Clear is the color of wisdom. Translucence. Above and beyond color. I have had the honor and priveledge to see clear energy and have it communicate with me. It is the highest frequency that I am aware of at this time. No color frequency. No word vibration. A knowing.
I wish I were more scientifically inclined, even though science was my favorite subject while in school. I could explain it in words more eloquaintly.
Clear translucent energy has come to me a few times in this lifetime. Once being a mother that is fiercly protective clear energy came to me. My child was to see a counselor. If this child were to spend time with this person, sharing their emotions intimately, I wanted this to be a beneficial union. As I watched my child communicate with this counselor on their first meeting I saw a translucent, clear energy hover just a few inches above my childs left shoulder. Within this clear energy there were waves still translucent. I felt a calming peaceful feeling. This child went on to see this counselor and did benefit from their time together.
They knew I was open to hearing about what they saw. This gave them the permission they needed to share.
Being inqusitive, I have always wondered what it meant to see this type of energy. When my family and I lived in our first house, we all saw spirit there. Many dimensions of spirit, including clear energy, white mist, full color apparitions of many beings. We all saw them, as did others who came to visit us their at that house. I still have a card my child and her friend at that time wrote on. They drew what they saw and their interpretation of it. They knew I was open to hearing about what they saw. This gave them the permission they needed to share. Isn't that key to any communication?
They drew 5-6 circles/orbs of blue light with yellowish-gold energy around the orbs. These orbs had come to them late at night, as they sat up giggling and having girl-time. This energy hovered near them meaning no harm, observing them as they lay their in innocence. It did scare them. They did want someone to share what they experienced. I listened with no negative judgement. I did enjoy the talk and did want to believe what they were telling me. After all, we were all seeing so many spirit, in so many frequency of vibration. My son saw a man in a red coat with a woman in a period dress to her ankles, wearing a big hat, he said. Red coat? We live in Vermont near Lake Champlain and it's rivers. My daughter was lying on a hide-a-bed in our livingroom. We as a family, were watching televsion. This daughter let out a cry. She was eating an apple. I thought she had bitten her tongue. She said, "No I didn't bite my tongue. An indian (native american) speared me in the face." Okay. I heard what she said. I believed her. Two dimensions passing by like ships in the night. Frequencies of vibration experiencing each other through no-time and within space. I wonder what the young native american man thought? See a white being, with light blonde hair and blue eyes, laying down on something he had never seen before, eating an apple.
This energy realized I was aware of it and it took off at a pace I had never seen before, went through the wall next to me and left an imprint like a piece of transulcent tape on the wall.
Another experience was when I was sitting on the floor in the livingroom, nursing one of my children. Clear energy came to be near my child's head while we sat their together. Is this us in many dimensions at once? Was I also a native american woman sitting there nursing her child? I don't know.
This energy realized I was aware of it and it took off at a pace I had never seen before, went through the wall next to me and left an imprint like a piece of transulcent tape on the wall. Interesting.
Another time I saw a clear energy leave a child. It was that clear energy with the wavy-like energy within it, in the center. Frequency waves. The child wanted to come into my shop to experience it. The parent didn't want to come in so they began walking away, down the sidewalk. The clear energy left the boy, ran through my shop, played with stars that were hanging, making them swing in a circle and then sped so fast back to his body. The speed is what is amazing to me. The clarity of the energy. That it happened at all and I can see this, is divine.
Coming from a place of enormous spiritual expression.
This has always been one of my favorite subjects. Scientific. Beyond what we are taught. Explorative. Discovery. Coming from a place of enormous spiritual expression. Some materials allow much of the light that falls on them to be transmitted through the material without being reflected. Materials that allow the transmission of light waves through them are called optically transparent. Chemically pure undoped window glass and clean river or spring water are prime examples of this. Is this a part of a hologram? Is this how spirit creates illusion? Playing with color, sound, density and lightness of frequency? Is this what we have labeled as God? Is this divine creation?
Although at times waking up is painful, I have chosed the red pill. I know I can go in and out of reality, as I create this in my own mind.
Clear waters run deep. Clear, transulent energy deeper. The place of wisdom. Expression. Creation.
I saw it with my own eyes. Eyes made with atoms, each having a nucleus. A brain of their own. DNA. Universal intelligence. Consciousness. I used to put these thoughts in the background of my mind. I came here to experience creation. I came here as a witness to this experience. I now know I am much more than the experience itself. Something without a label. Beyond duality. Form. Frequency of vibration.
I now sit with this clear, wavy energy in meditation. I am it. We all are. All is. In the Matix, Neo is offered a blue pill or a red one. The term red pill and it's opposite blue pill, are pop culture terms that have become a common symbol for the choice between the blissful ignorance of illusion (blue) and embracing the sometimes painful truth of reality (red). Although at times waking up is painful, I have chosed the red pill. I know I can go in and out of reality, as I create this in my own mind.
What about you?
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