Friday, November 4, 2011

Direct Intent


Medium - Michele Nappi

We are one. We are what we seek. You are the Light, prayerful intent, Reiki, Deeksha, and so on. What ever label you have practiced giving to the energy that seems beyond. Beyond though it is not.
Practice the direct intent of being this energy, as it is within each of us. Allow this flow of energy beyond the physical, material self. As you do this, focus on your spiritual self. Your connection to this energy is who you are. From this space you are born anew.

Focus equals intent. Your intention has a specific frequency, as do you as self, as spirit. Filter every thought from this space within. Questions and answers come together here. You don’t need a thing. You are already it.

Through direct intent, of being this energy itself we join with the highest frequency of vibration known. We refill ourselves like drinking water after a long thirst. Beyond this we owe nothing. We own no thing. We relinquish our ego and power. We give away to commune with nature. Quietness. Fathoming the universe.

All is there. All is. Continues to be. The energy within as spirit, knows this place. Recognizes it and embraces it. Gives over all to it. Slips the mortal suit. Being the one. Knowing. No thing matters. As we are all matter. All else fades away, even the greatest love of the heart while here on earth, falls short. Gets left behind. Not forgotten, no. Yet, allows to be given over with ease.

Fear energy is a low vibration. It attracts likewise. Love energy is a higher frequency, beyond all other thoughts that create feelings within us. When we love purely to love, without expectations we are with the all that is. We are able to find this space within us. Go there. Be this. It is what you seek. Go to this inner place of silence and feel your spirit self, as your true power.

All we bring with us when we release our material self, is frequency of vibration. What you have learned while here, how you handled yourself and others, is creating this energy. This is what you have when you leave the earth. You will match up with this frequency when you release your body.
No form, no time, no structure. There in lays the sacred witness. In this is bliss. Is peace.

Live this energy while here on earth by communing with your sacred self. With any thought you may think, convene with your inner spirit. Feel the timelessness that lays within self. All else fades away. Rest here. Grow from this place of direct intention.

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