Intuition is the intelligence of your body-mind. It is something known or believed instinctively, without actual evidence for it. Intuition doesn't have accumulated knowledge to distort your vision. That is why kids are so great at being in the moment, experiencing spirit activity without all the stuff people place in their minds. With intuition you can feel the source of your being without reasoning it away and being filled with doubt. Doubt takes away our intuition because we start placing on it, all the things we have been taught-thought. Finding our power; feeling empowered and balanced between mind and intuition takes practice.
Example: “I had a feeling that there was something wrong.”
When you get this gut feeling, a hunch what do you usually do with it? Paying attention to your thoughts, feelings and emotions is an act of kindness and compassion you offer to yourself. Where do you believe this sixth sense comes from? How does it assist you?
We all have a strong connection with spirit; we are spirit having a material/human experience. Thus, spirit is with us quite often. We may have various frequencies, some operating at a higher level of vibration. Archangels for example are said to have a higher frequency of vibration that Angels. When spirit comes to "be" with us or we have an out of body experience, that also opens us up further to a deeper connection with the source of all. You may or may not want this connection with spirit, depending on your thoughts at the time. Spirit comes to you because they know they can. They see the vibration of your aura and know it is open to you experiencing them. When you are ready this connection will deepen.
You can decide what, if anything that you want to do when spirit reaches out to you. Remember that you yourself are spirit! Spirit as energy, is on a different vibration of existence, that is all. You are in charge. Always remember that and it will assist you.
People in general are very connected to 'word.' We are sentimental about certain words we have grown up with. We create a scene in our minds and this creates emotions that go along with them. You may say something like you have a strong intuition. You may say you are psychic, a medium, a seer, a sooth sayer, a healer, etc. You will get different reactions from various people depending on what they have accepted as "taught-thought." Prayer is a word for healing energy. It is often associated with a certain religion. Reiki, Deeksha, Matrix Energetics and so on are other words for the same energy. It depends on the persons taught-thoughts and timing, on whether or not people are open to learning about different forms of energy. Every word/thought has a vibration. Depending on the thoughts people think, they are holding that vibration in their body and this vibration has an affect on their body. When we think too many thoughts of low vibration, we can see dis-ease within the lower density body. Your thoughts are like a song you sing to yourself. What song are you singing? Louise Hay has written many books on the subject of thought and it’s related emotion that creates dis-ease within the physical body. She has documented many case histories.
Art; color, form, and so on - music; vibration, etc. are forms of speaking without using words that actually have the ability to reach places in people where 'word' may not be able to reach because of certain taught-thoughts that may or may not get in the way. You could take your experiences experiencing spirit and creatively express it outwardly. Project into your passion for art or music for example, what you experience with spirit around you and within you.
I once saw a television show about a woman that paints deceased veterans of war. She does this free of charge and then gives the art to the families who have lost a loved one.
This touches people in a place that no 'word' can reach.
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