Monday, December 30, 2013

Moonlight - Medium Michele Nappi: Moonlight Gift Shoppe Events + January 2014 Newsle...

Moonlight - Medium Michele Nappi: Moonlight Gift Shoppe Events + January 2014 Newsle...:

Moonlight Gift Shoppe Events + January 2014 Newsletter

Friday, December 13, 2013

Moonlight - Medium Michele Nappi: Being Beyond Duality: The Spider As The Ego

Moonlight - Medium Michele Nappi: Being Beyond Duality: The Spider As The Ego: Being Beyond Duality: The Spider As The Ego Michele Nappi - Mystic Medium @copyright Many times I have given this talk about being beyon...

Being Beyond Duality: The Spider As The Ego

Being Beyond Duality: The Spider As The Ego
Michele Nappi - Mystic Medium

Many times I have given this talk about being beyond duality. Sometimes people get up and walk out, often times people have a confused look on their face, other times huge smiles. Sometimes people feel threatened by addressing their taught-thought patterns that they have been working with throughout their life time. This is what they know, what their families have taught them, what they believe in and what assists them in feeling safe in their world. This is their reality. Their paradigm. And yet it is just this process, this letting go of our taught-thoughts and attachments that assists us in moving forward, to a higher, stronger vibration and universal understanding. Kind of like the preverbal camel going through the eye of the needle. It is possible to let go of what we have been taught to believe in from the previous generation, so that we can experience another form of reality. It is even possible then to let go of this new reality, to experience the bliss of being beyond duality.

"Speak a new language so that the world will be a new world." ~Rumi~

What do I mean by being beyond duality? I can tell you it is not about our ego. Ego would keep us stuck in duality. Like a spider to the web. Our soul wants of us to soar and return to the place beyond duality. Our soul wants deeply for us to realize we are much greater than this space of duality, this mundane world.

Our physical body is a vessel that carries our soul through life on the physical, material dimension to learn, and to grow. Our mind yearns for knowledge and wisdom, which is a sum of all our interactions and experiences. We came here to this land of  duality to experience.  Though we may get stuck in the scenario that we have created to experience ourselves through, we cling to this paradigm and may become sentimental about it. We then fall into the spiders web of  duality. What label can we attach to that? Would the label of hell fit? Some say that hell is here on earth. Some say not. Duality.

Universal truth is wisdom beyond duality. It is not about the place of having no feelings; a void. It is about the place that holds our soul. That place within us that we have labeled as spirit self. We can do the most for others when we take on our own spiritual power. What we give to self, we give to others. What we give to others, we let go of and this then touches the universe.

We create what we believe in. We put thoughts in our heads and decide what thoughts to keep or toss out. We have this ability. No one can make you keep a thought in your head without you giving permission. We are in charge of  this process. What we believe in, we decide to believe in. If something is true for you, it ‘is.’ It may not necessarily be true for another. This gives us the space to create and manifest our individual selves through. We can decide to feel great pride in this creation of self. We do have the ability to let go of one thought to cling to another, like a monkey swinging and holding onto one vine to grasp another. Thoughts can make us think we may fall if we let go. The human mind may think this sounds a bit frightening. Letting go can and does lead to empowerment. Letting go signifies that the one thinking has thought a thought that created a feeling that then, felt courageous. This feeling of bravery may lead to security within self to allow the letting go process. During this process we may decide to feel our hearts opening and to feel less vulnerable.

When we truly open our hearts; our soul and go beyond the duality of earthly senses while here on earth, we can touch the highest vibration of love. Yet, this is not what some refer to as heaven. There is no love in heaven. There is something much greater. Heaven is another label we have given to a place of  what we would refer to as ecstasy. It is while in this vibration of what we refer to as heaven, that we can forget about our loved ones, all that held us here in this duality to just be in the clear vibration that is beyond duality and anything we have known while here on earth. Beyond love. That is what I mean by, ‘there is no love in heaven.’ Love is a word we made to describe a taught-thought that created a feeling about a certain experience. We are all much greater than that, while at the same time the experience of a divine love is within us all when we choose to connect with it. The very idea that it takes a thought to create a feeling that we can act upon, is constricting and is duality itself.

Soul energy is the now moment. As the physical, material body breathes in the now,  it also breathes out the past, letting go. This is duality, also. We breathe in to breathe out to choose to live. As we breathe out and let go of life, we are then allowing our reality to slip away, as we learn and experience. As we move through time and space, the atoms of our physical body separate from one another as we choose to let go of the material, physical world. Our true power remains always and ever as our spirit self.

We can all work towards moving beyond the old paradigm of duality and polarization. The love/hate, old/new, good/bad, right/wrong of things. We can be in the now moment beyond duality, connecting with the universe, filling ourselves with the peace that this space of our soul allows. Like a boat drifting with the currents of time, we can relax and let go. We can create a space where the mind is quiet and the soul connects. Within this space as soul, we are never without, always with all. We are the universal mind while we are here and when we leave. We are what we seek. This is sacred and holy.

Here on earth the highest vibration is love. Also a duality of love/hate. As we release our physical body, we enter into a space of beyond duality. We let go of love. We let go of duality and enter into a space of what some have described, returning from this place after a near death experience as peace. They say it cannot be described, the peace and joy is so immense. It is beyond our taught-thoughts and that of any guttural sound; word or label that we have been able to imagine while here on earth. There is peace because we are outside of duality and our rote paradigm.

By recognizing and working to see the place in all beings that desire only to love and be loved, we open the doors to a more peaceful world while here on this fine earth, and to deep healing and more meaningful connection for all of us. Being beyond duality is serene. It is living here on earth as a spiritual being.

Let us then join together to support a new paradigm of being beyond duality for all who inhabit our planet, by recognizing that our soul is peace itself. Together, we can transform our lives and world by choosing to move beyond duality and the spiders web of polarization to the recognition of the common soul that we all share.

After I wrote this I had a dream/message about humans being 'pods' of thoughts. Limiting thoughts. Thoughts that we have been taught to think and believe to be 'real.' I have been asking for messages throughout the day, as well. In reference to 'pods' I received this article talking about 'pods':

"Let us meet in the silence, beyond words & duality." - Being Beyond Duality

Moonlight - Medium Michele Nappi: Momories: The Veil of Illusion

Moonlight - Medium Michele Nappi: Momories: The Veil of Illusion: Momories: The Veil of Illusion Michele Nappi - Mystic Medium @ copyright On the first Wednesday of each month I hold a Meditation, Heal...

Momories: The Veil of Illusion

Momories: The Veil of Illusion

Michele Nappi - Mystic Medium
@ copyright

On the first Wednesday of each month I hold a Meditation, Healing, and Reading (psychic medium) in Group Session at the body, mind, spirit shop I am the proprietor of. Through one of these events I gave a reading to a woman who was struggling about letting go of her ‘momories.’ We shared some of the same thoughts and feelings, as moms. How we feel as our children grow up and go off on their own, how this affects us and what the process of acceptance during this period in our lives brings us. We all go through this in one way or another.

A week or so later this friend wrote me, “Since the last open reading I have really been thinking about grief. One of the things you pointed out, Michele, was that your children leaving is different than someone crossing over. The sadness, for me, is about the loss of my "little" boys but also my role in the world has now shifted. I am sad AND proud. I am lonely AND excited. I feel not needed AND valuable. It is the range of emotions that can be confusing and I am going back and forth between all of them with varying intensities. The pendulum swing is calming down now and I am grateful. It is not that I want to hang on to the past, it is a matter of getting use to a new reality. For me, most transitions have been like that. Two things have bubbled up since the reading- 1. It is a process. The more I "rush" it, the longer it will last. 2. I am looking at expectations. I am trying to let go of the picture in my head. Thank you for the insight, Michele.”

All of life is a process. When we can accept that there truly is no such thing as failure on any level, we are free. The pictures in our heads are memories from the past - your last breath - the one you just exhaled and the one last out breath we take - is all past. We can't help but see images. We can choose/decide what to think of them. We are always in a state of grief when we think a certain way. When we think another way we are in a state of elation and joy from the memories we choose. We say we are triggered and yet, into what thought? What emotion? We own them all. With compassion for self, we are in our hearts in a way that is peaceful. We age, if we are fortunate. Life moves on with or without us. The brave and courageous among us accept where we are spiritually, emotionally, physically, and mentally. When we don't accept that doesn't necessarily mean we are not brave. It means we have chosen to hang on in spite of the pain and suffering it may cause. We know life is fleeting, that all there is is change. Renunciation. Accepting means that we have processed long enough and that is up to each person. Dogs have been shown to 'hang on' to their memories, their habitual ways when their person crosses over. Many rejoice in this because this shows us that love is everlasting. You love your babies, your children, and so on. Love endures.

My friend said, “I am working on living "in process". Up to now I have thought about things having endings..... If I could just get there, then I will be happy". I now realize that there is no end. It is an ongoing, thing melds into the next. Since the meditation group I have started putting my attention on my accomplishments, my growth, as a way to release myself from the impatience of getting "there".

The memories (momories) are energy vibration. We feel the pull in our gut/solar plexus when we try to reconnect to what is past. As you swing back and forth between the past and the now moment you are healing. When you have healed enough, you release and are in the present moment. This is the grief cycle. You see that. Reality is perception. You are creating this perception, as we all do. In this process you become clear, open, and whole-hearted. A place where expectations are released and compassion lives. I commended my friend on her courage, strength, and wonderful insight.

Since there is no such thing as duality - no 'other' side of the coin - no glass half empty or full - no 'other side of the road' - all is one. All is whole. Each thought leading to feeling is whole. It is all perception and grace. When we honor our truth we honor ourselves and all others. It is much easier and calmer to release in this fashion, than struggling against our truth.

There are times lately, when I experience so many synchronicities, I could walk right through illusion. Which brings me to wondering why and then again, I am reminded that the perception of illusion is illusion itself. I laugh. A cosmic joke. I AM experiencing so many lately. They bring me the clear, peaceful place within my heart and soul where words do not define the experience.

We create the veil of illusion and the illusion we create is the veil.

All along, all along, and the veil lifts. Clarity. Peace for all; all I create as perception and all that I do not on this great and mighty mother earth that has offered, and continues to offer such wonderful momories..