I have the honor of knowing a woman who happens to be of Asian decent. She grew up in the United States and yet, having Asian parents learned about herself through their thoughts, feelings and actions, as we all do. I call these taught-thuoghts. Especially being a female she was taught submission. She was taught to give against her will to the family in many ways. When she showed her will she was beat into submission. She was shut out. She grew up with the taught-thought of "do what I say, or you will be separated from the love you have grown to know as family." She struggles with this to this day, as many of us struggle against our own inner chatter that goes on in our heads.
How brave are we when we face our deepest, darkest fears? Especially the ones we feel would bring shame upon us, the ones that lay us naked on all levels? The fears that like grapevines, cling and coil, and wrap themselves around each thought, feeling and action to re-create themselves as a constant in our lives?
She is that courageous, although at this time in her life, she may not see this. My hope for her is that one day she would allow herself to know herself in this way. That to face her inner demons, as they are sometimes called is work that cannot be honored by any amount of paper or metal we call money, no medal no matter how dignified, as in the Purple Heart. No, none of this can compare because they are material, physical stuff from man-made things. We are much more than this as our spirit self. Our heart. Our soul.
This is work that others may not recognize in any way. They may even get triggered by this work we do on our inner demons and try to escalate their behaviors from their fear-center to drag our energy; frequency back down to their level so that they may feel more comfortable.
We cannot count on others to pave the way when we are walking our own path of truth. We can be guided and yet, we are not broken so we don't need to be fixed. The deeper the pain and suffering the higher the frequency we are left with as we release and heal. Still, it is about choice. The choice to move forward or not is ours. Why would we expect more from another, if we are not willing to do this for ourselves? Why would we choose to expect another to do something for us that we do not do for our own spirit-self?
When we feel separated, alone and lost we typically think and feel that others are doing this to us. Are they moving away from us or are we feeling the exquisite separation from spirit? Do we think and feel this way on purpose, for a reason? Does this help us to see more clearly who we are being? Is this the perfect mirror of self-reflection? We are never alone. We are all one. Knowing this, believing in this way of thinking and experiencing life, brings us home. Home is where the heart is. Home is where spirit resides. Welcome home.
Thank you Michele, That was a profound, appreciated, and some what prodding question for me at this time. Ok, Ok, I'll write the book that is waiting for me to experience myself through it :-)