Saturday, January 15, 2011

"Seek to Find Yourself"

We are all seekers. It is our natural instinct to learn that urges us onward, seeking answers to questions we may have. Since time began we
have grown in body, mind, and spirit because of the gift of inquisitiveness. Babies naturally put anything they come across in their mouths to
taste, thus smell objects. That is why we do this as infants. We learn this way. Neuron receptors in the brain get connected and implanted in
our memory bank. Eyes see, ears hear, the mouth tastes, the nose computes scents, the skin as an organ, feels, and so on. We are seekers
of knowledge on all levels of knowingness. We seek so that we can make decisions based on what is happening in our environment. We
receive "gut instincts", "women's intuition", "a sense of knowing", etc. beyond our better-known human senses. I'm quite sure that is how we
made it out of the caves and into todays world, by our survival instincts that helped us with extraordinary senses that some call psychic

In the Wizard of Oz Dorothy seeks safety for Toto. To keep him near her as her pet. As a companion. She would give up all that she knows for
him. On her way she seeks an answer from a crystal ball. How did her choices affect those she loves? That is her question of it. She is reeled
back into the story of her life with Aunt Ems tears and through those tears she finds herself in the emotional tornado of her life. Ripping the
very structure of her comfort zone out from beneath her, transporting her to places unknown, she then seeks what is outside of her fallen
house. A new land in an odd place that certainly isn't Kansas anymore. Down the yellow brick road she is led to believe will bring her back
home again, to that which is known. To loved ones. To the familiar. On the way she meets new beings that she grows to admire and love.
Along their journey together Tin Man, Lion, and Scarecrow endear themselves to her through their seeking of wisdom, a heart, courage. A
place within themselves that means they can relax into a love of self. Aren't we all seeking that same place? Why do we choose to amass
these same qualities along life's pathway? How do we get there? We are all born with various forms of intelligence, love in our heart, and
courage! Who taught us that we needed these qualities because we lacked them? Who taught them? Who is the judge... of the judge... of the

Do we truly believe there must be some magical, mystical yellow brick road to our destiny? Will we meet an old ogre of a tree that will pelt us
with the very thing we reach out for? Will there be souls singing to us with encouragement; "follow the yellow brick road!" Will there be
goodness and gentle smiles or badness and evil sneers that linger over our heads as we travel? Which way to the Emerald City where all the
answers lay in the hands of one great Wizard that knows all. That is the deep and biding question we all have in our hearts, secreted away so
that no other can see, that we then make it into a fantasy manifested. We act it out outside of ourselves. And when the fantasy doesn't fit we
keep moving along looking for the next thing that just might show us the way home.
Take away all material possessions, all sizes, colors, and forms of bodies, all religions, all levels of intellect and what are we left with? Our soul.
Each moment of wakefulness is filled with barbs, pulling us this way and that. Urging us to do more and do it better. To look this way or that
way in fashion, depending on the year. Depending on what is in style. To make more and have more. More and more and more. 'Maybe if I
have enough stuff it will look like I am filled with love.' This is the nightmare of life. The night terrors we can't seem to wake up from.
Knowing deep within that there can never be enough down this road. Others may count on your insecurities. They hope and deeply pray that
you will follow the idea that love can be taken from you and replaced with do-dads, what-nots, and a large assortment of pills and energy
drinks to wash them down. That you will really believe there is an energy crisis and pay up the yazoo for gas because you NEED it! Need
equals fear. This has been called the rat race. If we don't have energy efficient vehicles available you simply won't have them to buy. You
could always ride a horse. You could decide to live in a yurt and feed off the land. You won't die. Your ancestors gave testament to that. Do
you believe that they used their instincts, psychic abilities to get us this far? I do.

Even when we have an inkling of knowing that love is something that can never be forsaken, we still question this idea. Does anyone really
love me? Am I at all lovable, if people really knew me? Do we really want to be alone? Wouldn't it be nicer to have someone to come home to?
To dine with. To celebrate with. To honor and cherish till death do we part? All of the multi-million dollar industries hope you believe you will die
alone. Hope you believe you need them desperately. Hope you don't know that you are the love you desire. That through this you magnetize
to you, just what you hope for. Oh, yes, it is a mighty tug of war. Who and/or what is at the other end of your rope? Who do you see when you
look in the mirror, that is who! You and all your choices and decisions.

Who is in your head making the choices you choose to make? You are. Who dresses you in the morning? You or an army of thoughts? Who
taught you that thought? Who decides to keep that thought and hold it dear to your heart? You do, of course. Maybe that is why some groups
wear only brown robes and shave their hair off. It simplifies things.

You can not deny it if you try that you decide what to believe and you make your choices. That is the wonderful, beauty of being alive. The
apple tree of life will always have a ripe apple for you if you are hungry enough to reach out for it. For every thought you have within your
head you trusted another and chose to believe that that was the Golden Ticket, the magical Wizard of Oz, or in JK Rowling, Harry Potter and
the Philosophers Stone The Mirror of Erised. As Harry stands before the mirror he slowly says, 'It shows us what we want...whatever we want...
'Yes and no', said Dumbeldore quietly, 'It shows us nothing more or less than the deepest, most desperate desire of our hearts.' What did
Dumbeldore learn in his age and wisdom? Why is he so quiet when he tells Harry this? Has he found out that the mirror of life teaches us our
own reflection? We seek, thus we expect to find. When we do find a magical answer we call it a miracle. Something outside of ourselves. When
we don't find the answer we want, we tend to blame something also outside of ourselves. As long as we stay outside of ourselves we feel safe
not being responsible for, or in control of our destiny. Someone else can decide if we are deserving this, that or the other thing. We are then
telling ourselves and others that we don't need to take responsibility for our own feelings, thoughts or our actions. What are your reasons?
This does get tricky, doesn't it? It is sticky stuff, life is, like taffy, pulling and tugging at us. Our reasons do not necessarily justify the means.
We are all running up and down the yellow brick road seeking the way so that we can finally, once and for all feel at home! We want that
mystical mirror to show us the way home.

Though truth be known, we never left. Home is after all really where the heart is. Inside your heart lays your soul, your spirit. It is all that simple.
Run around like a chicken with it's head cut off out of nervous energy and lack of anything better to do at the time. Listen to what anyone and
everyone tells you. Read that hundreth book on body, mind, and spirit venues and what is "in" this year. The Secret. What the Bleep Do We
K(now)!? The One. How far down the Rabbit Hole do you intend to go? Take from them what you will. These books have been written over and
over again for hundreds of years and since time began. They do all have a message. You are your creator of your own truth.
Your answers are what you already knew and that which rang true for you in anything you read. That which you decided to keep from the
informational highway of life. Human beings have limitations. Spirit has none. I believe that is why, when I am the medium through which
information goes through, during a reading, that it is in symbology. Symbols are like art. Each decides what is meant by the larger picture. That
changes as we grow, by our free will, and experience life as a human being.

When you are done with life what do you have? You have what you have always had; yourself. What you began with and some wisdom, heart,
and courage added. I believe we are human beings having a material, physical experience to better decide who we are. Our choices form our
own thoughts and those we decide to keep as truth, create who we decide to be. Spirit once told me, "It is not what you are doing, it is who you
are being while you are doing it that matters most." When you are doing, no matter what, who are you being? That is who you are.
You never left home. Your spirit has always been within. Quietly waiting. This is all you ever needed. "Be the love you desire!" is another
message Spirit gave me. Make up your own mind. It is after all, a terrible thing to waste. You always have you. Accepting this fact is the peace
and love you have been seeking. As long as you look to the outside for the inside information you will be looking to the outside for the inside
information. That is how long it will take. So sit with yourself and make the commitment. Learn to know yourself by relaxing in quiet meditation
so that your conscious mind may rest and give way to your subconscious mind. So you can hear the subtle voice of Spirit speaking, guiding,
urging you to know that you are rare, unique, and perfect just the way you are no matter what. You are no mistake. You may make a mis-take
and re-take as many times as you like for eons. There is no such thing as time, as man sees it. You have all the time you request. There is no
such thing as separation. We are all One. Universal truths are just that. True for all. True love lays inside of you and keeps you waking up to a
new day full of bright and promising experiences. Keeps you taking that breath and that next step forward. Keeps you honoring your
commitment to seek until you find. Here we go again... Isn't it wonderful!?

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