Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Accepting Opportunity

I have accepted the opportunity to hone my skills. I've been seeing 11,111,1111 again lately. Did a reading for myself:Two times when doing a reading for myself I have received Transfiguration card. Today I received that one again, The Chariot and The Hanged Man. They seem to have common meanings within the three cards. All major arcana about change, beginnings, being beyond duality, surrender, visions. Letting go of one 'reality' to move forward. Each talk about subconscious mind/darkness/buried secrets/underworld. Renunciation.

I have also been thinking recently about 'respect' and how this expectation leads us to a point of focus/suffering. I believe it is beneficial to respect in general and yet, when we begin to expect others respect we may or may not receive it. I have been creating the space within myself to experience my thoughts and feelings created by these thoughts and what this means to me. Where we do not receive respect from others we do have an opportunity to respect ourselves and go from that point. We can always choose this way of thinking. We can nurture and have compassion for ourselves as being sacred. No 'matter' what occurs in our life, we can hold sacred ground. I AM.
Recently I gave a talk at a Retreat. The reasoning behind the discussions I give is that I have found a way to live in peace following a severe, traumatic childhood which included many types of abuse, including the murder of my sister. I choose to share information in hopes that what I offer, assists someone else as I believe, we affect the whole.  Through the teachings I am able to offer inspiration and guidance for making hte present moment the focal point of daily life by helping transcend the thinking mind, awaken spiritually, and open to a new way of being in the world.
What follows is most of what I talked about:
When in duality, your reality is what you focus on. You choose your reality as energy is malleable/changeable. When we hold ourselves in duality using words such as have to, got to, must, should, need, right, wrong, good or bad we are essentially creating that point of focus for ourselves and acting this out. Since we have the ability to choose our thoughts, which create our feelings we can alter this energy at any moment. This energy affects the whole. When you think thoughts that create a war within yourself, your energy matches up to any war. You assist that energy in adding to it. When you be what you would like to experience in the world, you add to this energy as well. Why would any one of us expect someone else to do what we are not willing to do ourselves? Your heart and soul knows what the ego would like you to forget. That you are what you seek, as an all-knowing soul.
When we mirror with people and so forth, no matter what the thought or feeling we create the focus. What 'should be' is not, what it is, is. With our choice of thoughts and words we are this duality. Being beyond duality simply put, means creating a space within the divine moment to experience peace within ourselves.
I do not choose to believe that we are here to learn lessons. That is punitive. We learn this in religion, school and so on. This is dualistic thinking. It keeps us stuck. No wonder so many are unhappy. When we choose to believe what we have been taught to think, even if this does not feel like our truth, we create unhappiness. We are taught-thought, rote beings when we choose to live life like a robot. We learn anyway. It is not a lesson but an option, a choice. Does this feel any freer? All is beyond taught-thoughts.
A 13th century (1207-1273 AD) poet, Rumi once said, "There is a voice that doesn't use words - Listen!"
A modern day author, E. Tolle has said, " Its not the situation, it is your thoughts about it."
What you choose to believe in, is true for you. Any one of us has an opinion which may or may not be 'the' truth as a universal truth for all.
I have read that the human heart is 100,000 times stronger electrically and 5,000 times stronger magnetically than the brain. Up until this scientific study. we have been taught-thought to believe that the brain was in charge. The brain is relatively weak, compared to the hearts. When we change our thoughts we change the atoms that create our physical structure. Louise Hay has written much about how thoughts create themselves within the body when we are unable to release these thoughts and the energy they create. In other words this is where dis-ease comes from. When we change the atom and its element within our body and this world with compassion from the heart, we affect the whole.
I have made the warrior commitment - I have taken the vow to live compassionately. When I do falter, I renew my commitment and move on with the rest of my life. All have experience what it feels like to relapse. How could we have any idea about what other beings go through without experiencing this? How would anyone of us cultivate compassion, kindness or patience without experiencing this energy?
There is no such thing as right/wrong, good/bad and so forth. When we decide to change our energy we literally change our minds, the neurons that connect within the brain, our very atoms that are free-floating in source energy, that are held together by source energy. We create self.
When we decide to change, we take one step forward into the new energy to experience it. This is intelligence. We takes two steps back into the old patterns, the old matrix of energy to where we can rest even if this energy is painful. We are forming a new existence. IT IS NOT FAILURE TO TAKE THOSE TWO STEPS BACK. It is absolutely divine.
Buddhists call letting go renunciation. All is temporary. When we are able to let go, go with the flow and enjoy the moment for 'what it is' we release ourselves and others from the hook of suffering - from the focus of expectations that ego would want us to endure.
I heard this lately: "Chicken poetry reading: Chicken. Road. The crossing is within. There is no other side."
No duality. No right/wrong, good/bad, love/hate....only perception which we create...
Our ego would want to keep us in duality. Our sentimentality to hold on to our taught-thoughts keeps us in duality, too. Being beyond duality is where we go beyond our sentimental taught-thoughts, beyond belief in 'sides.' Ask anyone with an addiction. How easy was it to let go of the conditioning? There is no 'other' side. What side of the coin is the 'other side!?" The one you are choosing. The one you focus your energy on. When we choose a side, we create a stretching of ourselves within that we call suffering. When we focus on an outcome and EXPECT it, whether it is within ourselves or without, it is the same s holding ourselves to a point of suffering.
It is what it is, and we get to decide what to make of it. Therein lays peace, harmony of self, freedom from fear.
Listen not to respond or have expectations of self or others. Hear, listen and recognize the story and reach beyond it to that inner silence and smile being aware of your all-knowing soul. Without duality what do you have? Peace.
This is your inner environment that you create. When you choose to do this you undergo transformation. BE.
Nelson Mandela quote: "As I walked out the door toward the gate that would lead to my freedom, I knew if I didn't leve my bitterness and hatred behind, I'd still be in prison."
All thoughts are created by the individual and these thoughts are kept in the head of the individual by their choice of belief in the moment. This energy is malleable. We can change. We litterally change the neuron connection in our brain. That is why we commonly all do the dance of one step forward, two steps back. We take a step as a pioneer in the new energy, this new world to see what it is like. Just as all those before us have done! This is the way of change.
"You ask what came before word. You remember. You ask what came before creation you have become accustomed to. You remember. You are that knowing soul. " ~ Being Beyond Duallity
I also talked a bit about receiving Messages and/or Guidance:
When we intellectualize the messages they begin to float away from us. We rationalize thought.
The day before my birthday a woman came into the shop I am the proprietor of. We began chatting and she told be her name was Betty. I said, "Oh! My mothers name was Betty." The woman replied, "Yes, there aren't many of us around any longer." I said, "My mothers name was Betty Jane." The woman looked surprised and said, "MY name is Betty Jane!" She began shaking her head back and forth, as she opened the door to leave the shop. My mother and I hadn't gotten along. In fact, I didn't know she had died of cancer until after she had passed. I took this as a message from my mother to wish me a happy birthday!
"The trouble with duality is that someone feels the need to take a side." M. Nappi
"When you say "yes" to the "isness" of life, when you accept this moment as it is, you can feel a sense of spaciousness within you that is deeply peaceful. " E. Tolle
I think the greatest thing that my guide I call Being, has given me is "it is what it is" and we get to decide what to make of it. We are always in charge of the thoughts we decide to think and cling to. We are in charge of the thoughts we decide to put in our minds and keep there that create our feelings.
You are what you seek. Energy is malleable. It can change.
"So the simple most vital step on your journey toward enlightenment is this: learn to dis identify from your mind. Every time you create a gap in the stream of mind, the light of your consciousness grows stronger. One day you may catch yourself smiling at the voice in your head, as you would smile at the antics of a child. This means that you no longer take the content of your mind all that seriously, as your sense of self does not depend on it." Eckhart Tolle
I would add that awareness is enlightenment. We are all as enlightened as we allow ourselves to be in the moment. Each moment is an opportunity to accept awareness.

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