I met a Being in White at the Earth Clock in Burlington, VT a while ago. At that time I told the group meeting there what I had seen and they immediately validated for me that he had been seen there before.
I asked this Being if there was a chance that we could work together. I didn't get a clear answer at that time. I forgot about it and got on with things.
A few months later this Being showed up at my shop; Moonlight Gifts in Milton, VT and we began working together.
The Being and I set up a crystal grid stonehenge here within the shop through intention only.
It would later be told to me through Metatron that human beings are living crystals. Biological science tells us that several substances and membranes within the human body function as liquid crystals. Marcal Vogel, a well known researcher at IBM, has found that by cutting a quartz crystal in a very percise manner, it can be tuned vibrationally to the exact frequency of water. Since the human body is made up largely of water, it is not surprising that we resonate so well with quartz crystals when they are used for healing purposes.
After that occurred another thing happened while I was giving psychic attunements during a group I was leading within the shop. Lotuses formed over the top of each crystal stonehenge piece and over the top of each persons head, within their crown chakra. These lotuses were breath takingly beautiful of purple and a medium color of pink.
Within the center of this grid stands a crystal pillar with a crystaline ball/energy over the top of it. All the pillars are very large in structure.
The crystaline ball floats above this crystal pillar and energy eminates from it. This too, is very large in structure.
I was talking to some people who were in the shop a week or two ago; January 2011. They were there doing a gemstone essence demonstration; crystals - I was discussing with them that the energy of this stonehenge grid had expanded immensly recently.
At that time I also gathered up one of my favorite Tarot decks ( The Power Deck - The Cards of Wisdom by Lynn Andrews), shuffled them and we each chose a card., seemingly for the fun of it!
I laughed out loud and showed everyone the card I received as validation of what I was just talking about; stonehenge. This card shows a picture of stonehenge with the earth as a globe in the foreground.
On the card it says, "Are you living your truth? Your being is like a spirit lodge. Within this sacred place is your realization and the divine light of your creation. Live in your spirit lodge surrounded by peace and joy. Outside your lodge is the great wilderness where the rest of the world lives. That wilderness can become a battleground stained with the blood of ignorance and earthly pain. To have lasting power in the world, you must earn the trust of those around you. Most people live without a sacred place within, wihout a spirit lodge, and they do not know how to enter the spirit lodge of others. Live within your sacred truth."
The Being within my shop and the crystal stonehenge with lotus, looks similar to one of the pictures regarding the Arkansas crystal vortex (see attachement below). I see too that there is a lotus in the picture! I can't say for certain that who I see is Metatron.
The Being has never labeled himself with a name. Afterall, spirit has no name, no label. I am following my sacred truth and living within my spirit lodge with faith and belief that all is "what it is."
Abundant Blessings for All, Michele
A friend sent me this:
Shortly after another friend from CA. sent me this:
Both talk about Metatron! Which brought me to this:
Metatron is Living Light Intelligence radiating from the heart seed within us all. He represent Quantum Reality associated with the Tree of Life and the Crown chakra. Metatron is the servant or body of Shekinah; divine feminine presence.
Metatron and Shekinah define and execute the sacred geometry within our DNA that is constantly changing, growing and enfolding as in a kaleidoscope as it turns, transforming one picture into another, one world of reality into another.
To call upon Metatron and Shekinah focus on your crown chakra; top of the head, as opening like a flower (lotus) of living presence. See Light flow through your crown chakra area, into your heart (heart seed). Then bring this Light down through your feet and into the center of the earth.
Ask them a question. They will answer. Watch for their answer within the next few days!
Metatron and I continue our work together. I did a house clearing for a couple whose two year old child was talking to the spirit that were in their house. They felt uncomfortable with this. I carried with me sage and Metatron incense for cleansing and tabacco for blessing the house and land.
A week later the house owner let me know that the house was quiet and felt peaceful. She is an artist and with other artists, was doing an upcoming show. Her friend sent her a picture of what she had been working on. Metatrons cube! I took it as another message from Metatron that he was indeed with us for the clearing of space and assisted the spirits to move on to find peace.
My friend from CA called. She and I chat off and on. She was talking about a mutual friend who had flown from Canada to CA to meet for the first time. She brought with her Metatrons cube to work with while visiting!
Metatron speaks:
"I call to those who seek,
I call in the ones who seek to know, to release sorrow, pain and fear.
To know the power within.
I call in the ones who seek through the portal into this space to become with One.
To sit within the Stonehenge with I, Metatron and other of great power and compassion.
I call in the ones who seek. It is known."
Continue to use and cultivate your intuition. Expand and brighten your auric field. Your vibration/frequency. You are whole. Become aware of the power within. Your spirit self. It is like a BEing in love...
A Meditation (gather your crystals, oils, incense, essences, etc. and sit in a place where you can relax for 15-20 minutes):
Through the Lotus of the Now Moment of Universal Presence:
Sit comfortably or lay down. Close your eyes. Breathe in through your nostrils, slowly. Breathe out slowly through your mouth, which creates a feeling of grounding and centering. You may like to see yourself as the tree of life, your limbs reaching out into the universe, your roots digging deep into the rich soil of the earth.
Envision the sacred lotus (given by Metatron as purple and pink - although you can imagine any color) above the top of your head, just above your crown chakra. Above this floats a crystal clear raindrop of energy (about 4" tall and 2" in width).
As you breathe in the energy of the presence of the lotus and the clear energy of the crystal raindrop, it fills and surrounds you, uplifting your energy/vibration.
See the Universe within the center of your being; about 1" below your navel. This is your One point. Your place of power. See the Stars, Milky Way, Planets, Comets, and so on.
Smell the richness of the cosmos. Breathe it in.
Feel and Touch the wholeness of All in your heart. Connect with all. Feel the Presence of Being within. The stars, the dirt of Earth - ground yourself in it's warmth and beauty.
Know your spirit self as part of the whole, united with the whole of the universe - of All. Become One with what is seen, smelled, touched, felt, heard and known, for it IS you.
Hear the song of the universe singing with you - humming it's child-like, innocent melody as it holds you within it's arms.
YOU are a child of the universe. Breathe it all in, knowing this. Empower yourself. You are at One with the Cosmos.
When you are finished sitting with this energy, open your eyes and stretch until you feel fully awakened.
* This meditation assists with self-discovery, empowerment, and precognitive dreams. It draws through and around you, divine inspiration and channels it into your intuition. Many have noticed increased synchronicities. Metatron may even appear in your life!
August 17th, 2011
Metatron came through as I was meditating/channeling with a friend, Tina. She wrote down the meditation as she usually does when we meditating.
Clear Quartz Meditation
Metetron is here - reminds us of Stonehenge - past & present - "bringing past into present moment destroys any future creation - we live rotely from past.
See myself standing in Stonehenge with grid of clear energy and greenery. He has crystal wand coming out of his stomach area. Heard word/name: Therious/Therius.
Metatron says, "I am here for the trees." I see little white flowers close to the ground.
Putting two orbs together - connecting together and hands them to me.
Not clear orbs - opaque looking yet can look into them. I see writing in orb. Is this Tina as she writes down what I am channeling? We are both orbs of Light.
Hear name: Demitrius
See Metatron putting some sort of cape on. Taking dog collar off. Meaning?
Warming earth and mountains shrinking. He's here to hold earth steady - has huge staff. We get little wands - he has giant staff. He has his followers (group) together - seems to be people - spread out over the entire earth.
I hear, "Greenscale." To help with earth - holding earth together with crystal grid. Which is why Stonehenge was built in Burlington.
Pot is boiling - huge black pot - things are shifting near CA. Tectonic plates - one east of CA - one on east coast also - affects of eco-system - latitude.
When planes fly they will feel it in the air - it will bounce them up and down. Russia will aslo feel it - middle of Russia and New Zealand not just United States.
*Burlington Free Press; 8/28/11 - Earthquakes: Buildings were lightly damaged in many parts of eastern US by the region's strongest earthquake since WWll. Shaking felt from Georgia to Ontario. *Colorado (east of CA) most powerful quake since 1967. Also mentioned was southern New Zealand with earth movements.
Then hurricane Irene hit eastern US.
Lemons. (not sure what this means?) * This sent to me a few days later through a website/group about Emmanuel; a being channeled through a woman named Pat: For tension, Emmanuel told me to " add sugar and lemon juice to a cup of hot water, and sip it and to make noise when you let go a deep sigh."
Animals will feel it first - they always do -. When? Feels like already started - volcanos - under water - part of shift. Meant to bring us together - to show us who we are - not meant as a warning - doesn't instill fear, more about planets aligning, gravitational pull - already aligning.
Micro-cosmic (not sure what this means)
When? Already started - September - dropping feeling - shift of energy causes a dropping. Scary - must be large to have planes feel it? Middle earth sinks? Middle of US sinks in - cracks on each side of US - water goes where earth sinks in.
Plates - earth warming - changes underneath. It is what it is - we'll deal with it - huge change. Not everyone dies. Grid set up - group of beings hold earth within crystal grid of energy.
"gold at feet" (this saying keeps coming up)
An honor that we have - we are spirit self not physical reality. We are the energy - count on that to sustain us. Shortage of water?
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