Tuesday, February 19, 2013



M. Nappi

It is because you are sensitive to energies that you may be waking up between 1-3 am frequently and/or at times during the ascension and raising of your frequency of vibration; energy.

Sidereal Time


" For an hour before and after 13:30 LST Local Sidereal Time) there have been objective lab studies that shown a dramatic statistical increase in results for psi. Also, when the galactic core is higher in the sky ESP results are diminished. This is an amazing fact. It suggests any attempt at practices that involve anything resembling psi would benefit from timing the activity with LST. Meditation, yoga, prayer, ceremonial magic, reading tarot cards, ghost hunting, picking lottery numbers and any number of efforts requiring something similar to ESP would benefit."

All is NOW. We can set Reiki in the past/future which is NOW. You can 'set an intention' using Reiki. Set the intention that the intention is set at this Sidereal time and see what happens.

Set Sidereal Time Reiki Project as an intention in water and/or clear, quartz crystal.
To set this intention as a frequency of vibration simply write out your intention on a piece of paper and tape it to the bottle of  water (label removed) and/or your clear, quartz crystal.

Dr. Emoto has written extensively regarding water and it’s ability to hold frequency of vibration.
The movie ‘What The Bleep Do We K(now)’ discusses this as well.

You can also simply send your thought vibration to the bottle of water and/or clear, quartz crystal. The bottle of water and/or clear, quartz crystal are tools to begin to get used to working with frequency of vibrations set as an intention. Remember to set it for Sidereal time.

"I set this intention with Reiki and to begin during Sidereal time. My intentional request is ______." Reiki, as Universal Intelligence and Consciousness I also request that I receive validation of this request/frequency adjustment.”

As you become used to doing this you can release the tools of the water bottle and clear, quartz crystal by thinking the thought. Set the thought with Reiki during Sidereal time. You would not need to be awake during Sidereal time to do this because you have set your intention in a way that allows the frequency of vibration to begin at Sidereal time.

With setting intention in this way with Reiki, you don't need to know the LST, Local Sidereal Time of your area because Reiki is universal intelligence and has a consciousness of it‘s own.

1 comment:

  1. I received BIG time! Perfection. Please share any responses you receive. Thank you! <3
