Wednesday, June 22, 2011


"Master has given Dobby a sock. Dobby is free."
In Harry Potter & the Chamber of Secrets, by J.K. Rowling, Harry tricks Lucius Malfoy into giving his house-elf Dobby his sock, thus freeing Dobby from servitude. Are you missing a sock? Socks have a way of getting lost in the great void we call life. Surely, you have witnessed this. At what cost is the sock lost? At what cost freedom?

 Is any thing ever truly lost? Or is it frequency of matter recreating constantly?

Life experience is "what it is." We may label it any way we wish. Labels, like so many other taught-thoughts are passed down from one generation to the next. True, words may morph into another form to with the times, yet all words are frequency of vibration that find themselves floating out into the great expanse of the universe.

When we keep our thoughts to ourselves, as polite society requests, when we shove our true feelings downward into our physical bodies, we create a space withing ourselves for the vibration of these thoughts to settle in to. What we call dis-ease. Allowing our truth to blossom, allowing our thoughts and feelings to gently move through us, with unconditional love, we release them. Maybe there is a hidden message behind these lost socks, after all. Let it go. Let it be. Is any thing ever truly lost? Or is it frequency of matter recreating constantly?

Who are you waiting for to give you your freedom?

The house-elf Dobby given the sock of freedom, wore this sock until the day he died. So was he really free from his master, or did he switch masters? Was this sock then, the symbol of his freedom or was he unable to step back and see the sock for what it was, an illusion. A symbol of freedom yes, and yet the need to wear it all his life may have becoem another form of being owned by this illusion. When we are really free we don't have the desire to see proof of freedom. There would be no need of it. No use in that. There are no sides, yet the ones created.

Lucius Malfoy was irate with Harry Potter for tricking him into giving Dobby a piece of clothing. He cried out, "You've lost me my servant!" The house-elf is so intensely loyal to their master, that they will not allow themselves to be set free unless their master presents them with clothing. Who are you waiting for to give you your freedom? Who do you think would be irate if they knew you were finally free of illusion? Who, what owns you? Is this the addiction? What cost would thre e to you, allowing the release of pent up thoughts and emotions? Allowing the release of addiction? Of taught-thought?
Who are you serving when you do not allow yourself unconditional freedom within?

We fear we would lose all of our socks.

Marianne Williamson in Learn to Love states that our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. Is it truly your light that you most fear? Is there anything enlightened about shrinking into self, in not shining the light of our spiritual being, so as to creat a pathway to guide another?

We are all spiritual beings living the illusion. There is no difference, thus. We can allow ourelves enlightenment when ever we choose. Yet, we fear we would lose all of our socks. We fear being free over the illusion we are so used to. Even as we struggle, the sameness of it is comforting. At the least, we know what is expected.

Beyond the Sock

When we are under stress, we revert back to old behaviors. Stress allows us the opportunity to create through fear - or not. Who among us is never under stress or in fear? Yet, stress is all a part of the grand scheme of illusion and relevant to the beholder. Fear gives us a wonderful opportunity to be brave in spite of our illusion. We get to decide over matter. We created the matter! There are no victims, no matter what is created. We get to decide what comes next in thought and form. We can choose to shine for others to see. We can be a beacon of light in the darkness.

Hand someone a sock of freedom and give them the opportunity to see the illusion for what it si. A symbol only. A mirror showing that we are our own servant. Our own master. Thsi is the dichotomy. Like a house-elf we devote ourselves and are strictly loyal to the one designated as our master. Our self-created illusion that we are so sentimental about, we would spend lifetimes in it, serving the whole illusion as it is mirrored back to us.

We do what is expected from and of us, out of the illusion we create and believe deeply in. We watch out there somewhere in the great divide for signs from another being, to show us where, what, when, who, why. We give our true power away to the master self. Ego. We see in this illusion, that outside of us is the powers that be. As this gets mirrored back to us, we loose consciousness in it. We fall into the data-well-of-information. is this virtual reality?

Let go of the illusion of the freedom sock.

Like Dobby you are a magical creature. You have been taught-thuoght out of it. Your power is within as your spirit being. Always there. Always giving you an opportunity to see yourself as the bright light you are, like a newborn creation of any thing; any matter showing it's perfection. Showing those who can see, that this is where they too came from. The great unconditional power of creation. We are all this and more. There is endless and limitless joy, love and peace. Humanity's suffering can only be found through each individual as a separate being. You are much more powerful that you can ever imagine if only your believe this. Now is the time and the time is now. Decide to allow yourself the knowing of enlightenment. Intend this to be so. This has been called grace.

Let go of the illusion of the freedom sock. Know that you have been free all along. No one really needed to hand you a sock. No one is a master over another. You are only as owned by the illusion as you would allow. You are in charge of the thoughts in your head, as the observer. You create those thoughts and the consequential feelings. Change the thoughts, change the feelings. let go of the thoughts of separateness and feel the calm, gentleness of bliss and oneness.

Michele Nappi

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