Wednesday, June 26, 2013

The Channel of Being
@Michele Nappi - Mystic Medium

I agree that within the living moment, nothing is difficult. 

I continue to get messages from Being. Mysticism from the collage of the natural world has become and is the channel for Being. This is available to all, choose to believe it or not. We believe what ever we tell ourselves, the story; as if it were THE truth.

We know through Being’s energy that 'a' truth is something we choose to believe in. THE truth would be true for all without exception. Would the discussion going on in your head right this moment, be true for all without exception? Nothing makes us unhappy but the choice to do so. It sounds odd, doesn’t it? Especially if we are knee deep in fear and ego.

Stand back. Witness your thoughts. The words and labels you have chosen for yourself. The word ‘should’ in particular denies reality. It either is, or it is not. Perception is relative to the thinker. Self wants to be right even if it is unsafe, unhealthy, and so forth. Ego wants this so it can feel important and safe. Odd. Ego would like us to do unsafe things to feel safe. That is duality for you. Your old friend loneliness, bitterness, resentment don’t want you to see the living moment that is available, out of the fear that these words, thoughts and deeds have created for you. We want to stay where we are, until we don’t. Then when we decide to alter our frequency patterns through different thought waves, we begin that journey. How supportive are you of this process in self and others? Would someone else’s change, become your trigger? How does your change trigger those around you? They are afraid. This is an addiction. Anything can be addictive, especially thoughts. Their thoughts and feelings matter just as much to them, as yours do to you. Move forward anyway. Move forward as a way of showing them, that it can be done. Do it for you and your loved ones. For us all. Please.

Who is it that is holding the stick? 
Release the sticks that beat you - the sticks and stones - the words that create the lower frequencies - must, got to, have to, should... let them all go...

Ego is reactive, conflictive, restrictive and holds back out of fear. Sounds simple, right? This is where suffering lives; the past and future as we tell ourselves that story. When we live in the illusion of dead time; past and future we create this. What is your story that you repeat? If you were to recognize your thought patterns what shape, color, aroma and so forth would they be? This is what you, as a body are. It is all a process of realization. Once you realize your thoughts you have something to work with. Something. Things are thoughts. Thoughts are things with vibration. Once the thought gets in, it creates emotion. Feeling. When you feel a sunken in feeling in your gut, or rage burning through the top of your head, your crown chakra you have allowed your confusion to reign. Do you ever say or do anything you wish you hadn’t for what ever reason? Yes, you may have been conditioned to think, feel and act a certain way and yet, when you realize this you are empowered, enlightened and aware. What ever happened in the past, or may occur in the future is not the living moment. It is not reality. It is illusion. You recognize this on some level. That this is the cause of disease. Mental, emotional, spiritual and physical disease. You may even choose people, employment, situations that mirror this back for you, so that you can feel comfortable in your version of reality.

“The only reason we don't open our hearts and minds to other people is that they trigger confusion in us that we don't feel brave enough or sane enough to deal with. To the degree that we look clearly and compassionately at ourselves, we feel confident and fearless about looking into someone else's eyes. ” 
― Pema Chödrön

Some may argue that some things seem difficult. Are there thought patterns attached to this decision? Did one thought lead to another? Did these thoughts create emotion. Yes, we think and have feelings. Yes, we can live in fear and suffering. We can also live within the now moment and be at peace. You may come to realize that no other relationship is as important as the one you create within this living space, where all is as one.

Heart and soul surrenders to the living moment. As your energy lightens, you have the ability to catch thoughts quicker, you are in charge. You are alive in the living moment. You can work with self within this space. Your bouts of depression, anger, sadness and so on become less frequent. The space between negative thought patterns becomes further and further apart. You are more often in your heart, where your soul resides. Within this channel; this way of being, you are more and more often living in peace. This is real effort. It comes in waves. Recognize this for what it is. Change is always. Neither good, nor bad. Nothing need be difficult. At the very least, it can be a lot less difficult. It is what it is and we get to decide what to think of it.

This is much a solitary practice. An individual choice of accomplishment. Remember that you live within the body of these choices, this practice. Being within the living moment, takes practice. It is about releasing old, out-dated thought patterns; taught-thoughts.You can choose to be within the channel of Being. Give yourself credit for all that you are and for the wonder of all that is you.

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