(originally written and published in 1997)
Michele Nappi
Have you ever picked up on someone else’s “vibes?” Know that the phone would ring just before it did? It’s at these times we pick up on the energy that is around us all the time. My growing curiosity to learn more about this energy brought me to Reiki by a series of coincidences. Doing imagery, or what I call journey work, I received an image of what I perceived as an apple cut into eight sections with a “core of light.” The next weekend a neighbor was having a moving sale. I asked her if she had any meditative materials to sell. She brought me a book - Empowerment Through Reiki by Paula Horan. On its cover was Lotus flower with a ‘core of light.” She “just happened” to have a Reiki Master friend giving a Reiki course in a week. I took it as a ‘sign’ and went to the class. That was my introduction to Reiki.
The word Reiki is made up of two Japanese words: ‘Rei,’ which means ‘Higher Power’ or ‘Spirit’ and ‘Ki,’ which means ‘life force energy.’ Thus Reiki means ‘spiritually guided life force energy.’ Reiki is an ancient Japanese technique for stress reduction and relaxation which also promotes healing of body, mind, emotions, and spirit. It is administered by ‘laying on hands’ although healing within the aura and at a distance is just as effective. In applying Reiki with treatments or sessions that last about one hour, the practitioner places their hands over specific areas of the body, working with the Chakra energy pathways which are directly over the major glands of our bodies. The client then draws the perfect amount of energy needed through the Practitioner to self-heal. (The Practitioner is never drained of their own energy, as they are the channel for Reiki and as a conduit, get Reiki themselves through this process. ) The energy, as my Reiki Master-Teacher says, “meets you where you are,” never interfering with your Free Will, adjusting itself to your specific needs at the time. Reiki is a perfect adjunct to any other healing method.
Classes for Reiki training include the history of Reiki, what it is and how it works, hand positions, the attunement process, Reiki principals, 21 day cleansing process and more. The ability to use Reiki is transferred to the student during the ‘attunement’ given by a Reiki Master which then allows the student to tap into an unlimited supply of ‘spiritually guided life force energy.’ This ‘attunement’ opens the healer’s energy channels, clearing them of obstructions. It is these attunements that set Reiki apart from other energy work. Once you have been attuned, this connection is life-long. Negative energy is by its nature, denser than positive energy. The attunement filters out negative energy, brining it to the surface to be dealt with and let go of. A transformation of self takes place. It is a process of enlightenment and empowerment that aligns your upper Chakras, activates your palm Chakras and increases your vibrational rate allowing one to channel, and increase amounts of life force energy.
Reiki fits my growing and ever-evolving spirituality. It leaves room to co-create my life with what I believe is the Higher Power. The gift of Reiki, being a channel for this Divine Energy is an honor and something my heart has been opened to share. We are all sacred and deserve peace and healing. All that I know of Reiki encourages and supports with unconditional love. Who could as for more?
Dedicated to my neighbor Jackie.
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