Saturday, July 20, 2013

You Are What You Seek:
You Are Already That
Michele Nappi
@copyright 2013

A friend came into my shop and handed me a gift. I was surprised. Not because of the gift but by what she said, “Happy birthday!” I then replied, “It’s not my birthday, unless you know something I don’t.” I smiled and chuckled. I don’t believe it was an accident. I believe it was synchronicity. A message. Independence Day. Freedom. She had a present for me. Two journals and three colorful inked pens. She said, “I thought I heard somewhere that it was your birthday.”

“There are beings who can get as high as any enlightened being ever got, sitting in the middle of Topeka, Kansas, or in the middle of New York, or in the middle of anywhere. It depends on your readiness, and that has to do with your karma or your readiness to get on with it all.” Ram Dass

I teach. I assist. I guide. I point the way. Students have called me Yoda, Sensei, Guru, Teacher, Guide. I am very excited about what I am able to do. The living. I’m alive, at peace and present in the living moment, more and more often. This presence is who I am. What all is.

Presents. Presence. Pre-sense. Pre-physical. Pre-material. The all-knowing presence of the living moment. No duality. No word. Being.

 Release the conditioned taught-thoughts of fear, the self-made veil. ~ Michele Nappi

When I came home, I noticed that the head of the Buddha statue I had in my garden had been decapitated. I still haven’t figured out how. I had recalled a song another friend had sung when we gathered for a circle for Kirtan. Kirtan practice involves chanting hymns or mantras to the accompaniment of instruments. To be headless; losing our head simply means to live within our heart, as our soul. A way of being.

My friend shared:

The beheading happens thanks to Kali Ma ~ in her form as Chamundaye.

We are called to feel the mercy in the swing of the blade, knowing that she only removes our unhealthy ego and impurities.

Synchronicities such as these happen multiple times per day now in my life. I’ve noticed others talking about this, as well.  I felt another synchronicity within Chah-moon-die-ay. Moon meaning divine feminism. Intuition. Our all-knowing soul. Die; as our ego dies away to create presence.

Being has said to me, “You are what you seek. You are already that.” We are our soul. Our conditioned, taught-thoughts of fear create the veil that we so often hear about. As we release this conditioning we realize our very being, as our own spirit.

True and lasting inner peace can never be found in external things. It can only be found 

within in. And then, once we find and nurture it with ourselves, it radiates outward.

~The Buddha~

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