Saturday, January 1, 2011

Spirit Guides Us

Michele Nappi Psychic Medium-Spiritual Guide-Healer

During early December I had been journeying to Ed Gross ( heartbeat drumming while holding a rose quartz. I did this a few times. During one of these journeys the top left side (left is female side of body) of my head was tingling, as if spirit were touching it. I have had this happen before.
I recognized their touch, as a loving and compassionate validation.
Spirit also sent me a  double heart meditation that I did a week or so later.This meditation unites the heart, crown chakra and sends energy to Earth. I have been sending high frequency, healing energy to Earth and All for years. I had a vision and saw my aura expand greatly. It was very clear. I consider myself spiritual and not dogmatic. I saw Jesus again, as I have in the past.
I have been guarded about speaking about being with him, because of others thought-forms and taught-thoughts.
On Dec. 9th there was a group of us who met at my shop, Moonlight Gifts in Milton, VT. We were experiencing Deeksha and Matrix Energetics. We meet monthly. I sat with my eyes closed. Visions came to me of my mother and sister, both deceased. My mother offered an apology to me while my sister stood without looking at me or saying anything. It was the first time in my life my mother ever said she was sorry to me. I hadnt expected it. The images just popped into my mind.
I talk to spirit almost every day through doing readings, healings and just plain wanting to talk to the Universe, yet this was something that "held me still" as this energy often does when we experience the quiet, stillness of spirit.
Having this stillness fill and surround you is not like any other experience. It is distinct and unforgetable. Ask anyone who has had this experience and you will hear the same!
After we were through and people were getting set to leave for the evening, I spoke of my visions to the women. I told them of the journey/meditations I had been doing with drumming and holding a rose quartz. Certain memories of my childhood had been coming to me during the time I had been working with journeying this way. It almost felt like "soul retrieval" work. Very healing. Either way I was to know exactly why I was thinking of these portions of my past.
As, I said we meet at my shop. There was a very heavy book on a shelf. It flew up in the air and off the shelf and landed onto the floor, near me. It didnt knock over the things that were in front or around it. I have witnesses:)
The book was "The Book of Stones: Who They Are And What They Teach." The women there encouraged me to look up the meaning of rose quartz even though we knew it is associated with the heart chakra. One of the women held my arm. Another was in awe and said, "When did this happen? That all happened here!?"
This to me was also a validation that the journeying, meditations and visions I was having were important to my spiritual growth, that of others and that of the Earth.
I could have used my analitical brain and rationalized it all. We all do this. When we receive a message from the Universal Spirit, we often turn it into a past memory or rationalize it away. If it weren't for the book flying through the air, I may have been able to do this, also.
I looked up the information the next day: Rose Quartz: Love, gentleness, emotional healing, release of stress, uniting with the Divine. Element: Water Chakras: Heart (4th) Links ones heart to the heart of the Earth and the heart of the Universe. One of the stones of the Great Mother. Penetrates down to the cellular level, reprogramming the cells for joy and is the source of the healing potential of Rose Quartz.
Rose Quartz can stimulate the crown chakra (remember the tingling I felt on the left side of my head), third eye (visions) and throat chakra (speaking to the women at the group and in this forum), bringing them into harmony with the heart chakra. For ones meditation or sleeping room, a rose quartz in each corner is not overdoing it. Gentle enough for children.
Rose quartz can assist in spreading compassion and gentle understanding throughout the world. It clears the emotional body, and assists in the integration and resolution of old emotional patterns.
As we evolve into a new paradigm, our energetic center is moving from the hara point below the navel to the heart chakra. As this shift takes place, it is highly important to clear and strengthen this chakra.
The heart chakra is the strongest generator of Light energy in the body - even stronger than the brain.
The energy of Rose Quartz helps the bud of the heart unfold into a thousand-petaled lotus of Light (my vision of seeing my aura grow). Meditation with Rose Quartz assists in embracing higher and finer frequencies of Light. It can vibrationally support the energetic stabilization of the physical heart as it shifts to match the increasing frequency of the planet.
Rose Quartz carries the energy of heart-centered spiritually ascended masters, including Jesus (my vision of seeing him). It clears the emotional body of ego-driven patterns and past emotional trauma.
Affirmation: "I open my heart to receive and express the energy of love."
My/our work here on Earth is not only about my/our own evolution, but the evolution of All. I have always known this. I came here knowing. I live this knowing. I give this knowing and I receive it.
On this day, I also received a call from my deceased sisters ex-husband. Another validation. He wanted me to look at pictures that were posted on the funeral homes site about her, her children, and so on. My sister was killed. It was a sad reminder. There is more to it that I won't mention here, except to say the person resposible for her death is out there somewhere.
With grace, I move ahead with my life and am in the now moment.
I had the information from Universal Spirit to comfort me. I was open to it and I received information from spirit, my sister and my mother. They knew he would call me the next day and how I might feel. They were there to comfort me as is Spirit for us All.
They were there to let me know they appreciate the work I do and that the healing matters not only for myself, but for them and the whole.
Being able to experience spirits messages has made so much difference in my life. I absolutely "know" that I am spirit. I have always "known" this!
Readings: $35 for the first 15 minutes(minimum). $2 a minute after that. I can do readings in person or by phone. MC and Visa accepted.
*Healing are free and so are searches for missing people and pets.
I also teach psychic/spiritual development once a month. $20 for two hour workshop/class. We meditate, journey, discuss, practice, offer support and expand consciousness.*Next workshop is January 12th at 6PM @ Moonlight Gift Shoppe - Rte7 Milton.
"Oh Michele, you always know just what to say:)
This (message in email) made me cry and laugh at the same time and I felt much better. "
Thank you,T
"Cool - very cool!  I will need to buy some rose quartz! It all made perfect sense! Funny how everything always is related to everything else and how we need a book flying off a shelf to get our attention! Or to get us to stop and realize how blessed we are and to know that events happen for a reason - sometimes reasons we don't "think" about!  We just get wrapped up in our human existence and 'forget' who we really are and what we are capable of doing!   All part of our journey back home.
I had a thought part of the shift we are all experiencing - we are working on becoming awakened (I still don't have a clear picture of this - but working on it) - but if we do become awakened do we still reincarnate for other lives on earth? Bagavhan says that it will take about 100 years for all humans to fully become awakened - so if we don't reincarnate -  my ego is feeling slighted that I won't have the chance to experience a fully awakened human existence - Or maybe being our spirit selfs after we leave this body - is better than an awakened existence here on earth!  But if I become awakened now - I will experience it??
Any thoughts?
Love T (another woman with a "T" name)
We are all as awakened as we allow ourselves to BE in any given moment. I do believe we are spirit having this experience "now" - we allow the past and future we believe in to alter the "now." Letting go of past/future we would live in the "now." As children live.

Children - who we call/label as "children" are spirit angels. They came to "wake us up" to who we believe we are in the moment, to mirror the "now" for us.When a baby is born we get a chance to see anew. We get a chance to re-experience through them. It is exciting. More and more children and those who know them, are coming into the shop and telling me things like this. More and more children are experiencing spirit and themselves as spirit. We adults are allowing this to occur - we are learning to get out of their way and out of our own way. It is a beautiful message and is assisting us in expanding our heart/spirit selves.
Heaven is here on earth or any where else we "allow" it to be. Yes, you can BE fully awakened "now." Yes, you are fully awakened as spirit self. We may or may not reincarnate. We can choose to, as fully awakened spirit - to assist those not fully awakened. This is happening "now." Time does not exist. It is a label we put on our experience.
When I talk of "sides" - right/wrong, good/bad, etc. that is ego. This is all perception relative to the one who is doing the thinking.When we allow ourselves to let go of "sides" we are spirit self, as whole and united with the whole. Remember we are a holographic image of the whole - as spirit self. You have had awakened moments - did you experience it? I believe so. ***You can experience a fully awakened state any time you choose to.
Abundant Blessings, Michele
Dear Michele
I'm thankful to you; it looks that healing is working on her, 3 days ago she looked at me with smile and said, "hello."
Best Regards, Nauman
Meeting once per month for a reading/healing event at Moonlight Gift Shoppe, Rte 7 Milton, VT.
*This event will re-occur at 6PM on the first Thursday of every month. Mark you calendar accordingly.
Doors will be locked after attendees arrive so there will be no interruptions.
The healings would be given before the readings begin so that it would raise the energy vibration of the event. This would include the whole group, holding hands, sitting in a circle. The process includes the healing energy "knowing" that all are filled and surrounded with healing energy for their highest good. This energy can be "sent" also while this process takes place, to include others, situations, etc. This way the whole group would get the healing at once and/or the attendee can send healing energy to others, the earth, etc. After the initial healing takes place, we will sit with this energy for about 5 minutes while meditative music plays.
*After the healing session, READINGS begin.
Information/reference material will be available for participants to take home with them, as well.
A donation of $20 per person for this monthly event is required. ***Space is limited so sign-up is highly encouraged!

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