"Master has given Dobby a sock. Dobby is free."
In Harry Potter & the Chamber of Secrets, by J.K. Rowling, Harry tricks Lucius Malfoy into giving his house-elf Dobby his sock, thus freeing Dobby from servitude. Are you missing a sock? Socks have a way of getting lost in the great void we call life. Surely, you have witnessed this. At what cost is the sock lost? At what cost freedom?
Is any thing ever truly lost? Or is it frequency of matter recreating constantly?
Life experience is "what it is." We may label it any way we wish. Labels, like so many other taught-thoughts are passed down from one generation to the next. True, words may morph into another form to with the times, yet all words are frequency of vibration that find themselves floating out into the great expanse of the universe.
When we keep our thoughts to ourselves, as polite society requests, when we shove our true feelings downward into our physical bodies, we create a space withing ourselves for the vibration of these thoughts to settle in to. What we call dis-ease. Allowing our truth to blossom, allowing our thoughts and feelings to gently move through us, with unconditional love, we release them. Maybe there is a hidden message behind these lost socks, after all. Let it go. Let it be. Is any thing ever truly lost? Or is it frequency of matter recreating constantly?
Who are you waiting for to give you your freedom?
The house-elf Dobby given the sock of freedom, wore this sock until the day he died. So was he really free from his master, or did he switch masters? Was this sock then, the symbol of his freedom or was he unable to step back and see the sock for what it was, an illusion. A symbol of freedom yes, and yet the need to wear it all his life may have becoem another form of being owned by this illusion. When we are really free we don't have the desire to see proof of freedom. There would be no need of it. No use in that. There are no sides, yet the ones created.
Lucius Malfoy was irate with Harry Potter for tricking him into giving Dobby a piece of clothing. He cried out, "You've lost me my servant!" The house-elf is so intensely loyal to their master, that they will not allow themselves to be set free unless their master presents them with clothing. Who are you waiting for to give you your freedom? Who do you think would be irate if they knew you were finally free of illusion? Who, what owns you? Is this the addiction? What cost would thre e to you, allowing the release of pent up thoughts and emotions? Allowing the release of addiction? Of taught-thought?
Who are you serving when you do not allow yourself unconditional freedom within?
We fear we would lose all of our socks.
Marianne Williamson in Learn to Love states that our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. Is it truly your light that you most fear? Is there anything enlightened about shrinking into self, in not shining the light of our spiritual being, so as to creat a pathway to guide another?
We are all spiritual beings living the illusion. There is no difference, thus. We can allow ourelves enlightenment when ever we choose. Yet, we fear we would lose all of our socks. We fear being free over the illusion we are so used to. Even as we struggle, the sameness of it is comforting. At the least, we know what is expected.
Beyond the Sock
When we are under stress, we revert back to old behaviors. Stress allows us the opportunity to create through fear - or not. Who among us is never under stress or in fear? Yet, stress is all a part of the grand scheme of illusion and relevant to the beholder. Fear gives us a wonderful opportunity to be brave in spite of our illusion. We get to decide over matter. We created the matter! There are no victims, no matter what is created. We get to decide what comes next in thought and form. We can choose to shine for others to see. We can be a beacon of light in the darkness.
Hand someone a sock of freedom and give them the opportunity to see the illusion for what it si. A symbol only. A mirror showing that we are our own servant. Our own master. Thsi is the dichotomy. Like a house-elf we devote ourselves and are strictly loyal to the one designated as our master. Our self-created illusion that we are so sentimental about, we would spend lifetimes in it, serving the whole illusion as it is mirrored back to us.
We do what is expected from and of us, out of the illusion we create and believe deeply in. We watch out there somewhere in the great divide for signs from another being, to show us where, what, when, who, why. We give our true power away to the master self. Ego. We see in this illusion, that outside of us is the powers that be. As this gets mirrored back to us, we loose consciousness in it. We fall into the data-well-of-information. is this virtual reality?
Let go of the illusion of the freedom sock.
Like Dobby you are a magical creature. You have been taught-thuoght out of it. Your power is within as your spirit being. Always there. Always giving you an opportunity to see yourself as the bright light you are, like a newborn creation of any thing; any matter showing it's perfection. Showing those who can see, that this is where they too came from. The great unconditional power of creation. We are all this and more. There is endless and limitless joy, love and peace. Humanity's suffering can only be found through each individual as a separate being. You are much more powerful that you can ever imagine if only your believe this. Now is the time and the time is now. Decide to allow yourself the knowing of enlightenment. Intend this to be so. This has been called grace.
Let go of the illusion of the freedom sock. Know that you have been free all along. No one really needed to hand you a sock. No one is a master over another. You are only as owned by the illusion as you would allow. You are in charge of the thoughts in your head, as the observer. You create those thoughts and the consequential feelings. Change the thoughts, change the feelings. let go of the thoughts of separateness and feel the calm, gentleness of bliss and oneness.
Michele Nappi moonlightgiftshoppe@yahoo.com
I have created this blog to share spiritual gifts I have been given.
Wednesday, June 22, 2011
Tuesday, June 21, 2011
Moonlight: Peek A Boo I See Me
Moonlight: Peek A Boo I See Me: "Since I can remember I have known that I am more than what I believe myself to be. I was once asked by spirit if I would choose to remain o..."
Peek A Boo I See Me
Since I can remember I have known that I am more than what I believe myself to be. I was once asked by spirit if I would choose to remain on earth. I was in a sort of trance, as a child when I heard this. This is why I knew, and know now, that there has always been choice. No matter what we encounter during our lifetime, we have choice on what to think and how to act. It may be difficult, yet not impossible to imagine another way of being.
I did remember this off and on through life. As I sunk further and further into experiencing life as an infinite, limitless being for the experience of it, I would forget and then remember what I truly am as spirit self. Events, words, would remind me of a deeper knowing. Symbols of greater meaning. Those were the times I felt awakened. I could see where I had been, in other words.
Off and on, throughout my lifetime I would awaken, fall back to sleep in a void of unconsciousness to awaken again. At first, I was not aware of this. Then I became aware of the indulation of consciousness to unconsciousness to consciousness again. Still, I would fall back into unconsciousness, a place I said to myself, that I did not want to visit again.
I would ask myself why. Why would I choose this way of being. There is a greater meaning. There is a greater way of being. As a child grows through stages of infancy, toddler to teen, we all go through growth emotionally. We are like young children. We are always exploring, experiencing, educating ourselves. This low density energy of earth pulls us back to it's womb. Earth's frequency is similar to the human body's frequency.
Steadfast I would endure. Realizing so much along the way. What I learn, I share. Children are taught they don't know anything. That we need to learn. We have to, we must. What information must we learn? What ever the previous generation thinks we should. That is what. They learned it from the previous generation, and so on.
As children, we believe on one level and don't believe on a deeper level, that adults know what they are talking about. It is that obvious. We inately know that these bigger, older humans say one thing and do another. That they seem confused. They are.
Most of what we teach the next generation has been from ego. From "this is the way it is." Don't embarrass me. What will the neighbors think. Don't you love me? Your mother. Your father. Our family. I feed you, clothe you, put a roof over your head. You owe me. I had to do it so you do, too. There are laws. The church. Money. Work.
We love you conditionally if you go along with what we believe in.
We produce a movie of a life we think we are supposed to make. We want to feel loved and be taken care of by the Parent Gods. We make one epic story after another. Leaving our truth behind to mingle with the Joneses. Every once in a while we act out and get injured enough to step back into line. Those who go against the masses are cast out, in so many ways. Some killed off. We get creative in the ways we bring our true nature out. Art, music, writing, walking in the woods, and so on.
Then we enter our teens. We get another chance to define ourselves. We hear, make us proud, what are you going to be when you grow up, who are you, how much money are you going to make, how much esteem do I need to show you. Teen brains function differently than adult brains. It is a scientific fact.
Will we go off and be who we were meant to be? Will we follow the truth in our heart? Will we do what we were conditioned to do? The pull back and forth on our emotions is great.
We begin our young adult journey still hearing the echoes in our heads put there from ancient days of childhood. How much money are you making? When are you going to have children? How many children are you going to have? When will you get married? What church will you be married in? Tell me what I want to hear so I can feel comfortable with what I have turned out to be. I had to do it, so you do too.
Like the man who was forced to wear a ham in the movie Roots, we have grown fond of our chains that bind us.
When do we decide to wake up? Would we allow ourselves to fully awaken? What would we give up if we decided to do this. Security. Love, if there is any to be found. *Like the man who as a punishment for running away, was forced to wear a ham in the movie Roots, we have grown fond of our chains that bind us. We want our chains to bind us, so we feel comfortable. We have grown used to blaming others for this. We find our scapegoats. We get used to the dull ache within that never leaves our side. When we begin to pull away, we are reminded by the old ghosts in the hidden closets of our mind of all the should's, would's, could's, gotta's, must's, have to's. We crash within ourselves once more. Back and forth, in and out of consciousness.
That is why it feels like a miracle when we awaken. We are limitless, as we choose our limitations. We are infinite, as we choose our finiteness. We choose. We always have an option. We choose with option it will be. We create. We think. We choose which thoughts to put in our heads and which ones we keep there.
As an infinite limitless being to incarnate into third density with the idea of being a master of limitation, this experience can bring about many wonder-filled challenges to reveal our truth as we engage in the game; Peek a Boo... I See Me.
Dedicated to my friend Debbie. Thank you.
I did remember this off and on through life. As I sunk further and further into experiencing life as an infinite, limitless being for the experience of it, I would forget and then remember what I truly am as spirit self. Events, words, would remind me of a deeper knowing. Symbols of greater meaning. Those were the times I felt awakened. I could see where I had been, in other words.
Off and on, throughout my lifetime I would awaken, fall back to sleep in a void of unconsciousness to awaken again. At first, I was not aware of this. Then I became aware of the indulation of consciousness to unconsciousness to consciousness again. Still, I would fall back into unconsciousness, a place I said to myself, that I did not want to visit again.
I would ask myself why. Why would I choose this way of being. There is a greater meaning. There is a greater way of being. As a child grows through stages of infancy, toddler to teen, we all go through growth emotionally. We are like young children. We are always exploring, experiencing, educating ourselves. This low density energy of earth pulls us back to it's womb. Earth's frequency is similar to the human body's frequency.
Steadfast I would endure. Realizing so much along the way. What I learn, I share. Children are taught they don't know anything. That we need to learn. We have to, we must. What information must we learn? What ever the previous generation thinks we should. That is what. They learned it from the previous generation, and so on.
As children, we believe on one level and don't believe on a deeper level, that adults know what they are talking about. It is that obvious. We inately know that these bigger, older humans say one thing and do another. That they seem confused. They are.
Most of what we teach the next generation has been from ego. From "this is the way it is." Don't embarrass me. What will the neighbors think. Don't you love me? Your mother. Your father. Our family. I feed you, clothe you, put a roof over your head. You owe me. I had to do it so you do, too. There are laws. The church. Money. Work.
We love you conditionally if you go along with what we believe in.
We produce a movie of a life we think we are supposed to make. We want to feel loved and be taken care of by the Parent Gods. We make one epic story after another. Leaving our truth behind to mingle with the Joneses. Every once in a while we act out and get injured enough to step back into line. Those who go against the masses are cast out, in so many ways. Some killed off. We get creative in the ways we bring our true nature out. Art, music, writing, walking in the woods, and so on.
Then we enter our teens. We get another chance to define ourselves. We hear, make us proud, what are you going to be when you grow up, who are you, how much money are you going to make, how much esteem do I need to show you. Teen brains function differently than adult brains. It is a scientific fact.
Will we go off and be who we were meant to be? Will we follow the truth in our heart? Will we do what we were conditioned to do? The pull back and forth on our emotions is great.
We begin our young adult journey still hearing the echoes in our heads put there from ancient days of childhood. How much money are you making? When are you going to have children? How many children are you going to have? When will you get married? What church will you be married in? Tell me what I want to hear so I can feel comfortable with what I have turned out to be. I had to do it, so you do too.
Like the man who was forced to wear a ham in the movie Roots, we have grown fond of our chains that bind us.
When do we decide to wake up? Would we allow ourselves to fully awaken? What would we give up if we decided to do this. Security. Love, if there is any to be found. *Like the man who as a punishment for running away, was forced to wear a ham in the movie Roots, we have grown fond of our chains that bind us. We want our chains to bind us, so we feel comfortable. We have grown used to blaming others for this. We find our scapegoats. We get used to the dull ache within that never leaves our side. When we begin to pull away, we are reminded by the old ghosts in the hidden closets of our mind of all the should's, would's, could's, gotta's, must's, have to's. We crash within ourselves once more. Back and forth, in and out of consciousness.
That is why it feels like a miracle when we awaken. We are limitless, as we choose our limitations. We are infinite, as we choose our finiteness. We choose. We always have an option. We choose with option it will be. We create. We think. We choose which thoughts to put in our heads and which ones we keep there.
As an infinite limitless being to incarnate into third density with the idea of being a master of limitation, this experience can bring about many wonder-filled challenges to reveal our truth as we engage in the game; Peek a Boo... I See Me.
Dedicated to my friend Debbie. Thank you.
Thursday, June 16, 2011
Moonlight: A Meditation With A Being In Blue
Moonlight: A Meditation With A Being In Blue: "As some of you might recall I work with different dimensions regularly doing reading work, healing, distance healing, remote viewing, and su..."
A Meditation With A Being In Blue
As some of you might recall I work with different dimensions regularly doing reading work, healing, distance healing, remote viewing, and such. I've had the honor to meet Arch Angel Metatron in person and have worked with him quite a few times. I met him during a group healing event, outside within a stonehenge, near an earth clock that has a huge crystal buried under it. Metaron's energy is very powerful. Since then we have set up a stonehenge made of clear quartz crystal with lotus and teardrop crystal floating over them, through imagery only, within the shop I am proprietor of. I have very vivid images come through in both meditation and dream world.
People notice the energy as they enter my shop and often comment on it, without knowing why.
Recently I had a dream. I was with three etherial surgeons, aptly dressed in white. One operated on the bottom of my foot. It is hard to tell whether it was the right or left foot, as there are no sides in spirit world. The intention may have been 'foot.' The bottom of my foot was opened up and a foot-shaped pus sack (sorry about that) was shown to me. Old festering energy had been removed. There were no words spoken. Telepathy was used to communicate. There was a feeling of peacefulness. The foot was cleansed and closed. The being that did the psychic surgery and I embraced. That was the end of the dream.
* "The DNA molecule present in each cell of all living organisms is itself a hexagonal crystal structure, approximately ten atoms wide by six feet long. Of course, the DNA molecule is intricately folded, in order to fit into the tiny cell and strung together, the distance covered would be 125 billion miles, or about the seventy round trips between Saturn and the Sun. Yet the crystal lattice structure of these infinitesimally thin threads, too narrow to reflect light, is so strong that the codes of life which give each organism its form and character have been carried by it through billions of years of evolution.
Some of the effects quartz crystals are able to have upon humans relate to a particular resonance effect that occurs with our own crystalline structures.
Science has begun to recognize a new class of crystals known as liquid crystals.
They have a structure which is partially crystalline and partially fluid. A liquid crystal is defined as a liquid whose component particles, atoms or molecules, tend to arrange themselves with a degree of order far exceeding that found in ordinary liquids and approaching that of solid crystals. Biology is begining to understand that many substances within the human body appear to function as liquid crystals. From a subtle-energy perspective, a number of solid and liquid crytalline structures at the physical level are involved in the attunement of subtle energies within the nervous system and the flow fo the life-force through the body. Biophysicist Mae-Wan Ho writes: ″Organisms are so dynamically coherent at the molecular level that they appear to be crystalline... " There is a dynamic, liquid crystalline continuum of connective tissues and extracellular matrix linking directly into the equally liquid crystallinie cytoplasm in the interior of every single cell in the body. Liquid crystallinity gives organisms their characteristic flexibility, exquisite sensitivity and responsiveness, thus optimizing the rapid, noisless intercommunication that enables the organism to function as a coherent, coordinated whole. The organism is coherent beyond our wildest dreams. Every part is in communication with every other part through a dynamic, tunable, responsive liquid crystalline medium that pervades the whole body, from organs and tissues to the interior of every cell.″
People notice the energy as they enter my shop and often comment on it, without knowing why.
Recently I had a dream. I was with three etherial surgeons, aptly dressed in white. One operated on the bottom of my foot. It is hard to tell whether it was the right or left foot, as there are no sides in spirit world. The intention may have been 'foot.' The bottom of my foot was opened up and a foot-shaped pus sack (sorry about that) was shown to me. Old festering energy had been removed. There were no words spoken. Telepathy was used to communicate. There was a feeling of peacefulness. The foot was cleansed and closed. The being that did the psychic surgery and I embraced. That was the end of the dream.
According to some of Louise Hay's work our feet represent our connection with Mother Earth. Sore, swollen, numb or painful feet represent the state of our relation with our Mother. Mother Earth, and our base energies. While it is legs that carry us forward into Life, it is the feet that actually make contact with the ground and can stop any advance, or at least make it difficult. In modern society with its asphalt, concrete and High Rises, we lose touch with the Earth and its energies. This may be reflected in our relationship to the one who gave birth to us.
Separation can cause real pain.
I had a traumatic childhood in which I felt unsafe most of the time. My mother made it clear to me that she wasn't able to do much mothering beyond the material level. My father was the same. There was mental/emotional, physical and sexual abuse from many relatives. A couple of months before this dream occurred I received vivid imagery regarding my mother during a group healing meditation.
After my younger sister died she and my mother then also deceased, came through to me during meditation. My sister was looking off to the side, as if to say "I've brought mom through for you." My mother looked at me and apologized. I was in a state of shock afterwards because I had never heard my mother apologize to me for anything while I was in her care. It was a momentous occassion for me. Very healing. I believe the dream about the foot is related to this meditation imagery. Why there was months between the two I can only assume, was to assimilate the healing energy so that it could be cleared and cleansed.
Recently a friend and I met to do meditation, journeying, working with pendulums, dowsing rods and clear quartz crystal. *Clear quartz is known as the universal stone. I have always been drawn to it. It is my favorite crystal to work with. It can be programmed by intention, magnifies ambient energies, clears, cleanses, heals and enhances memory. Quartz crystal exhibits the property of piezoelectricity, by which it can transorm mechanical energy (e.g. pressure) into electromagnetic energy, and vise versa. This makes it useful in such devices as crystal radios, microphones, watches, and radio transmitters.
Sitting in meditation with clear quartz one's intention is powerfully amplified, often yielding surprising results. Which is exactly what happened. My friend and I first began by measuring our auric field by using a dowsing intrument. Our auric field is the energy of our spirit self that generally is about 2-4' out from our bodies. The human body then, is the nucleus of this auric field.
We measured our auric fields using dowsing rods and they were 8-10.' We used another dowsing intrument; a pendulum, and asked if this was so, the anwer was 'yes.' Knowing the human body and Earth, resonate at between 62-68 Hertz, we began with this measure, planning to measure our vibrational frequency after meditation. Hertz means cycles per second. Everything has a frequency of vibration in a constant state of motion.
Nothing is solid, although it can appear to be.
We mediated and then dowsed our auras. They had doubled in size from what they were before meditation and were now16-20'. We were surprised to say the least so we affirmed this using both dowsing rods and pendulum. Our frequency of vibration was now between 72-74 Hertz, again affirming with the pendulum. We then sat with clear quartz crystal and meditated. We held the crystals to our hearts and then again, in our hands on our laps. We began by concentrating on our breathing, opening our crown, third eye and heart chakras, running energy up and down our spines, down through the earth and up and out again into the universe in cycles.
As I was leading the group, I was also leading this piece of the meditation. During this meditation Arch Angel Metatron came through and made his presence known. He reminded us that we were the clear quartz crystals. We are made of 85-90% water. Clear Quartz crystal's fequency is similar to water and thus to humans. Earth by the way, is the only planet we know of that has clear quartz crystal.
What does that tell us as far as intention goes?
As we were continuing to meditate, we set our intention and expressed them outwardly. We asked to be healed, to raise our vibrational frequency to assist our spiritual growth for our highest good and this time. This is when the Being in Blue showed up. The Being wore a vibrant robins egg-blue robe with gold trim, meaning blue and gold frequency. He held a black velvet cushion with clear crystal bowls filled with clear energy that looked like crystal clear water. All the colors were much more vibrant than here on earth. He came over to us individually and poured this energy over both of our heads. We each received the energy of a thunder and/or lightening bolt of energy; *leads to enlightenment, along with a coin. These are symbols, mind you. My friend received an ancient looking gold coin in her clear crystal bowl and I, a silver coin. We also received a very delicate, thin paper-like *lotus in white for each of us. The Being smiled and said, "You will be surprised," as if to answer a question. I can say that I did feel surprised. That was affirmed.
Buddhism is based on the truth that, with effort, we can change the way we are.
*As I looked up in a book I have about descriptions of Gods, Goddesses and Ritual Objects Of Buddhism and Hinduism the name Akshobhya stood out as Buddha. This Buddhas direction is East, color is Blue, symbol is the thunderbolt, element is consciousness. Part of the Vajra family and "mirror knowledge" this family's element is water and colors are blue and white (lotus).
Buddhism is based on the truth that, with effort, we can change the way we are.
*As I looked up in a book I have about descriptions of Gods, Goddesses and Ritual Objects Of Buddhism and Hinduism the name Akshobhya stood out as Buddha. This Buddhas direction is East, color is Blue, symbol is the thunderbolt, element is consciousness. Part of the Vajra family and "mirror knowledge" this family's element is water and colors are blue and white (lotus).
* "The DNA molecule present in each cell of all living organisms is itself a hexagonal crystal structure, approximately ten atoms wide by six feet long. Of course, the DNA molecule is intricately folded, in order to fit into the tiny cell and strung together, the distance covered would be 125 billion miles, or about the seventy round trips between Saturn and the Sun. Yet the crystal lattice structure of these infinitesimally thin threads, too narrow to reflect light, is so strong that the codes of life which give each organism its form and character have been carried by it through billions of years of evolution.
Some of the effects quartz crystals are able to have upon humans relate to a particular resonance effect that occurs with our own crystalline structures.
Science has begun to recognize a new class of crystals known as liquid crystals.
They have a structure which is partially crystalline and partially fluid. A liquid crystal is defined as a liquid whose component particles, atoms or molecules, tend to arrange themselves with a degree of order far exceeding that found in ordinary liquids and approaching that of solid crystals. Biology is begining to understand that many substances within the human body appear to function as liquid crystals. From a subtle-energy perspective, a number of solid and liquid crytalline structures at the physical level are involved in the attunement of subtle energies within the nervous system and the flow fo the life-force through the body. Biophysicist Mae-Wan Ho writes: ″Organisms are so dynamically coherent at the molecular level that they appear to be crystalline... " There is a dynamic, liquid crystalline continuum of connective tissues and extracellular matrix linking directly into the equally liquid crystallinie cytoplasm in the interior of every single cell in the body. Liquid crystallinity gives organisms their characteristic flexibility, exquisite sensitivity and responsiveness, thus optimizing the rapid, noisless intercommunication that enables the organism to function as a coherent, coordinated whole. The organism is coherent beyond our wildest dreams. Every part is in communication with every other part through a dynamic, tunable, responsive liquid crystalline medium that pervades the whole body, from organs and tissues to the interior of every cell.″
My friend and I are still working through what happened and what it means to us. This is an on-going process. Our human minds seem to only be able to handle so much at one time and this experience took us for a loop around the universe and down the preverbial rabbit hole. We both parted company with a smile on our face and a see you next time, knowing there is no such thing as time. We mirrored each others intention with spiritual beings to guide us. Fun, to explore and be like a child.
*The Book of Stones by R. Simmons & N. Ahsian
*Short Description of Gods, Goddesses & Ritual Objects of Buddhism & Hinduism in Nepal
Published by Handicraft Association of Nepal
* http://www.frequencyawareness.com/
* http://www.frequencyawareness.com/
The Lotus (padma) is a very important symbol in India and of Buddhism. In brief, it refers to the complete purification of body, speech and mind, and the blossoming of wholesome deeds in liberation. The lotus refers to many aspects of the path, as it grows from the mud (samsara), up through muddy water it appears clean on the surface (purification), and finally produces a beautiful flower (enlightenment). The white blossom represents purity, the stem stands for the practice of Buddhist teachings which raise the mind above the (mud of) worldly existence, and gives rise to purity of mind.
An open blossom signifies full enlightenment; a closed blossom signifies the potential for enlightenment.
An open blossom signifies full enlightenment; a closed blossom signifies the potential for enlightenment.
Our next meditation was a few nights later and continued where we had left off. We again held clear quartz crystal, closed our eyes, concentrated on our breathing, opening up of our crown chakra, third eye chakra, running universal energy down our spines on the in breath, down into the earth, and up our spine, out into the universe, on our out breath. The blue being, whom we now recognize as Akshobhya came through once more along with Arch Angel Michael.
Arch Angel Michael helps us to move forward.
Akshobhya again carried a black velvet pillow, this time with a golden wand/thunderbolt with clear crystal/diamond tip. One was given to my friend and one to me. This felt like a huge honor, that we were given. We then entered a large space/room. There were many, many beings in this room. The energy was that of a celebration. The crowd of beings stepped aside to show a maroon carpet that led to a very, very large Ganesh. The Ganesh swayed his head back and forth similar to what elephants do, clearing space. He was a golden color. He had many arms that also swayed. Ganesh is said to be the remover of all obstacles, sisdom, acute mental discernment, shrewdness, sound judgement, new venture and learning.
Every sentient being is a potential Buddha, but s/he is unaware of it because of the dense fog of ignorance that clouds the mind. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Akshobhya - read the Iconography
http://www.manjushri.com/Buddha-List/Akshobhya.html - see last paragraph
Our next meditation was a few nights later and continued where we had left off. We again held clear quartz crystal, closed our eyes, concentrated on our breathing, opening up of our crown chakra, third eye chakra, running universal energy down our spines on the in breath, down into the earth, and up our spine, out into the universe, on our out breath. The blue being, whom we now recognize as Akshobhya came through once more along with Arch Angel Michael.
Arch Angel Michael helps us to move forward.
Akshobhya again carried a black velvet pillow, this time with a golden wand/thunderbolt with clear crystal/diamond tip. One was given to my friend and one to me. This felt like a huge honor, that we were given. We then entered a large space/room. There were many, many beings in this room. The energy was that of a celebration. The crowd of beings stepped aside to show a maroon carpet that led to a very, very large Ganesh. The Ganesh swayed his head back and forth similar to what elephants do, clearing space. He was a golden color. He had many arms that also swayed. Ganesh is said to be the remover of all obstacles, sisdom, acute mental discernment, shrewdness, sound judgement, new venture and learning.
Akshobhya originates from the blue syllable Hum according to Napalese Buddhists. He is two-armed and one-faced and exhibits the Bhusparsa (earth touching) mudra which means calling the earth for witness, and sits in the Vajraparyanka pose. He represents the primordal cosmic element of Vijnana (consciousness). He always faces the east. His left hand rests on the lap, while the right rests on the right knew with the tip of the middle fingers touching the ground with palm drawn inwardly.
It also says, "Vajra means "thunderbolt" or "diamond" and goes on to talk about the diamonds indestructability as well as its physical ability to cut through all substances. Vajra constitutes the last major stage in the developement of Buddhism. Every sentient being is a potential Buddha, but s/he is unaware of it because of the dense fog of ignorance that clouds the mind. The fog is said to be discursive thought, which discriminates and polarises all concepts. Once it is moved Boddhi nature will emerge like a clear light (clear energy). This state of reality is achieved by combining knowledge, wisdom and insight with fitness of action which is the same as compassion. Vajra is the belief in the twin principles of insight and compassion and in their co-emergence which leads one to the state of Mahasukha (great bliss.)
I think this is representative of the wand in the meditation. We can have it when ever we want it. We are all working towards this awareness, I believe.
I go back to a talk I have given many times. I was talking about a belief I have that there is no love in heaven. It took courage for me to talk like that and say that, especially in public. An absence of duality means no love/hate. I said there would be peace and/or bliss. We are that, as spirit/universal energy.
We are that which we seek.
We are that which we seek.
Knowing that Akshobhya has something to do with earth consciousness is amazing. Seeing the earth open up, during the meditation to create the shape of a lotus with the clear energy eminating from it - amazing stuff.
I too think the realization of this consciousness/bliss is available for us all and we are that process. Being in the 'now' and 'presence' to assist the shift within from ego to heart.
Notes From Friend:
A couple of thoughts - His middle fingers touching the ground - maybe that was the shift you felt. also - Vijnana - counsciousness - there is a chant we use in Oneness - I am existence, consciousness, bliss.
Diamonds - crystal quartz, thunderbolt, - all represent clear pure energy to me.
Discursive thought, which discriminates and polarises all concepts - the ego, judgmental and 'naming' everything. Seems like everything points to awakening and awareness once we can "rise" above - maybe a rise in vibrational level helps? - the duality of this life? I think just seeing it and recognizing that it is not our true reality is a huge start. Also training the heart to take the lead - not the mind. Letting the ego know that it does a great job in keeping us safe and that the heart will be making more decisions - freeing it up for the important job of physically caring for us.
*"Bliss is the experience resulting from integrating our physical and mental experiences more deeply."
There are many levels of bliss. Simple sense of contentment forms the basis for the arising of bliss. When we feel a sense of contentment , of fulfilment, in life there are elements of bliss in that. So these factors are not really that foreign. Bliss is a part of our emotional capacity as human beings. This can be developed and widened upon. We can integrate the feeling of bliss into our lives, simply through an act of awareness. When you feel contentment, become aware of this feeling as energy. Integrate that physical feeling with the thought of it so that you can experience it more often, through recognition of it.
*In A Practical Guide to Buddhist Meditation by Parmananda
June 23rd Meditation:
My friend and I met again. We began our meditation and Akshohya came through. I was confused because he looked as if he was wearing a gold ganesh on his head. The background of the room was blue. There were many being in the space. Some we recognized and some we did not.
A multi-dimensional shape began to take form. It was a red color shining with white light. I could see within this shape. I saw many white lines. The color and energy was wonderfully bright and uplifting.
We asked what this meant. We were told that it had to do with being in multi-dimensions. We asked when? When the apple grows on the tree, we were told. This year? Yes.
My friend mentioned that she had been being followed by crows lately. Groups of three. She asked for feathers as a validation. Black feathers. Large. Small. They came to her as she asked. Crow is the keeper of sacred law and knows the mystery. She teaches us that there are not one two or three worlds but many.
I said, okay then I would like red crystals, similar to the red mult-dimensional image we had been shown. It looked like a merkaba, yet not exactly the same shape.
Two nights later I was given four boxes direct from India. They were for consignment in my shop. I went through all the boxes one by one. Within the last box was a small container. Red beads from India! Viveka glass beads. Vivekachudamani literally means 'crest jewel of wisdom'.
I haven't really been following the Mayan calendar news. Yes, I have heard of it and believed people were talking about 2012. Someone at an event I was holding at my shop listened to me as I talked about the mediations my friend and I had been doing. He said that the Mayan calendar is ending this October, 2011.
July 18th:
Again my friend and I met. We held our clear quartz crystals in the palm of our hands, opened up our crown and third eye chakras, grounding ourselves with the pure, crystaline energy of the universal cosmos. Images came flooding in, as before. The Blue Being stood motionless, bowing his head and clasping his hands in front of him. I did not see his face this time.
The path was clear before me. I saw Ganesh. My friend and I were invited to sit at his feet. I heard the word, "Govinda." So many images flooded my mind. My friend took notes. She was given the wand we had seen before. It had a clear quartz crystal at it's end. I saw her standing in a crowded room. Others were all sitting on the floor around her as she turned around in a circle, the wand and it's crystal beamed energy out to them all. She was filled and surrounded with a light blue energy. This is her path. Her journey at this time. I was asked to go into a doorway of light. I did. When I came out I was dressed in red and gold. I had black eye makeup on. Very ornate. I sensed my form had changed. I felt more of the Ganesh/Govinda energy in my being.
After this, the meditation began to change it's energy. I was to give information to my friend. An image of a tree with red spots (like a painting) appeared. She sat under it, writing in a journal. This image of a tree had appeared in another meditation we had done previously. She was holding a snake by the neck. She and the snake were looking at one another. She was smiling. The message came through, "Do not look into the eyes of the snake." It seemed confusing to us. What does this mean? Images of Adam and Eve in Eden seemed similar to this scene we were witnessing.
I realized something about our meditations. I remember that the tree with the apple came through in another, earlier meditation. Maybe it doesnt have anything to do with October (apple time). Maybe there is a deeper meaning. Consciousness - like the snake represents and the tree/apple symbol. Govinda represents consciousness, also. It is very interesting. Consciousness. The images seem to be about consciousness shifting.
*I've recently been wondering if the tree isn't a fig tree. The tree had palms and red fruit. Figs can be purple/red.
Continuing Mediation Practice:
Kept hearing "gold at your feet" in answer to questions. People searching for answers outside of themselves. We are what we are seeking. More information on 'apple.'
In Emmanuel, compiled by Pat Rodegast & Judith Stanton: "The serpent in the garden of eden is not sexuality. It is doubt."
June 23rd Meditation:
My friend and I met again. We began our meditation and Akshohya came through. I was confused because he looked as if he was wearing a gold ganesh on his head. The background of the room was blue. There were many being in the space. Some we recognized and some we did not.
A multi-dimensional shape began to take form. It was a red color shining with white light. I could see within this shape. I saw many white lines. The color and energy was wonderfully bright and uplifting.
We asked what this meant. We were told that it had to do with being in multi-dimensions. We asked when? When the apple grows on the tree, we were told. This year? Yes.
My friend mentioned that she had been being followed by crows lately. Groups of three. She asked for feathers as a validation. Black feathers. Large. Small. They came to her as she asked. Crow is the keeper of sacred law and knows the mystery. She teaches us that there are not one two or three worlds but many.
I said, okay then I would like red crystals, similar to the red mult-dimensional image we had been shown. It looked like a merkaba, yet not exactly the same shape.
Two nights later I was given four boxes direct from India. They were for consignment in my shop. I went through all the boxes one by one. Within the last box was a small container. Red beads from India! Viveka glass beads. Vivekachudamani literally means 'crest jewel of wisdom'.
I haven't really been following the Mayan calendar news. Yes, I have heard of it and believed people were talking about 2012. Someone at an event I was holding at my shop listened to me as I talked about the mediations my friend and I had been doing. He said that the Mayan calendar is ending this October, 2011.
July 18th:
Again my friend and I met. We held our clear quartz crystals in the palm of our hands, opened up our crown and third eye chakras, grounding ourselves with the pure, crystaline energy of the universal cosmos. Images came flooding in, as before. The Blue Being stood motionless, bowing his head and clasping his hands in front of him. I did not see his face this time.
The path was clear before me. I saw Ganesh. My friend and I were invited to sit at his feet. I heard the word, "Govinda." So many images flooded my mind. My friend took notes. She was given the wand we had seen before. It had a clear quartz crystal at it's end. I saw her standing in a crowded room. Others were all sitting on the floor around her as she turned around in a circle, the wand and it's crystal beamed energy out to them all. She was filled and surrounded with a light blue energy. This is her path. Her journey at this time. I was asked to go into a doorway of light. I did. When I came out I was dressed in red and gold. I had black eye makeup on. Very ornate. I sensed my form had changed. I felt more of the Ganesh/Govinda energy in my being.
After this, the meditation began to change it's energy. I was to give information to my friend. An image of a tree with red spots (like a painting) appeared. She sat under it, writing in a journal. This image of a tree had appeared in another meditation we had done previously. She was holding a snake by the neck. She and the snake were looking at one another. She was smiling. The message came through, "Do not look into the eyes of the snake." It seemed confusing to us. What does this mean? Images of Adam and Eve in Eden seemed similar to this scene we were witnessing.
I realized something about our meditations. I remember that the tree with the apple came through in another, earlier meditation. Maybe it doesnt have anything to do with October (apple time). Maybe there is a deeper meaning. Consciousness - like the snake represents and the tree/apple symbol. Govinda represents consciousness, also. It is very interesting. Consciousness. The images seem to be about consciousness shifting.
*I've recently been wondering if the tree isn't a fig tree. The tree had palms and red fruit. Figs can be purple/red.
Continuing Mediation Practice:
Kept hearing "gold at your feet" in answer to questions. People searching for answers outside of themselves. We are what we are seeking. More information on 'apple.'
In 2010, an Italian-led consortium announced they had decoded the complete genome of the apple (Golden delicious variety).] It had about 57,000 genes, the highest number of any plant genome studied to date and more genes than the human genome (about 30,000).In Emmanuel, compiled by Pat Rodegast & Judith Stanton: "The serpent in the garden of eden is not sexuality. It is doubt."
Thursday, June 2, 2011
Moonlight: Moonlight Gifts June Newsletter
Moonlight: Moonlight Gifts June Newsletter: "http://www.mynewsletterbuilder.com/email/newsletter/1410873037"
Wednesday, June 1, 2011
Moonlight: We Call Them Spirit
Moonlight: We Call Them Spirit: "I've seen spirit in many forms. So have some of my children and grandchildren. There have been many times we have seen spirit. One time in p..."
We Call Them Spirit
I've seen spirit in many forms. So have some of my children and grandchildren. There have been many times we have seen spirit. One time in particular there was a huge ball of light that came into my sons room when he was a pre-teen. He woke up to see it come into his room, float over to the end of his bed and then move towards him. He jumped up and ran out of his room! Ask him today and he would probably deny it:) He is deciding on whether or not he believes. He also saw a man in a 'red coat' with a lady in a dress that went to her ankles in our closet. I think most closets are doorways. Think about it. Closets are typically one of the quietest places in the house.
Spirit can live in these spaces and make a grand enterance through them. Humans forget that we are made of atoms and there is space between each atom. That is why spirit can attach itself to a material object. These object are not as solid as they appear. Energy can live within and around the atoms and molecules things are made from. Every object has an aura. Even a rock. Stare at an object for awhile and let your gaze look just past the object. You will see a clear haze. That is energy. That is an aura.
There were a lot of spirit in the house I mentioned before. My kids, husband and I saw them. People who came to visit saw them. At one point my oldest daughter then a pre-teen had a friend overnight. They both woke up to five or more small blueish white orbs floating near them. I asked them the next day to write down what they saw. I still have the drawing to this day!
My youngest daughter was eating an apple. We were all sitting in the living room watching TV at night. This was years ago. She burst out crying and I thought she had bitten her tongue. She said "no" that an Indian; native american had speared her. I think he poked her to see if she were real. Interesting that they were seeing each other through 'time' and dimensions at the same 'time.' We lived near a river where native americans once roamed freely. This experience is why I believe that all is happening at once, even if I can't quite grasp the concept.
We call them 'spirit.' I wonder what they call us:)?
For me, it is not only about experiencing spirit. It is about being spirit while I am here on earth. This is what I believe I came here to experience. We get conditioned to think a certain way by those who came before us, social norms of the time and such. This also changes. There is no set way to think or .
As we reach teen years we begin to realize this. Our society calls it rebeling. We may get labeled bad.
This depends on how insecure or secure those who came before us are about themselves. Some families encourage independence, some do not. Some actually want their young ones to explore the new world before them. Some do not. For some it feels threatening. They hide within their ego. This does effect the family. It holds the family back from experiencing their spiritualness. It can effect the family for generations to come. It depends on how each person reacts and whether or not they have the courage to move forward with their own belief system. Either is a way of learning more intimately about ourselves.
Duality teaches us about sides. We forget that we could choose neither side. We could live a life of peace here on earth, instead of waiting for one in what we have called heaven. In heaven there is peace because there is no duality. There are no emotions in heaven. That would be a human response to duality thinking. We can have heaven on earth. We are spiritual beings. We can choose to know our spirit in an ever broadening way that encompasses a non-duality way of thinking. There are those that live this way.
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