Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Thoughts on the Root & Sacral Chakra

Thoughts on the Root & Sacral Chakra
Michele Nappi - Mystic Medium

Creativity. Procreation. Emotional body. Desire. Pleasure. Sexuality. The associated element is water. We are roughly 80% water. The root and sacral chakra vibrations strengthens and/or weakens our connection to the Earth, depending on our thoughts which create our feelings/emotions. We ourselves activate/stimulate our psychic/chi energy through our thoughts. When we think lower vibratory thoughts, we create the equal emotions. When we think higher vibratory thoughts, we create similar emotions. When we do not allow ourselves to release and move forward - be in the now - we create dis-ease which accumulates within our dense body - our physical/material self. As we allow ourselves to release quicker and quicker, as we allow ourselves to move forward - as we are in the now moment, these thought vibrations quickly dissolve. They are all illusion, perception. 

The Second Chakra is about shame and guilt issues. It is about physical strength and energy (chi). We are capable of healing the self. No one gets through the physical/material existence without some degree of discomfort. Life has a way of evening itself out. We can allow this or dis-allow it. Trust in your instincts. Create within your self and deep well of compassion. Surrender and BE present. 

Native American Proverb: "May your life be like a wildflower, growing freely in the beauty and joy of each moment." 

The healing essence of the 1st (base/root) and 2nd chakras are about  aspects of grounding, inner security, sexuality, safety issues, family, tribal influences, giving, receiving, inner truth, and so forth. BE a tree. Fill with light. Ground into the earth with your roots, balance, and center. SEE your aura. Expand it. Smile and breathe deeply. 

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