I have created this blog to share spiritual gifts I have been given.
Friday, December 12, 2014
Moonlight - Medium Michele Nappi: Moonlight Moon Oils: Using Direct Intention “Oils ...
Moonlight - Medium Michele Nappi: Moonlight Moon Oils: Using Direct Intention “Oils ...: Moonlight Moon Oils: Using Direct Intention “Oils that are Reiki charged.” Moonlight Gift Shoppe - 174 Rte 7 S. - Unit 104 - Milton, V...
Moonlight Moon Oils: Using Direct Intention “Oils that are Reiki charged.”
“Oils that are Reiki charged.”
Moonlight Gift Shoppe - 174 Rte 7 S. - Unit 104 - Milton, Vermont 05468 moonlightgiftshoppe@yahoo.
NEW! Introducing Moonlight Eclipse of the Moon Oil
Eclipse of the Moon: A mixture of cinnamon, lavender, clove, frankincense, myrrh, cedar, sandalwood, and sage in jojoba. Do you feel separated out from others? At a crossroads in life? We all encounter dark times. Times when we experience the shadow self. This oil is like the bearer of the torch, lighting the way to prosperity and a multitude of blessings. Like the protector; the keeper of the keys, assists you in understanding that you are the one that holds the key to sacred knowledge all within your perception. Change is at hand. Where there is darkness there is light. Release, let go, and move forward!
From the left side of the body comes your female energy, whether you are a woman or a man. Intuition comes from the sacred feminine; your body-mind connection. Intuition simply sees the universal truth. Feel the source of your being. Be what you would like to experience in the world. Become entwined with the essence of Mother Earth, going back to your roots; the roots of your ancestors and the ancients. Mother Earth gives of itself, as it’s own entity, sharing these beautiful, light-filled oils assisting you in connecting with your own sacred source of power within.
We have been called to connect with our own divinity and life force, to awaken to our spirit selves through direct intention. These oils are a tool to use to connect with your own sacred empowerment which emanates within each one of us. To live intuitively. Your connection with these oils is a channel for healing energy, a source of allowing who you truly are, to release any issues for your highest good. There is no separation, we are all united as one energy.
New Moon (Valor): This blend contains pure essential oils of Spruce, Rosewood, German Chamomile (Blue Tansy) and Frankincense in jojoba oil. It has been used to help empower the physical and spiritual bodies, and may help overcome fear and opposition so we can stand tall during adversity. It has been used for physical and electrical realignments of the body, and has been touted as a “chiropractor in a bottle.” Great oil to use at any New Moon phase.
Full Moon Abundance: This oil includes oils of Orange, Clove, Cinnamon, Spruce, Frankincense, Ginger, Myrrh & Patchouli in Jojoba. Full Moon Abundance attracts abundance, simply put. Assists in the releasing of old taught-thought patterns and blockages that are saying things like “I don’t deserve.” Connect with divine source and purpose.
Myrrh possesses the frequency of wealth. Cinnamon Bark was thought to have a frequency that attracted wealth and abundance. Frankincense was valued more than gold during ancient times and only those with great wealth and abundance possessed it. Patchouli represented money and those who possessed it were considered to be wealthy. Clove was associated with great abundance and those who possessed it were considered wealthy. Spruce was believed to possess the frequency of prosperity.
Oils are a great resource to release emotions and enhance spirituality:
Myrrh is one of the highest levels of sesquiterpense, a class of compounds that has direct effects on the hypothalamus, pituitary, and amygdala, the emotional center of the brain. It has been used to enhance the feeling of spirituality. Frankincense is excellent anti-depressant. It helps oxygenate the pineal and pituitary glands, which stimulate and elevate the mind, for overcoming stress and despair.
It is known for its anointing and healing powers and was reportedly used to treat every conceivable ill known to man. Aromatic influence of Spruce helps to open and release emotional blocks, bringing about a feeling of balance and grounding. Orange was believed to bring joy, peace, and happiness to those who possessed it. It is elevating to the mind and body and bring joy and peace. Abundance oil is so powerful and applying this oil can help us on the multi-levels; physically, emotionally and spiritually and we become like a magnet to attract Abundance (Abundance oil has a frequency of “Law of Attraction”).
Moonlight 5 Essences (Thieves): Moonlight 5 Essences actually includes 7 oils of Eucalyptus, Rosemary, Cinnamon, Clove, Lemon, Thyme & Myrrh in Jojoba. This blend has anti-viral, anti-fungal and antiseptic properties that have the ability to strengthen one’s immune system, preventing flu, colds and other illness. Assists in the belief of wholeness and wellness, our divine right. Each of the oils featured in Moonlight 5 Essences oil mix provide antibacterial qualities that destroy germs and infections in the air and on the skin, and therefore prevent the spread of airborne or touch-spread diseases. Originally our ancient European ancestors used cloves, rosemary and cinnamon to protect themselves. According to ancient legend four hundred years ago, robbers protected themselves from the plague that was killing millions, by rubbing their bodies with these aromatic herbs. They did not get the plague. Other common ingredients which are also included in Moonlight Moon oil mixtures include lemon and eucalyptus, both of which include high levels of vitamins and fight bacteria and germs.
Light of the Moon (White Angelica): Used in ancient times to increase the aura around the body, bringing a sense of strength and spiritual wholeness. Oils included are Bergamot, Rosewood, Sandalwood, Rose, Geranium, Ylang Ylang, Spruce, Hyssop, Melissa & Myrrh in jojoba. All is sacred. Think of sitting in a forest meadow by the light of the moon. Deeply connect with Mother Earth and your own innate wisdom. As you sit within this scene, you may choose to call to you your guide, totem or medicine animal during meditation. Fill and surround yourself with sacred intention and Light of the Moon that your ancestors did, also. Rose has been documented for thousands of years, yes, thousands. Using rose oil began in Arabia with Avicenna, the physician, whose book on the healing attributes of the rose water derived from the distillation of rose survives to this day. Ancient use calls for it in sexual debilities, frigidity, and impotency. After exchanging that unpleasantness for emotional satisfaction and its accompanying sense of well being, it was discovered that wrinkles, wounds, ulcers, scarring and all manner of skin conditions had also disappeared. We might wonder which came first — sex or the rose? Rose is a anti-hemorrhagic (stops bleeding) and is a anti-infectious agent. When modern names for diseases surfaced, but before the antibiotic age, Rose rose up successfully for humanity against thrush, gingivitis, tuberculosis, asthma, chronic bronchitis and herpes simplex. As tools have been designed to compare Hertzian frequency (oscillations per second of vibrational motion) in healthy cells at 70-78 MHz to that where disease begins at 58 MHz, Rose’s frequency goes all the way to 320 MHz - important because a higher frequency will entrain (pull up) a lower one every time. High frequency = high health.
Lavender Moon: Lavender 100% pure essential oil is healing and regenerative. It assists one in releases stress and tension. Helps with sleep; insomnia. Calming, healing, relaxing, soothing. You can put lavender oil directly on skin to release the pain of insect bites, burns, healing of skin blemishes. Add distilled water to a spray bottle, a few drops of lavender and sprits’ the room affected by tension, your bed linen or a child’s area where sleep is a difficulty. Kids love the scent of lavender. One mom states that she and her child spray the child’s bedroom to avoid nightmares. The child then slept well and was rested for the day ahead. Connect peacefully with inner wisdom and tranquility.
The ancient Greeks called the lavender herb nardus, after the Syrian city of Naarda. It was also commonly called nard. Lavender was one of the holy herbs used in the biblical Temple to prepare the holy essence, and nard is mentioned in the Song of Solomon
nard and saffron,
calamus and cinnamon,
with every kind of incense tree,
with myrrh and aloes,
and all the finest spices.
During Roman times, flowers were sold for 100 denarii per pound, which was about the same as a month's wages for a farm laborer, or fifty haircuts from the local barber. Lavender was commonly used in Roman baths to scent the water, and it was thought to restore the skin. Its late Latin name was lavandārius, from lavanda (things to be washed), from the verb lavāre (to wash).[
Diffuse. Wear. Great for bath! Sprits after shower.
*Make a sprits for children and label it with empowering words for a peaceful nights sleep!
NEW! Introducing Moonlight Eclipse of the Moon Oil
Eclipse of the Moon: A mixture of cinnamon, lavender, clove, frankincense, myrrh, cedar, sandalwood, and sage in jojoba. Do you feel separated out from others? At a crossroads in life? We all encounter dark times. Times when we experience the shadow self. This oil is like the bearer of the torch, lighting the way to prosperity and a multitude of blessings. Like the protector; the keeper of the keys, assists you in understanding that you are the one that holds the key to sacred knowledge all within your perception. Change is at hand. Where there is darkness there is light. Release, let go, and move forward!
Thursday, December 11, 2014
Moonlight - Medium Michele Nappi: Michele Nappi Mystic Medium
Moonlight - Medium Michele Nappi: Michele Nappi Mystic Medium: Michele Nappi - Mystic Medium - Psychic - Medical Intuitive - Animal Communicator - Writer - Body - Mind - Spirt annual Spring EXPO and Autu...
Michele Nappi Mystic Medium
Michele Nappi - Mystic Medium - Psychic - Medical Intuitive - Animal Communicator - Writer - Body - Mind - Spirt annual Spring EXPO and Autumn Ghostacular: ParaCon Events Coordinator - Teacher of Psychic Development and Reiki - Body, Mind, Spirit Shop Proprietor.
Scheduling readings and healings for the upcoming week! $35 for the first 15 minutes, $2 a minute after that. Private setting and/or phone readings available.
$1 a minute for healing attunements! Private setting and/or distance healing attunements available.
Scheduling readings and healings for the upcoming week! $35 for the first 15 minutes, $2 a minute after that. Private setting and/or phone readings available.
$1 a minute for healing attunements! Private setting and/or distance healing attunements available.
Saturday, November 29, 2014
Moonlight - Medium Michele Nappi: Scry Yourself to Sleep or Scry to Awaken
Moonlight - Medium Michele Nappi: Scry Yourself to Sleep or Scry to Awaken: Scry Yourself to Sleep or Scry to Awaken Michele Nappi - Mystic Medium @copyright Scrying is the means of divining through gazing. Th...
Scry Yourself to Sleep or Scry to Awaken
Scry Yourself to Sleep or Scry to Awaken
Michele Nappi - Mystic Medium
Scrying is the means of divining through gazing. The diviner will stare into (or perhaps beyond) a dark, reflective surface. Scrying can be done in a dark mirror, a bowl, a crystal, or a surface of water under the moonlight.
How do you 'scry yourself?' We find much more information about ourselves; the illusion of ourselves that we have decided unconsciously, to believe in. While we divine ourselves daily and we all do this, we look into our dark recesses to discover who we have chosen to be. We have been taught to not like certain parts of ourselves that we call our shadow selves or our darkness. Yet, this reflective surface that we gaze into is utterly magical! It is as malleable as we are fallible.
I see my conditioned, taught-thoughts melting away, floating away in bubbles of light. I realize them and they show me this illusionary experience.
Oh, how the sacredness of creation forms. Grows and pushes its way into the light of experience!
Has your mind ever changed? Humans are fallible. Energy is malleable. Changeable. Creative. Experiential. Isn’t it interesting that we can be the bearer of a thought that we create, that we don’t like? In Harry Potter, Dumbledore used his wand to pull a memory out of his head to examine it further in a pool of water. He was scrying his own thoughts for a different point of view. Perception. What we make of it. Our thoughts are our choice. We create them to experience ourselves through, like it or not.
We show ourselves that there is more to us than we think, when we think a thought and then decide we may not like the thought. We have depth. We have the ability to go from surviving confusion to thriving in awareness and peace of mind. All-knowing presence can be and is tapped into. We do have the ability to experience the larger picture. We can experience clear seeing; clairvoyance through the reflective mirror of our own soul! We have free will and can make any decision we would like to and live within the consequences of our choice. At any given moment we can go from karma; action and reaction to stepping outside of duality into soul consciousness. Awareness of the thought we have created and it’s consequences that directly affect ourselves and indirectly affect all else.
When we experience our shadow self, a dark night of the soul, our own darkness we become unconscious. We begin to rapidly set the scene for us to envision in this dark, reflective surface of our own mind. Many times this is a time of transition. We feel we are at a crossroads in our life and don’t know where to turn. We begin to berate ourselves, deeply pulling up our own mis-guided taught-thoughts in order to examine them closely. We may feel an internal fight. We may look for ways to continue this argument outside of ourselves in television shows, movies, theatre, music, addictions, blaming, cajoling, picking fights, stealing, and so forth. Let’s face it. We are lost and unconscious at these times. We may have the intellectual knowledge that we are aware of our behaviors and yet, feel we are lost in our grievances. Our trepidations and angst. Gasping for air, pleading for direction. We may decide we simply do not care about ourselves or others at these tragic times. We cannot see past the boundaries of our own creation and believe that this is all there is to life, forgetting the magnificent times we have lived within as well. This very act of thought shows us we are aware that there is more to life than a thought. We do have the ability to see in many ways at he same time. We can see the larger picture when we allow it.
Someone once told me that, “The other persons feelings matter just as much to them, as yours do to you.” Compassion is being with suffering. We suffer when we tear and rip our truth away from ourselves whether it be truth we like or dislike. We may feel uncomfortable with our own and others suffering and yet, when we decide not to look at it, to run from a truth, we become the lie. We feel this lie and begin to not trust in ourselves, others and life in general. We construct hopelessness, losing control, feeling isolation, thinking we are unwell.
Love is of itself
Not to be owned,
Nor toyed with.
Love has teeth to rip
And lips to sensuous to prove. ~ Michele Nappi
Sometimes love feels like a paper cut, splicing nerves and searing pain sharply winding it’s way to the heart. At times this feels all the usual. This description of love is man-made. By going into our darkest shadows we free ourselves from the fear we have held. We were born of darkness; the womb. In the darkness we also see the brilliance of stars that shine and the moon that glows. We all go along for a while and then crash, emotionally. It is a cycle of life, of growth, of giving way for newness to emerge. We all feel like a child at this time. We are reminded that we are children of the universe. All is illusion. All is temporary. All can be embraced by releasing and letting go of our stuck places.
In Sacred Darkness there is Divine Light. Avoidance creates the focus. We build emotional darkness. We construct our lives to avoid the darkness; pain and suffering and yet, this is what makes it last longer. By accepting the all of ourselves with compassion, we find tranquility. That is nirvana. Yes, it can take great courage being in darkness and yet, we see ourselves for our truth much more succinctly in this place we deem black. This is fear. When we can truly accept our dualistic darkness we realize that we held ourselves within ‘sides.’ We were the ones that bounced ourselves back and forth within those confines. When we decide to allow the not knowing, we discover the whole of ourselves to become conscious. We realize this space of silence within ourselves that connects us with all else. We release our melancholy selves to embrace our heart and soul. We can then care for ourselves in a way we have never allowed ourselves. What a wondrous place to be. Breathe deeply and fully. We know ourselves this way. We have gone from one side of the island, to discover the whole. We can release dread. Anxiety which is fear of the future, sadness which is regret of the past, depression which is our truth we have not allowed ourselves to own. Your soul lives to evolve. When we stay stagnant our energy disintegrates. This is dead energy; energy that has been held onto for so long that it no longer serves a purpose, no longer serves the purpose we created it for. We become the walking dead.
How is a miracle and humor alike? They are both unexpected.
Remember that out of your deepest, darkest fears a new cycle of evolution calls to life itself. Embrace the moment for what it is, AS IT IS and move forward with the energy you are creating with. You alone are enough. Be. You are the gift. Be unexpected as is humor and like the miracle that you are.
Michele Nappi - Mystic Medium
Scrying is the means of divining through gazing. The diviner will stare into (or perhaps beyond) a dark, reflective surface. Scrying can be done in a dark mirror, a bowl, a crystal, or a surface of water under the moonlight.
How do you 'scry yourself?' We find much more information about ourselves; the illusion of ourselves that we have decided unconsciously, to believe in. While we divine ourselves daily and we all do this, we look into our dark recesses to discover who we have chosen to be. We have been taught to not like certain parts of ourselves that we call our shadow selves or our darkness. Yet, this reflective surface that we gaze into is utterly magical! It is as malleable as we are fallible.
I see my conditioned, taught-thoughts melting away, floating away in bubbles of light. I realize them and they show me this illusionary experience.
Oh, how the sacredness of creation forms. Grows and pushes its way into the light of experience!
Has your mind ever changed? Humans are fallible. Energy is malleable. Changeable. Creative. Experiential. Isn’t it interesting that we can be the bearer of a thought that we create, that we don’t like? In Harry Potter, Dumbledore used his wand to pull a memory out of his head to examine it further in a pool of water. He was scrying his own thoughts for a different point of view. Perception. What we make of it. Our thoughts are our choice. We create them to experience ourselves through, like it or not.
We show ourselves that there is more to us than we think, when we think a thought and then decide we may not like the thought. We have depth. We have the ability to go from surviving confusion to thriving in awareness and peace of mind. All-knowing presence can be and is tapped into. We do have the ability to experience the larger picture. We can experience clear seeing; clairvoyance through the reflective mirror of our own soul! We have free will and can make any decision we would like to and live within the consequences of our choice. At any given moment we can go from karma; action and reaction to stepping outside of duality into soul consciousness. Awareness of the thought we have created and it’s consequences that directly affect ourselves and indirectly affect all else.
When we experience our shadow self, a dark night of the soul, our own darkness we become unconscious. We begin to rapidly set the scene for us to envision in this dark, reflective surface of our own mind. Many times this is a time of transition. We feel we are at a crossroads in our life and don’t know where to turn. We begin to berate ourselves, deeply pulling up our own mis-guided taught-thoughts in order to examine them closely. We may feel an internal fight. We may look for ways to continue this argument outside of ourselves in television shows, movies, theatre, music, addictions, blaming, cajoling, picking fights, stealing, and so forth. Let’s face it. We are lost and unconscious at these times. We may have the intellectual knowledge that we are aware of our behaviors and yet, feel we are lost in our grievances. Our trepidations and angst. Gasping for air, pleading for direction. We may decide we simply do not care about ourselves or others at these tragic times. We cannot see past the boundaries of our own creation and believe that this is all there is to life, forgetting the magnificent times we have lived within as well. This very act of thought shows us we are aware that there is more to life than a thought. We do have the ability to see in many ways at he same time. We can see the larger picture when we allow it.
Someone once told me that, “The other persons feelings matter just as much to them, as yours do to you.” Compassion is being with suffering. We suffer when we tear and rip our truth away from ourselves whether it be truth we like or dislike. We may feel uncomfortable with our own and others suffering and yet, when we decide not to look at it, to run from a truth, we become the lie. We feel this lie and begin to not trust in ourselves, others and life in general. We construct hopelessness, losing control, feeling isolation, thinking we are unwell.
Love is of itself
Not to be owned,
Nor toyed with.
Love has teeth to rip
And lips to sensuous to prove. ~ Michele Nappi
Sometimes love feels like a paper cut, splicing nerves and searing pain sharply winding it’s way to the heart. At times this feels all the usual. This description of love is man-made. By going into our darkest shadows we free ourselves from the fear we have held. We were born of darkness; the womb. In the darkness we also see the brilliance of stars that shine and the moon that glows. We all go along for a while and then crash, emotionally. It is a cycle of life, of growth, of giving way for newness to emerge. We all feel like a child at this time. We are reminded that we are children of the universe. All is illusion. All is temporary. All can be embraced by releasing and letting go of our stuck places.
In Sacred Darkness there is Divine Light. Avoidance creates the focus. We build emotional darkness. We construct our lives to avoid the darkness; pain and suffering and yet, this is what makes it last longer. By accepting the all of ourselves with compassion, we find tranquility. That is nirvana. Yes, it can take great courage being in darkness and yet, we see ourselves for our truth much more succinctly in this place we deem black. This is fear. When we can truly accept our dualistic darkness we realize that we held ourselves within ‘sides.’ We were the ones that bounced ourselves back and forth within those confines. When we decide to allow the not knowing, we discover the whole of ourselves to become conscious. We realize this space of silence within ourselves that connects us with all else. We release our melancholy selves to embrace our heart and soul. We can then care for ourselves in a way we have never allowed ourselves. What a wondrous place to be. Breathe deeply and fully. We know ourselves this way. We have gone from one side of the island, to discover the whole. We can release dread. Anxiety which is fear of the future, sadness which is regret of the past, depression which is our truth we have not allowed ourselves to own. Your soul lives to evolve. When we stay stagnant our energy disintegrates. This is dead energy; energy that has been held onto for so long that it no longer serves a purpose, no longer serves the purpose we created it for. We become the walking dead.
How is a miracle and humor alike? They are both unexpected.
Remember that out of your deepest, darkest fears a new cycle of evolution calls to life itself. Embrace the moment for what it is, AS IT IS and move forward with the energy you are creating with. You alone are enough. Be. You are the gift. Be unexpected as is humor and like the miracle that you are.
Saturday, November 22, 2014
It is a Process
"There are times when we accept an idea, a word, some energy and wish to flow with it. We say, "Oh, that makes sense." Intellectually accepting something. We move forward to incorporate this newness into our lives. This is a process. We are human with all of our conditioning and taught-thoughts. We are pack animals. It takes great courage to go against the norm of the day. This is expansion. Sometimes this strikes fear into others. Unless we are highly evolved spiritual beings, we typically act out our fears directly or indirectly. Our ego lurches forward. We fall into a fit. We may say things to others to injure them so that they join us in our suffering. We may belittle them.
Altering our energy, our way of looking at things comes and goes like the tide. We may feel vulnerable. Some may see this vulnerability as a means to attack to say, "See! I told you so." They are being righteous and indignant. We all suffer. We all change in cycles. It is a PROCESS. If you feel others can not support you, find others who can. With all the multi-media we have access to, there are many avenues of support. Go within, meditate, find peace. Concentrate on your breathing. Release the past, be here now.
With each wave of energy we can choose to float or swim against the tide. Choose empowering thoughts. Post affirmations where you can see them. Know that this too, shall pass. Be your own best friend. You are loved and lovable. You are perfectly wonderful just the way you are." ~ Michele Nappi - Mystic Medium
Altering our energy, our way of looking at things comes and goes like the tide. We may feel vulnerable. Some may see this vulnerability as a means to attack to say, "See! I told you so." They are being righteous and indignant. We all suffer. We all change in cycles. It is a PROCESS. If you feel others can not support you, find others who can. With all the multi-media we have access to, there are many avenues of support. Go within, meditate, find peace. Concentrate on your breathing. Release the past, be here now.
With each wave of energy we can choose to float or swim against the tide. Choose empowering thoughts. Post affirmations where you can see them. Know that this too, shall pass. Be your own best friend. You are loved and lovable. You are perfectly wonderful just the way you are." ~ Michele Nappi - Mystic Medium
Monday, November 17, 2014
Developent of the Unconscious Self Into Consciousness of Enlightenment
Development of the Unconscious Self Into Consciousness of Enlightenment
@ Michele Nappi – Mystic Medium
1. Focus. You are what you seek. You create through your thoughts that create a certain frequency of vibration in your body, that attracts this same vibration to you. This is a mirror effect. When we act out our unconscious, egoic conditioning we create attachment and addiction. Lower frequency vibration of thinking is our greatest addiction. Thoughts can become living things. This becomes our cycle of life. In duality, where there is darkness there is light. Bring your unconscious conditioning and taught-thoughts out into the light of day, so to speak. As you focus, come to an understanding within yourself. Release and move forward.
2. Healing: When you focus you bring up denser energy within yourself to release. When we do this we sometimes take a step ‘back’ and find ourselves feeling ‘down.’ We know that in duality we have chosen words to express what we are experiencing. We may find ourselves in a rut. Reminder: what comes up is to be released. Accept yourself where you are. What we resist, persists. Take a break and rest. Breathe light into your body. Allow what ever is ready to pass, to pass. Reiki; universal energy is a beneficial healing modality to soothe the mind, emotions, and physical body. Reiki meets you where you are and raises your particular frequency of vibration. It assist in psychic development, as well!
3. Meditate: This is not meant to be painful or overly time consuming. Take a few minutes when you shower to bless the living water that you cleanse yourself with. Say, ‘thank you.’ You might even smile, to experience the body’s natural endorphins and serotonin release. Imagine your chakras being cleansed and balanced. See the ‘yuk’ go down the drain. As you give thanks imagine being grounded to the earth following the blessed living water down into mother earth.
4. Support: You are your main support. When we think we are alone, this increases separation feelings. When we are ‘down’ we feel alone in the energy we have created through our thoughts. This is not meant as judgment or blame, it is an awareness to work with. You are empowered and enlightened. You are a very powerful Being. Find others of like-mind who support you and encourage you. We are all in this together. No one is ‘better’ or ‘worse.’ This is all a part of releasing old, worn-out taught-thoughts. As we expand our vibration to a finer frequency, we are bring forth unconscious attachments, additive ways of thinking we may not be aware of and have chosen to release. We look at these thoughts not to injure ourselves or others, but to let them go. It is a process. Thinking can become an addiction, just like any other. Take time and be sure to give yourself a break for fun and enjoyment. This is not a race. It is an experience and we get to decide what to make of it.
5. Practice: Practice what you believe in. Practice with yourself and others. For example: Cut out a few photos from a magazine. Turn them over so that you don’t see the picture you have chosen. Move them around and around. Pull one out, without looking at the image. Write down what ever you pick up. Then turn the picture over. You can do this with paint sample cards you can find at a hardware store, too. Use your imagination. Experiment. Call a friend or have a friend call you. Tell them what you physically ‘see’ around them, what feelings you are picking up; use your senses in this distance exploration.
6. Tools: Pick which ever tool resonates with you at the time; gemstones, oils, Tarot, tree hugging, laughing, Rune stones, magic, pendulums, and so forth. Glean what you can from the energy. Remember that as a physical body you are a tool as well, to explore. Experience sensations, emotions, moods, touch, sight, breath, etc. You might think of what you ingest into the body as a tool; liquid and fiber. Sustenance. Sometimes we use food and liquids to satiate and console. What tools are you choosing to create through? A great tool is journaling. This is your private history for you to look back on over time to see where you have been and where you would like to go. You get to see yourself in a way that you may not have expected. You get to release your expectations. Praise yourself for your courage and bravery when ever you read through your journal. See that when you have written down your truth in the moment that you are a warrior, a goddess. Why do you think people through the ages have created anything like art, music, theatre, and so forth? We do it to experience the release of creation so that we can continue creating anew. We show others that they can experience this, too. We show ourselves that reality is in the eye of the beholder. We give ourselves and others our blessing.
7. Give and Receive: Give to receive. Receive to give. The cycle of life is great abundance. When we choose to stop giving we stop receiving and vise versa. Give to yourself so that you can receive from others. Give to others so that you are open to receive. For some it is much more comfortable to give than to receive. For some receiving the compassion and care from outside of ourselves hurts. What is expected of us in return, we think. We may feel vulnerable. As we release fear, we can accept caring and compassion without the worry that we owe something back. As we do this, we become a gentle soul. We release our ego and connect with our heart. We come to an understanding within ourselves that all is well.
8. Listen to hear yourself. If you don’t listen to yourself you create a space for the same frequency of vibration to fill. When we are feeling separated out from others, we can take that as a cue that we have not been listening to ourselves; our physical, mental, emotional, spiritual selves. We are human in this dense, physical form and yet we are also the universal soul energy. You can say to yourself, “I hear you.” Treat yourself the way you would like to be treated. This increases your awareness exponentially.
9. Imagery: Create a space within your mind that you can go to when ever you choose, to rest and relax. Create the home of your dreams and decorate it any way you would like to. Meditate there, give yourself a massage, a healing, drink of blessed living water from a fountain, surround yourself with the brilliance of any gemstone, color, frequency you would like! This is your space to shine and flourish. Meditate on this energy, on this imagery. Create. Accept. Allow. Breathe deeply.
10. Free will: You have free will. You create. You decide. Empower yourself. You are as enlightened as you possibly can be in any given moment. You are as free as you would like to be. Yes, you may say, “But I, could I, would I, should I (should denies reality – it either is or it is not), got to, must, have to” and so forth. Yet, you are in control. We all have fears. Cuddle with the fear. Hug your fear. Be your own best friend. Allow the fear instead of creating a stronger wall up against it. Talk to it. Tell yourself, “I have your back. I am here for you and with you always.”
11. Thank yourself: You are doing the very best you can in any given moment. Give yourself a pat on the back for your efforts. Support YOU. Say, “I am grateful. I believe in me. I trust me. I am fulfilled. I am at peace. I am blessed beyond measure. “ Even when we say these things and don’t really believe it at the time, we have created anew. It is a process. We take one step forward to two steps back and all the while knowing that in duality these are the confines. The not-so-simple truth is, “A truth is something you decide to believe in, most likely through sentimental conditioning and taught-thoughts. THE truth would be true for all without exception. “ It is up to you and has been all along. Within this knowledge lays your empowerment, your consciousness. I believe, you have known this all along. You came here as your soul with a deep knowing. This inner knowing has never left you. You may have left it, along the way and yet, you and I can connect with this great, vast knowing when ever we choose to. This is the all-knowing presence of pure consciousness that is nirvana, that is so very peaceful. You effect the whole! You are matter. You matter.
Saturday, November 8, 2014
Your Mom Is Strange: Oh, Brother!
Your Mom Is Strange: Oh, Brother!: Thursday was a sick day over here at YMIS. E spiked a fever of 103.7 in the early hours of Wednesday morning. She'd been a little cong...
Tuesday, July 29, 2014
Saturday, July 12, 2014
Moonlight - Medium Michele Nappi: PLEASE SHARE! LOOKING FOR VENDORSThis is meant to...
Moonlight - Medium Michele Nappi: PLEASE SHARE! LOOKING FOR VENDORS
This is meant to...: PLEASE SHARE! LOOKING FOR VENDORS This is meant to be a FUN Autumn, Halloween, Samhain event! Contact: moonlightgiftshoppe@yahoo.co...
This is meant to...: PLEASE SHARE! LOOKING FOR VENDORS This is meant to be a FUN Autumn, Halloween, Samhain event! Contact: moonlightgiftshoppe@yahoo.co...
Friday, April 25, 2014
Moonlight - Medium Michele Nappi: A Hug From Nelson Mandela
Moonlight - Medium Michele Nappi: A Hug From Nelson Mandela: Michele Nappi - Mystic Medium A Hug From Nelson Mandela Today a woman came into my shop. I own a body, mind, spirit establishment. Oft...
A Hug From Nelson Mandela
Michele Nappi - Mystic Medium
A Hug From Nelson Mandela
Today a woman came into my shop. I own a body, mind, spirit establishment. Often people come in to chat and be within the peaceful energy created here. This particular woman has come in a few times before this, and we have created a quick bond. We have similar emotional backgrounds.
We had a long chat that ended with me talking about Nelson Mandela - that he chose after being imprisoned for 27 years - to honor himself by releasing himself from the inner prison we so often find ourselves in. I am sure that he, too lived a life of many ups and downs. Then - because my life is just this way - she told me about being in a professional dance troop.
After a particular performance and as she was getting ready to leave, she was staring at the floor when she saw two feet standing in front of her. Nelson Mandela. He hugged her. She said he was shining. We all have the ability to shine and to choose to release ourselves from the inner prison that we have chosen. We can choose to give our best anyway and to KEEP choosing.

A Hug From Nelson Mandela
Today a woman came into my shop. I own a body, mind, spirit establishment. Often people come in to chat and be within the peaceful energy created here. This particular woman has come in a few times before this, and we have created a quick bond. We have similar emotional backgrounds.
We had a long chat that ended with me talking about Nelson Mandela - that he chose after being imprisoned for 27 years - to honor himself by releasing himself from the inner prison we so often find ourselves in. I am sure that he, too lived a life of many ups and downs. Then - because my life is just this way - she told me about being in a professional dance troop.
After a particular performance and as she was getting ready to leave, she was staring at the floor when she saw two feet standing in front of her. Nelson Mandela. He hugged her. She said he was shining. We all have the ability to shine and to choose to release ourselves from the inner prison that we have chosen. We can choose to give our best anyway and to KEEP choosing.

Friday, April 4, 2014
She Wrote About Me...
Gretchin Gifford
I went to a medium last year about this time. Wrote about the experience here a little bit which touches on that first pregnancy: http://intuitiveexperiment.blogspot.com/.../my-first... I was kind of skeptical going in, but it was pretty life-changing for me.
Gretchin Gifford
I went to a medium last year about this time. Wrote about the experience here a little bit which touches on that first pregnancy: http://intuitiveexperiment.blogspot.com/.../my-first... I was kind of skeptical going in, but it was pretty life-changing for me.
Your Mom Is Strange: Oh, Brother!
Your Mom Is Strange: Oh, Brother!: Thursday was a sick day over here at YMIS. E spiked a fever of 103.7 in the early hours of Wednesday morning. She'd been a little cong...
Gretchin Gifford:
I went to a medium last year about this time. Wrote about the experience here a little bit which touches on that first pregnancy: http://intuitiveexperiment.blogspot.com/.../my-first... I was kind of skeptical going in, but it was pretty life-changing for me.
Gretchin Gifford:
I went to a medium last year about this time. Wrote about the experience here a little bit which touches on that first pregnancy: http://intuitiveexperiment.blogspot.com/.../my-first... I was kind of skeptical going in, but it was pretty life-changing for me.
Wednesday, March 19, 2014
Moonlight - Medium Michele Nappi: Eternally Yours
Moonlight - Medium Michele Nappi: Eternally Yours: Eternally Yours Michele Nappi - Mystic Medium "Your very center of being is the center of a cyclone. Whatever happens around it do...
Eternally Yours
Eternally Yours
Michele Nappi - Mystic Medium
"Your very center of being is the center of a cyclone. Whatever happens around it does not affect it. It is eternal silence: days come and go, years come and go, ages come and pass. Lives come and go, but the eternal silence of your being remains exactly the same - the same soundless music, the same fragrance of godliness, the same transcendence from all that is mortal, from all that is momentary."
When we are in between duality/polarity, we feel an energetic pull in our body that is not comfortable.
We are a being made of energy.
We may be in a struggle, making a decision, working towards an agreement or in a disagreement.
When we are in love or like with someone or something we cling to our perceptions, we want what we perceive.
When this does not occur we are at an energetic juxtapose, at a place of 'in between.'
Clinging and yet, releasing.
Some call this being at a crossroads, in transition.
When we feel held in this energy, we often times feel anxious; fear of the future and out of control.
This may trigger past issues that come up like a lion to roar.
We may experience head or stomach aches, a pang in the heart, and so forth.
We may burst out crying at a time when others would wonder why.
To release this built up energy:
Dance, sing, meditate, take a hot shower, exercise, talk to a close confidant, take a break to smell the roses. All is temporary while we are material, physical beings. What is eternal is always and that you can depend on.
Michele Nappi - Mystic Medium
"Your very center of being is the center of a cyclone. Whatever happens around it does not affect it. It is eternal silence: days come and go, years come and go, ages come and pass. Lives come and go, but the eternal silence of your being remains exactly the same - the same soundless music, the same fragrance of godliness, the same transcendence from all that is mortal, from all that is momentary."
When we are in between duality/polarity, we feel an energetic pull in our body that is not comfortable.
We are a being made of energy.
We may be in a struggle, making a decision, working towards an agreement or in a disagreement.
When we are in love or like with someone or something we cling to our perceptions, we want what we perceive.
When this does not occur we are at an energetic juxtapose, at a place of 'in between.'
Clinging and yet, releasing.
Some call this being at a crossroads, in transition.
When we feel held in this energy, we often times feel anxious; fear of the future and out of control.
This may trigger past issues that come up like a lion to roar.
We may experience head or stomach aches, a pang in the heart, and so forth.
We may burst out crying at a time when others would wonder why.
To release this built up energy:
Dance, sing, meditate, take a hot shower, exercise, talk to a close confidant, take a break to smell the roses. All is temporary while we are material, physical beings. What is eternal is always and that you can depend on.
Moonlight - Medium Michele Nappi: Sleep Paralysis or Not!?
Moonlight - Medium Michele Nappi: Sleep Paralysis or Not!?: Sleep Paralysis or Not!? Michele Nappi - Mystic Medium Sleep paralysis is a phenomenon in which people, either when falling asleep or wa...
Sleep Paralysis or Not!?
Sleep Paralysis or Not!?
Michele Nappi - Mystic Medium
Sleep paralysis is a phenomenon in which people, either when falling asleep or wakening, temporarily experience an inability to move (being paralyzed).
“We have had a dark figure living with us at our home. This dark/black figure was interactive. We believe he came and went with a young man, who was living with our family and has now gone. One time my daughter had just had an argument with this man. When this person left the room they were arguing in, the dark figure sat on my daughters legs (she was sitting on her bed) and wouldn't allow her to move. She didn't feel fear with this. The person she was arguing with came back to the room and said that he had just seen a dark figure walk up the stairs passed him. This figure looked like it was' sipping tea,' he said. My daughter then told him what her experience was. This man said that he had always felt 'followed.'
I had thought that dark beings or masses (I've seen both) were about fear. This dark figure didn't exhibit fearful intentions although the man that this figure seems to be attached to is extremely fearful almost all the time. My daughter was fully awake yet was 'paralyzed' from moving her legs at the time.”
My reply: “This does not sound like sleep paralysis because both parties were awake and had been confrontational with one another, raising the energy within and around themselves. This may or may not be an attachment, although it certainly sounds like one because of the person’s acknowledgment of feeling ‘followed.’ This attachment if it is one, may very well be the young man himself. as a disassociate. Perhaps some sort of therapy; past life recall, soul retrieval type of energy work would assist this young man to incorporate such strong feelings.”
Another example:
“I had what is called a waking dream last night. A waking dream is when you're still asleep but your eyes open and you can see and hear everything around you but you can't move. Initially my eyes opened to the sound of my boyfriend calling my name from up the stairs (which didn't seem right because it was around 8 or 9 in the morning and my boyfriend doesn't get home from work until about 1 in the afternoon.) Then as I was laying there with my eyes open I realized I couldn't move at all which really scared me. Next I heard what sounded like the sound of my boyfriends works boots walking down the stairs. Then I saw what looked like a dark hooded phantom figure walk in to the room. The figure was acting just as my boyfriend would when he gets home from work, walking around the room, setting his work closes and stuff down, walking back and forth. I could see and hear all of this happening but I couldn't move or say anything and I knew, even though it look like the shadow of my boyfriend, it wasn't him. It was something else, something negative. Then the phantom turned to walk out of the room and just as it was about to leave it turned and looked at me as if to say "you coming?" then it turned again and walked out of the room and I heard it walk back up the stairs. finally several hours later my boyfriend came home from work around 1:30pm and did the exact same routine as the phantom did hours earlier. The only thing different was my boyfriend didn't call my name from the top of the stairs.”
My reply: “Sounds like sleep paralysis mixed with a 'knowing' of the boy friends habits and/or her psychic abilities.”
Your thoughts on this?
Note of interest: In both of these events, stairs were involved.
Michele Nappi - Mystic Medium
Sleep paralysis is a phenomenon in which people, either when falling asleep or wakening, temporarily experience an inability to move (being paralyzed).
“We have had a dark figure living with us at our home. This dark/black figure was interactive. We believe he came and went with a young man, who was living with our family and has now gone. One time my daughter had just had an argument with this man. When this person left the room they were arguing in, the dark figure sat on my daughters legs (she was sitting on her bed) and wouldn't allow her to move. She didn't feel fear with this. The person she was arguing with came back to the room and said that he had just seen a dark figure walk up the stairs passed him. This figure looked like it was' sipping tea,' he said. My daughter then told him what her experience was. This man said that he had always felt 'followed.'
I had thought that dark beings or masses (I've seen both) were about fear. This dark figure didn't exhibit fearful intentions although the man that this figure seems to be attached to is extremely fearful almost all the time. My daughter was fully awake yet was 'paralyzed' from moving her legs at the time.”
My reply: “This does not sound like sleep paralysis because both parties were awake and had been confrontational with one another, raising the energy within and around themselves. This may or may not be an attachment, although it certainly sounds like one because of the person’s acknowledgment of feeling ‘followed.’ This attachment if it is one, may very well be the young man himself. as a disassociate. Perhaps some sort of therapy; past life recall, soul retrieval type of energy work would assist this young man to incorporate such strong feelings.”
Another example:
“I had what is called a waking dream last night. A waking dream is when you're still asleep but your eyes open and you can see and hear everything around you but you can't move. Initially my eyes opened to the sound of my boyfriend calling my name from up the stairs (which didn't seem right because it was around 8 or 9 in the morning and my boyfriend doesn't get home from work until about 1 in the afternoon.) Then as I was laying there with my eyes open I realized I couldn't move at all which really scared me. Next I heard what sounded like the sound of my boyfriends works boots walking down the stairs. Then I saw what looked like a dark hooded phantom figure walk in to the room. The figure was acting just as my boyfriend would when he gets home from work, walking around the room, setting his work closes and stuff down, walking back and forth. I could see and hear all of this happening but I couldn't move or say anything and I knew, even though it look like the shadow of my boyfriend, it wasn't him. It was something else, something negative. Then the phantom turned to walk out of the room and just as it was about to leave it turned and looked at me as if to say "you coming?" then it turned again and walked out of the room and I heard it walk back up the stairs. finally several hours later my boyfriend came home from work around 1:30pm and did the exact same routine as the phantom did hours earlier. The only thing different was my boyfriend didn't call my name from the top of the stairs.”
My reply: “Sounds like sleep paralysis mixed with a 'knowing' of the boy friends habits and/or her psychic abilities.”
Your thoughts on this?
Note of interest: In both of these events, stairs were involved.
Tuesday, March 18, 2014
Moonlight - Medium Michele Nappi: Psychic Development Course with Michele Nappi - My...
Moonlight - Medium Michele Nappi: Psychic Development Course with Michele Nappi - My...: PLEASE SHARE: Psychic Development course run by Michele Nappi - Mystic Medium, psychic, Reiki practitioner/teacher, animal communi...
Psychic Development Course with Michele Nappi - Mystic Medium
Psychic Development course run by Michele Nappi - Mystic Medium, psychic, Reiki practitioner/teacher, animal communicator, spiritual counselor, published writer, medical intuitive, channel, shop proprietor, events coordinator. I also assist with missing people and pets investigations.
Course is $150 for the 6 weeks, meeting on Monday evenings from 6:30-8:30 PM on April 14, 21, 28, and May 5, 12, & 19th!
Sign up by March 31st and pay $130 for this course.
174 Rte. 7 S. - Milton, VT. 05468
Saturday, March 8, 2014
Moonlight - Medium Michele Nappi: Empowering Thought
Moonlight - Medium Michele Nappi: Empowering Thought: Empowering Thought Michele Nappi @copyright “We are all perfection to be recognized.” - Michele Nappi - Mystic Medium moonlightgiftsho...
Empowering Thought
Empowering Thought
Michele Nappi
“We are all perfection to be recognized.” - Michele Nappi - Mystic Medium
Our physical body is a vessel that carries our soul through life on the physical dimension to learn, and to grow. Our soul yearns for knowledge and wisdom, which is a sum of all our interactions and experiences. We innately know on a soul level that we have come to life as we know it to experience. The soul, being energy gathers wisdom to share. We are meant to share with one another the innate self-kindness and compassion that we are born knowing. We come as a mirror for those that may have forgotten this. As we become older this information may be taught out of us, as we begin experiencing and believing in duality. As in any thing else, it is a choice. We can learn to forgive ourselves for the suffering we have caused within by understanding that we did not know any difference at that moment. We believed what we were told, what we saw, heard, and sensed on many levels.
1. You should be grateful.
2. You could choose to be grateful.
3. I choose to be grateful.
4. I am grateful.
When you read these sentences what thoughts and feelings arise? How does the word ‘should’ make you feel? What are your thoughts that go along with this word? You can interchange the word ‘grateful’ for the word ‘respect’ and so forth. When we become aware of how our thoughts that we choose to put in our heads affect us, we can choose a different path of thinking. We may choose to no longer keep certain thoughts as a way of thinking.
We can practice allowing ourselves to fill and surround ourselves with self-compassion and the kindness we knew instinctively as children. Imperfection is a taught-thought way of thinking. We are all in this together. We all suffer as an experience. Being aware of thoughts creating feelings we become mindful of our Beingness - our soul.
We can sit quietly with ourselves to cradle our soul. We can hold it like we may have chosen to be held as an infant. We can learn to say all the things we would have wanted the caring person in our lives to say to us when we were little and did not know any difference. We smile. Our hearts expand. We touch our spirit selves. In this practice we feel self-compassion.
Practice smiling, humming, singing or whistling to bring a smile to your heart. Move your body with this tune you create. Share your joy that is held in your heart and you affect the whole.
Michele Nappi
“We are all perfection to be recognized.” - Michele Nappi - Mystic Medium
Our physical body is a vessel that carries our soul through life on the physical dimension to learn, and to grow. Our soul yearns for knowledge and wisdom, which is a sum of all our interactions and experiences. We innately know on a soul level that we have come to life as we know it to experience. The soul, being energy gathers wisdom to share. We are meant to share with one another the innate self-kindness and compassion that we are born knowing. We come as a mirror for those that may have forgotten this. As we become older this information may be taught out of us, as we begin experiencing and believing in duality. As in any thing else, it is a choice. We can learn to forgive ourselves for the suffering we have caused within by understanding that we did not know any difference at that moment. We believed what we were told, what we saw, heard, and sensed on many levels.
1. You should be grateful.
2. You could choose to be grateful.
3. I choose to be grateful.
4. I am grateful.
When you read these sentences what thoughts and feelings arise? How does the word ‘should’ make you feel? What are your thoughts that go along with this word? You can interchange the word ‘grateful’ for the word ‘respect’ and so forth. When we become aware of how our thoughts that we choose to put in our heads affect us, we can choose a different path of thinking. We may choose to no longer keep certain thoughts as a way of thinking.
We can practice allowing ourselves to fill and surround ourselves with self-compassion and the kindness we knew instinctively as children. Imperfection is a taught-thought way of thinking. We are all in this together. We all suffer as an experience. Being aware of thoughts creating feelings we become mindful of our Beingness - our soul.
We can sit quietly with ourselves to cradle our soul. We can hold it like we may have chosen to be held as an infant. We can learn to say all the things we would have wanted the caring person in our lives to say to us when we were little and did not know any difference. We smile. Our hearts expand. We touch our spirit selves. In this practice we feel self-compassion.
Practice smiling, humming, singing or whistling to bring a smile to your heart. Move your body with this tune you create. Share your joy that is held in your heart and you affect the whole.
Sunday, February 23, 2014
Moonlight - Medium Michele Nappi: BODY MIND SPIRIT EXPOsponsored by Moonlight Gif...
Moonlight - Medium Michele Nappi:
sponsored by Moonlight Gif...:  BODY MIND SPIRIT EXPO sponsored by Moonlight Gifts, Milton, VT. & Michele Nappi - Mystic Medium “Living a Conscious Life” Sat...
sponsored by Moonlight Gif...:  BODY MIND SPIRIT EXPO sponsored by Moonlight Gifts, Milton, VT. & Michele Nappi - Mystic Medium “Living a Conscious Life” Sat...
sponsored by Moonlight Gifts, Milton, VT. & Michele Nappi - Mystic Medium
“Living a Conscious Life”
Saturday - MAY 3, 2014
10 - 5 PM
Hilton Burlington Hotel - 60 Battery St. Burlington, VT.
$5 Admission
Free Workshops!
Parking in adjacent garage and/or on street plus, within walking distance to various parking garages, shopping, and amenities!
Contact: (802) 893-9966 moonlightgiftshoppe@yahoo.com
Moonlight - Medium Michele Nappi: Yesterday
Moonlight - Medium Michele Nappi: Yesterday: "Yesterday two women came into my shop Moonlight Gifts, in Milton, VT talking about aches and pains. I could feel my heart open and the...
Yesterday two women came into my shop Moonlight Gifts, in Milton, VT talking about aches and pains. I could feel my heart open and the Reiki began to flow. I asked one of the women if she would like to try Reiki. She allowed me to put my hands on her shoulders and Reiki flowed through her body. She felt it and looked at me as if to say, "What is this and where has it been!?"
Her friend that she was with asked how it felt. She said, "Come, try it." Her friend hesitantly came over to me. As I placed my hands on her shoulders, again the energy flowed. There is a corner in the shop that is a vortex where people, animals, etc. come through in spirit. It has happened many times before, and did again this time. An elderly woman stood there. I could 'see' her as if she was in an old, antique photo. She said, "Don't worry. It is okay. I am fine."
The woman I was giving Reiki to began to cry. Her grandmother had died recently and she hadn't been at her bedside. There was a reason. An addiction that had kicked in big time. Her grandmother had only love and compassion for her. That is what spirit has for all of us. The question is, can we accept this? Can we release our conditioned taught-thoughts long enough to accept this divine love and compassion? For most, it is a work in progress. That is the grace and joy. That YES we can when we allow it. Reiki flows...." - Michele Nappi - Mystic Medium
*I teach Reiki, as well. 802-893-9966 moonlightgiftshoppe@yahoo.com
Her friend that she was with asked how it felt. She said, "Come, try it." Her friend hesitantly came over to me. As I placed my hands on her shoulders, again the energy flowed. There is a corner in the shop that is a vortex where people, animals, etc. come through in spirit. It has happened many times before, and did again this time. An elderly woman stood there. I could 'see' her as if she was in an old, antique photo. She said, "Don't worry. It is okay. I am fine."
The woman I was giving Reiki to began to cry. Her grandmother had died recently and she hadn't been at her bedside. There was a reason. An addiction that had kicked in big time. Her grandmother had only love and compassion for her. That is what spirit has for all of us. The question is, can we accept this? Can we release our conditioned taught-thoughts long enough to accept this divine love and compassion? For most, it is a work in progress. That is the grace and joy. That YES we can when we allow it. Reiki flows...." - Michele Nappi - Mystic Medium
*I teach Reiki, as well. 802-893-9966 moonlightgiftshoppe@yahoo.com
Saturday, January 4, 2014
Moonlight - Medium Michele Nappi: No Lessons to Learn
Moonlight - Medium Michele Nappi: No Lessons to Learn: No Lessons to Learn Michele Nappi - Mystic Medium "When we go through difficult, dark times it is all about perception. We have ta...
No Lessons to Learn
No Lessons to Learn
Michele Nappi - Mystic Medium
"When we go through difficult, dark times it is all about perception. We have talked many times about this in class. It takes multiple times hearing these words, from multiple people for us to experience this and 'change' our mind - our neurons. It is about releasing our pre-conceived notions. Letting go of our taught-thoughts no matter how sentimental we may be about them; their attachments.
REMEMBER that as your soul - you already are aware of all that is. You know all. There are no lessons to learn because you know it all already. The way you can know this is by listening to your intuition - your soul. We seem to forget this. In times of stress (good/bad; duality), trauma, illness, and so forth - we grieve. Yes, even in joy and happiness we release and may grieve the past - we may feel fear.
The last breath is your past lifetime. The in breath is your commitment to this life in duality and your out breath is your release of it. As you or yours takes the last breath here on earth, the soul emerges like a butterfly - BEing 'what it is.' You can live beyond duality - how else can I say this? You ARE beyond duality. You are all and all is you. There is no such thing as duality, it is an illusion.
When you feel alone and separated remember that your soul never leaves you, because you are that. You are never alone or separated out. The body is denser energy. Word belongs to you, creates duality, creates experience AND your perception is ALWAYS yours to choose. "
~ Michele Nappi - Mystic Medium
Michele Nappi - Mystic Medium
"When we go through difficult, dark times it is all about perception. We have talked many times about this in class. It takes multiple times hearing these words, from multiple people for us to experience this and 'change' our mind - our neurons. It is about releasing our pre-conceived notions. Letting go of our taught-thoughts no matter how sentimental we may be about them; their attachments.
REMEMBER that as your soul - you already are aware of all that is. You know all. There are no lessons to learn because you know it all already. The way you can know this is by listening to your intuition - your soul. We seem to forget this. In times of stress (good/bad; duality), trauma, illness, and so forth - we grieve. Yes, even in joy and happiness we release and may grieve the past - we may feel fear.
The last breath is your past lifetime. The in breath is your commitment to this life in duality and your out breath is your release of it. As you or yours takes the last breath here on earth, the soul emerges like a butterfly - BEing 'what it is.' You can live beyond duality - how else can I say this? You ARE beyond duality. You are all and all is you. There is no such thing as duality, it is an illusion.
When you feel alone and separated remember that your soul never leaves you, because you are that. You are never alone or separated out. The body is denser energy. Word belongs to you, creates duality, creates experience AND your perception is ALWAYS yours to choose. "
~ Michele Nappi - Mystic Medium
Thursday, January 2, 2014
Moonlight - Medium Michele Nappi: Returning to Life: After the Stress Has Been Relea...
Moonlight - Medium Michele Nappi: Returning to Life: After the Stress Has Been Relea...: Returning to Life: After the Stress Has Been Released Michele Nappi - Mystic Medium “For far too long we have been seduced into walking a...
Returning to Life: After the Stress Has Been Released
Returning to Life: After the Stress Has Been Released
Michele Nappi - Mystic Medium
“For far too long we have been seduced into walking a path that did not lead us to ourselves. For far too long we have said yes when we wanted to say no. And for far too long we have said no when we desperately wanted to say yes… . When we don’t listen to our intuition, we abandon our souls. And we abandon our souls because we are afraid if we don’t, others will abandon us.” — Terry Tempest Williams, When Women Were Birds: Fifty-four Variations on Voice
For far too long we have given ourselves away. We have allowed ourselves to believe the other persons opinion means more than our own. We have split ourselves into a million pieces and wondered why we have felt separated away from our own soul, our heart.
A miracle came to be for me, this past holiday season. I saw myself for who I am. Whom I had accepted myself to be. I did not like this perspective. I struggled with it like a fish out of water. I had a Scrooge moment. “I don’t want to think this way.” I pushed and shoved the thoughts away and they became stronger still. I cried out for help. “Please ‘take this cup’ from me.” I felt desperate. Trapped. Blocked into a corner. I was then shown something miraculous. My lifespan. I was able to see a deeper dimension of the me I had created thus far. I felt ashamed and bitter. I felt angry and blocked myself by pointing a finger outward at others. “Look at them, they are doing the same thing. Why should I change!?” Fear welled up inside me. Yes, I was taught pain and suffering, quite precisely from previous generations, going back and back and back. From others before me and all around me. I could see it so clearly. It wasn’t anything new, and yet I saw it differently. Another dimension of it. “Oh. We are so much alike. I thought it was them. It is I, too.“ It was as if I were watching a movie! We are so similar in so many ways, yet I was still clinging to my ‘them versus me’ thoughts. I wanted to be right and have all else be wrong. I was deep in the cesspool of duality and did it ever stink.
“I looked around and saw myself.” ~ Michele Nappi - Mystic Medium
Is there a higher destiny? How do we get there? How does one learn to go from step one to step two? I felt trapped and stuck. Not a nice feeling. I began to want to end this lifetime. I wanted to hide away. I could feel the blocks of energy in the pit of my being. Anger welling within, “I hate you. I feel so jealous.” I kept blaming. I was then asked from a higher consciousness, “Do you see this? Do you want to continue this way?” Would I choose to abandon my soul once more? Am I that fearful that others will abandon me? I slept fitfully. I awoke in anxiety. I felt so saddened. I realized that I knew differently and yet, somehow I couldn’t feel it in my soul. I felt lost and alone within myself.
I then realized I had disliked myself since I came here to earth. To be treated so cruelly as an infant, I must be so worthless. Who does that to a baby? A child!? Everyone must hate me, as well. They all lie, if they say they do care. Why would people be so absolutely stupid to like me? I cannot respect anyone who likes me. They are idiots, fools. I am ugly. Fat. Stupid. Inept. Such sewage surely smells awful. This must be why people treat me as they do. I must have this in my aura. People see it. Where can I hide? I went on and on.
“You are so full of crap. You talk so often of what you have learned and give it to others and yet you hold such a dark secret,” I heard myself say. “I truly hate you.“ Yes, I had seen this before during my self-healing journey and yet, this time it was so pronounced. Karma? I don’t believe in it, yet it was nagging at me. A mirror of reflection? Yes. I was seeing in others what I believed myself to be. Another opportunity had been given for me to reach clarity. What a gift to be shown this. This is what my heart had kept within it. Another layer of enfoldment. Lucky me.
“Love lives here.” ~ Michele Nappi - Mystic Medium
I heard, “You speak so little to me. Awaken.” This seemed different. It wasn’t my thought. Was I observing my thoughts? Was it a higher being speaking to me? It came from somewhere else. I had forgotten that I have heard this voice also, since the beginning of my time here. There had always been this higher self. Why does it go away though, at times? It feels so much more peaceful when I hear this voice. I realized it is not about intellectually understanding it. I talk all the time about spirituality. There is so much more. It is about the soul.
I have felt this synchronicity many times a day and then it vanishes. I’m in the flow and then I abandon myself. I begin to fall back into the taught-thoughts that others opinions mean more than my own. I get lost in this belief. I flounder. I promised my sister after she was killed, that I would stay awake for her. I forsake her, myself and all that I thought I knew about commitment. Even though intellectually I believe in a no failure rule, I fell into a dark hole within myself. My perceptions failed me. I allowed it. I heard a conversation with a friend at this time. “Don’t be mean to yourself. Don’t hurt my friend.” I had called her around the holiday time. She, too was having thoughts full of stress and sounded angry. I felt ashamed and guilty for bothering her and took it all on myself. Yes, clarity has a way of coming at this cost.
I then allowed myself to receive what I had requested. It felt mysterious. Miraculous. “Here you go, this is why.”
“When you come to a place of total helplessness don’t resist, just observe. You may find something that up until then, you have been missing.” ~ Mooji
I awakened.
We are what we focus on. When we focus on others darkness, we are looking at your own. We all have these perceived notions. We are all imperfect and perfection in duality. How do we make the decision to believe in ourselves? How worthy and fearless do we feel? There are so many books written on the subject and yet, so many of us can still know and feel that there is something missing. It depends on what we are focusing on. When we are happy all the same stuff is happening in the world. Nothing changed except our expectation. Our perception.
Have a conscious conversation with yourself. Let go of the idea of living through someone else’s consciousness. The dogma and doctrines we have been talked into believing; addictions. Repetitive thoughts and behaviors. Intuition keeps pointing us to the way of maintaining peace of mind. We have the free will to ignore this. We may fall back on old ways of coping under stress. Can we forgive ourselves and others for this phenomena? Yes.
We can find ways to keep ourselves centered in the clarity of this deeper heart-felt life. Perhaps then, there will be less and less stressors and more time in between them. Affirmations put up where we can see them, help. Then, after awhile we walk right by them. It helps to switch things up a bit. To have a list of things and people that have reached us before and assisted us in feeling joyful. Sometimes it is peaceful being alone, sometimes we want some sort of company. We may want to remind our self ahead of time that stressful things do happen and that there are ways to deal with them.
We can remember our own heart. Remember the truth is, is that we know our inner sanctuary better than anyone else. We do have the ability to believe in our self. We have been there, to that peaceful place of surety. We do know the way, even when we temporarily forget, we do know how to get there. Let go. Step aside. Release and allow yourself to go within.
All is well. Our soul, our heart elevates our experiences here on earth and is always available. Remember to remember. Practice consciousness. Believe in intuition. Slow down and breathe. Take a break. There is no rush. Any perceived set-back may be there to show the way. Is there a message for us in the chaos? Is there a sacred influence of a higher power at work? This would be relative to the one experiencing a thought. For me, I do believe there is. This may be a reminder to awaken to a bigger picture of life, of all the ages past and present. All is temporary. Energy is malleable. Change is all there is. We have made it this far, haven’t we? The saga continues.
Michele Nappi - Mystic Medium
“For far too long we have been seduced into walking a path that did not lead us to ourselves. For far too long we have said yes when we wanted to say no. And for far too long we have said no when we desperately wanted to say yes… . When we don’t listen to our intuition, we abandon our souls. And we abandon our souls because we are afraid if we don’t, others will abandon us.” — Terry Tempest Williams, When Women Were Birds: Fifty-four Variations on Voice
For far too long we have given ourselves away. We have allowed ourselves to believe the other persons opinion means more than our own. We have split ourselves into a million pieces and wondered why we have felt separated away from our own soul, our heart.
A miracle came to be for me, this past holiday season. I saw myself for who I am. Whom I had accepted myself to be. I did not like this perspective. I struggled with it like a fish out of water. I had a Scrooge moment. “I don’t want to think this way.” I pushed and shoved the thoughts away and they became stronger still. I cried out for help. “Please ‘take this cup’ from me.” I felt desperate. Trapped. Blocked into a corner. I was then shown something miraculous. My lifespan. I was able to see a deeper dimension of the me I had created thus far. I felt ashamed and bitter. I felt angry and blocked myself by pointing a finger outward at others. “Look at them, they are doing the same thing. Why should I change!?” Fear welled up inside me. Yes, I was taught pain and suffering, quite precisely from previous generations, going back and back and back. From others before me and all around me. I could see it so clearly. It wasn’t anything new, and yet I saw it differently. Another dimension of it. “Oh. We are so much alike. I thought it was them. It is I, too.“ It was as if I were watching a movie! We are so similar in so many ways, yet I was still clinging to my ‘them versus me’ thoughts. I wanted to be right and have all else be wrong. I was deep in the cesspool of duality and did it ever stink.
“I looked around and saw myself.” ~ Michele Nappi - Mystic Medium
Is there a higher destiny? How do we get there? How does one learn to go from step one to step two? I felt trapped and stuck. Not a nice feeling. I began to want to end this lifetime. I wanted to hide away. I could feel the blocks of energy in the pit of my being. Anger welling within, “I hate you. I feel so jealous.” I kept blaming. I was then asked from a higher consciousness, “Do you see this? Do you want to continue this way?” Would I choose to abandon my soul once more? Am I that fearful that others will abandon me? I slept fitfully. I awoke in anxiety. I felt so saddened. I realized that I knew differently and yet, somehow I couldn’t feel it in my soul. I felt lost and alone within myself.
I then realized I had disliked myself since I came here to earth. To be treated so cruelly as an infant, I must be so worthless. Who does that to a baby? A child!? Everyone must hate me, as well. They all lie, if they say they do care. Why would people be so absolutely stupid to like me? I cannot respect anyone who likes me. They are idiots, fools. I am ugly. Fat. Stupid. Inept. Such sewage surely smells awful. This must be why people treat me as they do. I must have this in my aura. People see it. Where can I hide? I went on and on.
“You are so full of crap. You talk so often of what you have learned and give it to others and yet you hold such a dark secret,” I heard myself say. “I truly hate you.“ Yes, I had seen this before during my self-healing journey and yet, this time it was so pronounced. Karma? I don’t believe in it, yet it was nagging at me. A mirror of reflection? Yes. I was seeing in others what I believed myself to be. Another opportunity had been given for me to reach clarity. What a gift to be shown this. This is what my heart had kept within it. Another layer of enfoldment. Lucky me.
“Love lives here.” ~ Michele Nappi - Mystic Medium
I heard, “You speak so little to me. Awaken.” This seemed different. It wasn’t my thought. Was I observing my thoughts? Was it a higher being speaking to me? It came from somewhere else. I had forgotten that I have heard this voice also, since the beginning of my time here. There had always been this higher self. Why does it go away though, at times? It feels so much more peaceful when I hear this voice. I realized it is not about intellectually understanding it. I talk all the time about spirituality. There is so much more. It is about the soul.
I have felt this synchronicity many times a day and then it vanishes. I’m in the flow and then I abandon myself. I begin to fall back into the taught-thoughts that others opinions mean more than my own. I get lost in this belief. I flounder. I promised my sister after she was killed, that I would stay awake for her. I forsake her, myself and all that I thought I knew about commitment. Even though intellectually I believe in a no failure rule, I fell into a dark hole within myself. My perceptions failed me. I allowed it. I heard a conversation with a friend at this time. “Don’t be mean to yourself. Don’t hurt my friend.” I had called her around the holiday time. She, too was having thoughts full of stress and sounded angry. I felt ashamed and guilty for bothering her and took it all on myself. Yes, clarity has a way of coming at this cost.
I then allowed myself to receive what I had requested. It felt mysterious. Miraculous. “Here you go, this is why.”
“When you come to a place of total helplessness don’t resist, just observe. You may find something that up until then, you have been missing.” ~ Mooji
I awakened.
We are what we focus on. When we focus on others darkness, we are looking at your own. We all have these perceived notions. We are all imperfect and perfection in duality. How do we make the decision to believe in ourselves? How worthy and fearless do we feel? There are so many books written on the subject and yet, so many of us can still know and feel that there is something missing. It depends on what we are focusing on. When we are happy all the same stuff is happening in the world. Nothing changed except our expectation. Our perception.
Have a conscious conversation with yourself. Let go of the idea of living through someone else’s consciousness. The dogma and doctrines we have been talked into believing; addictions. Repetitive thoughts and behaviors. Intuition keeps pointing us to the way of maintaining peace of mind. We have the free will to ignore this. We may fall back on old ways of coping under stress. Can we forgive ourselves and others for this phenomena? Yes.
We can find ways to keep ourselves centered in the clarity of this deeper heart-felt life. Perhaps then, there will be less and less stressors and more time in between them. Affirmations put up where we can see them, help. Then, after awhile we walk right by them. It helps to switch things up a bit. To have a list of things and people that have reached us before and assisted us in feeling joyful. Sometimes it is peaceful being alone, sometimes we want some sort of company. We may want to remind our self ahead of time that stressful things do happen and that there are ways to deal with them.
We can remember our own heart. Remember the truth is, is that we know our inner sanctuary better than anyone else. We do have the ability to believe in our self. We have been there, to that peaceful place of surety. We do know the way, even when we temporarily forget, we do know how to get there. Let go. Step aside. Release and allow yourself to go within.
All is well. Our soul, our heart elevates our experiences here on earth and is always available. Remember to remember. Practice consciousness. Believe in intuition. Slow down and breathe. Take a break. There is no rush. Any perceived set-back may be there to show the way. Is there a message for us in the chaos? Is there a sacred influence of a higher power at work? This would be relative to the one experiencing a thought. For me, I do believe there is. This may be a reminder to awaken to a bigger picture of life, of all the ages past and present. All is temporary. Energy is malleable. Change is all there is. We have made it this far, haven’t we? The saga continues.
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