Thursday, March 29, 2012

Vision with Being by Michele Nappi

Vision with Being: I awake in twilight. Still remembering. The casket I lay in with the golden cross upon my chest. I die to enter here. I recall being within a group, smiling. I see the woman standing in the center of this circle of healing. I see the spigot in her mouth, as they splash water on her face, gently, lovingly. I see Being smiling, holding up a hand-made nail as he says, “Like a nail.” 

As swimmers dare to lie face to the sky and water bears them, as hawks rest upon air and air sustains them, so would I learn to attain freefall, and float into Creator Spirit’s deep embrace, knowing no effort earns that all-surrounding grace. --Denise Levertov

Revelations come to me in visions as I dream the sleepers paradise. Leaving is like a death to reawaken here with the birth of flesh. I see the casket and know the air, fire, earth and water within my spirit. I see that all is sacred. I know this in my heart.  I carry the heavy golden cross upon by breast.  A symbol.  Make of it what you will, you say.

You speak to me of humility as I throw fits of childish gain. You say this is how clarity shows it’s face in the mirror. That this is the way of releasing. Rebuilding self upon these ancient blocks of rock. You talk to me in your all-knowing way as I writhe in pain. As I lay suffering at your feet. I beg I would give it all away to serve. Yet, I say not until I am ready, please. Am I ahead, behind, above or below? Am I ahead of my time in their reflection? I sob quietly. I cry out of one eye a tear, so that no one will see, keeping my face hidden.

Yet, I hear this is a shared journey. In order to expand my heart and soul, this is the road seemingly less traveled by. Don’t we always feel the loneliest in our misery? As if no one else has ever been on this path. Now to truly see how the journey into my suffering is the baptismal to set my feet upon free land.

Through my deep, sweet mourning I learn of great humility and tears flow freely from the eyes, splashing out in all directions upon my face and body. These are the stepping stones I walk upon in the clearing waters of my soul. These pains grow new and profound witness to my radiating heart of light.  My soul is cleansed and purified within my own pool’s reflection.

My spirit employs all that it can breathe in, holding the space for clarity. Releasing all in the last breath. I jump into the fire of crucifixion. I take the nail gladly to surrender. To be the compassionate one. To resurrect myself. To let go of duality, to go beyond.  To float in the waters. To soar with wings spread. To Be within your grace.
