Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Moonlight - Medium Michele Nappi: Abundance Prosperity Attunement

Moonlight - Medium Michele Nappi: Abundance Prosperity Attunement: Abundance Prosperity Attunement Someone asked for an abundance/prosperity attunement. Once given, this person said it was felt within...

Abundance Prosperity Attunement

Abundance Prosperity Attunement

Someone asked for an abundance/prosperity attunement. Once given, this person said it was felt within the body. We met a couple more times and things hadn't seemed to change, financially. The next time we met the person reported the same. I had been waiting for this person to 'connect the dots' so to speak, and didn't see that that was happening. I asked, "You don't see it?" I saw an embarrassed smile cross this person's lips. I gently gave what I was seeing. All needs had been met and more. Fortune in body, mind, and spirit. Finances were met each and every time. There was always 'enough' and more!

What do you think had been 'in the way?' Conditioned thought-forms. A practice of patterns that were still seen as 'the truth' and not 'a' truth some had chosen to live within, which had led to not seeing what was already there. Once this conversation was had, the dam broke and abundance thoughts were seen in all aspects of life.

This reminds me of something Compassionate, Conscious Being once said to me, “If what we say we want is standing right in front of us, we will not see it because our eyes are invisible to what we cannot see.” We live the conditioning. The taught-thought belief system we choose and decide to believe in.

Realize what is there. All is. Appreciate what is there. All is. Live with gratitude. All is.

~ Michele Nappi - Mystic Medium

Monday, March 30, 2015

Moonlight - Medium Michele Nappi: Present In Love

Moonlight - Medium Michele Nappi: Present In Love: Present In Love @Michele Nappi - Mystic Medium I had wondered about 'love' for such a long time. Suffered 'in love&...

Present In Love

Present In Love

@Michele Nappi - Mystic Medium

I had wondered about 'love' for such a long time.
Suffered 'in love' for such a long time.

Presence and compassion
are deeper than love.

Presence as soul;
compassion is meeting someone
where they are at.

Love carries with it
expectations, demands.

So many times
we have heard this,
experienced this.

When love dies;
“I had so many expectations,
so many hopes.

This is ego, not love.

Presence is all-knowing;
compassion is soul.

Is it any wonder then,
that we are disappointed 'in love'?

Be present;
Relief comes.

*MM 3/30/15:

I woke up at 4:05 am with spirit conversing with me. I wrote some of it down.

Thursday, March 26, 2015

Moonlight - Medium Michele Nappi: Blessed Living Water

Moonlight - Medium Michele Nappi: Blessed Living Water: Blessed Living Water Your tone of voice is the One within, Ride your inner sound current, as the path of Source. Pure so...

Blessed Living Water

Blessed Living Water

Your tone of voice
is the One within,
Ride your inner sound current,
as the path of Source.

Pure sounds of the nature of yourself
as the realm of your soul,
heard above and so below.

The soul's purity of frequency
reverberates within,
The music of stillness and silence
gleam their light within each of us.

Listen to your tone within with soulful ears
of the divine,
the very foundation of all.

Hum your tune; sing it loud & clear
you are this musical creation,
Your own healing instrument of life.

Drink of this divine water
This blessed living water.

~ Michele Nappi – Mystic Medium

Friday, March 20, 2015

Moonlight - Medium Michele Nappi: Energy Influx

Moonlight - Medium Michele Nappi: Energy Influx: Energy Influx There is a lot being said about the energy as of late.  "If you believe it, it is true for you. Not, necessarily THE ...

Energy Influx

Energy Influx

There is a lot being said about the energy as of late.

 "If you believe it, it is true for you. Not, necessarily THE truth, which would be true for all without exception." ~ Michele Nappi - Mystic Medium

When we believe something to be true we create from that point on, what our expectations believe so that we do not label ourselves 'crazy.' Our reality is very important to us, so much so that we may believe our very life depends on it.

Yes, there is energy. We are that energy. What are you doing with this information? Much more importantly, who are you BEing in this vibrational frequency at any given moment?

Focus on your in breath. 1-2-3-4. Hold 1-2-3-4. Release 1-2-3-4, and so on. Your breath is your life. Your breath is available for meditation; quieting the mind.

When we do this, we create a place of all-knowing presence within our body. We are much more than our body, the physical/material, emotional/mental energy. We are an energy; a frequency of vibration. What is your 'vibration set at?' Is it like a rasp; a dull throb? Is it similar to a high pitch ringing in your ears? Is it so high you can even hear it and are at peace?

How does this energy that you have decided to cling to, effect your body? Do you feel it in your back? Your throat? Your gut? What is this feeling like? Is it dull, painful, annoying? Is it bliss?

Remember. You. Are. The. Creator. You are the creator of your paradigm. Is it your truth; something you have chosen to believe in? Is it THE truth; true for all without exception; pure consciousness?

Listen to that 'small voice within' that you have always known and know to BE THE truth. All is well and so are you, as there is no separation. Choose wisdom, old souls. Choose wisely. ~ Michele Nappi - Mystic Medium

Wednesday, March 18, 2015

Moonlight - Medium Michele Nappi: Speak Your Precious Sacred Truth

Moonlight - Medium Michele Nappi: Speak Your Precious Sacred Truth: SPEAK YOUR PRECIOUS SACRED TRUTH   I do not believe in  lessons. We judge ourselves enough already and mostly we have been taught to be ...

Speak Your Precious Sacred Truth


 I do not believe in lessons. We judge ourselves enough already and mostly we have been taught to be negative.Lessons denote finger-pointing and commanding someone to learn in a way that has been pre-judged and pre-determined by others. Lessons denote ego.

We often think that the other person’s opinion means more than our own. That is because we have a true heart, and honor all. In that very saying, within our truth, our opinion also blossoms. All matters, is sacred and is precious. All is soul consciousness. I believe in the empowerment of creating choices. 

Let the speaking of your truth happen naturally as it wants to, not how you and others may have been unempowered to think it ‘should’ be. The word ‘should’ denotes a space of untruth; it either is or it is not. Your truth is valid and real. Speak your truth to release and grow. Things will shift and change in their own way. 

When we cling out of fear, this blocks the flow and makes our process so much longer. This then, become the focus. That focus causes friction and recreates space in which truth gets lost and confused.

When we resist, this very act uses up a great deal of life energy. This creates depression; repressed truth we feel we have no right to have, oppression, repression, anxiety; fear of the future, sadness; regret of the past, grief and so on. Give yourself space and time to”be” with what is happening alone in compassion or with those who are understanding and of like-mind.

Be gentle with yourself. Be your own best friend; the one you have always wanted. Choose not to project or blame others. That is empowering. Own your truth. Knowing that it is your choice to remain hidden inside or expand into freedom, gives you the space and energy to heal. ~ Michele Nappi – Mystic Medium

Monday, March 16, 2015

Moonlight - Medium Michele Nappi: Formless Essence

Moonlight - Medium Michele Nappi: Formless Essence: We can do many things. All are temporary. Being while we are doing is what we are infinitely; our essence. Doing changes. Being is constant...

Formless Essence

We can do many things. All are temporary. Being while we are doing is what we are infinitely; our essence. Doing changes. Being is constant. We add to the flow through our doings, creating thoughts and emotions. These have frequency and when continued manifest a thought-form constellation.

To know another human being in their essence, you don’t really need to know anything about them — their past, their history, their story. We confuse knowing about with a deeper knowing that is non-conceptual. Knowing about and knowing are totally different modalities. One is concerned with form, the other with the formless. One operates through thought, the other through stillness." –Eckart Tolle

Being is the vehicle to becoming. The free floating surge of creation. Malleable, moveable, energy. What we do with this, is what we create through it. Becoming through this creation. Things are as they are. We place upon them our expectation; doing. We may believe we do to be, when the opposite is truth.

What you do is not what you be. What you do, you cannot be. One is action, the other not. When we make choices we can literally change our mind. Literally become something else. Being is silence. All-knowing presence. Through seeing things as they are, we step out of duality into beingness. Presence. The essence of existence. It is within this essence that all exists as heart and soul. Without this, there is non-existence.
Permanence, impermanent.

Where does your being lay
within your heart or nae,
If what you do is who you are
you are only but what you say.

Allow, release, become
Neither mind, nor matter,
but the being of essence
released from taught-thought structures.” ~ Michele Nappi – Mystic Medium

Thursday, March 12, 2015

Moonlight - Medium Michele Nappi: ReconstitutionMichele Nappi – MysticMediummoonlig...

Moonlight - Medium Michele Nappi: Reconstitution
Michele Nappi – MysticMediummoonlig...
: Reconstitution Michele Nappi – Mystic Medium moonlightgiftshoppe@yahoo.com I did a reading for a group the other evening. A g...

Michele Nappi – Mystic Medium

I did a reading for a group the other evening. A group reading for a family that was on the edge, a bit desperate. The energy was thick. I spent time uplifting the frequency of vibration while I was giving the family information. One person kept looking down at the ground. Body language representing guilt, blame and shame. We often take this energy on when we feel such an ending, that seems like it is forever.

What can we do to assist others and ourselves when this energy is so heavy? Especially the energies of guilt and shame lay weighted in our auras, creating dis-ease. It seems at times people cling to this energy out of blame and self-criticism. We punish ourselves much more severely than any other could because we live within the frequency we create. Self-incrimination.

We came to the black hole, the sink hole of the difficulty, if you will. Everyone in the group seemed frozen in time, somewhere in the past. It was as if a gate had opened, and in effect one had. The energy became heavy again, as a relative slipped from one dimensional frequency into the one we were inhabiting.

In the space I work in there is a corner. This corner is a vortex; an opening from one dimension to another. Frequently people experience this energy coming from this area. Many different dimensional beings enter and leave through this vortex. Nothing demonstrative. The energy just comes and goes through this area.

This night was no exception. He came through. During the reading he would say things like, “You have no idea!” He was describing his choices that he made here on earth during his lifetime. Such poor decisions that affected so many people, in such a negative way. Deep confusion. Taking responsibility for his actions? As he finished describing his actions and giving validations, he left through the vortex, opening a black door and going into black energy. As he left he said, “I am reconstituting myself.”

It was an interesting remark. Interesting as well, to see the darkness of the situation. What did this darkness represent? What did the word 'reconstitution' mean? Like soup from a can or dried vegetables, when we add water? Alchemy. The word stuck with me. A few night later I heard the word on a genealogy show, about reconstituting the family through the knowledge of the larger picture, going back decades upon decades. The universe had heard our quandary and answered back.

To me, darkness means ego and fear. Confusion. We all contribute to this energy in the adding or in the subtracting through the land of duality of water to our bodies; mentally, emotionally, physically, spiritually. We cannot live without the reconstituting of our mortal selves without water. We are about 80% water. Distillation of any substance, using water creates a new substance. What was this mans soul creating through his actions? What had he realized looking at himself through the mirror of divine presence? Was he releasing the darkness he had chosen to create, from this perspective? Reconstituting oneself from mortal flesh, releasing to create anew through immortality.

I would feel much more relieved if I could say without a doubt, fear would never be reconstituted; created once more through various means. Still to this day, I hear some members of this family have not been able to find a way to move forward; to reconstitute themselves and their family-at-large. This doesn't mean it will never happen, and yet this is where these souls have chosen to remain, in this frequency, through their thought process. Always a choice. Never a lesson.

We choose on our own, in free will. Empowerment through the action of will or not. We live in this truth of creation, which is for all, affecting all that is. There is no time, as that is man-made and the universe relies on different ways. Cause and effect, yes and yet, it is up to each, how we choose to react or not. When we forget to breathe the universe is still, in it's all-knowing presence. Peacefully breathing life into all matter. Malleable. Forgiving. Expanding.