Monday, January 31, 2011

OPEN Psychic Development Sacred Circle

OPEN Psychic Development Sacred Circle
The more you know your spirit self the calmer, more compassionate you can be towards yourself. The more centered and balanced you think and feel, the more your genuine, authentic self as spirit can shine through. It is up to you to decide what vibrational frequency you would like in your life, no matter what is occuring outside of yourself.
We all have times in our lives when we feel out of balance. This can be a temporary state of mind, something you create for yourself on a daily basis, as you bring forward your past into the present state of NOW or you can BE a fully awake being, with a deep knowing of your spirit self. It is a choice and that choice is one only you can make for yourself.
We meet once a month, on the first Thursday evening at 6PM on a regular basis to support one another as the larger family of spiritual beings. This sacred space is created by all of us who join together to share, learn, support and grow. We are here to remind each other that what ever lays on the outside of our being is temporary and that we are in control of how we decide to treat ourselves.
Ego is left at the door.
Many who come into this space realize the energy just seems "different." People feel at peace and feel joyful. This has been created for YOU to enjoy.
Please join us!
Practice exercises with those of like-mind to develop your innate abilities! 
Connect with others & your authentic self, gain greater self-confidence knowing this connection.
Gain a deeper trust in your own intuition, life path and a renewed passion for life.
Experience an awareness of being fully alive, filling yourself with high vibrations of the expansion of a light filled heart.
Meditation, journey, psychic attunement. $20
Moonlight Gift Shoppe, Rte7 Milton, VT

Being In White - Arch Angel Metatron and I

I met a Being in White  at the Earth Clock in Burlington, VT a while ago. At that time I told the group meeting there what I had seen and they immediately validated for me that he had been seen there before.

I asked this Being if there was a chance that we could work together. I didn't get a clear answer at that time. I forgot about it and got on with things.

A few months later this Being showed up at my shop; Moonlight Gifts in Milton, VT and we began working together.

The Being and I set up a crystal grid stonehenge here within the shop through intention only.

It would later be told to me through Metatron that human beings are living crystals. Biological science tells us that several substances and membranes within the human body function as liquid crystals. Marcal Vogel, a well known researcher at IBM, has found that by cutting a quartz crystal in a very percise manner, it can be tuned vibrationally to the exact frequency of water. Since the human body is made up largely of water, it is not surprising that we resonate so well with quartz crystals when they are used for healing purposes.

After that occurred another thing happened while I was giving psychic attunements during  a group I was leading within the shop. Lotuses formed over the top of each crystal stonehenge piece and over the top of each persons head, within their crown chakra. These lotuses were breath takingly beautiful of purple and a medium color of pink.

Within the center of this grid stands a crystal pillar with a crystaline ball/energy over the top of it. All the pillars are very large in structure.

The crystaline ball floats above this crystal pillar and energy eminates from it. This too, is very large in structure.

I was talking to some people who were in the shop a week or two ago; January 2011. They were there doing a gemstone essence demonstration; crystals - I was discussing with them that the energy of this stonehenge grid had expanded immensly recently.

 At that time I also gathered up one of my favorite Tarot decks ( The Power Deck - The Cards of Wisdom by Lynn Andrews), shuffled them and we each chose a card., seemingly for the fun of it! 

 I laughed  out loud and  showed everyone the card I received as validation of what I was just talking about; stonehenge. This card shows a picture of stonehenge with the earth as a globe in the foreground.

On the card it says, "Are you living your truth? Your being is like a spirit lodge. Within this sacred place is your realization and the divine light of your creation. Live in your spirit lodge surrounded by peace and joy. Outside your lodge is the great wilderness where the rest of the world lives. That wilderness can become a battleground stained with the blood of ignorance and earthly pain. To have lasting power in the world, you must earn the trust of those around you. Most people live without a sacred place within, wihout a spirit lodge, and they do not know how to enter the spirit lodge of others. Live within your sacred truth."

The Being within my shop and the crystal stonehenge with lotus, looks similar to one of the pictures regarding the Arkansas crystal vortex (see attachement below). I see too that there is a lotus in the picture! I can't say for certain that who I see is Metatron.

The Being has never labeled himself with a name. Afterall, spirit has no name, no label. I am following my sacred truth and living within my spirit lodge with faith and belief that all is "what it is."

Abundant Blessings for All, Michele

A friend sent me this:

Shortly after another friend from CA. sent me this:

Both talk about Metatron! Which brought me to this:

Metatron is Living Light Intelligence radiating from the heart seed within us all. He represent Quantum Reality associated with the Tree of Life and the Crown chakra.  Metatron is the servant or body of Shekinah; divine feminine presence.

Metatron and Shekinah define and execute the sacred geometry within our DNA that is constantly changing, growing and enfolding as in a kaleidoscope as it turns, transforming one picture into another, one world of reality into another.

To call upon Metatron and Shekinah focus on your crown chakra; top of the head, as opening like a flower (lotus) of living presence. See Light flow through your crown chakra area, into your heart (heart seed). Then bring this Light down through your feet and into the center of the earth.
Ask them a question. They will answer. Watch for their answer within the next few days!

Metatron and I continue our work together. I did a house clearing for a couple whose two year old child was talking to the spirit that were in their house. They felt uncomfortable with this. I carried with me sage and Metatron incense for cleansing and tabacco for blessing the house and land.
A week later the house owner let me know that the house was quiet and felt peaceful. She is an artist and with other artists, was doing an upcoming show. Her friend sent her a picture of what she had been working on. Metatrons cube! I took it as another message from Metatron that he was indeed with us for the clearing of space and assisted the spirits to move on to find peace.

My friend from CA called. She and I chat off and on. She was talking about a mutual friend who had flown from Canada to CA to meet for the first time. She brought with her Metatrons cube to work with while visiting!

Metatron speaks:

"I call to those who seek,
I call in the ones who seek to know, to release sorrow, pain and fear.
To know the power within.
I call in the ones who seek through the portal into this space to become with One.
To sit within the Stonehenge with I, Metatron and other of great power and compassion.
I call in the ones who seek. It is known."

Continue to use and cultivate your intuition. Expand and brighten your auric field. Your vibration/frequency. You are whole. Become aware of the power within. Your spirit self. It is like a BEing in love...

A Meditation (gather your crystals, oils, incense, essences, etc. and sit in a place where you can relax for 15-20 minutes):

Through the Lotus of the Now Moment of Universal Presence:

Sit comfortably or lay down. Close your eyes. Breathe in through your nostrils, slowly. Breathe out slowly through your mouth, which creates a feeling of grounding and centering. You may like to see yourself as the tree of life, your limbs reaching out into the universe, your roots digging deep into the rich soil of the earth.

Envision the sacred lotus (given by Metatron as purple and pink - although you can imagine any color) above the top of your head, just above your crown chakra. Above this floats a crystal clear raindrop of energy (about 4" tall and 2" in width).

As you breathe in the energy of the presence of the lotus and the clear energy of the crystal raindrop, it fills and surrounds you, uplifting your energy/vibration.

See the Universe within the center of your being; about 1" below your navel. This is your One point. Your place of power. See the Stars, Milky Way, Planets, Comets, and so on.

Smell the richness of the cosmos. Breathe it in.

Feel and Touch the wholeness of All in your heart. Connect with all. Feel the Presence of Being within. The stars, the dirt of Earth - ground yourself in it's warmth and beauty.

Know your spirit self as part of the whole, united with the whole of the universe - of All. Become One with what is seen, smelled, touched, felt, heard and known, for it IS you.

Hear the song of the universe singing with you - humming it's child-like, innocent melody as it holds you within it's arms.

YOU are a child of the universe. Breathe it all in, knowing this. Empower yourself. You are at One with the Cosmos.

When you are finished sitting with this energy, open your eyes and stretch until you feel fully awakened.

* This meditation assists with self-discovery, empowerment, and precognitive dreams. It draws through and around you, divine inspiration and channels it into your intuition. Many have noticed increased synchronicities. Metatron may even appear in your life!

August 17th, 2011

Metatron came through as I was meditating/channeling with a friend, Tina. She wrote down the meditation as she usually does when we meditating.

Clear Quartz Meditation

Metetron is here - reminds us of Stonehenge - past & present - "bringing past into present moment destroys any future creation - we live rotely from past.
See myself standing in Stonehenge with grid of clear energy and greenery. He has crystal wand coming out of his stomach area. Heard word/name: Therious/Therius.
Metatron says, "I am here for the trees." I see little white flowers close to the ground.
Putting two orbs together - connecting together and hands them to me.
Not clear orbs - opaque looking yet can look into them. I see writing in orb. Is this Tina as she writes down what I am channeling? We are both orbs of Light.

Hear name: Demitrius

See Metatron putting some sort of cape on. Taking dog collar off. Meaning?

Warming earth and mountains shrinking. He's here to hold earth steady - has huge staff. We get little wands - he has giant staff. He has his followers (group) together - seems to be people - spread out over the entire earth.

I hear, "Greenscale." To help with earth - holding earth together with crystal grid. Which is why  Stonehenge was built in Burlington.

Pot is boiling - huge black pot - things are shifting near CA. Tectonic plates - one east of CA - one on east coast also - affects of eco-system - latitude.

When planes fly they will feel it in the air - it will bounce them up and down. Russia will aslo feel it - middle of Russia and New Zealand not just United States.

*Burlington Free Press; 8/28/11 - Earthquakes: Buildings were lightly damaged in many parts of eastern US by the region's strongest earthquake since WWll. Shaking felt from Georgia to Ontario. *Colorado (east of CA) most powerful quake since 1967. Also mentioned was southern New Zealand with earth movements.
Then hurricane Irene hit eastern US.

Lemons. (not sure what this means?) * This sent to me a few days later through a website/group about Emmanuel; a being channeled through a woman named Pat: For tension, Emmanuel told me to " add sugar and lemon juice to a cup of hot water, and sip it and to make noise when you let go a deep sigh."

Animals will feel it first - they always do -. When? Feels like already started - volcanos - under water - part of shift. Meant to bring us together - to show us who we are - not meant as a warning - doesn't instill fear, more about planets aligning, gravitational pull - already aligning.

Micro-cosmic (not sure what this means)

When? Already started - September - dropping feeling - shift of energy causes a dropping. Scary - must be large to have planes feel it? Middle earth sinks? Middle of US sinks in - cracks on each side of US - water goes where earth sinks in.

Plates - earth warming - changes underneath. It is what it is - we'll deal with it - huge change. Not everyone dies. Grid set up - group of beings hold earth within crystal grid of energy.

"gold at feet" (this saying keeps coming up)

An honor that we have - we are spirit self not physical reality. We are the energy - count on that to sustain us. Shortage of water?

Saturday, January 15, 2011

"Seek to Find Yourself"

We are all seekers. It is our natural instinct to learn that urges us onward, seeking answers to questions we may have. Since time began we
have grown in body, mind, and spirit because of the gift of inquisitiveness. Babies naturally put anything they come across in their mouths to
taste, thus smell objects. That is why we do this as infants. We learn this way. Neuron receptors in the brain get connected and implanted in
our memory bank. Eyes see, ears hear, the mouth tastes, the nose computes scents, the skin as an organ, feels, and so on. We are seekers
of knowledge on all levels of knowingness. We seek so that we can make decisions based on what is happening in our environment. We
receive "gut instincts", "women's intuition", "a sense of knowing", etc. beyond our better-known human senses. I'm quite sure that is how we
made it out of the caves and into todays world, by our survival instincts that helped us with extraordinary senses that some call psychic

In the Wizard of Oz Dorothy seeks safety for Toto. To keep him near her as her pet. As a companion. She would give up all that she knows for
him. On her way she seeks an answer from a crystal ball. How did her choices affect those she loves? That is her question of it. She is reeled
back into the story of her life with Aunt Ems tears and through those tears she finds herself in the emotional tornado of her life. Ripping the
very structure of her comfort zone out from beneath her, transporting her to places unknown, she then seeks what is outside of her fallen
house. A new land in an odd place that certainly isn't Kansas anymore. Down the yellow brick road she is led to believe will bring her back
home again, to that which is known. To loved ones. To the familiar. On the way she meets new beings that she grows to admire and love.
Along their journey together Tin Man, Lion, and Scarecrow endear themselves to her through their seeking of wisdom, a heart, courage. A
place within themselves that means they can relax into a love of self. Aren't we all seeking that same place? Why do we choose to amass
these same qualities along life's pathway? How do we get there? We are all born with various forms of intelligence, love in our heart, and
courage! Who taught us that we needed these qualities because we lacked them? Who taught them? Who is the judge... of the judge... of the

Do we truly believe there must be some magical, mystical yellow brick road to our destiny? Will we meet an old ogre of a tree that will pelt us
with the very thing we reach out for? Will there be souls singing to us with encouragement; "follow the yellow brick road!" Will there be
goodness and gentle smiles or badness and evil sneers that linger over our heads as we travel? Which way to the Emerald City where all the
answers lay in the hands of one great Wizard that knows all. That is the deep and biding question we all have in our hearts, secreted away so
that no other can see, that we then make it into a fantasy manifested. We act it out outside of ourselves. And when the fantasy doesn't fit we
keep moving along looking for the next thing that just might show us the way home.
Take away all material possessions, all sizes, colors, and forms of bodies, all religions, all levels of intellect and what are we left with? Our soul.
Each moment of wakefulness is filled with barbs, pulling us this way and that. Urging us to do more and do it better. To look this way or that
way in fashion, depending on the year. Depending on what is in style. To make more and have more. More and more and more. 'Maybe if I
have enough stuff it will look like I am filled with love.' This is the nightmare of life. The night terrors we can't seem to wake up from.
Knowing deep within that there can never be enough down this road. Others may count on your insecurities. They hope and deeply pray that
you will follow the idea that love can be taken from you and replaced with do-dads, what-nots, and a large assortment of pills and energy
drinks to wash them down. That you will really believe there is an energy crisis and pay up the yazoo for gas because you NEED it! Need
equals fear. This has been called the rat race. If we don't have energy efficient vehicles available you simply won't have them to buy. You
could always ride a horse. You could decide to live in a yurt and feed off the land. You won't die. Your ancestors gave testament to that. Do
you believe that they used their instincts, psychic abilities to get us this far? I do.

Even when we have an inkling of knowing that love is something that can never be forsaken, we still question this idea. Does anyone really
love me? Am I at all lovable, if people really knew me? Do we really want to be alone? Wouldn't it be nicer to have someone to come home to?
To dine with. To celebrate with. To honor and cherish till death do we part? All of the multi-million dollar industries hope you believe you will die
alone. Hope you believe you need them desperately. Hope you don't know that you are the love you desire. That through this you magnetize
to you, just what you hope for. Oh, yes, it is a mighty tug of war. Who and/or what is at the other end of your rope? Who do you see when you
look in the mirror, that is who! You and all your choices and decisions.

Who is in your head making the choices you choose to make? You are. Who dresses you in the morning? You or an army of thoughts? Who
taught you that thought? Who decides to keep that thought and hold it dear to your heart? You do, of course. Maybe that is why some groups
wear only brown robes and shave their hair off. It simplifies things.

You can not deny it if you try that you decide what to believe and you make your choices. That is the wonderful, beauty of being alive. The
apple tree of life will always have a ripe apple for you if you are hungry enough to reach out for it. For every thought you have within your
head you trusted another and chose to believe that that was the Golden Ticket, the magical Wizard of Oz, or in JK Rowling, Harry Potter and
the Philosophers Stone The Mirror of Erised. As Harry stands before the mirror he slowly says, 'It shows us what we want...whatever we want...
'Yes and no', said Dumbeldore quietly, 'It shows us nothing more or less than the deepest, most desperate desire of our hearts.' What did
Dumbeldore learn in his age and wisdom? Why is he so quiet when he tells Harry this? Has he found out that the mirror of life teaches us our
own reflection? We seek, thus we expect to find. When we do find a magical answer we call it a miracle. Something outside of ourselves. When
we don't find the answer we want, we tend to blame something also outside of ourselves. As long as we stay outside of ourselves we feel safe
not being responsible for, or in control of our destiny. Someone else can decide if we are deserving this, that or the other thing. We are then
telling ourselves and others that we don't need to take responsibility for our own feelings, thoughts or our actions. What are your reasons?
This does get tricky, doesn't it? It is sticky stuff, life is, like taffy, pulling and tugging at us. Our reasons do not necessarily justify the means.
We are all running up and down the yellow brick road seeking the way so that we can finally, once and for all feel at home! We want that
mystical mirror to show us the way home.

Though truth be known, we never left. Home is after all really where the heart is. Inside your heart lays your soul, your spirit. It is all that simple.
Run around like a chicken with it's head cut off out of nervous energy and lack of anything better to do at the time. Listen to what anyone and
everyone tells you. Read that hundreth book on body, mind, and spirit venues and what is "in" this year. The Secret. What the Bleep Do We
K(now)!? The One. How far down the Rabbit Hole do you intend to go? Take from them what you will. These books have been written over and
over again for hundreds of years and since time began. They do all have a message. You are your creator of your own truth.
Your answers are what you already knew and that which rang true for you in anything you read. That which you decided to keep from the
informational highway of life. Human beings have limitations. Spirit has none. I believe that is why, when I am the medium through which
information goes through, during a reading, that it is in symbology. Symbols are like art. Each decides what is meant by the larger picture. That
changes as we grow, by our free will, and experience life as a human being.

When you are done with life what do you have? You have what you have always had; yourself. What you began with and some wisdom, heart,
and courage added. I believe we are human beings having a material, physical experience to better decide who we are. Our choices form our
own thoughts and those we decide to keep as truth, create who we decide to be. Spirit once told me, "It is not what you are doing, it is who you
are being while you are doing it that matters most." When you are doing, no matter what, who are you being? That is who you are.
You never left home. Your spirit has always been within. Quietly waiting. This is all you ever needed. "Be the love you desire!" is another
message Spirit gave me. Make up your own mind. It is after all, a terrible thing to waste. You always have you. Accepting this fact is the peace
and love you have been seeking. As long as you look to the outside for the inside information you will be looking to the outside for the inside
information. That is how long it will take. So sit with yourself and make the commitment. Learn to know yourself by relaxing in quiet meditation
so that your conscious mind may rest and give way to your subconscious mind. So you can hear the subtle voice of Spirit speaking, guiding,
urging you to know that you are rare, unique, and perfect just the way you are no matter what. You are no mistake. You may make a mis-take
and re-take as many times as you like for eons. There is no such thing as time, as man sees it. You have all the time you request. There is no
such thing as separation. We are all One. Universal truths are just that. True for all. True love lays inside of you and keeps you waking up to a
new day full of bright and promising experiences. Keeps you taking that breath and that next step forward. Keeps you honoring your
commitment to seek until you find. Here we go again... Isn't it wonderful!?

You Have GOT to Get to Know Me!

You Have GOT to Get to Know Me!
"You have GOT to get to know me!" A message from a new guide that recently came popping into my thoughts as I meditated to flute music and listened to Rob Hanbridge speak at Moonlight Gift Shoppe in February 2008. Rob makes his own flutes and didgeridoos. He is also a Sacred Sounds Practitioner.
During his guided meditation and flute playing I was introduced to a new guide. I was very excited and it was a personal validation for Rob, as well, regarding his wonderful music. I felt something similar to a drop of rain, gently, lightly touching the top of my forehead, on my hair. This guide met with me as I walked along a beach, seeing the ocean. As I walked, the sand pushed up between my toes. Feeling this, I looked down and saw a beautiful, crystal clear quartz.
Clear quartz crystal and I go way back to my searching on a beach in South Hero, Vt for pieces of it that wash and wander their way up to the shore, among so many other pieces of earth, such as seaweed (is it really seaweed if it is from Lake Champlain?), pieces of indidgenous rock, rotting fish meat and skeleton vertabrae, human feces and waste such as beer bottles, diapers, one or another sock from a pair, cigerette butts (not biodegradable by the way - No Butts About It - The Healthy Hippie Magazine promotional issue January-April 2008 - "Cellulose acetate tow, a type of plastic, accounts for 95% of the cigarette filter with paper and cotton rounding out the remaining 5%. It is the paper and the cotton that creates the deceiving "biodegradable" appearance which convinces many people that flicking a butt really isn't a big deal", etc. I didn't say their journey was a pleasant one, nontheless a journey taken endlessly through time.
Like spiritual guides, the journey of the clear quartz crystal has to get through a lot of human muck before one day landing safely in ones thought process, all bright and shiny, beautiful to behold! Waves of thoughts crashing endlessly from some-where-out-there into my grey matter I call a brain. This new guide rode a cosmic wave, all in pink, leaned way over me and put her face in mine. I sat peacefully on a lounge chair holding two pieces of clear quartz, one in each palm, facing up towards the Light that was all around me, my Master/Main guide, whom I met years ago, Isiah, to my right, she to my left. There are, of course, no "sides" in spirit.
Isiah, by the way, is a monk who wears a brown, hooded robe, has black hair cut in a bowl shape, bald on top of his head, and has shown me a gold "wedding" band on his right hand whom I was told, I would never see his face by another spiritual teacher. I see his face when ever I feel like looking at it. Where are the rules written for spiritual leanings? I believe there are none so hence, it is for me, a wide road, full of what ever I choose. I like it that way, too!
This new guide, hauled me up abruptly, saying, "You have GOT - emphasise on the GOT - to get to know me!" From what I have gathered so far, pink is the color of the heart chakra, along with green. Pink energy must then, vibrate to the frequency of the heart organ , I surmize. Organs playing a beautiful rapsody of vibratory frequencies, all. All the colors of the rainbow and mixing to make the music we pick up as vibratory frequency.
So did I listen, you say? What did I think of this new guides message that she so literally, or should I say, litter-ally, tossed into my now still mind? Wait a minute.Just a week earlier, while on instant messenger, giving spiritual guidance to a new friend, this same guide had come in for her. All in pink. I could see her from a distance - no distance in sprit either - smiling, wrapping her arms around this woman, while looking at me. The woman said, "I feel all tingly!" as we discussed further what was happening. I instinctively knew a message from this guide to give to my friend. In all it reminded me of Kuan Yin, goddess of compassion and mercy.
Do teachers, guides, and the like, know it all? Not hardly. No. In my way of thinking, learning never ends. So if this is truth for me, then it is my truth. And so be it. If I have GOT to get to know the energy of this new Being in my life, then there is a reason for it. Something new for me to bring into my thought process; my way of Being. The energy of Kuan Yin. The color pink. Quartz crystals. Nice.
The color pink brings the highest spiritual thoughts into the physical, with unconditional love.
Kuan Yin professes that even when all hopes and dreams have been dashed, when everything has been destroyed, humanity will eternally possess the attributes of loving kindness and free will. Those born of this precious earth are capable of transcendence through utilization of these inherent human traits. Explaining what she terms as, "the love and forgiveness principle", Kuan Yin says: "If enough people know about this, if every human being could recognize the power of the love and forgiveness principle all consciousness on earth would change instantly. Indeed, thoughts can change the course of history. Sometimes, all it takes is enough people knowing about a certain concept." Or, as someone else once said, "one person can change the world."

In Healing with Crystals and Gemstones by Daya Sarai Chocron the clear quartz crystal "is a symbol, a mirror of our soul." Maybe that is why in so many psychic medium readings I've given lately and in as many conversations wit h others, I've talked about "life being a mirror!?" It represents our struggle for clarity. The bottom of the crystal is usually dense, opaque. As it grows through countless struggles, it gets clearer and clearer. We, too, strive to achieve clarity of purpose and of being after our various struggles. Its power lies also in its structure, growing, reading up toward the light, from the depths of the earth.
Its apex (which is the point at the crown where the six sides meet) is like a pyramid, representing the forces of trinity, doubled.The quartz crystal acts as a catalyst, a conductor of energy. It is both a receiver (or receptor) and a transmitter. It balances and harmonizes the aura, giving it equilibrium. These crystals attune themselves automatically to human vibrations because of their affinity with the human spirit, creating spiritual links when they are worn or held. These beautiful, sacred stones are a force field of light and energy, which can be used as a sonic protection against negativity. They clear and neutrilize negative conditions, can be used to cleanse the atmosphere of larger areas too, such as our work places, homes, classroon, etc.They help with our inate intuitive insight, to see the light in the darkness, to be our own light. When on the body, these crystal quartz decrystalize the knots which block the flow of energy. They aide in the shifting of energy.</ DIV>
So much of what we know is intuitive, if we only choose to listen and validate what we hear. Recently I agreed on some level, to revisit a childhood of trauma, with my sister who is eighteen years younger than I, and decided to speak to me of her childhood that had similar effects. For weeks I "laid on the banks of life, like a fish out of water." Loving, supportive family and friends listened to me as I gasped, "no one is listening to me." Sometimes we don't see the forest for the trees, as the saying goes.
One of the emails I received from a dear friend read like this,
"You have been on my mind for about a week now. Not sure if something is going on with you. But earlier last week I got a strong notion to pass something on to you for whatever it is worth. I know you have told me a few things about your past and indicated some horrible things. I am getting lately that these things are totally consuming you whether consciously or subconsciously, but that you, as hard as it is, need to keep that in the past and move forward. Your light around you is not as bright as these issues or thoughts, and they are changing your aura. I am worried you will be sick from it. As hard as it is, you need to put it behind you and keep it there as it is preventing you from moving ahead to a different level in the work you need to do. I hope this makes sense. I am sending you light and love and you will need it to break this dark cord from your life relationship.Take care."
Then the meditation came. Now I have a new guide. Something shifted. Something gained. As my friend, Sandra from California - whom I've only met on-line says, "I AM."
I AM much more than one thing done to me. So are you. Im moving forward into the Light with a barrage of friends and loved ones. I AM so grateful. Thank you.

Saturday, January 1, 2011

Lifes Mirror

When we look into a mirror what reflection shines back? I recall when I was a teen, the seemingly never ending examinations I put myself through while looking into a mirror. It seemed so easy to stare and find the outer flaws. I was comparing myself to anyone else who I had thought was better. We all do this, I believe. Through the years I still have found myself staring into the mirror and examining what I see there against my own comparisons. The mirror of life stares back, like a great reflection. Larger than life it seems. The picture of ourselves resides within. This we would experience even without an actual physical mirror to look into.

I also remember staring into the mirror, into my eyes until all else faded away. I would begin to see a "me" that I had not seen before. I "knew" deep within that there was more to life than I was being taught on earth. How I knew this, eluded me. I didn't have anything to attach this thought to, at the time. I didn't know where these thoughts or feelings were coming from. What was this larger than life picture I was experiencing?

How do we learn to accept the thoughts, feelings and experiences we go through in life? Since when do we accept what other people think of us and make that more important than what we think of ourselves? Is this the purpose of the mirror of life? Do we hold this mirror up to our own face so that we have a contrast to examine life through? Does this create an earthly classroom?

I call thoughts that have been passed down through generations, taught-thoughts. Our parents are like our Gods, when we are little and most times, far beyond that. What they teach us about ourselves, through their taught-thoughts from previous ancestors, clings within our own mind and heart. Without awareness, we pass this down to the next generation, as well. What we hold to be true about ourselves is not a secret lost. It shines through lifes mirror is a multitude of ways. We live it. We display it. It shines back to us in the people we choose to have relationships with, and so on. We attract to ourselves, what we see within the mirror we create. As we learn about this reflection we can choose to either let it go, or keep it, though the lesson learned is not forgotten.

Letting go. Surrendering. Releasing the image we have chosen to keep within our psyche is a process. It is always a choice. This is a gift, when we come to recognize it as one. It may seem as if the mirror of life may be lying, yet how can it? We create it. This may bring up all sorts of negative thoughts and feelings; hate, envy, blame. We create a "side" and attract it's equal and opposite "side." We live in a life of duality, by choice. We may begin to forget our heart. We may want to be with others who are like-minded.
In our hearts we know that what we choose to see in the mirror is up to us as individuals. No matter what. This is also the gift that we have had all along since our birth. What we choose to create, we can re-create.

My heart has grown so much. I feel so very fortunate. I have been given so many words from a source that is outside of myself and beyond lifes mirrored images. I choose to share them here.

Abundance Enlightenment & Empowerment Attunement

Abundance is what we are. We are filled and surrounded by abundance. This attunement will assist you in realizing this on a much deeper level of enlightenment and empowerment. Take for instance, air. Those of you who have been without it, know deeply what it feels like to have a lack of it, and the memory of this time is deeply ingrained in your psyche. Water. Those of you who have had too much of it, or a deep lack of it, know. Most of us can write a list of all we have on a material level, and get so tired writing we would stop from lack of interest. Eyes, hair, nose, mouth, fingers, toes, feet, hands, and the list goes on and on. Without them we feel a deep loss.

As we become enlightened and empowered we become aware of what we call abundance; a great and plentiful amount. We are awakened to the reality that we have much more than we ever gave thought to. Life mirrors back to us the reflection of prosperity within; the opportunity of creating joy. What we cling to; material/physical is short-lived. Manifesting an abundance of joy, fills the soul. All else seems to fade in comparison. Enlightenment in itself is a form of this abundance. Enlightenment is awareness. An awakening. Within this moment that you are taking to read this, there is space of and for creation and manifestation. Abundance.

As you release fear and negativity, you create space for creating the law of attraction and manifestation of your desires in the form that is meaningful to you. What you focus on sets your intent.We are all as enlightened, young, abundant, and so on, as we are ever going to be within this moment of now. Great abundance. We are all enlightened beings. This is knowledge for us all. More abundance. Now that we are aware of this possibility, it is within our power to create and manifest on a mental/emotional, physical, and spiritual level far greater than ever imagined. The Abundance Enlightenment & Empowerment Attunement is now a part of your consciousness, spontaneously. You are therefore and hereby, enlightened and empowered with this abundance!

You can be the energy of an abundance of negative or positive space. Life can be abundantly clear or confusing. Choice. All that you have been taught was someone elses thought; taught-thoughts.We connect to our taught-thoughts through our neurons and hormones created. These lay deep within our consciousness as cell-memory. We choose to think sentimentally about what we have been taught, even if it is negative. We may choose to think it is better to have negative thoughts than be lost in the void of nothingness. When we choose negativity, we grow unaccustomed to positive energy. Positive energy seems like a foreign body, making us feel anxious.

Anxiety is fear of the future. We choose to stay with what was created in the past, so that we feel safe. Sadness is regret of the past. Depression is anger we don't feel we have the right to own. We can create an abundance of suffering in this way. Anything we feel separated from, which causes suffering is an addiction. What we cling to desperately, we create even further desperation. Take a side, and we create sides.

Addictions can come in many forms, as we create them to soothe our souls. By creating a safe, positive place within we begin a journey of abundance that is uplifting.Simple enough. Yet, our taught-thoughts are there to re-create the past, infiltrating the now moment of future creation. The Abundance Enlightenment & Empowerment Attunement assists in the creation of awareness of the abundance that flows all around. It assists in meeting you where you are energetically, raising your vibration to release old, worn-out taught-thoughts that no longer serve you and the energy that they have created. This in-turn creates new, positive, uplifting energy that attracts abundance on all levels.

The energy of this attunement has been set to cause no harm. All you need to do is read this and request that this attunement be downloaded energetically to you, through your crown chakra/top of your head. The attunement activation happens instantaneously through intention. You have now been attuned to emit abundance enlightenment & empowerment within your very being. Remember it is all about mind over matter. Each time you request the Abundance Enlightenment & Empowerment Attunement, you create an even greater amount of the energy associated with it! Each time this happens automatically, while gently cleansing and releasing negative taught-thoughts, enlightening and empowering yourself, creating abundance on all levels, within your energetic structure. You become enlightened and empowered with abundance!

The attunement heightens awareness regarding the abundance that is flowing all around, that already exists in vibrational frequency. It creates within you the awareness of any mental/emotional issues surrounding your dis-ease about attracting abundance. You are this space of enlightenment and empowerment.Through this knowledge you can then release blockages of taught-thoughts. The blockage is now released. This also creates a higher frequency in your aura, that fills and surrounds you each and every time the attunement is downloaded into the consciousness, creating space to know and feel abundance deep within.This energy then radiates outward, all the while the Abundance Enlightenment & Empowerment Attunement continually emits it frequency.

After you have accepted the Abundance Enlightenment & Empowerment Attunement for yourself, you have the ability to place your intention to send this attunement to someone else! You are enlightened and empowered to do this. Simply state that this has happened. Everything we can imagine is out there as a frequency, vibrating. We simply match our frequency to it, and draw it to us. You may choose to state, "I am now sending/giving the Abundance Enlightenment & Empowerment Attunement to _________." Know that the attunement is activated, has downloaded itself, and it has arrived at its destination in the proper manner, causing no harm, through intention.

Blessings for All & Given Freely for its Benefit, Michele Nappi - Psychic Medium/Healer

Spirit Guides Us

Michele Nappi Psychic Medium-Spiritual Guide-Healer

During early December I had been journeying to Ed Gross ( heartbeat drumming while holding a rose quartz. I did this a few times. During one of these journeys the top left side (left is female side of body) of my head was tingling, as if spirit were touching it. I have had this happen before.
I recognized their touch, as a loving and compassionate validation.
Spirit also sent me a  double heart meditation that I did a week or so later.This meditation unites the heart, crown chakra and sends energy to Earth. I have been sending high frequency, healing energy to Earth and All for years. I had a vision and saw my aura expand greatly. It was very clear. I consider myself spiritual and not dogmatic. I saw Jesus again, as I have in the past.
I have been guarded about speaking about being with him, because of others thought-forms and taught-thoughts.
On Dec. 9th there was a group of us who met at my shop, Moonlight Gifts in Milton, VT. We were experiencing Deeksha and Matrix Energetics. We meet monthly. I sat with my eyes closed. Visions came to me of my mother and sister, both deceased. My mother offered an apology to me while my sister stood without looking at me or saying anything. It was the first time in my life my mother ever said she was sorry to me. I hadnt expected it. The images just popped into my mind.
I talk to spirit almost every day through doing readings, healings and just plain wanting to talk to the Universe, yet this was something that "held me still" as this energy often does when we experience the quiet, stillness of spirit.
Having this stillness fill and surround you is not like any other experience. It is distinct and unforgetable. Ask anyone who has had this experience and you will hear the same!
After we were through and people were getting set to leave for the evening, I spoke of my visions to the women. I told them of the journey/meditations I had been doing with drumming and holding a rose quartz. Certain memories of my childhood had been coming to me during the time I had been working with journeying this way. It almost felt like "soul retrieval" work. Very healing. Either way I was to know exactly why I was thinking of these portions of my past.
As, I said we meet at my shop. There was a very heavy book on a shelf. It flew up in the air and off the shelf and landed onto the floor, near me. It didnt knock over the things that were in front or around it. I have witnesses:)
The book was "The Book of Stones: Who They Are And What They Teach." The women there encouraged me to look up the meaning of rose quartz even though we knew it is associated with the heart chakra. One of the women held my arm. Another was in awe and said, "When did this happen? That all happened here!?"
This to me was also a validation that the journeying, meditations and visions I was having were important to my spiritual growth, that of others and that of the Earth.
I could have used my analitical brain and rationalized it all. We all do this. When we receive a message from the Universal Spirit, we often turn it into a past memory or rationalize it away. If it weren't for the book flying through the air, I may have been able to do this, also.
I looked up the information the next day: Rose Quartz: Love, gentleness, emotional healing, release of stress, uniting with the Divine. Element: Water Chakras: Heart (4th) Links ones heart to the heart of the Earth and the heart of the Universe. One of the stones of the Great Mother. Penetrates down to the cellular level, reprogramming the cells for joy and is the source of the healing potential of Rose Quartz.
Rose Quartz can stimulate the crown chakra (remember the tingling I felt on the left side of my head), third eye (visions) and throat chakra (speaking to the women at the group and in this forum), bringing them into harmony with the heart chakra. For ones meditation or sleeping room, a rose quartz in each corner is not overdoing it. Gentle enough for children.
Rose quartz can assist in spreading compassion and gentle understanding throughout the world. It clears the emotional body, and assists in the integration and resolution of old emotional patterns.
As we evolve into a new paradigm, our energetic center is moving from the hara point below the navel to the heart chakra. As this shift takes place, it is highly important to clear and strengthen this chakra.
The heart chakra is the strongest generator of Light energy in the body - even stronger than the brain.
The energy of Rose Quartz helps the bud of the heart unfold into a thousand-petaled lotus of Light (my vision of seeing my aura grow). Meditation with Rose Quartz assists in embracing higher and finer frequencies of Light. It can vibrationally support the energetic stabilization of the physical heart as it shifts to match the increasing frequency of the planet.
Rose Quartz carries the energy of heart-centered spiritually ascended masters, including Jesus (my vision of seeing him). It clears the emotional body of ego-driven patterns and past emotional trauma.
Affirmation: "I open my heart to receive and express the energy of love."
My/our work here on Earth is not only about my/our own evolution, but the evolution of All. I have always known this. I came here knowing. I live this knowing. I give this knowing and I receive it.
On this day, I also received a call from my deceased sisters ex-husband. Another validation. He wanted me to look at pictures that were posted on the funeral homes site about her, her children, and so on. My sister was killed. It was a sad reminder. There is more to it that I won't mention here, except to say the person resposible for her death is out there somewhere.
With grace, I move ahead with my life and am in the now moment.
I had the information from Universal Spirit to comfort me. I was open to it and I received information from spirit, my sister and my mother. They knew he would call me the next day and how I might feel. They were there to comfort me as is Spirit for us All.
They were there to let me know they appreciate the work I do and that the healing matters not only for myself, but for them and the whole.
Being able to experience spirits messages has made so much difference in my life. I absolutely "know" that I am spirit. I have always "known" this!
Readings: $35 for the first 15 minutes(minimum). $2 a minute after that. I can do readings in person or by phone. MC and Visa accepted.
*Healing are free and so are searches for missing people and pets.
I also teach psychic/spiritual development once a month. $20 for two hour workshop/class. We meditate, journey, discuss, practice, offer support and expand consciousness.*Next workshop is January 12th at 6PM @ Moonlight Gift Shoppe - Rte7 Milton.
"Oh Michele, you always know just what to say:)
This (message in email) made me cry and laugh at the same time and I felt much better. "
Thank you,T
"Cool - very cool!  I will need to buy some rose quartz! It all made perfect sense! Funny how everything always is related to everything else and how we need a book flying off a shelf to get our attention! Or to get us to stop and realize how blessed we are and to know that events happen for a reason - sometimes reasons we don't "think" about!  We just get wrapped up in our human existence and 'forget' who we really are and what we are capable of doing!   All part of our journey back home.
I had a thought part of the shift we are all experiencing - we are working on becoming awakened (I still don't have a clear picture of this - but working on it) - but if we do become awakened do we still reincarnate for other lives on earth? Bagavhan says that it will take about 100 years for all humans to fully become awakened - so if we don't reincarnate -  my ego is feeling slighted that I won't have the chance to experience a fully awakened human existence - Or maybe being our spirit selfs after we leave this body - is better than an awakened existence here on earth!  But if I become awakened now - I will experience it??
Any thoughts?
Love T (another woman with a "T" name)
We are all as awakened as we allow ourselves to BE in any given moment. I do believe we are spirit having this experience "now" - we allow the past and future we believe in to alter the "now." Letting go of past/future we would live in the "now." As children live.

Children - who we call/label as "children" are spirit angels. They came to "wake us up" to who we believe we are in the moment, to mirror the "now" for us.When a baby is born we get a chance to see anew. We get a chance to re-experience through them. It is exciting. More and more children and those who know them, are coming into the shop and telling me things like this. More and more children are experiencing spirit and themselves as spirit. We adults are allowing this to occur - we are learning to get out of their way and out of our own way. It is a beautiful message and is assisting us in expanding our heart/spirit selves.
Heaven is here on earth or any where else we "allow" it to be. Yes, you can BE fully awakened "now." Yes, you are fully awakened as spirit self. We may or may not reincarnate. We can choose to, as fully awakened spirit - to assist those not fully awakened. This is happening "now." Time does not exist. It is a label we put on our experience.
When I talk of "sides" - right/wrong, good/bad, etc. that is ego. This is all perception relative to the one who is doing the thinking.When we allow ourselves to let go of "sides" we are spirit self, as whole and united with the whole. Remember we are a holographic image of the whole - as spirit self. You have had awakened moments - did you experience it? I believe so. ***You can experience a fully awakened state any time you choose to.
Abundant Blessings, Michele
Dear Michele
I'm thankful to you; it looks that healing is working on her, 3 days ago she looked at me with smile and said, "hello."
Best Regards, Nauman
Meeting once per month for a reading/healing event at Moonlight Gift Shoppe, Rte 7 Milton, VT.
*This event will re-occur at 6PM on the first Thursday of every month. Mark you calendar accordingly.
Doors will be locked after attendees arrive so there will be no interruptions.
The healings would be given before the readings begin so that it would raise the energy vibration of the event. This would include the whole group, holding hands, sitting in a circle. The process includes the healing energy "knowing" that all are filled and surrounded with healing energy for their highest good. This energy can be "sent" also while this process takes place, to include others, situations, etc. This way the whole group would get the healing at once and/or the attendee can send healing energy to others, the earth, etc. After the initial healing takes place, we will sit with this energy for about 5 minutes while meditative music plays.
*After the healing session, READINGS begin.
Information/reference material will be available for participants to take home with them, as well.
A donation of $20 per person for this monthly event is required. ***Space is limited so sign-up is highly encouraged!