Saturday, January 1, 2011

Lifes Mirror

When we look into a mirror what reflection shines back? I recall when I was a teen, the seemingly never ending examinations I put myself through while looking into a mirror. It seemed so easy to stare and find the outer flaws. I was comparing myself to anyone else who I had thought was better. We all do this, I believe. Through the years I still have found myself staring into the mirror and examining what I see there against my own comparisons. The mirror of life stares back, like a great reflection. Larger than life it seems. The picture of ourselves resides within. This we would experience even without an actual physical mirror to look into.

I also remember staring into the mirror, into my eyes until all else faded away. I would begin to see a "me" that I had not seen before. I "knew" deep within that there was more to life than I was being taught on earth. How I knew this, eluded me. I didn't have anything to attach this thought to, at the time. I didn't know where these thoughts or feelings were coming from. What was this larger than life picture I was experiencing?

How do we learn to accept the thoughts, feelings and experiences we go through in life? Since when do we accept what other people think of us and make that more important than what we think of ourselves? Is this the purpose of the mirror of life? Do we hold this mirror up to our own face so that we have a contrast to examine life through? Does this create an earthly classroom?

I call thoughts that have been passed down through generations, taught-thoughts. Our parents are like our Gods, when we are little and most times, far beyond that. What they teach us about ourselves, through their taught-thoughts from previous ancestors, clings within our own mind and heart. Without awareness, we pass this down to the next generation, as well. What we hold to be true about ourselves is not a secret lost. It shines through lifes mirror is a multitude of ways. We live it. We display it. It shines back to us in the people we choose to have relationships with, and so on. We attract to ourselves, what we see within the mirror we create. As we learn about this reflection we can choose to either let it go, or keep it, though the lesson learned is not forgotten.

Letting go. Surrendering. Releasing the image we have chosen to keep within our psyche is a process. It is always a choice. This is a gift, when we come to recognize it as one. It may seem as if the mirror of life may be lying, yet how can it? We create it. This may bring up all sorts of negative thoughts and feelings; hate, envy, blame. We create a "side" and attract it's equal and opposite "side." We live in a life of duality, by choice. We may begin to forget our heart. We may want to be with others who are like-minded.
In our hearts we know that what we choose to see in the mirror is up to us as individuals. No matter what. This is also the gift that we have had all along since our birth. What we choose to create, we can re-create.

My heart has grown so much. I feel so very fortunate. I have been given so many words from a source that is outside of myself and beyond lifes mirrored images. I choose to share them here.

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