As we grow in awareness, we can sense these messages, however subtle.

    Looking back, like judging someone else, is always easier than directly looking in the mirror of life at ourselves, although I have full belief that one day we, as humans will know our Being in its full glory. We are Spirit experiencing the material, physical form of matter, and facing facts is always empowering. We then begin to experience awareness that goes along with our thoughts and thus, our feelings. Knowing the "why" of things at least lights up our path of least resistance. We may then begin to deal with our own ego, that hopes we will stay lost in the "game of life", not knowing our real, true self as Consciousness. The joy I found in my process leading to an appendectomy was a mystical, spiritual one. I know that sounds unusual. I will explain. For weeks a certain color orange kept following me around. It seemed where ever I looked, in rented movies whether old or new; cars, clothing, jewelry, advertisements, etc. this particular color orange was there. The color is one Buddhist monks wear as a constant reminder to let go, give up, and not to cling. They practice renunciation; the act of giving up a right. For example, as autumn leaves of orange, red, and yellow fall from the trees, dropping to the ground, they then release their hold on life's form. I do believe all form is temporary. Form being matter. All is an illusion. Still, seeing this color kept happening more and more often, jumping into my view when ever possible. I decided that this was a message for me, from spirit; my higher self.

    The color orange coincides with our sacral or spleen chakra. This color symbolizes our life power and energy. On a whole, it is the best emotional stimulant, bringing about enthusiasm for life and a deep joy with red denoting love, courage and inner, unseen power - the best kind as it is formless - and yellow, wisdom. This also encourages giving and receiving on all levels; to awaken and balance sexual healing. The color orange denoted to me on a personal level, as a long-standing issue of childhood sexual abuse had been brought back to the forefront of my life through a much younger sister, who was now able to talk about her childhood abuse, as well. Our father was deeply rooted in unconscious behavior. My ego then wanted revenge. At first it drove me until I found space to turn this energy around and a deeper knowing came about. The past is full of nothing but dead energy. It is over. We can remain there, in a sort of "death limbo" for as long as we choose, yet it only creates from this morbid energy, a lasting negativity, that we then pull forward into our daily existence. The future has yet to be decided, although we can create using intention, belief, and focus. This too, is energy we do not have, yet. We can create only in the now energy. Now is the moment we have. The Present that life has to offer us. What a gift! I do believe that suffering has its place in this world. Why else would it be here? If we truly have a choice, and I believe we do, why would we choose suffering? It's path leads us to letting go, for-giving ourselves the ability to find a higher way to render suffering as a tool only, as a means of stepping out of suffering. Believe me when I tell you, my ego struggled fiercely to hang on to the notion that I needed to create separation and thus, suffer. All negativity separates us from ourselves and each other. There is no way around it. There is a way above and beyond it, though. Physically the spleen chakra has a vibratory rate that affects the appendix, among other organs.

    My intentions of creating negative thought forms with like energy had long settled into that area of my physical body. Maybe that is why spirit gave me the message of, "It is not about you." It is not about me. Not the little me that creates suffering. It is about the whole, the One, the I Am that I am. Suffering/separation is an illusion that we can buy into if we let ourselves. Negative energy has a sticky pull like taffy. We are here on the earth plane of lower, dense energy and it pulls at us. Release, let go and rise above it and you find the All energy. Peaceful and calming. We now know that thoughts are things with their own vibration. Like a magnet, my thoughts clung to my appendix. This chakra also increases the intake of oxygen; giving us the ability to take in life fully. Mentally it gives energy to remove suppression and inhibitions, creating new horizons, spontaneity, vitality, and well-being. I happen to be shy. Being a shy person, may seem quiet and gentle to most. Some understand that shy equals scared poopless. Underneath this facade is a person who feels the need to be superior. All their life they have felt unworthy, not feeling good enough, afraid of Being. Over confident people feel a drive led by inferiority. Either way, it is an illusion created and based in the past, morbid energy of form that we have the choice in the Now moment, to either bring forward or leave behind.

    During this same time frame, also in March, I invited a Young Living essential oil distributor to my shop to do a talk. She decided to speak on "Opening the Heart with Essential Oils - Regaining Emotional Balance & Releasing the Past." She talked about healing our relationships with others and ourselves being crucial to our overall well-being and how essential oils work at the cellular level to help in this process by clearing memory & raising our spiritual awareness to move past injury. Learn to create our lives now with joy and peacefulness. She talked also about oils named Release, Forgiveness, Acceptance, Gratitude, and Joy. This was the Monday before my appendectomy. I was drawn internally, pun intended, to the oil Joy. I used this oil over my heart chakra for the next few days as I sang, "Ive got joy, joy, joy, down in my heart, down in my heart. Still, I carried in my body, questions that gnawed at me. Why do babies have cancer? Why do animals go blind? The big question was a resounding, why? Why so much suffering? My ego was deeply embedded. It had me hooked like a fish, struggling to free itself. I felt embarrassed and ashamed. My mind was confused with unconscious thinking. I felt the physical discomfort I created in my body, through thoughts and emotions that I couldn't find a way to release emotionally or mentally. They were stuck in me. They grew in my belly and roared, rearing their ugly, painful head. I hurt. I was hurt in general for all of society, all that this encapsulated. I accepted this suffering as if there were no way out; this is just the way it is theory.

    The physical sensations I was experiencing weren't like any other I'd felt before. That Friday night after I ate, my intestines decided that they didn't really want to do the job they had done for me, without question, for so many years. It was as if they gave up the ship and jumped overboard. I was up most of the night, giving myself hands-on Reiki (ray-key), which as many of you now know is a Japanese healing technique using universal life-force, that a Tendai Buddhist named Mikao Usui created after a twenty-one day retreat on Mount Kurama, involving meditation, fasting, and prayer. Usui said that by mystical revelation he had gained the knowledge and spiritual power to apply and attune others to what is called Reiki. In April 1922, Usui moved to Tokyo and founded the Usui Reiki Healing Society. Reiki teachers and practitioners aim to abide by these five Reiki principles, one translation of which is:

    "The secret art of inviting happiness
    The miraculous medicine for all dis-eases
    Just for today, do not be angry
    Do not worry and
    Be filled with gratitude
    Work hard (on improving yourself)
    Be kind to All"

    I was first attuned in 1997. Reiki has raised me up and altered my life in a divinely, spiritual way that I am ever grateful for. That is also when I first met my Master guide, Isiah, while in meditation. He is a monk, by the way.I dozed off intermittently. When I awoke the next morning the discomfort in my intestines was gone. I noticed I had a feeling similar to a pinch on my lower right side just above my hip bone. I went about my business. I sat with my two grand children for a couple of hours. When it came time, I left to go to my body, mind, spirit shop. The pinching sensation lingered and since, my son had had an appendectomy a couple of years earlier, I decided to look up information on the internet about its symptoms. This is what I found: The main symptom of appendicitis is abdominal pain. The pain can feel like indigestion or like you need to have a bowel movement or pass gas. Many people feel the first pain near the belly button. Then it moves to the lower right side of the belly. But the pain can be in different parts of your belly or even on your side. The pain may get worse if you move, walk, or cough. You may also have a fever or feel sick to your stomach.

    Many people who have had appendicitis say the pain is hard to describe. It may not feel like any pain you have had before. It may not even be a very bad pain, but you may feel like something is wrong. If you have moderate belly pain that does not go away after 4 hours, call your doctor. If you have severe belly pain, call your doctor right away. Older people, children younger than 2 years, and pregnant women may not have pain in the lower right part of the belly. Other people feel pain in their side because their appendix is in a different position than normal. Because appendicitis can become serious in a short amount of time it is wise to call your doctor right away. Treatment is much easier if the appendix has not ruptured. In most people, the appendix does not rupture until they have felt sick for at least 24 hours. As I entered the building for my doctors appointment, I looked straight ahead. A nurse, in bright orange scrubs walked between a doorway, like the scene with the cat on the movie The Matrix, a science fiction film starring Keanu Reeves released in March of 1999. She looked right at me and smiled, a calming, knowing grin. If I had doubt before about being guided, there wasn't any at that point. We humans so seldom look directly into each others eyes and smile anymore. After an examination I was told to go to the ER at the local hospital. She told me I could go home first if I didn't spend any longer than 15 minutes there. That is when it sunk in, that this was serious. Time was of the essence. I called my husband, who was working out-of-state, and asked him to meet me at the hospital. As I was driven to the hospital by my daughter and her boyfriend, I was drawn to look at the clock and noticed it read 1:11PM.

    Many people now believe that physical reality is a consciousness program created by digital codes. Numbers, numeric codes, define our existence. Human DNA, our genetic memory, is encoded to be triggered by digital codes at specific times and frequencies. Well, then I was right on time. Those codes awaken the mind to the change and evolution of consciousness and I was moving ahead as scheduled! 11:11 is one of those codes, meaning activation of DNA. It seems that seeing these numbers and others like them like 4:44 follow me where ever I go too, creating synchronicity in my life. Many of us have been seeing number synchronicity for quite some time now. As I rode, I began to take off my jewelry as I knew this would be a requirement when I arrived at the hospital. I was mentally and emotionally preparing myself for an appendectomy. I am a survivor after all, and I have equipped myself with a knowing beyond the norm. I was about to right the balance of my life. Bringing myself into harmony of Now.

    I sat for about five minutes at the ER and was called to registry, which my doctor had already done over the phone. I was taken to a room. I had many tests; blood work, urine check, CAT scan, and some tests I wont mention here, but I will mention he used an orange latex glove. All came back negative. The only sign I had was the pinching pain that on a scale of 1-10, was a five. After awhile a doctor with the brightest, almost unnatural green eyes, came in and said, in a very serious tone, "You have appendicitis." I smiled a knowing smile. At 11:00PM I had my appendix removed from my physical body as part of what I believe, was a ceremony of renunciation. I gave up the illusion that my ego desperately wanted me to keep, directing my precious energy towards negativity which kept me in a state of questioning. I released fear. Fear of life. Blocking the flow of good. I am safe. I relax and let life flow joyously: Heal Your Body: The Mental Causes for Physical Illness and the Metaphysical Way to Overcome Them by Louise L. Hay. The doctor that removed my appendix came to the recovery room and said, with a big grin, "Well, you had the dis-ease!" Emphasis on the word had.

    For a week afterward, dreams were so much more surreal, vivid, and with color that was magnificent. One evening as I slept, a guide came to me dressed in Indigo; the Third Eye or Brow chakra. He sat in a chair and smiled at me in a comforting way. There was no background and that was all there was to this dream. The brow chakra allows us to withdraw into ourselves to obtain peace and quiet, freedom to stretch boundaries, for example in meditation or in giving psychic medium readings. It allows our inner space; our formless self. We are able to see from spirits viewpoint, a much larger scale of intuition and consciousness. In it's energy lies the understanding of the life process and the need to serve mankind. Giving readings is one of my great, illuminating passions, as I am in this inner space during the process. Indigo people are great truth seekers; people who teach by example. Maybe the dream was a message, that now I could do this. Space had been created for this opportunity to arise. Through the vibrational energy frequency of this color we can obtain a better understanding of the meaning of life, and we can allow ourselves to learn to accept what we cannot change. For me, that has great meaning in my own life. The past cannot be undone. We learn that through accepting and letting go that things get better because we have created the space for this to happen. As we let go and seek, we also find.

    The bridge of my nose began to throb lightly, near my Pineal gland as it has time and again for years now. The pineal gland is occasionally associated with the sixth chakra or the third eye chakra. It is believed by some to be a dormant organ that can be awakened to enable "telepathic" communication. I had been further awakened. In the physical body the eye views objects upside down. It sends the image of what it observes to the brain which interprets the image and makes it appear right side-up to us. In a way of speaking, it "rights things." The 'Third Eye' which in reality is the Pineal Gland, is long thought to have mystical powers. Many consider it the Spiritual Third Eye, our Inner Vision. I learned that indigo energy also helps to release fear, frustrations, and distortions of inner energy by producing balance. I also smiled as I read that the color indigo is the complementary color to the color orange on the chakra wheel. It all made sense. Another night I dreamed I was wandering down a hallway, searching, finding my way. I clung to the edge by my fingertips, and then released and let go. I was "outside" in the light of sunshine when I met an old woman; a sage. She said, "Stop." She seemed handicapped, or held there for some reason. My heart opened up and was full of joy as I went to her. She gave me a reading. She gestured as she spoke, raising her arms above her head, she said, "I don't feel God (Universe/Light/Spirit) directly on me (something about warmth) so it's not that. Then she said, "Give God Awakening." Another woman stepped into the picture. While looking at me, she smiled and said, "That is enough for now." The dream ended.

    As I recuperated at home, I had time to read a book that my daughter had purchased, A New
    Earth by Echardt Tolle, which by the way, has an orange colored cover. I felt as if it had been written just for me, answering questions Ive been asking myself. As I asked further questions while reading this book, the next paragraph would answer them! Words of wisdom I have been given by Spirit through the years, were embedded in Echardt's writings. It was as if it were a synopsis of my life, thus far. I felt I was held in the arms of the Universe. I knew I was being guided to release, let go, forgive. Find joy. Awakening. Interpreting life and consciousness is a tall order for anyone, especially with taught-thoughts so deeply embedded in our unconscious minds. A New Earth talks about finding consciousness in breathing, only one breath is needed to create the space necessary. With each breath we take we reaffirm our commitment to life. As I lay in recovery after my surgery, the nurses needed to remind me of this, as I quit breathing a number of times, saying, "Breath Michele." I'm breathing on my own now. Back to my regular routine, but changed none the less. I'm down one body part and up in vibratory frequency, as I've released the physical form of my appendix, as a symbol to awakening consciousness, thus allowing God awakening. Oh, the joy of appendectomy!

    By Michele Nappi
    Psychic Medium/Healer


    No text or portion of this may be copied or plagiarized,
    unless quoted briefly as a part of fair use in a review or other commentary.

    Friday, September 14, 2012

    Moonlight: Psychic Development Course

    Moonlight: Psychic Development Course: Moonlight Gift Shoppe 174 Rte 7 - Milton, VT 802-893-9966 6-Week Psychic Development Course start...

    Psychic Development Course

    Moonlight Gift Shoppe
    174 Rte 7 - Milton, VT

  • 6-Week Psychic Development Course starts Monday, September 24th and continues through October1st, 8th, 15th, 22nd and 29th. $150. 

    *Those who have taken this Course before are invited to attend for a fee of $60 for the 6-Week Session.

    6:30 - 8:30pm

    PSYCHIC DEVELOPMENT 6 WEEK COURSEMoonlight Gift Shoppe Rte 7 Milton 893-9966

    Course run by Michele Nappi medium, psychic, healer, life counselor, shop proprietor, events coordinator. I have had many years of experience working with this energy. I have seen spirit since I was a young child. I see, hear and know information through spirit.

    *There may be other previous students attending who will join in on classes to offer their experience.

    I was able to experience a lot last night. In meditation I was able to connect and see not only one, but was surrounded by at least a half a dozen spirits. I felt very protected and blessed. I know I am on the right path. ♥

    This 6 week course will assist you in developing and empowering your own innate psychic abilities. We are all born psychic and mediumistic. We are an energy 'being' thus, can hone in on energy that we perceive. We often hear energy talked about as "mothers intuition," a "gut instinct," and so on. You will have the opportunity to learn much more about this process.

    This 6 week course may include practical experience and exercises relating to various subject matter including self-healing, grounding and centering meditation, the use of gemstones and their vibratory meaning, practicing with your psychic senses, dowsing with rods and pendulum, working with guides and angels, your chakras and aura, receiving and giving healing and psychic attunements, practice giving and receiving a reading, remote viewing, ghost hunting, telepathy, psychometrics, gemstone essences, working with and creating energy, your intuitive process, Tarot and more. Each week we will use various tools to hone and attune to energy such as DVD’s, music, meditation, crystals, gemstones and their essences, Young Living therapeutic-grade oils, and so on. We will mix it up and have fun!

    *There are related classes and events many times a month at Moonlight Gift Shoppe to keep you focused on developing. Being with people of like-mind, in a supportive group atmosphere is very rewarding and beneficial.
    Course is $150 for the 6 weeks, meeting on Monday evenings from 6:30-8:30PM on September 24th, October 1, 8, 15, 22, and 29th. 
     *Any students from previous classes are welcome to join in at a reduced rate of $10 per class.
    ***Please bring a chair to sit on, a journal to keep notes, writing utensil and a bottle of water without label.

    This course can help you realize the freedom that you are, by assisting you in experiencing your own true nature; spirit/soul. This is accomplished when we can overcome the illusion of a mistaken belief in a separate self by transcending the masks of ego that is sense dependent and bound by karma. The course can assist in cutting through the ideas and beliefs we have and all of the emotions they in turn evoke, that limit our possibilities and choices. These preconceived notions; taught-thoughts are what deprive us of a true present moment and of any sense of balance or contentment with life. The benefits received by participants can indeed point people toward fully experiencing who they are, which is usually quite different from who they thought they were.

    " Before you were born
    you said to us, " Remember, don’t let me get lost.
    Be there with me all the time,
    tapping me on the shoulder to remind me,
    because I know I will forget."

    We have done exactly that.
    We have called you from treetops.
    We have whispered through the breeze.
    We have touched your hands in times of terror
    or loneliness.
    We have embraced you in your pain.
    We have laughed with your joy.
    Did you know that? Somewhere, yes." Emmanuel
    Students say:
    “I was able to relax and feel like myself...inside...which trickled to the outer me too!”
    “I think the main thing that has stood out for me is that I ended up doing better than I thought I could. Self confidence is one of my short-comings, so I make things harder on myself than I need to! I am really proud of myself though! I was thinking last night too that I will miss the class when it's over. It's so good to be with people who don't judge you and who understand! I almost wish we could stay in class forever!”
    “Michele, I do like how I've had a different reading partner every week. I feel that it's very important for all of us so we can practice our gifts with more than one person. Thank you for sharing your time, your knowledge, and your space for class.”
    “What has stood out for me is how intuitive people really are also how much we take day to day small things for granted. I love how relaxed and at ease the class makes me feel. It feels like we all belong.”
    “You have been an incredible mentor on this journey and I want to thank you for offering this. My skills have expanded in a very short time. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for offering this opportunity to me. “
    Last night, I had a wonderful meditation experience... Virgin Mary came to pray with me...and then pointed me to the road I am to was purple with gold edges...she also showed me a gold chalice...while I heard the word 'vessel'.
    The other night after leaving class I had an interesting encounter, as I was driving up the road I saw a young woman sitting. I could see her long dark hair and she had on blue jeans her head was down, what was really strange was the length of her legs they were so long almost like they were waving in the breeze, kind of like clothes do when you hang them on the line outside........
    During meditation I floated up out of my body and was able to watch the class from the ceiling!