Michele Nappi
All is. All is past within your consciousness. Everything has already happened. You are a thought. You condense matter as an energy being, to experience material, physical. You are a great percent water, minerals, and such. Water is a conductor of energy. It absorbs frequency of vibration of thought. Thought affects water. You create you. Thought can heal or dismantle. Water is affected by thought. Create self. Heal self. Step outside of duality.
Bringing past forward denies the present moment. You would be creating only from the past taught-thoughts. Repeating cycles. No growth; dis-ease. Dead energy. Many thoughts are programmed by fear. There are no original thoughts. These are others thoughts you chose to believe and accept. How are their thoughts more worthy than your own? How are your thoughts worth-less? When you bring the past into the present moment, you suffer a death by not allowing the now moment to blossom. Even a joyful moment from the past, brought forward to the present moment hinders the movement forward of self-creation, of presence.
If you believe it, it is true for you not necessarily the truth although, a truth.
Choose a side, create a side. Duality.
No such thing as right/wrong, good/bad and so on. Only perspective up to the individual.
The other person's feelings matter just as much to them as yours do to you.
You are as enlightened and aware as you can be at any given moment.
Everything you have ever been taught, was someone else's thought.
Be the love you desire.
You are that which you seek.
Every breath you take is a commitment to life, every breath you release is a letting go of life.
The held breath is the present moment.
It is all there. You yourself can call it to you. Believe it and you can. You are not separate.
You receive as you accept. The mirror of life has to reflect back to you, your truth. The mirror will not and cannot lie. There are no untruth's, only perception. When you are ready to hear, listen, know, feel something, it happens. It clicks into place. You can 'look back' and see where you have been.
Enlightenment is self-realized.
Dis-harmonized frequency of vibration creates dis-ease within the physical body.
Thoughts create feelings. Feelings may get stuck and this is where disease begins.
Taught-thoughts can feel addictive. You become sentimental about your taught-thoughts. Love can be an addiction. You want as it should be. Should denies reality. It either is, or it isn't. Using the word should can lead to shame and guilt. Love comes from self first. Being with someone does not create love. Being self creates. Self creates. Create self.
Thoughts create the illusion of reality. Thoughts create the illusion of time.
What you take with you after leaving the body is your frequency of vibration.
You are your own reality.
It is not what you do, but who you be while doing it.
You are the unconditioned. Unconditional love.
Be the water that you are. See it as crystal clear. Beyond duality.
A miracle is an oasis of self-actualization. Rapture.
Love is the highest vibration on earth. Heaven is peace, beyond duality.
Release words from vocabulary to assist in raising vibration. Turn the words: but, should, would have, have to, got to, need to, bad, and must into words which a higher vibration: Intent, allow, open, and, accept, forgive self, choose, and so forth. Instead of " I should respect myself" you might say, "I am respect."
Be what you seek. Be peace, be love, be divine, be serenity, be calming energy. Be.
Clash of perception equals discomfort and dis-ease. There are no sides, only perception of the individual.
Who you are has nothing to do with who you or anyone else thinks you are.
Who you think you are is a reflection of self, ego to you.
Who I AM is not based on your perception.
You create your life through your perceptions based on what you choose to believe. The thoughts in your head are put there by you. The thoughts you keep in your head are kept there by you.
Negative thoughts create the war within. As long as you choose negativity you will always be at war. It is up to you, as the individual to choose the thoughts you create. Why would you expect someone else to do what you yourself are not willing to do for you?
How does blame equal forgiveness? What is blame? What is forgiveness? The other side of the coin leads to the other side of the coin. Which side is the other side? The coin is whole, as you are. How can it be lost, when it is found? How can it be a secret, when it is known? How can one forget, while remembering?
When you experience spirit you are held in the now moment of presence. You are that presence.
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