Michele Nappi
@copyright 2012
We touch on the divine possibilities which can be developed as we allow them to manifest through and in spite of, our imperfections and limitations. The spirit grows in this way. Some say the soul resides within the heart. As we gain confidence in our ability to realize our psychic potential we fill with compassion for self and others, all things material and physical. We develop slowly like a negative in a solution bath, bringing about the clearer understanding of this image held in the present moment. We become the ever expanding sensitive.
Our senses rise from the mundane to embrace our spiritual existence of knowing on a deeper level, the divine manifestation in all. Dealing with the ego within duality we rock back and forth in between realities and consciousness, the dance of the ages, of eons. This is our conjoining factor. We all sail on this sea. The heart of the soul yearns to go beyond this dualistic menagerie, to find more. When we give ourselves permission to awaken to our own divinity we see that there is something just out of our reach. The proverbial carrot before the horse and cart. We fill with wonder and awe.
As we move and gravitate to be within this heart-space of the soul we blossom and become this energy we define as psychic. We can feel this stretch within ourselves as we shape-shift and garner spiritual stretch marks. We feel a tug of the heart, encouraging us to evolve our being. Divine energy descends to meet the body human as we evolve to rise to meet the higher form of self , creating another frequency of vibration. It is a real pull, ethereally. Earth energy can feel sticky like a glue of ethers. This taffy-like feeling pulls at our heart as we feel we are leaving something behind to go to some place new. We may look at this like any addiction. We want what we want. The ego wants it now. As ‘it is what it is’ and all is presence, the ego finds this confusing at times. We may feel like we are taking one step forward to two steps back. This is a common reaction. So are headaches, sleeplessness, an antsy, edgy feeling, sleeping more that usual, a pulsating heart beats that seem to flutter like a butterfly, weight gain, weight loss, an avoidance of the foods one used to enjoy, or over eating to compensate the lighter frequencies people are getting used to. We may have flu-like symptoms or catch a cold so we can rest through this process. It is not unusual to feel stressed out. This is the time to nurture and care for oneself with compassion.
Our aura; our energy system manifests colors that hold these frequencies. We are a light being. One can visualize this through Kerlan photography when getting an aura photo. These colors, like a rainbow glow all around us. These vibrations can be felt by a sensitive, a psychic. We can see these forms within the material, physical world as tools to awaken, if we choose to. Thoughts create this mirror affect, as thoughts have vibration. These thoughts meet up with others similar thoughts. This is where the saying ‘birds of a feather flock together’ and other such saying, come about. We feel the similarities with our psychic senses. We know these frequencies on the ethereal level. We feel comfortable being with those most like ourselves, until we decide we would like to expand our energies. Things just don’t seem to fit like they used to, energetically. We can know this in our heart-soul space, just beyond our conscious realization of it. This is awakening, an awareness that creates enlightenment. As we identify ourselves with this awakening we evolve. WE may fall into the unconscious state of the dream-illusion of life and awaken as many times as we wish or need to out of fear, out of not wanting to let do go of the dream addiction. We become quite sentimental about our addictive behaviors and habitual patterns
The body is the shell that the soul uses as a tool to awaken. Our eternal essence adheres to the lower matter forms and all of it’s miraculous beauty and stench of existence. We like it here in duality, for the most part. There is much to choose from and things sparkle at times. We move towards this sparkle. We look in this mirror for our own reflection. We hope to see a certain form. We want and need to see our love, as essence. We want approval. Most of all we want to approve of ourselves. We hope to see the light of our being shining back in life’s mirror.
As material forms develop through our thoughts gathering vibration, we create and begin to see our own image. We live within this manifestation. As we practice becoming psychic we know more. With this awareness comes the responsibility of the heart-soul. Our ego wishes this were not so. The ego may bribe, pry, cajole and whine for us to go back to our old ways of discourse. Our heart may ache and our fears may fly up in our face. If they had a voice, and of course they do in our minds, we may hear something like, “Look at you! Do you really think you could get away from me? Do you really want to leave your friends and family behind? Aren’t you afraid!?” Okay. We may be afraid. Yet, we have seen the mountains and their majesty. We know it’s beauty. We experience a clarity we haven’t felt in a long time. This clarity is the image shining back to us through the eyes of our beloved. Gratitude can be felt there. A humble stillness washes over our senses. This touches us deeply within our soul and tears well up in our eyes to wash away any doubt we may have had. We have touched upon the divine psychic self. We see the soul. We feel it. We know it. Illusion begins to fade. The dreamer begins to awaken.
Perception upon contact with a thought-form may cause a distraction, yet we are able to return quickly to our soul abiding within the heart. We laugh now at the thought of the child we have become. We feel joy. We know the soul abiding within the heart like a long, lost loved one, as a friend. We are able to take rest there always and to smile for it. Our soul as psychic self is our divinity. Our chi, our ‘ki‘, our kundalini. Our spark of light ever lit. Where the body may fall away, we exist eternally as this source. We may learn by baptism or crucifixion. Through disease or misery. We know the way now. The path is set forth before us. Our sacred water within, of which we are, stays us. We are held in these divine waters that teach us of compassion, mercy, forgiving ourselves for what we believe our shortcomings may be. This action overshadows the passive acts of sacrament, the sacred rite of becoming - of being human. We are ourselves baptism as we are these waters of which we indemnify our judgments and our holy scriptures we have written within our own selves. We are this, that which we make and make of it. A creation through energetic structure of our own making. Our own thoughts. We are the well holding these divine sparks that twinkle brightly or dimly of light.
One may choose reflection or not. One may dirty the waters of the well with disease, or divinity. One may look closely and reflect a miracle of an exalted being. Being psychic, knowing our soul self can be like a game of darts. The dart may pierce through as a glimpse of awakening and yet the board can still stand unmoved. Insights may feed the ego, still. Harper Lee may have written To Kill a Mocking Bird to review an internal life, to kill it’s mocking verbal dialogue within herself. She may not have wanted to move forward with it, repeating what she had seen and learned already through it. She may have chosen to see no more as the showing of the dialogue in black and white on paper created even more mocking of her self surrounded by the birds of life. She may then have wished there were no such birds upon this great earth. She may have chosen a lifetime of crucifixion over a moment of sharp actualizing pain to the side of the ribs, like so many of the rest of us do. The soul of the bird is vital in it’s own knowing of itself. We cannot beat the darkness out of our own soul. We must face the sharp realization of our truths; the inner ones where the salt lays deepest, finding it‘s way along the moist avenue to the heart.
The soul lays within all things. All material and physical is sacred. Do you not hear it’s beating of the drum? Do you not see it’s light shining? It’s beauty? Each dependent on the next. Year after year. Eon to eon. All glowing with sheer essence. Ask any animal lover, any one who convenes with nature whether or not it is true in their heart. Our hearts beat as one with the vibration of the universe when we allow it. Our heart beats in sync in response, an echo of eternity. There is a connection there that goes beyond form, as psychic. The aura stays for but a few days after physical death, yet the great mind of the divine can and does bring form back to call on a loved one or give a message when asked or needed. Nothing is ever lost forever as communing between worlds and ages does exist. The veil rises. We catch a glimpse of what we consider magic. Ghosts roam their beloved spaces where they once played the game of life. These energies can and do take on many forms. They play with our psychic senses as they are then more psychically aware. They have the ability to experience the cache. They themselves are beings immortal, as are we.
Divine potential is within each of us. The veil does lift to become thin enough to experience what lays beyond it. We can become more aware of our own spiritually evolved self. This awareness is within all. All that we know and understand and beyond this. Especially the flora, fauna and human young. They are free from thought forms. They are not programmed with the vibrational frequency that lowers and it’s densities. They are pure divinity. They do not live on assumptions of taught-thoughts. They are free from duality and it’s trappings. We feel this when we behold a newborn, walk through the untouched wooded area, float on the calming waters, stare into the fire or breathe of the sweetness of fresh air.
Planes of existence are there by vibrations and frequencies. They each exist as we do, in their own way on their own path. Our bodies hold planes of thought, emotions created within the physical, material being. What we choose to believe may seem to be our truth at that time although all beings live within their own reality, creating a multitude of illusions, of ways of being within the frequency of vibration chosen to experience. All is motion, waves of existence. There is all that ever was and all these possibilities of creation forever. Motion is boundless and free. Gravitating toward like-energy. Connecting on some level we may not sense while here on earth. Yet, our soul is aware and brings slips of information to our selves as psychic pieces for us to realize. These blips on the radar can assist in our awareness of our evolution if we allow them to. We can conncet with our own soul through this way, we can know ourselves beyond duality.
We need not every wonder why. We can know ourselves as immortal beings of infinite possibilities and probabilities. We can know our expressed self through our soul; our psychic senses. We can connect and sense ourselves instantaneously. It is a progressive process of self-actualization and realization as we release the thoughts that create the fear. Then we would know the veil we speak of as a tool of preparation. A self-created structure. A time we prepared for bit by bit, little by little until we could fathom it. When we could believe in our own soul as psychic self as divine realization. Source does not need a body as a physical or material being. We have chosen this mode as a tool. We are soul with and within the body. The soul amasses knowledge and wisdom through this tool. The psychic senses, these impressions - these soul glimpses as ourselves awakening to our true divinity. Our soul is being psychic.
Spirit; divinity is unborn and has no body. Divine is being and source of the universe. Our soul stays within the body through all of our processes that we make manifest. It may be a spark of the divine yet, not the whole. The psychic being develops and molds the body into form and consciousness, frequency of vibration as a means of creating a tool of self-expression. The psychic being shows itself as we allow it, as we can handle it. As this progresses we are shown more and more often until the veil is fully lifted. Some catch a glimpse of this from time to time, during trauma or simply of the asking for it. Taught-thoughts deny the presence of what we would label a miracle. A miracle is just simply some event we thought we were not supposed to know. Miracles are every day life. When we feel a miracle has occurred the spiritual life may become known. The soul is then ‘out’ and begins and continues it’s journey of evolution and consciousness. The soul can go beyond the mental, duality world known up until this point as it’s reality and move to filter itself into a higher degree of vibrational frequencies. The more we acknowledge awareness the finer a sensitivity we acquire. The psychic being feels itself as at one with the divine nature. When this occurs we wish even more devotedly to release all egoism. The soul has sparked the divine fire within. It is a process of progressive evolution.
Being aware only of the ego we get lost in a mental, emotional vortex. This becomes our reality and our weakness, as this is all we then know. As a psychic being, aware of the soul we may become true to our heart and the divine nature, releasing our fears in procession. When this occurs soul and psychic being emerge as source. The psychic being has evolved through consciousness. We are awakened. We are at peace. We have a clear sense of universal truism, instead of ego’s truth. We then perceive as soul through our heart as a divine psychic being.
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