Wednesday, May 27, 2015

Moonlight - Medium Michele Nappi: Fears Are Strong Emotions

Moonlight - Medium Michele Nappi: Fears Are Strong Emotions: Fears Are Strong Emotions Michele Nappi - Mystic Medium "We manipulate our lives around our fear...

Fears Are Strong Emotions

Fears Are Strong Emotions
Michele Nappi - Mystic Medium

"We manipulate our lives around our fears." ~ Michele Nappi - Mystic Medium
If you have been able to keep a journal you may go to it to read how you have managed your fears/strong emotions in the past-tense. What has assisted you in caring for yourself?
Breathing is the one thing that most of us have to assist us when we are in fear-mode. This is/has a conscious affect. It does take courage and fortitude to face our fears, especially the deep, taught-thought ones that linger like a barb into the flesh. This type of suffering has multiple layers and we may feel like we have failed if things don't clear up quickly and permanently. Each moment of awareness is just that; mindfulness. You are aware of this. You are not a failure. When you feel frustration it is most likely coming from your taught-thought words such as - should, must, have to, need to, got to, etc. which is more violence towards ourselves.
Concentrate on breathing.
"It is only in the space of now that we are born again; that we are alive." ~ Michele Nappi - Mystic Medium
We do have choice. We can extinguish the suffering. We are able to experience this with baby steps. Give yourself permission; allow yourself to ease into a peaceful nature.
You know yourself in the deepest of ways. Hold yourself dear to your heart. Know that you are perfectly able to learn to care for yourself in ways that compliment you. Give yourself permission.
May 27, 2015
When you touch a hot stove, as soon as you become aware of the pain, you immediately pull your hand away. You don’t let it rest on the burner in order to explore the pain. In the same way, we stay present with strong emotion only very briefly at first. The instruction is: short moments again and again. Rather than trying to endure prolonged exposure to intense feeling, we touch in for only two or three seconds, then pause and breathe gently before touching in again. Or we might simply stay with the troubling feeling for five or six minutes and then go on with our day, more in touch with our emotions and, therefore, less likely to be dragged around by them.- Pema Chodron

Tuesday, May 26, 2015

Moonlight - Medium Michele Nappi: Meditation, Healing, and Psychic Medium Reading in...

Moonlight - Medium Michele Nappi: Meditation, Healing, and Psychic Medium Reading in...: Meditation, Healing, and Psychic Medium Reading in Group Session led by Michele Nappi – Mystic Medium. Every first Wednesday of the month a...

Meditation, Healing, and Psychic Medium Reading in Group Session with Michele Nappi - Mystic Medium

Meditation, Healing, and Psychic Medium Reading in Group Session led by Michele Nappi – Mystic Medium. Every first Wednesday of the month at 6:30 pm. $10 suggested donation. Bring your own chair. – 802-893-9966  
Moonlight Gift Shoppe – Milton, VT 05468

Wednesday, May 13, 2015

Moonlight - Medium Michele Nappi: Someone recently said to me, “I haven't felt t...

Moonlight - Medium Michele Nappi:
Someone recently said to me, “I haven't felt t...
: Someone recently said to me, “I haven't felt this distraught in such a long time.” I stated that I too, have...

      Someone recently said to me, “I haven't felt this distraught in such a long time.” 
      Michele Nappi - Mystic Medium

      I stated that I too, have felt this way. I think it is part of the process of inner sight. We truly get to see ourselves. This can be the most painful piece. We suffer. We become conscious through this avenue. Yes, it pisses us off. We may fight it; get into the inner struggle and exhibit this for others.
      This person asked, Is it because we feel too much?”
      Why would we choose this, we think. It is because we are so courageous.
      We have done so much releasing. We are that much more in touch with our inner strength! Our inner fire of will. We are burning things up from the inside out to release that which no longer serves our highest good.
      Like the physical/material things that we may burn in the springtime, only this is about unconsciousness. We must look at our unconscious shadow self in order to release it. This is how strong we truly are, to actually own the ability to LOOK. Look into the deep, dark cavern of all that we do not wish to see within ourselves!
      We see and then we set the trap of ego on ourselves, that trap was set by us and can be released. We have this ability of choice. It is 'what it is' and we can choose what to make of it.
      This is why it is important to discuss it. To find like-minded individuals who have the will to discuss this transformation - whom ever it may be - in the moment. It is a process, one that you will re-visit time and time again. Each time knowing from the wisdom of the past.
      We expect an outcome and yet that again is ego. Expectations unmet can take our breath away, if allowed to do so. Yet, we see into the mirror - we dare to look! Therein lays our true strength. When we don't like what we see we may choose to act like a fish out of water or to see it for what it is,
      an opportunity for empowerment - emotional maturity – wisdom.

      Through this we may choose differently. Not 'better.' When we choose difference we create differently.
      Energy is malleable. We are this energy. Thoughts create feelings/emotions. There is no 'too' about it. All is perfect just the way it is. When we become aware of our thoughts - perhaps the deeper ones - the ones we have carried that have weighed us down for such a long time - we become enlightened to them. We are each as enlightened as we can be in any given moment.
      I ended the conversation by saying, “Congratulations! You have done so much great work. You have added so much loving Light to yourself and shared it by effect. You can now see the denser shadow self much more easily and readily. You have made so much progress! Cycles of awareness come and go. Be kind. Go have fun! Relax. Enjoy nature. Nurture. Have compassion. Rest.”

Tuesday, May 12, 2015

Assisting Children Experiencing Psychic Phenomena

Assisting Children Experiencing Psychic Phenomena

Michele Nappi – Mystic Medium

Every once in a while I get a frantic call or email from a parent regarding their child experiencing psychic phenomena. I have listed basic ideas below to assist you and your child.

Go back to basics with your child. It's not so much the 'why' as it is that they would like to feel safe, protected, and heard by their caretakers. We all want to feel nurtured and cared about especially when we feel our reality is askew for what ever reason.

We know that children especially experience things psychically by seeing; clairvoyance, hearing; clairaudience, and so forth. They may feel off balance a bit because they have not been on earth that long and there is so much information that they are surrounded by. This can take a toll on anyone's senses.
Let children be just that; young at heart.

Get them out in nature to hug a tree, build a garden, play in water. Get out the grounding crystals; onyx, hematite, clear quartz for setting intentions, rose quartz for an aura of love, a journal to express him/herself verbally and/or art expression. Allow the child to choose the crystals that best serve them at the time. This allows them to feel that they are in charge.

Use anti-worry stones or rub the fingertips together as a natural form of reflexology; nerve pressure. This also releases endorphins; the brain's natural relaxant.

Create a spray of lavender and water - make it together - name it what fits for the child in the moment. Children are very creative. They can 'pretend' they are a super hero. Dress-up is a joyful tool of expression. You and your child could sing, dance, set intentions through rituals. Make up a powerful song or dance routine. This assists in releasing endorphins and raises serotonin; a natural upliftment.

Also, concentrate on the breath; all the way in, all the way out as a meditation. When we make this a habit, it comes more naturally and quicker to assist us; switching from fear mode to power mode. Remind yourself and your child that you 'have their back' and so does they, themselves.

If the child is experiencing psychic phenomena within your living area, see the space as the energy that it is. Everything is made up of this living energy. Sage/smudge, pour salt around the outside of the space, and then light a candle of intention. Each time you re-build the space; rustle up the energy, do this as a reminder that this is your energy now and set this as your intention.

You know yourself and your child the best. What ways have you assisted yourself and your child to provide calm? Start a journal, post a list of useful hints that can be seen daily, and so forth.

Wednesday, May 6, 2015

Moonlight - Medium Michele Nappi: Be to be Free

Moonlight - Medium Michele Nappi: Be to be Free: Be. You are that. It is what you are made of. Michele Nappi ~ Mystic Medium Anger is a defensive action about pain/suffering and is part ...

Be to be Free

Be. You are that. It is what you are made of. Michele Nappi ~ Mystic Medium
Anger is a defensive action about pain/suffering and is part of the grieving cycle. What are we grieving? This is all tied to fear. Nothing can 'make' us angry, it is a choice that we are conditioned to choose when we are not conscious. Yes, if someone cuts us off while driving we may feel angry because we are in fear of injury or death and yet, that did not happen. We did not die or get injured and yet we cling to anger as a defense 'just in case.' If we did die we wouldn't be having any thought-feeling. If we are injured we are in the moment with the physical pain we may be feeling. This helped me to come to terms with some fear/suffering/clinging I have experienced recently. I am choosing to re-live this conditioning and reinforce my fear. Now that I see this cycle clearer, I can move forward with 'the rest of my life' and release. This can come and go in cycles, and most likely will/does. It may take a few cycles to release as we come to terms with 'a' truth we have chosen to believe in.
This is what I mean when I talk of BEing beyond duality. The only way for the world to be different is when we become aware of the all-knowing presence that we are and release the rest - no matter what. We can 'rage against the machine' all we want - do the same thing over and over again expecting different results - yet, we are right where we started - stuck in duality until we 'sit in the fire' and feel the burn. ~ Michele Nappi - Mystic Medium
May 6, 2015
I often wondered why it is that when I get hooked, when I’m resentful for example, and I breathe with it instead of acting out, it feels like I’m sitting in the middle of the fire. I asked Kongtrul Rinpoche about this. He said, “Because by not doing the habitual thing, you’re burning up the seeds of aggression.” As each individual works with it in this way, it’s not just a minor thing. It’s an opportunity we’re given not only to connect with the inexpressible goodness of our minds and our hearts, but also to dissolve aggression in the world.Pema Chodron