You Have GOT to Get to Know Me!
"You have GOT to get to know me!" A message from a new guide that recently came popping into my thoughts as I meditated to flute music and listened to Rob Hanbridge speak at Moonlight Gift Shoppe in February 2008. Rob makes his own flutes and didgeridoos. He is also a Sacred Sounds Practitioner.
During his guided meditation and flute playing I was introduced to a new guide. I was very excited and it was a personal validation for Rob, as well, regarding his wonderful music. I felt something similar to a drop of rain, gently, lightly touching the top of my forehead, on my hair. This guide met with me as I walked along a beach, seeing the ocean. As I walked, the sand pushed up between my toes. Feeling this, I looked down and saw a beautiful, crystal clear quartz.
Clear quartz crystal and I go way back to my searching on a beach in South Hero, Vt for pieces of it that wash and wander their way up to the shore, among so many other pieces of earth, such as seaweed (is it really seaweed if it is from Lake Champlain?), pieces of indidgenous rock, rotting fish meat and skeleton vertabrae, human feces and waste such as beer bottles, diapers, one or another sock from a pair, cigerette butts (not biodegradable by the way - No Butts About It - The Healthy Hippie Magazine promotional issue January-April 2008 - "Cellulose acetate tow, a type of plastic, accounts for 95% of the cigarette filter with paper and cotton rounding out the remaining 5%. It is the paper and the cotton that creates the deceiving "biodegradable" appearance which convinces many people that flicking a butt really isn't a big deal", etc. I didn't say their journey was a pleasant one, nontheless a journey taken endlessly through time.
Like spiritual guides, the journey of the clear quartz crystal has to get through a lot of human muck before one day landing safely in ones thought process, all bright and shiny, beautiful to behold! Waves of thoughts crashing endlessly from some-where-out-there into my grey matter I call a brain. This new guide rode a cosmic wave, all in pink, leaned way over me and put her face in mine. I sat peacefully on a lounge chair holding two pieces of clear quartz, one in each palm, facing up towards the Light that was all around me, my Master/Main guide, whom I met years ago, Isiah, to my right, she to my left. There are, of course, no "sides" in spirit.
Isiah, by the way, is a monk who wears a brown, hooded robe, has black hair cut in a bowl shape, bald on top of his head, and has shown me a gold "wedding" band on his right hand whom I was told, I would never see his face by another spiritual teacher. I see his face when ever I feel like looking at it. Where are the rules written for spiritual leanings? I believe there are none so hence, it is for me, a wide road, full of what ever I choose. I like it that way, too!
This new guide, hauled me up abruptly, saying, "You have GOT - emphasise on the GOT - to get to know me!" From what I have gathered so far, pink is the color of the heart chakra, along with green. Pink energy must then, vibrate to the frequency of the heart organ , I surmize. Organs playing a beautiful rapsody of vibratory frequencies, all. All the colors of the rainbow and mixing to make the music we pick up as vibratory frequency.
So did I listen, you say? What did I think of this new guides message that she so literally, or should I say, litter-ally, tossed into my now still mind? Wait a minute.Just a week earlier, while on instant messenger, giving spiritual guidance to a new friend, this same guide had come in for her. All in pink. I could see her from a distance - no distance in sprit either - smiling, wrapping her arms around this woman, while looking at me. The woman said, "I feel all tingly!" as we discussed further what was happening. I instinctively knew a message from this guide to give to my friend. In all it reminded me of Kuan Yin, goddess of compassion and mercy.
Do teachers, guides, and the like, know it all? Not hardly. No. In my way of thinking, learning never ends. So if this is truth for me, then it is my truth. And so be it. If I have GOT to get to know the energy of this new Being in my life, then there is a reason for it. Something new for me to bring into my thought process; my way of Being. The energy of Kuan Yin. The color pink. Quartz crystals. Nice.
The color pink brings the highest spiritual thoughts into the physical, with unconditional love.
Kuan Yin professes that even when all hopes and dreams have been dashed, when everything has been destroyed, humanity will eternally possess the attributes of loving kindness and free will. Those born of this precious earth are capable of transcendence through utilization of these inherent human traits. Explaining what she terms as, "the love and forgiveness principle", Kuan Yin says: "If enough people know about this, if every human being could recognize the power of the love and forgiveness principle all consciousness on earth would change instantly. Indeed, thoughts can change the course of history. Sometimes, all it takes is enough people knowing about a certain concept." Or, as someone else once said, "one person can change the world."
In Healing with Crystals and Gemstones by Daya Sarai Chocron the clear quartz crystal "is a symbol, a mirror of our soul." Maybe that is why in so many psychic medium readings I've given lately and in as many conversations wit h others, I've talked about "life being a mirror!?" It represents our struggle for clarity. The bottom of the crystal is usually dense, opaque. As it grows through countless struggles, it gets clearer and clearer. We, too, strive to achieve clarity of purpose and of being after our various struggles. Its power lies also in its structure, growing, reading up toward the light, from the depths of the earth.
In Healing with Crystals and Gemstones by Daya Sarai Chocron the clear quartz crystal "is a symbol, a mirror of our soul." Maybe that is why in so many psychic medium readings I've given lately and in as many conversations wit h others, I've talked about "life being a mirror!?" It represents our struggle for clarity. The bottom of the crystal is usually dense, opaque. As it grows through countless struggles, it gets clearer and clearer. We, too, strive to achieve clarity of purpose and of being after our various struggles. Its power lies also in its structure, growing, reading up toward the light, from the depths of the earth.
Its apex (which is the point at the crown where the six sides meet) is like a pyramid, representing the forces of trinity, doubled.The quartz crystal acts as a catalyst, a conductor of energy. It is both a receiver (or receptor) and a transmitter. It balances and harmonizes the aura, giving it equilibrium. These crystals attune themselves automatically to human vibrations because of their affinity with the human spirit, creating spiritual links when they are worn or held. These beautiful, sacred stones are a force field of light and energy, which can be used as a sonic protection against negativity. They clear and neutrilize negative conditions, can be used to cleanse the atmosphere of larger areas too, such as our work places, homes, classroon, etc.They help with our inate intuitive insight, to see the light in the darkness, to be our own light. When on the body, these crystal quartz decrystalize the knots which block the flow of energy. They aide in the shifting of energy.</ DIV>
So much of what we know is intuitive, if we only choose to listen and validate what we hear. Recently I agreed on some level, to revisit a childhood of trauma, with my sister who is eighteen years younger than I, and decided to speak to me of her childhood that had similar effects. For weeks I "laid on the banks of life, like a fish out of water." Loving, supportive family and friends listened to me as I gasped, "no one is listening to me." Sometimes we don't see the forest for the trees, as the saying goes.
One of the emails I received from a dear friend read like this,
"You have been on my mind for about a week now. Not sure if something is going on with you. But earlier last week I got a strong notion to pass something on to you for whatever it is worth. I know you have told me a few things about your past and indicated some horrible things. I am getting lately that these things are totally consuming you whether consciously or subconsciously, but that you, as hard as it is, need to keep that in the past and move forward. Your light around you is not as bright as these issues or thoughts, and they are changing your aura. I am worried you will be sick from it. As hard as it is, you need to put it behind you and keep it there as it is preventing you from moving ahead to a different level in the work you need to do. I hope this makes sense. I am sending you light and love and you will need it to break this dark cord from your life relationship.Take care."
Then the meditation came. Now I have a new guide. Something shifted. Something gained. As my friend, Sandra from California - whom I've only met on-line says, "I AM."
I AM much more than one thing done to me. So are you. Im moving forward into the Light with a barrage of friends and loved ones. I AM so grateful. Thank you.
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