Saturday, May 28, 2011

Meeting Those on the Other Side

Many a day I spend doing readings for others to connect with those on the other side, whether it be human or pet. I send healing energy daily all over the world and beyond with the mantra, "Healing energy sent for all that I know and all that I don't."

I have heard some miraculous responses. Things I didn't believe before and now true to me and others. There are times when we begin to understand too, that we have free will and our belief systems have a strong hold on us. We are what we believe. Change the belief system and we change our outlook. It can be that simple. Yet, we cling to the old ways, hoping for the best. Even when we do believe we have changed, life events happen and we may revert to old ways under stress. That is common and an ordinary way of dealing with life stresses.

Being a reader, healer, body, mind, spirit event coordinator and shop owner doesn't change that. Filling and surrounding myself with healing energy, meditating, singing, chanting to raise energy and so forth doesn't necessarily take away the experience or life lesson. We may learn new and higher ways of dealing with experiences and still our ego is there within us.

On a particular time of day I began to look at my thought process about validation more closely. I began to struggle and this contined for a few days. The thoughts and feelings associated with them were about anger, jealousy, abandonment. Many negative ways of looking at a situation were kicking my butt, so to speak. I didn't like how I was thinking or feeling yet, felt tied to them somehow. I worked towards reading uplifting things, reminding myself of words I have used before that helped me sort things out, listening to soothing music, with no reward of leaving behind the emotional conflict within.

Days passed. The timing was ready. I called my son. He and I talked for over an hour. He in his own struggle with life, reading self-help books, remembering things I may have told him over the years. He with his wisdom, kindness and love helped me through the suffering to the other side.

Here on earth we live in duality, for the most part. Sure there are times of ecstasy. There are times of miracles. In a way of thinking, doing, being we can find solace and bring this solace into our lives more and more often.

My particular struggle was over a friend going to a far off land to find herself. To find something that were assist her and others. That in itself was a courageous, beautiful and spiritual doing that would lead to her being more of who she already is. That was exactly why I was in conflict, also. I had talked to her as a teacher and guide. I tied myself into her following me. Listening to me. Validating me. I felt needy and young, emotionally. I wanted her to validate my belief that tells me "we are what we seek." The mirror was up close and personal. I felt like smashing it.

I saw through this mirror, that I was expecting something outside myself to fix things for me. I forgot that I validate myself, nothing is broken. We all have our own process. No one else owes us anything. Of coarse it is nice when people share with compassion. For me it is much more soothing and fulfilling when I find within myself, the tools that empower me.

With the help of a son that showed me the other side once more I was able to see that life lesson. I hope within my heart that this lesson is within my heart. I know that pain is a great deterent. It assists in imbedding lessons and knowledge. It is but one way of walking the path of enlightenment.

During and after this time I filled myself with high, vibratory energy in any way I could think of. I even drank water that I had sent affirmations to, as Dr. Emoto suggests. Re-connecting with a woman that I hadn't talked to in many years. She was one of my Reiki Masters. She also sent me an attunement to assist me. She lives on the other side of the USA than I do. Energy is all that we are. Energy has a consciousness of it's own. The energy knew just what to do to assist me, as spirit.

One night soon after, I had a dream. I was in a room with three spirit medicine/healer people. I was laying on my stomach. One healer opened up the bottom of my left foot and showed me a pus-filled sack in the shape and length of a foot. This spirit lifted this up and showed it to me purposefully. As in, "See this." All the while there was total compassion and gentleness. Hearts were open and opened. He cleansed my foot and closed the incision. With deep gratitude I hugged the spirit. It was as if we melted into one another. There was only unconditional love and peace. I awoke from the dream in awe. No matter how many times I am with spirit, it always feels new and splendid, filling me up with peace.

A deep healing had occurred. A release. I felt a joyful abundance. I believe, though we say that we meet those on the other side, we are them and they are us. We are all together within the sphere of energy. There are no "sides" in spirit. That is precisely why we can communicate with them. We are all in this together.

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