Monday, June 17, 2013

Calm Presence

Calm Presence
Michele Nappi

Love can be thought of as unconditioned energy. I have read also lately about compassion being unprejudiced involvement. We might also think of it as unconditioned energy, non-judgmental energy or non-attachment. Do most of us think of love or compassion as unconditioned? Are we taught-thought what love or compassion is?

We have been talking about things like this since time began. If you look at Rumi and others like him, we have always known. What are some of the females that have said this? Mary? Female prophets? It is duality; sides like love/hate that we get conditioned - taught-thought to think in. It seems mind boggling sometimes. Mary, Joseph, Jesus and so forth, were Jewish - dark skinned, dark eyes, dark hair, etc. yet we teach otherwise so much of the time. I keep self-realizing these conditioned thoughts....

In’Dying To Be Me’ by Anita Moorjani she states: “In my NDE state, I realized that the entire universe is composed of unconditional love, and I'm an expression of this. Every atom, molecule, quark, and tetra quark, is made of love. I can be nothing else, because this is my essence and the nature of the entire universe."

It is most difficult to speak about anything outside of duality without using words, which are labels of duality. In my NDE state, in my visions, I never heard a word. It was a state of  being. A knowing state. Perfect peace. A calm presence. No love or hate. No judgment. No perception. No attachment.

For as the bubble pops, there is another self-realized being.

Someone recently asked me if I have the capability of seeing visions of what someone is meant to be doing here (earth). I responded that yes, we can have visions of that. I believe we are already that which we are seeking. We are what we seek, already. It is about aligning with the frequency of what we are seeking that feels like the stretch and pull of life. When we begin a new exercise, we feel the pain of stretching muscles we say we never knew we had.

Jeepers, people. It is not about ‘me.’ It is about self realization, as we are all of anything and the no-thing.

“Which side of the coin is the ‘other’ side?” ~ Being Beyond Duality

It is a process of releasing what ever you decide is holding you back. We are the only ones who hold ourselves back or release, so that we can move forward. Either way, these are words of duality. It is about you deciding what energy feels most comfortable to you, in this human body and then creating this as a state of being. This is a process for anyone/everyone. We all do the dance of life; one step forward, two back - even if this is unhealthy - we go 'back' to what feels comfortable under stress. Releasing is a sort of grieving process for anyone. We die and are born within each moment. The dance need not be a struggle, for it is we who create the tempo. We crave constantly, consistently the source of the living moment of now.

“Let go and go into the living peace of the clear light…“ ~ Aldous Leonard Huxley  -  ‘Island’

Published in 1962 ‘Island’ is the story of Will Farnaby, a cynical journalist who is shipwrecked on the fictional island of Pala.

He didn’t say go into the dark, forboding density. We do that on our own. Who doesn’t crave while here on earth, to eat of the forbidden fruit?

When we let go of attachments, we feel this loss - the energy shift. Your purpose is to bring divine healing light and love to this world - this is what we all are anyway.  It is the remembering this fact, that we allow such suffering. We can get so caught up in the grief of releasing, that we forget completely who we are as frequency of vibration experiencing this lower, dense vibration.

We are so conditioned, in our thoughts that are also frequency, that we forget that there is another way of thinking and that we could choose to not think much at all. Being in stillness. We create the illusion, the veil. We fight so hard against what we ourselves have created at times that if we could step outside of this mirror we may have a great laugh at our own expense.

There are many high’s and low’s in life. Ebb’s and flows. Call it what you will. This is energy we are feeling, creating. We decide, after all, what is a high or a low. The light is always there, in spite of whatever form we create. Thoughts are a form of energy. Thoughts create feeling. We are very sentimental about the forms we have created, or choose to create continuously to experience self through.

“All forms you see in another person, situation, and so forth are ‘but the manifestations of your own desire.’ A realized being where ever s/he looks, sees no-thing or all things simultaneously, and knows them to be the same.” ~ Ram Dass - ‘Be Here Now’

Remember? Awaken. The time is NOW. In the Living Moment. Being malleable energy, we choose to change our mind, literally. Change the neurons. This creates change within and without.

What you decide to be affects the whole. Creation.

“Don’t teach by other than your being. If you remain centered, your calm presence helps to free all those about you who are ready…” R. Dass

I could have said that myself, and have. Yet, do you hear it clearer through a known individual? One that is a known author? Familiarity. Does it breed ignorance? Or awakening? That is up to each individual. That is our freedom of will.

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