Tuesday, April 10, 2012

We Are The Source

We Are The Source

Michele Nappi

We are energy beings that have condensed energy into matter to experience the material, physical realm. We are that powerful, I believe. Since we are this source energy we are also what we describe as Reiki, Deeksha, Prayerful Intent, Matrix Energetics, Bars, Light and so forth. After all, they are only gutteral noises we made up to describe experience. The words we label this energy may be different, although the energy comes from the same place as source consciousness.

Have you ever wondered why we send it, then to others upon their request? Why do we give this energy to ourselves and others, since we are already that? A woman came to visit with me and received an instantaneous energetic moment where she was filled and surrounded with awe. She was stunned and so was I. I had just done a healing led by someone on the internet. I assumed since this happened and she came into my aura just after this, that she was able to download the energy for herself, as well. I believe her soul intended this to happen so that she would become aware of her own self as an energy being.

The present is mere repetition of the past, still there is choice available in the present which can impact this repetition. We have choice. We have thought creation that leads us to a feeling sensation. We are in charge of the thoughts we put in our heads and the thoughts we keep there. We are choosing.

Infants come into this sphere of energetic experience to assist those who have forgotten their source. They are pure energy matter. They come as a mirror affect to show us who we are. They are pure joy and
consciousness. We may choose to forget this, as we live and are so drawn to the experience of life itself. We are absorbing all around us, as children. We are taught and expected to reiterate what we are taught. We begin this within the womb as humans.

What holds us to these patterns of thought? Are we so fearful of loss that we would do anything to keep the thought patterns intact? Do we believe we would be unlovable if we were not like the others? It reminds me of a game and song on the television show Sesame Street. “One of these items are not like the others.” Can you choose which one? Does it take courage with a mix of anger, to bolt the system? Would we then be labeled as “different, a rebel, an outcast?” Would we fear we would die if we were thrown out of our family? Our tribe? Perhaps we would as an infant. Many infants have been thrown out when they did not fit the social norm of the time. This has always been in any history in any culture.

Perhaps in the back of our minds we never do forget why we came here to this experience. Maybe we always want to recall that we are pure consciousness but are waiting to the other person to take the risk ahead of us. That first step off the cliff of realization.

Earth is a beautiful being full of grace. We have used it as a playground for many a year now, to explore our essence and create birth, death and beyond. We communicate, create and connect. We speak our truths as we see them when we allow ourselves to do this. Perhaps it is time to be the messenger to ourselves to wake up to the fact that we are the source. We are what we have been seeking all along.

  • "May all realize their divinity especially those requesting and/or suffering. We have the power to heal ourselves. It is an innate capability. We do not need to look elsewhere."

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