Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Signs Along The Way

My husband and I had just visited with family. Four family members were having physical, mental/emotional difficulties. We were deep in thought and conversation. Along the way we had been given what we believed to be validations; signs. Driving home from this out of state visit I said aloud "I haven't seen any signs lately." Just at that very second, a car pulled in front of ours  with a license plate reading "0LIMITS;" zero limits. Joe Vatale writes about this topic. We had just visited my brother-in-law who happens to also be named Joe! The place my brother-in-law was staying in begins with Rosewood. We then drove by the town of Rosewood Heights, just as I was saying to myself, "Joe, the healthier you are the quicker you can get into some place nice."

Often I talk to people as a medium and life counselor about what I call, taught-thoughts. What we have been taught by the previous generation continues on in our lives as if this was "the truth." This "truth" then gets mirrored back to us through family, friends, and our environment. As children we may not realize until we are older, that not all people think alike. By then the neurons have been set in our brain and changing our thought patterns is literally changing our minds.

Have you ever decided to go on a diet, quit smoking, and so forth? You then understand the pull that our mind can have over us. The taught-thoughts begin and our body naturally produces the chemicals into our bodies to go along with them. The neurons in our brain gets fired and we find ourselves in a dilema much like a mental tug-of-war. We may say things to ourselves like "I am weak." Assuming these thoughts are mirrored in some way back to us by those we associate with that say, "you are weak" we may choose to believe this reflection. This may be all we think we needed to hear. This then feels like "the truth." We may have decided that giving in seems the easier thing to do, in the moment.

We may choose to give away our personal truth; our personal power, to go along with the status quo. This is an individual right.

We may believe and feel we have injured ourselves by choice, to go along with the group mind-set. The group we associate with may not want to see us change and grow, as they may choose to think they would need to change and grow then. Change and growth albiet painful at times, is a choice we can allow ourselves to make. It does take courage to pull away from the 'self' that we have grown used to, the family and friends we know and find comfort in, even when we and they may not be healthy in the moment. The cycle may continue. This is when self-compassion and self-nurturance assists us.

If someone says, "You are NOT weak" we may think they are lying to us because they aren't mirroring our "truth" back to us. The taught-thoughts move us onward and we most likely will pick up the habit we were trying to let go of. Have you ever noticed that when you decide to not like yourself, that if someone gives you compassion, praise and so on, that you may think they are lying to you? You may even believe that, "If someone likes me they must be an idiot. If they are, I am choosing to not respect them or like them either." Perfect mirror.

The thing of it is though, is that we decide what thoughts we put in our heads and we decide what thoughts stay in our heads. We are always in charge whether or not we choose to know or believe this.

My husband and I continued to have an in-depth conversation about how most of us feel separate from others and even ourselves. We have been taught-thought into this predicament. A sign, on a church next to the hospital we were visiting, stated that healings were offered by someone inside. We began discussing how we ask someone else for a healing believing in our taught-thoughts that someone else can provide us with healing energy. We then discussed that each individual person makes up society. We talked about how each one of us can heal ourselves and provide this type of energy to ourselves and others. In other words, we don't need to request healing from that separate place we imagine, unless we believe we do.

I believe I am that already. I am that which you or I may seek. There are no limitations unless you or I believe in them. There is no such thing as separateness.

Other people may choose to believe something you or I don't believe in. This is their reality and you and I have ours. Still we are all a part of the whole. What ever we think, say or do affects the whole. How empowering is that? When we allow ourselves to begin thinking like this we may see that those people we thought were 'right' or 'wrong' or 'good' or 'bad' are our own mirrored taught-thoughts reflecting back to us 'who we believe we are.' We can then experience these taught-thoughts differently by simply changing our minds by the way we choose to think.

Like anything else, it is a process. Most processes come and go in cycles. Give yourself a break and pat yourself on the back as you move through your self-conceived limitations. You could choose to see these limiting taught-thoughts like porcupine quills stuck in your flesh, and begin to pull them out one at a time as you see fit to do so and toss them away. Any change comes with some discomfort, if you believe it does. Healing feels so comforting. Having compassion for yourself as you let go of your self-conceived limitations assists in the growth process. Nurture yourself as you experience this process of letting go and moving forward.

We all experience limitations we put in our way to experience ourselves through, to simply decide who we are. How are you experiencing your limitations today and how are you deciding to experience yourself through them?

Michele Nappi

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